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0957341594- ‫ سراقب‬-‫مواضيع تاسع‬-‫محمدالعزو‬

Students’ Book /
Write about the differences between your city or town in the past and now. ( p 15 )

My city used to be quiet and it didn’t have many cars. Now it is

very noisy, crowded and polluted. It didn’t use to have tall
buildings or wide streets. In the past there were only a few shops,
but now the streets are full of shops, restaurants and offices.

Write your reasons either for or against the statement.

Reading a newspaper is better than reading news on the Internet.

I think that reading news on the Internet is better than reading a

newspaper. Newspapers are usually published once a day. On the
Internet, you can get news easily at any time and from different
sources. The Internet news is more interesting because you can
listen to people speaking and watch moving pictures.

Write a traditional folk tale (story). ( p 23 + 24 )

One day, Ali Baba was in the forest and saw some men. They said
‘open sesame’ and a rock opened. When they went away, he went
to the cave and took some gold. The next day his brother went
there but the men killed him. They wanted to kill Ali Baba but his
maid saved him. In the end, he married her and they lived happily.

Choose one tourist sight in your town or city and write a paragraph about it.

The National Museum in Damascus is an amazing place. People

have been visiting it since 1919. It has five wings of artifacts:
prehistoric, ancient, classical and Islamic. The façade of an
Umayyad palace dating to 727 AD was removed from the desert
and rebuilt around the museum’s main entrance door.

Write about traffic in your town or city. (p 32)

Traffic in my city is very bad. The streets are too crowded and
noisy. There are too many cars and lorries, but there aren’t enough
streets or parking places. In addition, we need more traffic lights
and zebra crossings. It is difficult to walk because the pavements
aren’t wide enough.

Compare between two cities in Syria. ( p 37 )

Damascus and Daraa are in the south of Syria. Damascus has more
population than Daraa. The main activities in Damascus are
industry and trade and in Daraa farming and trade. Famous sights
in Damascus include the National Museum and Damascus Citadel
and in Daraa Bosra Castle and Al-Omari Mosque.
‫محمدالعزو‪-‬مواضيع تاسع‪ -‬سراقب ‪0957341594-‬‬
0957341594- ‫ سراقب‬-‫مواضيع تاسع‬-‫محمدالعزو‬
Write a website page for tourists about your town/city. (p 38)
history / population / sights and famous buildings / museums and galleries / shopping / entertainment /
transport / things to do
Damascus is a very old city. Its population is about 1.700.000.
Famous sights include the Umayyad Mosque, Damascus Citadel
and the Old City. In the National Museum people learn about the
history of the city. You can go shopping and eat delicious food in
restaurants. Buses and cars are everywhere.

Write a paragraph about a medical discovery. Give your reasons why you think it is important. (p 45 )

The discovery of bacteria by Pasteur is very important. Bacteria

cause illnesses and before the discovery of bacteria thousands of
people and animals used to die. People can protect themselves
against many illnesses by fighting bacteria and keeping clean. So,
this discovery has helped save the lives of many people.

Write about the importance of water in our lives. ( p 48)

Water is very important and without it life would not be possible.

We use it for drinking, washing and cooking. It is also used for
growing plants, making things and caring for animals. Clean water
is essential for healthy living. We must keep water clean and we
mustn’t waste it.

Write a health diary for a week (p 51) + (Activity Book p 35)

On Tuesday, I got up early and did sport. On Wednesday I ate

cereals and drank milk. On Thursday, I had a healthy food and ran
one kilometer. On Friday I ate a lot of fruit and vegetables. On
Saturday, I played basketball. On Sunday, I did sports for two
hours and on Monday I went on a diet.

Write about a charity in your country. ( p 52 )

The Red Cross is a great charity that helps all people and treats
them the same. It aims to protect human life and reduce human
problems. It trains people in first aid. There are many volunteers
who risk their lives to help people. The Red Crescent is the symbol
used in Muslim countries.

You are on a ship in the South Pacific. It is sinking and you have to decide on some items to take. Give reasons
54) p (

We’re going to take a fishing line so that we can catch fish. We

must take blankets because they will warm us during the night. It’s
a good idea to take a torch and batteries to see at night. We’re
going to take sea-sickness tablets because we may feel seasick.
‫محمدالعزو‪-‬مواضيع تاسع‪ -‬سراقب ‪0957341594-‬‬
0957341594- ‫ سراقب‬-‫مواضيع تاسع‬-‫محمدالعزو‬
Write a paragraph about a job you would like to do . (p 73 )
a short job description skills and qualities you need rewards
I’d like to be a fisherman. It’s a tiring but interesting job. I need to
work for long hours and be patient. It is a rewarding job and I can
get a lot of money. I have to wear waterproof clothes and be careful
not to fall in the sea.
You are a merchant in the year 1000 CE going from your home town to China on the Silk Road. Write a
diary for a day on your journey. (p 79 )
I’m on my way to China to buy silk. It was a very hard day. It was
very hot and all the people in the caravan were hungry, thirsty and
tired and we had little water and food. Luckily, we found an oasis.
We drank, ate and rested. Then we continued our journey.
Write about a famous explorer. ( p 80 )
Captain Scott was a brave explorer. He led an expedition to the South
Pole. It was a hard and dangerous journey, but they didn’t give up and
managed to reach the Pole. On the way back, all the men died in a
snowstorm. Scott teaches us that nothing is impossible.
Write a paragraph about what makes you feel happy. (p 87)
Many things make me happy. I enjoy playing basketball. I like it
because it is interesting and it helps me keep fit. Getting good marks
at school makes me happy. I feel happy when I meet my friends and
talk to them. I laugh very much when I watch comedies.
-Write a description of a friend of yours. Include: looks – personality - things you do together - why you like
each other (p 93)
- Write a description of someone who is special to you (Activity p 71)
My best friend is Sami. He is tall and thin with black hair and
black eyes. He is friendly and clever. I have known him for seven
years. We sit in the same desk at school and we play after school
together. I like him because he is very understanding.

Activity Book /
Write about the differences between your grandparents’ life and your life ( Life in the past and now) ( p 5 )

Life in the past was more difficult. Before there were cars, people
used to walk or ride horses. People didn’t use to watch TV or use
computers. They used to write letters but now they use mobile
phones. However, the relations between people were much
stronger than they are now.
Write your reasons for and against the statement: (p 7 )
It’s better to watch news on TV than read newspapers.
Compare two or more activities. ( p 47)
I think that watching TV news is better than reading newspapers.
People can read newspapers anywhere but they are usually
published once a day. On TV you can get news at any time. TV
news is more interesting because you listen to people speaking and
watch moving pictures. However, TV shows much violence.
‫محمدالعزو‪-‬مواضيع تاسع‪ -‬سراقب ‪0957341594-‬‬
0957341594- ‫ سراقب‬-‫مواضيع تاسع‬-‫محمدالعزو‬
Write a story about a day in your life that you will always remember. (p11) Write
an email to a friend. Tell your friend about something that happened to you, or someone in your family,
recently. (p 14)
From: Sami @ To : Ahmad @
Subject: my accident
Dear Ahmad
See you soon Sami

Last week I had an important football match with the school team.
I woke up late and I had to run to the sports center. While I was
running, I fell down and injured my leg. I couldn’t play the match
and my team lost. It was a very bad day.

Write a story about a day out in a town or city. ( p23)

Write about a journey you have made. (59)
Write about a visit you have made to an interesting place. ( p 63)
Last week I went with my friends to Bosra to see its ruins. We went
by bus and we arrived after two hours. We made a tour around the
city and we liked the Amphitheatre the most. We met some English
tourists and talked a lot about Bosra. It was a fantastic journey.

Use the notes to write about New Zealand (p 27 )

4 million people / 600 km east of Australia / two main islands – North Island and South Island / capital: Wellington
/ English and Maori / bigger than Japan, smaller than UK / Auckland: largest city, 1/3 of population of country /
surfing beaches / Nelson – dunes, palm trees, three national parks.
New Zealand is 600 km east of Australia. It is bigger than Japan
and smaller than the UK. Its main islands are the North and South
Islands. The capital is Wellington. The population is 4 million and
one third live in Auckland. People speak English and Maori. It has
surfing beaches and in Nelson, there are dunes, palm trees and
three national parks.
Read this problem and give advice. (p 31 )
I want to be fitter and healthier. What should I do?
You should have balanced food. You should eat fruit and
vegetables, avoid sweets and do sport every day. It’s a good idea to
get up early and go running. If I were you, I’d go swimming every
weekend. You ought to get enough sleep but you shouldn’t sleep
too much.
Write some sentences giving advice. (p 39 )
I have just started a new school, and I would like to make friends quickly. What advice can you give me?
You should be polite to everyone. You ought to smile and talk to
everyone. It’s a good idea to take the phone numbers of your
classmates and give them yours. Why don’t you invite all your
class to a party? If I were you, I’d join the school football team.
‫محمدالعزو‪-‬مواضيع تاسع‪ -‬سراقب ‪0957341594-‬‬
0957341594- ‫ سراقب‬-‫مواضيع تاسع‬-‫محمدالعزو‬
I would like to take up a new sport. I enjoy ball games and playing in a team. Which sports would you
recommend? Have you got any advice about the sport to give me? ( p39)

I think you should take up football. It is tiring but it is very

interesting. It is the most famous and popular sport in the world. It
makes you healthy and fit but you have to exercise hard. You can
join the school team and go on school competitions.

Write instructions on how to make tea (p 43)

First, Put some water in the tea pot. Then put the pot on the fire until
it boils. Next, take the pot from the fire and put some tea in it. After
that, wait for some time and pour the tea in a glass. Finally, put
some sugar in the tea.

Write a letter giving advice to this student. (p 51)

I am a student preparing for my final exams. I don’t know what type of study timetable I should plan.

Dear Ali,
You had better prepare well for the exams. The golden rule is to go
to bed early and get up early. You should study hard but take
breaks for rest. You have to study the information more than one
time. The night before the exam, it is important to relax.
Write a paragraph about a job . (p 55)
place of work / uniform / requirements / abilities / study / hours of work / career prospects

An English teacher works in a school and doesn’t wear a uniform.

He must speak English well. He must also be good at working with
students and explaining information. A university degree is
necessary. He works for about five hours a day. Career prospects
depend on experience and personal abilities.

Write a composition about what you enjoy doing most. ( p 67)

I enjoy playing basketball. I started playing it when I was five. I
like this game because it is interesting and it makes me healthy and
fit. I play it at weekends and I am in the school basketball team. I
hope to be a world – famous player in the future.
Describe qualities you think are important in a good friend. Write your reasons for your choices. Provide an
example of each quality (p 75)
A good friend is trustworthy because trust makes relationships
strong. For example, he will keep your secrets. A good friend has
your interests because you can practice the same activities like
doing sports together. A good friend is loyal because loyalty
makes trust. For example, you can always ask him for help.
‫محمدالعزو‪-‬مواضيع تاسع‪ -‬سراقب ‪0957341594-‬‬


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