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Aileen Valenzuela
Period: 4
The Girl in Power 

In a city called Strasbourg there was a young lady named Ella De’ Fleur. She grew up

happily with her loving family. But her parents had powers and they kept that secret from her

daughter Ella, long enough for her not to know she had powers. The only reason they kept that

secret was for Ella to live a normal and happy life. Both of her parents would watch her grow up

and debate whether it was time for her to know but her father would always claim that her

powers is too much for the world to handle and her life will be put into danger. They wanted to

protect her because before Ella was born, a guy named Dr. Sanders was going after her parents to

use their powers to destroy the world, and after he found out that they were going to have a child,

he knew that the child will be born with powerful powers. So their parents decided to move in a

very small city and keep their powers a secret.

The years went by. Her father became a famous author, and her beautiful mother was a

florist. At the age of 21, her life was put into danger and all she remembers is helping her

mother with the flower arrangements and playing tag with her father during his free time.But all

things weren’t as perfect, every flower eventually withers away as so did her parents. One day

she came home from working at the library when she saw many police cars in front of her

mother's flower shop and so she immediately ran towards the commotion. She made her way

through the big crowd. It seemed like time slowed down when she saw the corpse of her mother

lying on the floor and flowers surrounding her. At the very same time an officer approached to


“Excuse me ma’am, are you Ella De’Fleur ?” questioned the officer.

“Yes, yes i am.” said Ella.

“Im deeply sorry to tell you this but i was sent here to notify you that your father has been in an

accident, but everything is going to be alright, ma’am.” said the officer as he patted her shoulder.

Hearing those words come out from the officer her eyes filled with tears, and her heart sunk with

grief. She looked at the officer and bowed her head and walked away and made her way through

the crowd. She then ran, stopped and turned around and everything in the distance was just a blur

when she then collapsed on the floor.


Three days passed… she opens her eyes, and hears the beeping from the heart rate monitor, she

looks around and finds herself lying on a white bed with tubes wrapped around her wrist and

arms. She then looks up to see a nurse standing on her right.

“Oh! You've finally woken up, how are you feeling Ms. Ella?” Said the nurse looking at her

with sympathy.“

Wh.. where am I, wh.. what happened?Am I in the hospital? Where's my parents, my mom and

dad!?”cried Ella as she tried getting off the bed.

“ Please, stay calm, I'm..I'm truly sorry. You need to stay in bed. After hearing the tragic, you

fainted, and hit your head hard on the ground. But no worries you'll soon be feeling better.” Said

the nurse trying to calm her.

“Th...thank you.” Replied Ella as tears roll down her cheeks.


“ Well I'll be leaving you, you need to rest, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.”

Said the nurse smiling at her. Ella smiled back, and as soon as the nurse left she cried herself to

sleep. “Mama ...Papa...don’t leave me.”she cried.


5 hours later.. the nurse came to check on Ella, and tells her she has a visitors, and then walks in

her uncle named Roy.

“ Uncle Roy!” Cried Ella as she hugged him tightly.

“Ella, I know how your feeling, but don't worry I help you through all of it.” Said uncle Roy.

“ why did this had to happen, I'm so confuse!” Exclaimed Ella.

“Ella there's something you should know, but here take this note that your father has left you

read it and don't show this to anyone. It has all of the information you need to know. After

reading the note get ready the next morning, for I will come and pick you up.” Said uncle Roy.

“Okay, thank you, uncle Roy.” Said Ella

As soon as her uncle left, she opened the laced design envelope and read the cursive writing of

her mother and father.

~Dear my sweet little angel,

This is papa, if you're reading this it must mean that your mother and I are no longer with

you. We're sorry we had to keep this secret from you we only did this because all we wanted

what was the best for you and to keep you safe. Don't worry that your uncle Roy will take good

care of you. But there's something I need to tell you when I was a younger man I had an

intelligent friend and partner named Dr. Sanders. He was my co-worker when I used to work at

the Science of New Ideas Coorporation and we were working on the idea of a different source of

power I wasn't so excited about the idea but he kept blabbering about a new world order. He

came up with a new chemical and wanted to test it. I tried to stop him but doing that made Dr.

Sanders vaccinate onto himself. All he craves is power and wealth he will do anything to find us

and use us for his own research. He's after you. You have a greater power beyond anyone's

comprehension. If you ever find yourself in a situation where your powers are uncontrollable

just let it be no matter how much it hurts. Your mother and I are always with you .

~Hello, my beautiful flower,

We love you very much, we know that at the end you'll be able to make things right again. Your

uncle Roy will take you to Paris and hide you there and maybe you can change your style so no

one can recognize you, sweetie. There should be money in the same envelope that we folded in

side along with the letter that your reading. Remember you'll always be in our hearts my little

flor. Use the money properly. Anything that I may have left is yours now. We Love you very

much. Good bye, stay strong.

Love, mama & papa.

As she read through the note she was surprised and confused at the same time. She read along

she couldn't believe her parents had powers and that she was born with the same powers as

them.She thought to herself why would her parents keep a big secret from her. She cried and

cried all night about what she read from the note, and asked herself what are the types of powers

does she have.

The next morning, her uncle came to pick her up from the hospital, and drove her to a

secret home. After settling at home her uncle explained everything to her and tells her that they

will have to travel to Paris because if they stay any longer in Strasbourg Dr. Sanders will find

them and will want to kill Ella for her powers. That night Ella asked her uncle,

“ Why Paris, uncle Roy?” Asked Ella

“Because Paris is a better hiding place, and that's where everything started.” Replied uncle


“For that, I will have to train you and prepare you with the powers you have, because the

powers in you are extremely powerful, and if you don't control your powers the world may end

as well as many people's lives.” Said uncle Roy as he was holding onto her hands. Ella sigh and

nodded her head.

“But uncle what type of powers do I have?” Questioned Ella.

“ The powers you have are; lasers in your eyes, super strength, super sane, flying, invisibility,

and telekinesis. If anger takes over you, all of your powers will come at once and will destroy


“number 1: you will first need to control your emotions especially anger. Number 2: you need

to know how to properly use each one of them.” Said uncle Roy

The following three days he trained her. Ella practice and practice until it was time time to move

to Paris. Now she thought she was ready and wanted to do revenge, but her uncle wasn't so sure

about it he was afraid that she will need to be more trained.


Three days passed and Dr. Sanders found where they were staying and decided to send

his men's to kill her uncle and bring Ella to him. While Ella and her uncle Roy we're packing for

the trip her uncle Roy heard a sound and looked outside the window and saw few mens walking

towards the house. He quickly grabbed his luggage, open a secret closet and got a gun, he went

downstairs and got Ella by her hand and told her to be quiet and to follow him. They quietly

walked downs the stairs and through a secret passage. As they were making their way to the car

one of the men saw them and aimed for the uncle but missed. Uncle Roy yelled, “Run Ella, run!”

Ella panicked and ran to the car, while her uncle was fighting the men. She made it to the car and

his uncle quickly catch up and made his way to the car and quickly started the engine. He drove

off and few men's began shooting towards the car. Ella was beginning to panic and her color was

turning pale, she was taking in big breaths and looked and her uncle with fear. Her uncle looked

at her and told her to calm down and to remember the trainings. He then looked at the rearview

and saw a black car driving towards them and began to aim at them. Uncle Roy got his gun and

began to shoot at them, he finally end up killing the guy in the car. He quickly drove fast and

made his way the the airport. They quickly got in the plane and while they were in the plane his

uncle hold her hand and told her not to worry that everything will be fine.


Few hours later...they landed in Paris and stopped by at a bakery shop and bought

themselves lunch. They sat down at a table and talked.

“ This is where everything started here in Paris, right now where we are sitting this is where

your parents met. Right in front of the most stunning views, the Eiffel Tower.” Told uncle Roy.

“ But why here uncle, I still don't get it.” Said Ella.

“Because for generations to generations this place is where our ancestors received their powers

from this Eiffel Tower, and there was always a chosen one and you were one of the chosen.”

“But, for what it seems you are still not ready.” Said uncle Roy. While they were eating and

talking they both saw the same men's they saw at the secret home and when they got up one of

the men's shot uncle Roy in the arm and he fell to the ground. Ella got so scared that her

emotions began to stir and anger took over her. Without realizing what she was doing lasers

blasted from her eyes and killed the men who shot her uncle. She used one of her other force

which was telekinesis, she raised her arm and with that the fee of the mens were lifted from the

floor and were now floating in the air. As she was holding them in the air the sky began to

darkened and thunder sounds began to roar and a multitude of people were panicking. They all

looked up in the sky and began to run around, they all yelled for help. Her uncle who was on the

floor holding onto his wound he yelled,

“Ella!!” “Stop remember what I told you, you need to stay calm, Ella!” “ think about your

parents, this is not the right way!” Exclaimed uncle Roy. Ella just listen and closed her eyes and

remembered about what her father said on the note. She took a big breath. Ella looked around

and saw many people's faces in fear. She came to realize what she was doing and tried to stay

calm. As soon as she stayed calm she dropped her arm as well as the mens. Her uncle quickly

stood up and got her from the arm and ran away. They made their way to a secret hiding place

where no one new about it, they walked in and dropped their stuff on the ground and Ella ran to

her uncle and hugged him. She began to cry into his arms and said, “I'm so sorry I don't know

what happen, I just panic when I saw them shoot at your arm, I'm sorry.” Cried Ella

“It's okay, it's fine, how about we go and find something to heal this wound, yea?” Said uncle


“ Alright.” Responded Ella. They spent their night there. As for uncle Roy he stood inside his

room with his arms fold, looking out the window. He thought about Ella and asked himself, ”

How will I be able to help Ella, her powers are too much.” Inside of him, he knew that things

weren't going to end very well.

The next day approached and he began to train Ella some more. As the days went by

Ella all she wanted was revenge for what Dr. sanders did to her parents. She felt like she was

ready, but her uncle denied it and trained her some more, but she felt like she was ready and all

she wanted was payback. So, one morning she went out without her uncle's permission. She sat

down near a park, and said to herself, “ if I can't go to Dr. sanders, then he will have to come for

me.” As she was walking home a black van stopped in front and three tall men's dressed in black

kidnapped her.


Few hours passed and uncle Roy got worried. He quickly ran out the door and searched

for Ella. He looked and looked for hours asking everybody if they seen a young tall blond girl

and everyone answer with “no”. He sat down near a bakery and he began to cry thinking that he

lost Ella. He then heard screaming he got up from his seat and looked around and heard

screaming again and quickly began to run and he got near the Eiffel Tower. He looked up and his

eyes were filled with fear. As he was running up the stairs the sky changed into a darker grey

color and the clouds were closing in and thunder began to roar. The earth began to shake and all

around him things were starting to float and lift up from the ground. His eyes opened wide open

and his heart began to race, and said to himself, “Ella, no!” He ran up the stairs when he finally

reach the half part of the Eiffel Tower and never before has he ever seen anything like that. Her

emotions had already taken over her, making the earth earth trembled like the sound of thunder.

He looked at Ella and her eyes were burning with fire, a rushing wind with flames of fire was

forming like a tornado around her. He yelled,”Ella no, stop!” Ella had one arm lifted up and was

strangling Dr. sanders from his neck with so much force that his veins were starting to show

through his flesh, his skin was starting to dissolve like dirt and with that there was nothing left of

him. Uncle Roy felt like he couldn't do anything he tried stopping her but it seemed impossible.

“Ella please, stop, look around, look at what you're doing!” “Ella please remember what I told

you, Ella!” At this point she was floating in the air with arms wide opened her powers went

extremely high, and the earth was already looking ruined with nothing much left, as uncle Roy

was getting closer his skin we starting to fade, his veins were starting to show through his flesh,

he was left with no more strength it seemed like he was dissolving. As for Ella her powers were

overwhelming her physical form. She then looked at her uncle who was on the floor with no

more strength she realized that she was probably the source of destruction. She took a big breath

and tried to stay calm and quickly came down and lied next to her fading uncle, “ this is all my

fault, wha… what have I done! I'm so sorry, i’m really,really sorry.” she cried.

“ hey kiddo, what are you talking about? You didn’t know all this was gonna happen.” he said

caressing her head with his fading hand.

“ S-still I could’ve ...I could’ve done something. Uncle Roy ...why did this have to happen.”

Cried Ella.

“I’m sorry but we should’ve told you about our family tree.’’

“What, what family tree?”


“Every 7 billion years the eldest daughters of our families destroys all things, living and non-

livings things, then at the end there is a rebirth of the world. You are destined to make a fresh

start to all things ,it’s in your blood.”

“ but uncle, does it really have to be this way. If the world ever comes to an end because of

humanity then they can still find a way because no matter how many times they fall they get

back up, people can change and learn from their mistakes.”

“ i know but this is how it has to be.”

‘Isn’t there a way to end this repeating pattern of destruction.”

“ yea, there is a way but that’s your choice it's by giving up your power on the very top of the

Eiffel Tower.

Ella sigh. “ then if that's how it should be, then shall be it.” she cried. She then kissed her

uncle’s dissolving hand.

“ hey kiddo, i love you…”

“ love you too.” said ella as she held back her tears.’

“let’s meet again on another life….yeah… say hi to mom and dad for me.”

“I will.” he said as he dissolved into dust that formed a flower in the sky and flew away into the

beyond. Ella stood up limping towards the top of the Eiffel Tower. When she reached the top she

finally realized the beauty of Paris once it was all destroyed. She inhaled the cool crisp air and

with that a tear stream down her cheeks. She looked around raised her arms and in that moment

what seemed like the end was now a beginning of a new a chapter.

The end.

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