Manuela Fernando Andres - Seniorcapstoneproductproposalform

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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2018-19

Student Name: Manuela Fernando Andres Period: 4

Topic (a few words): Helping ELD student

Topic in full sentence (identifies the problem): I wil help ELD student to learn Englesh and get
used to the U.S and never forget their culture

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey being for you?)

This teaches me in many things to know more about the life of one or the life of immigrants

**Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

1. Why do foreign students have trouble learning English

2.Why a foreign students have difficultyto pass the classes

3.How to help English language learners in the classroom to motivets peoples to learn English the cultural affects ESL student in their learning

What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to the practicum?
Provide specific details. TO BE COMPLETED AFTER RESEARCH!

I learned how is the life of an ESL student to pass to learn the English language, also how their
culture change can affect them in their prendisajes.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your

Ayudarlos mejorar su Inglés, yo tambien hacer que aprender la idioma

How will you make a difference in other people’s lives from your journey. What impact do you
hope to have?

I believe that people pan to change thinking about things, I also hope that this project can help students fight
for what they want to do in their life and not give up
List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and
every step for completing your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or
transcribed, surveys, phone call logs, etc...). You may add steps/spaces as needed. A few steps
will not do. Think of every possible step.

Step Evidence

Talk with some estudents Photos

Print some word that can help them Photos

Talk with thier teacher Photos

Know thier story recordings

Afterschool tutoring Video

Help the teacher photos

Do test for them Photos

Take them to know the story of the state Video or photos

Help the wih their class homework video

Teach them how to be a American Photos

What organization (if any) will you work with and for what purpose?


Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful challenge for you?

This could find my talent to see if doing these things are the talents that I have helping people
could be one of my talent doing this thing is to help me know what I am good at

How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts,
etc…) Remember that ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be
filmed or have a transcript. Every picture must have a verbal explanation (screencastify?)
Anyone should be able to access your website and be able to understand every step you took.
You saying you did something is not enough. You must have evidence of every step.
Be thorough here!

I will take video and pictures of my evidence

Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________

Accepted As-Is ___________ Accepted With Modifications ____________

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