Scatter Plots Project

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Joseph Sevilla

Period 5

Scatter Plot Project

For my scatter plot project i choose my topics to be how old are

you and the number of siblings you have. For this project we had to
survey people on our topics and we had to have at least 30 people
and make a scatter plot. The thing we have to analyze on this project
was if it had a strong relation, identify if there is any outliers, is there a
causation between the two, and if there are any misinterpretations
people could make from this data .

The relation of the scatter plot is very weak relation between age
and the number of letters in your name. In my scatter plot there are a
lot of outliers because the age and number of letters in your name
there is no relationship between it. There is no causation because if
your age is higher or lower there is no determining on how many
letters are in your name. The mean for x is 16.3 and the mean for y
5.866 bar.

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