Dark Knight Trilogy: Batman Begins (2005)

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Dark Knight Trilogy

Batman Begins (2005)

 Good establishing of him being scared of bats flowing to the next scene where he is
destitute in front of his mansion leaving us with a curious question of how he ended
up here.
 Ra’s Al Ghul---League of Shadows---overcome fear and become an ideal
 Love those seamless transitions because they flow into one another---they make
 Training is nothing, the will to act is everything
 The relationship between Bruce and Rachel is strange
 Falcone flooding street with drugs keeping bad rich and good scared
 As a man I can be destroyed, as a symbol, I can be everlasting----the slow reveal and
change in character is really nice
 Bats frighten me, its time my enemies share my dread
 The psychiatrist is the scarecrow
 Batman knows his theatrics well
 The teacher was Ras Al Ghul---plot twist
 Wants to destroy Gotham to purge it ---LOS that has existed for thousands of years
seems too small
 Oof Earle got trolled hard
 Nice ending---flow into the sequel

Batman The Dark Knight (2012)

 That was an amazing introduction to the joke---mastermind, ruthless
 I am not sure what is going on with Rachel---she only seems to be interested in the
 There is a repetition of some lines from the beginning of the movie at the end of the
movie ---I feel like there will be if Batman begins was any indication
 Harvey Dent seems like a good person
 I feel the crazy vibes from the joker
 There is quite a bit of intricate planning wow. Also, Joker is strong because of his
 The hero is not omnipotent. He loses people important to him because he was
outmatched by his opponent, not necessarily through strength.
 He really is trying to prove that everyone will lose civilization ideals when they are in
 Everyone has values, even the good guys, who won’t confirm with the mc’s values
 Sometimes truth is not good enough, sometimes people deserve more, sometimes
people deserve to have their faith rewarded
 Batman turned into a villain by the end of the story, instead of being rewarded for
saving so many lives

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

 Oh they are continuing from the end of the last movie- that’s interesting
 His henchmen are extremely fanatic followers of Bane--- he gave his life up to
deceive the others who see the wreckage
 Harvey Dent Act (8 years after his death) has led to the removal of organized
crime people want to repeal it
 Mayor’s going to dump the war hero (Gordon) in the Springs because its peacetime
 Wow, the butler really cares for Wayne. I would see you with wife and kids, we
wouldn’t talk but I knew you had found sth for yourself.
 Miranda Tate and the thief girl – I guess I don’t trust Miranda
 Bane was trained by Ras Al Ghoul- the LOS/ excommunicated by Ras Al Ghoul
because he was too extreme
 The thief girl is the catwoman
 That guy with blonde hair has connections with Bane
 “You are not Batman anymore. You have to find another way.”
 Alfred finally told the truth about Rachel. About time we stop outsmarting the truth.
 If you want to save the world, you have to start trusting it
 Oh wow, those subtle clues like “plan is going as planned”, scar on Miranda’s back,
her past
 The fight scene is humiliatingly brutal to Batman
 He wants absolute chaos—prime the people to the peak of decadency before setting
off the bomb
 That was a huge plot twist, never mind, the little girl Miranda/ Talia is the child of
Ras Al Ghul----her protector was Bane
 Oh man, the ending has feels
 Omg, he’s alive and we found Robin---amazing ending. I knew it, the butler’s vision
was fulfilled---they used that device to remove their name from every database in
the world and go into hiding and start a new life

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