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-the phenomena of the night sky, the phenomena revealed by the telescope after it was invented in the

early 17th century.

-Copernican revolution-perhaps the most profound change in the history of ideas and humanity

-Copernican revolution is a profound shift in our views(from the position where we thought
ourselves the centre of the universe and the pinacle of creation, we realised that the earth was in
motion around the sun. and was just a planet amongst other rocky bodies in the Solar System and
beyond. and that the sun was just one amongst many stars in the Milky Way Galaxy and eventually
among galaxies beyond.

-this shift in the copernican revolution continues because in the modern era, it emerges that the
totality of space time we see, the observable universe may not be the only universe. perhaps the last
step in the copernican revolution would be the demonstration that the biology of this planet, life on
Earth, is not unique to this planet and that life exists elsewhere in the universe.


-java man=eat run hit

-neanderthal man=hunt, make, tools, build

-modern man=charisma, image, sarcasm

->copernicus heliocentric model

- sun is at the centre

- earth orbits like any other planet

-inferior planets orbits are smaller

- retrograde motion occurs when we lap Mars and all the other superior or outer planeys.

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