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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.

Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Seven

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Nothing so conclusively proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does

from day to day to lead himself.
Thomas J. Watson.

Leadership is the ability to significantly influence the thoughts, feelings, actions

and behaviors of those you lead.
Anthony Robbins.

Great leaders create value systems and Models of the World. They guide those
they lead even in their absence – they create a culture.
Anthony Robbins.

One of the most important principles to creating an extraordinary life is to be

yourself. To do this, however, first requires that you know yourself.
Anthony Robbins.

No man is free who is not master of himself.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

There are plenty of teams in every sport that have great players and never win
titles. Most of the time, those players aren't willing to sacrifice for the greater
good of the team. The funny thing is, in the end, their unwillingness to sacrifice
only makes individual goals more difficult to achieve. One thing I believe to the
fullest is that if you think and achieve as a team, the individual accolades
[compliments] will take care of themselves. Talent wins games but teamwork
and intelligence win championships.
Michael Jordan

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big
difference. That little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is
positive or negative.
W. Clement Stone

Great things are done by people who think great thoughts and then go out into
the world to make their dreams come true.
Unknown author

Leadership is about magnetic communication. Leaders have a way of

communicating that draws [moves] people toward the vision and the horizon.
Doug Firebaugh

A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him.
John C. Maxwell

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If you are going to help people reach their potential, they need to be recognized
and rewarded. Everyone needs that.
Jacqueline Norcel

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than
any other.
Brian Tracy

The most reliable way to anticipate the future is by understanding the present.
John Naisbitt

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.

Michael Jordan

Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening
than talking.
Bernard Baruch

Leaders grow; they are not made.

Peter F. Drucker

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[Highlight it] - Warren Bennis in his book, Why Leaders Can’t Lead, says the
most important quality leaders must have is “integrity” – if there is anything
that undermines [weakens] trust, it is the feeling that the people at the top lack
integrity. People trust you when you speak honestly to them and don’t play
games with them.
Unknown author

Kouzes & Posner have discovered five fundamental practices that enable
leaders to get extraordinary things done – Challenge the process; Inspire a
shared vision; Enable others to act; Model the way; and Encourage the Heart.
Unknown author

Whether one calls it vision, goal, purpose, or mission, leaders believe it is the
one thing that can make a significant difference, because it breathes life into the
hopes and dreams of others, and enables them to see the exciting possibilities of
what the future holds.
Unknown author

“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and
all will be well.
Jack Kornfield

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The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage
as the day gets on.
Charles Dickens

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of
John Milton

When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes

better too.
Paulo Coelho

What we hope ever to do with ease [no difficulty], we must learn first to do with
Samuel Johnson

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and
Albert Einstein

The objective of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves

throughout their lives.
Robert Maynard Hutchins

The artist has one function–to affirm and glorify life.

W. Edward Brown

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Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art.
Study the art of science. Develop your senses – especially learn how to see.
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Leonardo da Vinci

Beauty will save the world.


Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties

disappear and obstacles vanish.
President John Quincy Adams

You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than
you think you can.
President Jimmy Carter

Hold [Consider] fast to the Bible. To the influence of this Book we are indebted
[owing a favor] for all the progress made in true civilization and to this we must
look as our guide in the future.
President Ulysses S. Grant

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0


365 Table Topics Questions

From 191 to 210

191. Excluding [Not including] romantic relationships, who do you love?

192. What is your earliest childhood memory?

193. What book has had the greatest influence on your life?

194. What three questions do you wish you knew the answers to?

195. What is the greatest peer [partner] pressure you’ve ever felt?

196. What’s the biggest lie you once believed was true?

197. In your lifetime, what have you done that hurt someone else?

198. What’s the best part of growing older?

199. What’s been on your mind most lately [in recent times]?

200. What do you think is worth waiting for?

201. What chances do you wish you had taken?

202. Where else would you like to live? Why?

203. What motivates you to go to work each day?

204. What do you wish you had done differently?

205. What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?

206. When was the last time you lied [communicated untruths]? What did you
lie about?

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207. What made you smile this week?

208. What do you do with the majority of your money?

209. What motivates you to be your best?

210. When was the last time you lost your temper [irritation]? About what?

It will continue …

Commentary: with respect to our theme presented, you can obtain the first 70
questions, from Magazine 27 to 30.


If a fact is known on all its sides, it is, by that knowledge, explained, and the
problem of science is ended.

Mayer, J.R.

The true aim of science is to discover a simple theory which is necessary and
sufficient to cover the facts, when they have been purified of traditional
prejudices [preconceptions].

Whyte, Lancelot Law

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

The science of genetics is in a transition period, becoming an exact science just

as the chemistry in the times of Lavoisier, who made the balance an
indispensable implement in chemical research.

Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen

The term element is applied in chemistry to those forms of matter which have
hitherto [previously] resisted all attempts to decompose [disintegrate] them.
Nothing is ever meant to be affirmed concerning their real nature; they are
simply elements to us at the present time; hereafter [from this time], by new
methods of research, or by new combinations of those already possessed
[controlled] by science, many of the substances which now figure [assume] as
elements may possibly be shown to be compounds [composites]; this has
already happened, and may again take place.

George Fownes

[Insights of Interpol] - The Titanic didn‘t sink [be submerged] because it hit an
iceberg; it sank [declined] because the steel was brittle [easily broken] and it
cracked [fractured]. If you know the structure of a material, you can figure out
[discover] how to improve it.

Stephen Pennycook

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

A name, and a Corporation. About the powerful result of a powerful name, with
respect to a product or, even, for a World Corporation. It is not easy to obtain
the answer, however, I emit you, the next question. Do you know the following
and interesting history?. It is by what method the name of the powerful product
«iPhone», of the World Corporation «Apple» was obtained. Well, and now, I
speak about the specific dimension, when, it is arrived the dimension of
supreme assignation of obtaining an important name.

Author: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

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Take Charge Immediately

When the crisis occurs, there are four things you should do immediately.

1. Practice damage control. Put every possible limitation on losses.

Preserve cash at all costs.

2. Gather information. Get the facts. Speak to the key people and find out
[discover] exactly what you are dealing with [handling].

3. Solve the problem. Discipline yourself to think only in terms of

solutions, about what you can do immediately to minimize the damage
and fix [resolve] the problem.

4. Become action-oriented. Think in terms of your next step. Often any

decision is better than no decision.

Remind yourself that you are up [active] to the task. You can do it. You can find
an answer and resolve this crisis. You have all the skills, intelligence, experience,
and abilities that you need to handle this crisis effectively. Remember that there
is always an answer, a solution of some kind, and your job is to find it. Often
the solution is contained within the problem.

Brian Tracy


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A Precise Glossary, For Your English

1. Abstractness - A characteristic of research findings that make them

independent from specific time and place. Such research findings are
useful as they can be applied to other situations.

2. Algorithm - A process or set of rules used for calculation or problem

solving, especially using a computer. These can be expressed graphically
or more often, as a mathematical formula. An example is a formula that
summarizes the interior conditions that lead to the feeling of climatic
comfort, with factors such as air temperature, humidity, air movement,
amount of clothing, etc.

3. Argument - A type of discourse that not only makes assertions

[statements] but also asserts [affirms] that some of these assertions are
reasons for others. Argument is often based on the rules of logic in order
to provide a solid structure.

4. Bibliographic database - An electronic list of bibliographic information.

These may be on CD-ROM, or online on the Internet. Many of these are
available through university and other libraries and can be searched
using key words, subjects, authors, titles etc. - [Leadership & 100 and 5

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5. Consistency - A quality of argument concerned with the compatibility of

beliefs, i.e. a set of beliefs that can be shown to be consistent with each
other is said to be consistent.

6. Discourse - Communication in the form of words as speech or writing or

even attitude and gesture.

7. Ethics - The rules of conduct. In this book particularly about conduct with
other people and organizations, aimed a causing no harm and providing,
if possible, benefits.

8. Expressive language - Language used to express emotions and feelings.

9. Focus group - A group of people assembled in order to discuss a

particular subject of the research in order to reveal their opinions and
beliefs. Usually they are selected for their relevant expertise or
involvement in the subject. - [Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars]

10. Frequency distribution - The values of the variables and their percentages
of the total of variable values, usually displayed from the lowest to the
highest values in a table.

Nicholas Walliman. «Research Methods - The Basics». Editorial: «Routledge

- the Taylor & Francis Group». Year: 2011.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Intelligence - Intelligence is not a single, unitary ability, but rather a composite

[combination] of several functions. The term denotes that combination of
abilities required for survival and advancement within a particular culture.

A. Anastasi

Intelligence -... that facet [feature] of mind underlying our capacity to think, to
solve novel problems, to reason and to have knowledge of the world.

M. Anderson

Intelligence - It seems to us that in intelligence there is a fundamental faculty,

the alteration or the lack of which, is of the utmost [greatest] importance for
practical life. This faculty is judgment, otherwise [if not] called good sense,
practical sense, initiative, the faculty of adapting ones self to circumstances.

A. Binet

Society and disasters, about - A serious disruption of the functioning of a

community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected
community or society to cope [handle] using its own resources.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

The definition of humanitarian logistics - The process of planning,

implementing and controlling efficient, cost-effective flow and storage of goods
and materials as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point
of consumption for the purpose meeting the end [objective] beneficiaries

Thomas, A. and Mizushima

A profession - A profession is an occupation performing a crucial social

function. To exercise this function requires a considerable degree of skill and
the application of this skill can be performed in situations which are not routine
and where new problems and situations may arise [take place]. A period of
socialization into the set of ‘professional’ values is required. The practitioners
[specialists] must draw upon a systematic body of knowledge.


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The Catholic University of America - School of Business and Economics.

The institution of private property is beautifully suited to serving our self-

interest in solidarity with the larger community.

__ __ __

Solidarity needs an organization of people who practice virtue, who work, and
live, virtuously.

__ __ __

A business enterprise is a community of human beings— stakeholders—who

must exist in some sort of relationship of solidarity.

__ __ __

Business enterprises are allowed by corporate law to do good things if they are
run by men and women who bring sound [complete] moral values to their work
as directors and managers.

__ __ __

Subsidiarity is the principle that energizes our creativity, defines our sense of
personal responsibility, enhances [increases] our personal liberty, and
empowers each of us to grow in our capabilities.

The Catholic University of America - School of Business and Economics.

«Liberty and Solidarity - Living the Vocation to Business». Conference
Proceedings September 24–26, 2014.

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One of the functions of the WTO is to collect, assess [measure] and disseminate
information about members’ trade policies [contracts].

World Trade Organization

Notification is a complement to the general requirement for transparency and

the publication of measures, obliging countries not only to make their measures
known via government gazettes or other domestic outlets [channels] but that
they also provide information to their trading partners via the WTO. A
notification will typically consist of a short statement that follows a standard
format in which the member identifies the law, regulation or action that is at
issue [subject], the precise content of which varies according to the agreement
and topic involved. This document is filed [recorded] with the WTO and made
available to other members and the public. Specific agreements may also require
that members take other steps to promote transparency.

World Trade Organization

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Whenever [Every time] an international standard, guideline or

recommendation does not exist or the content of a proposed sanitary or
phytosanitary regulation is not substantially the same as the content of an
international standard, guideline or recommendation, and if the regulation may
have a significant effect on trade [commerce] of other Members, Members shall
… notify other Members, through the Secretariat, of the products to be covered
[safeguarded] by the regulation together with a brief indication of the objective
and rationale [justification] of the proposed regulation. Such notifications shall
take place at an early [immediate] stage, when amendments [improvements]
can still be introduced and comments [observations] taken into account.

World Trade Organization

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World Economic Forum

Definition of Youth Entrepreneurship - Youth entrepreneurship is not

essentially different from entrepreneurship among adults. It involves engaging
in socially useful wealth creation through application of innovative thinking
and execution to meet consumer needs, using one’s own labour, time, and ideas.
The only difference is in the age of the entrepreneur. What differs between
youth and adult entrepreneurship – given the inherently different levels of
intellectual and behavioural maturity – is how entrepreneurship is taught and
how it is learned.

__ __ __

Preparing today’s students for success and eventual leadership in the new
global marketplace is the most important responsibility in education today…
Entrepreneurship education is an important tool to achieving these objectives
[and]… should be universally available to provide all students with
opportunities to explore and fulfil their potential.

__ __ __

Inspire with Real Examples - Students should read and write about great
entrepreneurs of the past and present as part of any entrepreneurship course.
The stories of young entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from [after] poor or
marginalized backgrounds may be especially inspirational.

__ __ __

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Many of the leading entrepreneurship education programmes use the Web to

promote their students’ achievements. For instance, YESCarolina (Youth
Entrepreneurship South Carolina) makes good use of videos posted [displayed]
to YouTube.

__ __ __

«Educating the Next Wave of Entrepreneurs - Unlocking entrepreneurial

capabilities to meet the global challenges of the 21st Century» - World
Economic Forum.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0


What is Innovation?

In the public mind, innovation is often thought of in terms of revolutionary new

physical products or a new technology. However, innovation is clearly a much
wider phenomenon, seen across many dimensions of economic life, including
manufacturing and other business processes, as well as new business and
organizational models.

For example, the Model T Ford, launched in 1908, is clearly an innovative

product in itself. But Henry Ford’s most radical innovation was actually the
assembly line factory that built the car using revolutionary working processes.
In modern industries, innovation can be as much about new approaches to
design, business models and global supply networks as about innovation in
tangible products.

This wider definition of innovation is commonly accepted by economists and is

set out [planned] in the Oslo Manual of the OECD, a key cross-industry
publication that offers standards and guidelines [procedures] for measuring
technological, product and process innovation.

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The manual identifies the four types of innovation …

1. Product innovation

2. Process innovation

3. Marketing innovation

4. Organizational innovation

Importantly, in relation to the focus on financial services, the manual’s

definition embraces [incorporates] innovative services as well as physical
products and technologies, and includes significant improvements to existing
products and services as well as truly [genuinely] revolutionary ideas.

«Rethinking Financial Innovation Reducing Negative Outcomes [Results]

While Retaining The Benefits». World Economic Forum report in
collaboration with Oliver Wyman. Year: 2012.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Why Vitamins Are Important to

Good Health.


NEWS, in VOA Special English. I’m Bob

FAITH LAPIDUS: And I’m Faith Lapidus. This week, we tell about vitamins.

BOB DOUGHTY: Many jobs must be done with two people. One person takes
the lead. The other helps. It is this cooperation that brings success.

So it is with the human body. Much of our good health depends on the
cooperation between substances. When they work together, chemical reactions
take place smoothly. Body systems are kept in balance.

Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances
we call vitamins.

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FAITH LAPIDUS: The word “vitamin” dates back to Polish scientist Casimir
Funk in 1912. He was studying a substance in the hull that covers rice. This
substance was believed to cure a disorder called beriberi.

Funk believed the substance belonged to a group of chemicals known as amines.

He added the Latin word "vita," meaning life. So he called the substance a
“vitamine” -- an amine necessary for life.

BOB DOUGHTY: Funk was not able to separate the anti-berberi substance from
the rice hulls; it was later shown to be thiamine. Other studies found that not all
vitamines were amines. So the name was shortened to vitamin. But Funk was
correct in recognizing their importance.

Scientists have discovered 14 kinds of vitamins. They are known as vitamins A,

the B group, C, D, E and K. Scientists say vitamins help to carry out chemical
changes within cells. If we do not get enough of the vitamins we need in our
food, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases.

FAITH LAPIDUS: This brings us back to Casimir Funk. His studies of rice were
part of a long search for foods that could cure disease.

[Commentary: this is a fragment of the original theme].

Learn The English Language. Obtain themes and its mp3 from The VOA-ERD

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

La Mente Sintetizadora
- por Howard Gardner.

«Murray Gell-Mann, premio Nobel en Ciencias Físicas y un declarado

multidisciplinario, ha realizado una intrigante declaración sobre nuestros
tiempos. Asegura que, en el siglo XXI, la mente más valorada será la
sintetizadora: la que puede sondear una amplia gama de fuentes, decidir cuál
es importante y merece atención, y después combinar esta información de forma
que tenga sentido.

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Gell-Mann está orientado hacia un hecho importante. La información nunca ha

sido escasa. Sin embargo, con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías y de los
medios, especialmente Internet, hora tras hora nos inundan enormes volúmenes
de información, aparentemente indigeribles. Se hace imperativa una
discriminación juiciosa. Los que puedan sintetizar bien para sí mismos serán
sobresalientes en su grupo y aquéllos cuyas síntesis tengan sentido para otros
serán maestros, comunicadores y líderes de un valor inestimable.

Tomemos un ejemplo del mundo de los negocios. Supongamos que usted es un

directivo y su empresa está evaluando la adquisición de una nueva compañía
en un área que parece importante, pero sobre la cual ni usted ni sus
colaboradores más próximos saben demasiado. Su objetivo es conseguir
suficiente información para tomar una decisión juiciosa y usted necesita hacerlo
en el curso de los dos próximos meses. Se debe comenzar por cualquier síntesis
existente: buscarla, devorarla, evaluarla... Si no existe ninguna, tendrá que
buscar a las personas que sepan y pedirles que le proporcionen la información
básica necesaria para la síntesis. Con esa información inicial, decidirá qué datos
parecen adecuados y dónde se necesita información adicional.

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Asimismo, necesitará decidir sobre la forma y el formato de la síntesis

definitiva: una narración escrita, una presentación oral, un conjunto de
escenarios, un documento con cuadros y gráficos o tal vez una enumeración de
las ventajas y los inconvenientes que lleve a una conclusión. Finalmente,
comienza el verdadero trabajo de síntesis en profundidad. Hay que adquirir
nueva información que será probada, evaluada o dejada de lado. Esta nueva
información debe encajar, a ser posible, con la síntesis inicial; si no es así, se
deben realizar ajustes recíprocos. La reflexión continua está a la orden del día.

En algún punto antes de producirse la síntesis final, se debería desarrollar una

protosíntesis. Esta versión provisional necesita ser contrastada con la audiencia
más idónea de profesionales, preferiblemente una audiencia crítica y
constructiva. En la medida en que haya disponibilidad de tiempo y de recursos,
sería deseable más de una prueba. Sin embargo, en última instancia, siempre
llega el momento de la verdad, cuando la mejor síntesis posible debe ser

¿Qué tipo de mente se necesita para guiar esta síntesis? Claramente, si bien la
persona debería tener un área básica de especialización, lógicamente no puede
ser experta en cada disciplina relevante. Como compensación, el sintetizador
debe saber lo suficiente de las disciplinas requeridas como para elaborar juicios
sobre qué y en quiénes se debe confiar o bien para identificar individuos que
puedan ayudar a tomar esa determinación. El sintetizador debe tener una
noción de las formas y formatos relevantes para la síntesis y estar preparado
para alterarlos cuando sea posible o aconsejable, pero también debe tomar el
compromiso final a medida que se acerca la fecha límite.

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El sintetizador debe tener siempre su mirada en la perspectiva totalizadora y

asegurarse de que los detalles adecuados se aseguren y compaginen de maneras
útiles. Éste es un mandato ambicioso, pero es bastante posible que ciertas
personas tengan el don de la ‘inteligencia-linterna’, es decir, la capacidad de
ver el todo y de supervisar continuamente, asegurándose así de que nada vital
está faltando; y probablemente también tengan la capacidad de valorar la
‘inteligencia-láser’ complementaria, que ha dominado una disciplina
específica. Estas personas deberían ser identificadas y cuidadas. Resulta crucial
determinar cómo hay que nutrir estas capacidades sintetizadoras más
ampliamente, dado que probablemente sean el activo más importante en la
próxima era».

«En realidad, es deseable que cada persona haya logrado aspectos de las cinco
mentalidades del futuro. Tal integración personal se dará con mayor facilidad
si las personas se educan en entornos en los que se muestren y se valoren los
cinco tipos de mentes. Y, mejor aún, si hay modelos de rol (padres, maestros,
supervisores, etc.) que desplieguen aspectos de disciplina, síntesis, creación,
respeto y ética de manera continua. Además de abarcar estos tipos de mentes,
los mejores educadores en el colegio o en el trabajo pueden proporcionar
soporte, consejo y asesoramiento, lo que ayudará a inculcar disciplina, alentar
la síntesis, generar creatividad, propiciar el respeto y albergar una postura

Del artículo: «Las Cinco Mentes del Futuro».

Autores: Howard Gardner
Editorial: Harvard Deusto Business Review

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Jesus Christ
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Mensaje de Jesús

¿Por qué te confundes y te agitas ante los problemas de la vida?. Déjame el

cuidado de todas tus cosas y todo te irá mejor. Cuando te abandones en mí todo
se resolverá con tranquilidad según mis designios. No te desesperes, no me
dirijas una oración agitada como si quisieras exigirme el cumplimiento de tus
deseos. Cierra los ojos del alma y dime con calma.


Evita las preocupaciones y angustias y los pensamientos sobre lo que puede

suceder después. No estropees mis planes, queriéndome imponer tus ideas.
Déjame ser Dios y actuar con libertad. Abandónate confiadamente en mí.
Reposa en mí y deja en mis manos tu futuro. Dime frecuentemente:


Lo que más daño te hace es tu razonamiento y tus propias ideas y querer

resolver las cosas a tu manera. Cuando me dices: JESÚS YO CONFÍO EN TI,
no seas como el paciente que le pide al médico que lo cure, pero lo sugiere el
modo de hacerlo. Déjate llevar en mis brazos divinos, no tengas miedo, YO TE
AMO. Si crees que las cosas empeoraron o se complican a pesar de tu oración
sigue confiando. Cierra los ojos del alma y confía. Continúa diciéndome a toda


Necesito las manos libres para poder obrar. No me ates con tus preocupaciones
inútiles, Satanás quiere eso: agitarte, angustiarte, quitarte Paz. Confía sólo en
MI. Así que no te preocupes, echa en MI todas tus angustias y duerme
tranquilamente. Dime siempre:


y verás grandes milagros. Te lo prometo por mi amor.

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Señor hoy clamamos a ti,

Tú eres el único que puedes abrir el mar en dos.

Déjanos pasar a la tierra que fluye leche y miel

Oye nuestra oración hoy Señor.

Dios de Abraham

Dios de Isaac

Dios de Jacob

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

Dios de Abraham

Dios de Isaac

Dios de Jacob

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Queremos contar de tus maravillas

Abre el mar en dos y déjanos pasar

Queremos tomar leche y miel

Del río que fluye de tu espíritu

Dios de Abraham

Dios de Isaac

Dios de Jacob

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

Ayúdanos, ayúdanos

Queremos contar de tus maravillas

Abre el mar en dos y déjanos pasar

Queremos tomar leche y miel

Del río que fluye de tu espíritu

Dios Dios Dios Dios

«Dios», Canción Cristiana interpretada por el artista «Daniel Calveti».

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0


La Biblia - Absolutas ventajas de la sabiduría.

12 Yo, la sabiduría, habito con la prudencia | y busco la compañía de la


13 (Quien teme al Señor odia el mal). | Detesto el orgullo y la soberbia, | la mala

conducta y la boca falsa;

14 poseo el buen consejo y el acierto, | mías son la prudencia y el valor;

15 por mí reinan los reyes, | y los príncipes promulgan leyes justas;

16 por mí gobiernan los gobernantes, | y los nobles dan sentencias justas;

17 yo amo a los que me aman, | los que madrugan por mí me encuentran;

18 yo traigo riqueza y honor, | fortuna copiosa y prosperidad;

19 mi fruto es mejor que el oro puro, | y mi renta vale más que la plata;

20 camino por sendero justo, | por las sendas del derecho,

21 para legar riquezas a mis amigos | y colmar todos sus tesoros.

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -

Proverbios 8. Desde 12 a 21.


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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Let the word of Christ dwell [reside] in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and
admonishing [notifying] one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought
at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which

God prepared in advance [previously] for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, 15 March 2019.

Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God.

Mitchell, Maria

This is the book, in progress, named «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars». It

will be among the greatest books of Leadership of last times. The book, as you
observe, at the present time, it is presented by magazines. Thanks.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

English language:


Thanks to you all

Lazos Increíbles.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.

Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.

Go to:

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Know the Project: Books of English, from English 1 to 5, for all

the CBTIS of the United Mexican States.

The Students can do the organization as they like it; but

absolutely, the Responses are written by hand, and the Works
are Presented by Groups with a Maximum of 5 persons.

«I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services Center of
Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México consisting in giving to the Library of this
Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A book for each semester,
from the first English book to fifth English book (according to the plan of studies in this regard
of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this is a donation (in the staff, I solve my
expenses of the project with income of my employment as a professor that I would be in this
One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student of
spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete disposal into
the student community in the Library of the institution.
Afterward, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the student
community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will have these 5
volumes of English language by means of a page of Google; read it, neither cost nor restriction
to obtain them.
Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of 'workbook'.
This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective exercises to resolve, into
a concurrent process». M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 07 -- Ed. 2.0

Links, for Your Preparation.

«Make others feel important. The more important you make them feel,
the more important you feel, as well». Brian Tracy.

English language:
Leadership of Gold:
Christian Songs, in Spanish:
Get Instruments for your Training.

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