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Plexuss Documentation

Feature: Plexuss Admin Backend

Revision History (to this document)


How is it going to serve the student’s need?

How is it going to serve the college’s need?

Usability Requirements:



Google adwords



What we like out of the 3:


Visual Storyboard

Requirement for student:

Requirement for colleges:

Requirement for vendors:

Plexuss monetization:

Logic & Mockups


Notification center:


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Plexuss Documentation

Student View

College view

student view- offline

Student view of vendor

Vendor portal

Targeting / campaign manager:

Recruitment portal:


Content Management

Latest Files:

Brainstorm Comments




Sales Pitch

Priorities for our clients/users

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Plexuss Documentation

Revision History (to this document)

Revision Number Revision Date Summary of Changes Changes Marked

1 10/06/2014

(Why are we building this, our vision/Idea/Assumption):

The objective is three folds. To allow colleges engage with students, review analytics, and submit
additional data on Plexuss. Ultimately, colleges will want to use Plexuss because the tools are helping
them with recruitment beyond and above any other college recruitment site.

How is it going to serve the student’s need?

Without colleges, students cannot be recruited. Nor can they engage with colleges.

How is it going to serve the college’s need?

3 sections of engagement, analytics and data entry

Usability Requirements:

# Requirement Comment

1 Feature should be understandable

throughout entire site

2 User interface supports all user roles What ever icons we use need to be recognizable
dependent on their skill level for all types of users at any skill level.

3 Follow Style guide Link to style guide here

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Plexuss Documentation


Google adwords
Campaign, Budget, Status, Campaign Type, Clicks (requests to be recruited), Impression (views), Average
CPC, Avg Pos, Converted Clicks..

Reach, Frequency (how many times 1 person sees ad), ​Actions​, People talking about you


What we like out of the 3:

Date | Campaign | Total Budget | Status | Targeted | Accepted | Conversion % | Cost per Conversion |
Analytics | View | Compared | Chats | % of your college page completed

(can’t target same person)

How many saw in their portal

Look at App Store

Visual Storyboard
Client backend logic flow:

# Category Section comment

1 Engagement Chat

2 Engagement Notification center

3 Engagement Recruitment Portal

4 Analytics Analytics

5 Content Data Entry, news, announcements, calendar


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Plexuss Documentation

Chat: When a student wants to ask a question, they will be able to chat with a school admission advisor
to ask questions.

Requirement for student:

1) Student needs to be a Plexuss member (terms of conditions needs to include this)
2) Day and time the school will be available to chat
3) Group chat, everyone can join and see students chat. If a student wants to have a 1:1 chat, the
student can choose the feature.
4) Offline-The student should be able to leave an offline message. When the school rep logs on,
they will be able to see offline messages in their message box.
5) Seeing past chats while live and not live
6) Chat archive: Depends on the amount of activity per school. Perhaps for high activity schools,
only include last 12 months. Have a search for chat.
7) If a college rep is not live or not available, a student will be allowed to search chat archive. And
can speak to one of our college prep partners. (setting to become visible)
8) Student will be able to rate the response from schools and partners
9) On the chat box, students can see who the collge rep is

Requirement for colleges:

1) Notification center will provide alerts and archived messages.
2) Colleges can have their FAQ questions uploaded, so they don’t have type it each time
3) Colleges will be able to choose the date and time they can chat
4) Multiple college reps can chat with students
5) Colleges can see the students profile as they are chatting with students (Also other students
they are interested in)
6) Student score compared to the school’s average score will be available to college reps while
7) Dashboard-Able to measure the responsive rate and survey results of each college (and show
them the response overall and per rep)-

Requirement for vendors:

1) All vendors will have to sign up and pay for the number of students they would like to have
access to. For example, they can target based on city, zip, state, name of colleges, score of
students, gender and other demographic information.
2) Paying: They will be paying per user chat. There will be different

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3) Value to the vendor: When a student chats with a vendor, the students will be shown the
representatives contact information. They can call them. They can also apply directly for their
services either from the chat or in their portal.
4) There will be vendors on the queue and based on their availability, price and rating they will be
able to chat with students (so a bidding system needs to be developed). The client will pay a
minimum to chat. The client that is available, has the higher rating, highest bid price, and other
factors (i.e. how many reviews versus rating), will be displayed to students first.
5) Vendor will have their own dashboard/notification center. Vendor can see how they are being
rated. How many have applied to their service. This is similar to Google analytics.
6) Vendor will have access to pay for subscription. This is similar to Google adwords.

Plexuss monetization:
Plexuss monetization is in 3 forms:

1) Colleges paying to target prospects. If a prospect agrees to be recruited by a college. A college

will bid on engaging with that student. This is a one time fee.

The reason we are not doing subscription is that would force college disengage with student to
bring their cost down. We want colleges to provide value for investment they have already
made. Imagine if you are a student who has chosen to be recruited by UCLA and UCLA all the
sudden removes the student from their communication. The decision is not because the
student isn’t qualified, but because UCLA wants to use that money to recruit newer students.

2) College prep vendors will pay per engagement. Everytime the vendor i.e. Kaplan rep chats with
a prospect, they are charged a one time fee.

3) College prep vendors also pay for every message they receive from a student. This is also a one
time fee. In order to receive messages you need to have reviews by other student who have
rated you. (more on this on the UI doc below)

There are 3 payment models:

1. Traditional Colleges
a. Free chat
b. Paid Targeting
c. Free Analytic tools
d. Free content management

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2. Non-traditional / For profit

a. Free Chat
i. chat is range (1-100 students/chats…)
b. Paid Targeting
c. Pay on agreement if school agrees to recruit a student that has clicked “recruit me”
d. Free Analytic tools
e. Free content management

3. College Prep Vendors

a. Free Chat - Targeting is paid
i. Bidding system & student sends a message - flat fee per student
b. Application: (Flat fee) ​Charged per student that applies to their service - students will be able to
apply to Kaplan straight through Plexuss. We will send the profile info we have on the student to
Kaplan. (will need to notify student to finish their profile OR show them the info they are missing
in order to apply.

Free products:

1. Analytics
2. Chat for traditional colleges

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Plexuss Documentation

First draft - wireframes

-Show colleges % their page is completed on the dashboard so they can improve their campaigns.
(Analytics shows which pages are performing well)

Notification center:


Colleges will want to know how many schools have viewed their profile.

If a student wants to engage with a college, they click on recruit me. That request will then be place on
the recruit me inbox of the school. The school in turn will have an obligation to get back to the student.

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Plexuss Documentation

Student View

College view

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student view- offline

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Student view of vendor

When a rep/vendor is offline they will need to be able to see when they have new chat requests coming
in. This will be defined in the settings tab.

The student can apply to Kaplan from here.

The settings will be

1. Get notified via text

2. Get notified via email

3. Desktop notifications


The chat notification icon -

This will show students that are trying to chat with you right now.

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Need a mock up showing how students will engage with colleges and college prep (from the college

- Chat with college

- 1:1 chat
- Review (Basic: initially just mark out of 5 stars and comment, store in database)
- When are they available and who is online now
- Feed to student that chat for the schools they follow are online
- Chat with college prep
- 1:1 chat
- Review (basic)
- If school is online, then college prep is not available
- Who is online?

After finished with chatting - questions and rating OR keep rating and comments on the bottom of the

For applying to college during chat:

Use same Recruit me button process

For applying to college prep:

link to on the process below:

- “Apply to kaplan”
- SUBMIT (button)
- HOT FILL ™ - with info they need to submit to Kaplan
- When they hit submit - use notification bar on top to say, application was submitted.
- Go back to their chat page
- This goes to the College prep’s​ inquiry box (inquiry tab gets a # added for the new inquiry)​ -
college prep is notified

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Plexuss Documentation

Vendor portal
Each vendor will have to pay for each engagement. Engagement is defined as the person the vendor
chats with. Hence, each chat equals a cost. The cost will be managed through a bidding process. The
more demand for those students the more competitive the bidding system will become. Every
representative will be rated by students. The way a rep is displayed is a function on their bid and quality
of service. Quality service includes frequency of bids and ratings. Engagement may happen on chat or
if a student sends the advisor a message.

A function that will be added to each section of the college page is a listing of professional college
representative advisors (College expert list), their typical cost and services. An advisor will not be shown
on this page unless they have at least one review. So every vendor needs to chat with students before
we can show them as part of this list. This button will show up as part of engagement button of each
college. It would not show if there is no one on the list-

The backend of the portal will have Dashboard, Target, Engage and Files. Engagement will look alot like
our notification section of our recruitment portal.

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University Portal

For colleges, we want them to buy, engage and access analytics. The objective is to design an easy way
for colleges to access information.

The components are:

The Dashboard ​will create instant access to all the KPIs.

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Target $$:​ This is what clients will use to target students. It is the paid portion of our site.

Recruitment portal: ​This is a place where colleges can engage via IM and Plexuss mail with prospective
students. We are essentially providing colleges with a free CRM to use and track students progress.

Analytics: ​Similar to Google analytics, it will track the engagement of students with the rep and college

Content management: ​Colleges manage all of their content from this tab

Targeting / campaign manager:

Universities will be able to create different campaigns (similar to adwords) for students that they want
to target. The targeting is based on the information we have from students in their profile. There is also
a billing section. The billing is a bidding system, we will have suggested bid and minimum bid. Both of
these criteria need to be defined.

Reporting of the paid services will be available on the target tab as well. See initial mockup below.

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Targeting based on bidding

Price based on quality

Recruitment portal:
RP will have several sections.

Overview will show students targeted, student’s request and Plexuss recommendations. This needs
to be expandable.

Inquiries, will have a list of all the inquiries. It needs to be filtered based on all 3 categories in
overview, (Targeted (paid), request (Free) and recommendation). From the inquiries colleges can
decide to add someone to their Plexuss mailing list. They can also filter request based on score
(GPA/SAT). They can also see the details of each prospect.

Engagement portal allow them to send messages via Plexuss and or chat with prospects.

Files allow colleges to upload their creative and share with students via plexuss messaging.

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Notes - 11/13/2014:

Recruitment Request:​ Students who want to be recruited

What is in the Recruitment Portal?

view students

make decisions on students

Feature: kayak bar for colleges to filter through their students. This will make it easier for them to make
decisions on students.

This is similar to Google analytics. We want to show them charts and numbers/data for all the areas
below. This will allow colleges to see the value of student engagement and optimize. This area will keep
growing based on college’s demand.

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Traditional Schools Analytics:

We want to show:

- Page views (per tab) (CPM) “10,000 Page views”

- Time spent
- Recruit me (conversion) (CPA or CPL) “1,000 Student Prospects” Student/College (targeting)
- Accepted (up down)
- student clicks recruit me, college reviews the request and has to accept (students
- college targets student, student accepts (college request)

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- Chat interactions
- # of chats
- time spent
- chat topics
- conversions / applications?
- brochure downloads
- Tours viewed
- Rivals (compared to)

Total _____

- targeted
- non-targeted


- from clicks to lead

- lead to student (applicant)

Content Management
Will need to give colleges ability to update their college page and content. Currently, we want them to
add to the areas where we don’t have info. ​ We need to show them what info is missing​. And for them
to easily find missing info. Perhaps a link on top that will take them tab by tab to the missing fields.

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Plexuss Documentation

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Plexuss Documentation

Stage one:

later stage:

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Latest Files:
Latest PNGs

Latest PDFs

Brainstorm Comments

Personal information will only be shared to schools that are on the user’s list in their portal.

Users will have the opportunity not to share their personal information. They can set this in their profile.

A student clicks “recruit me.” If you are for-profit and you accept that student, you get charged for that

Bid product

Flat rate product?

Flat rate for chat?

0-100 students for $____

Flat fee for unlimited

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Vendor Application

I’m a student and I want to apply to Princeton Review. I have to complete my profile. and it will be sent
to Princeton Review. (application is like recruit me) Profile info is prepopulated into form. Student can
fill out their missing info and send it. Princeton Review pays $50 for my application.

Need to track when colleges view a student’s profile.


Sales Pitch
For Inquiries:

1. Create Intent
2. Give you power / let you choose to act on this intent
3. Make it actionable

Chat all day!

Priorities for our clients/users

Students - Chat, Inquires (RR), Targeting

Colleges - Inquiries, Targeting, Analytics, Chat, Targeting

College Prep - Chat, Targeting, Inquiries (later)

Look at mailchimp pricing model for our chat.

We require you to engage in chat

No more dashboard

- Chat
- Inquiries
- Targeting

Inquiries needs messaging added.

Look at zoominfo

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