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The Light of Guidance

I was coming back from a long journey, and

my seat in the airplane was beside a group
of carefree young men whose loud laughter
Vol. 3 Issue 7 Thu. Feb 14, 2008
and voices were too much. The plane was
completely full and I could not change my
The Truth
I tried to escape from the problem by
sleeping, but it was impossible… When I got
fed up of their noise, I took out my Qur’an,
and started to read what I could of the Holy
Love in Islam
Qur’an in a soft voice. Soon after that these By: Marzia Jaghori
young men started to quiet down. Some of Similarly the way man has physical needs in life
them started to read newspapers, and some of repentance and turning back to God, then he which he strives and struggles to fulfill, the soul too
them fell asleep. fell silent.
has needs that must be satisfied.
Suddenly one of them said in a loud voice, When the plane landed, he stopped me, and
These spiritual needs and urges have been placed by
even though he was sitting right next to me, it seemed that he wanted to keep away from
his companions. He asked me, with a serious the hands of the creator in the depths of the creation’s
“Enough! Enough!”
expression on his face, “Do you think that soul.
I thought that I had disturbed him because my
Man has a natural inclination to find Love, and love
Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

voice was too loud, so I apologized to him God will accept my repentance?” I said,
and carried on reading in a whisper that only “If you are sincere and serious in your in any form towards any object has no valid reality,
I could hear. I saw him holding his head in repentance, then God will forgive all your except when it is for the sake of God.
his hands, then fidgeting in his seat, moving sins.”
a lot. Then he raised his head and said to me He said, “But I have done terrible things, very
angrily, “Please, stop it, I can’t stand it!!” terrible.”
Then he got up from his seat and went away I said, “Have you not heard what God says:
for a while, and then he came back, greeted ‘Say: O my slaves who have transgressed
me with a “Salam”, and apologized. He fell
silent, and I did not know what was going
against themselves (by committing evil
deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy
on. But after a while he turned to me with his of God, verily, God forgives all sins. Truly,
eyes full of tears and said to me in a whisper, He is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful’?” Trust in God – Part 3 –
“For three years or more I have not put my [Holy Qur’an 39:53] “And put thy trust in God and enough is God as a disposer of affairs.” Holy
forehead on the ground, and I have not read I saw him smiling with joy, with his eyes Qur’an (4:18)
even one verse! filled with tears, and then he bade me farewell
The word used in the Holy Qur’an for “trust” is “Tawakkal” which is derived from
For a whole month I have been on this trip, and left.
“Tawakkul”. This is not an excuse for idleness. “Tawakkul” means that you should
and there is no evil action that I did not No matter how great a man’s evil and sin, in
his heart there is a seed of goodness. If only bind the camel with a rope, and then say that you have trust in God that He will
indulge in. Then I saw you reading Holy
Qur’an, and my world turned black and we can reach it and make it grow, it will bear CONT’D ON PAGE 4
my heart was filled with despair. I felt as if fruit.
someone was strangling me… I felt every
verse that you read coming down on my body This seed of goodness is always fighting in
man’s heart, even when it is covered by layers
like a whip.
I said to myself, for how long will this of whims and desires. When God wills good Love Means Imam Hussain (P)
negligence go on? Where will this path lead for His slave, He causes the light of guidance
you? What will happen after all this foolish to shine in his heart and guides him to the ... Witness the confidence in Imam Hussain (P) that is his
play? Then I went to the washroom, do you path of those who are guided. God says:
heart’s separation and independence from this materialistic
know why? “And whomsoever God wills to guide, He
opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever world. This quality is very clear in him. When he left
I had the strong urge to weep, and I could not Medina and reached Karbala, he wrote to his brother
find anywhere else to hide from the people’s He wills to send astray, He makes his
breast closed and constricted, as if he is Muhammed Hanifeh and the rest of his family with such
I spoke to him in general terms about climbing up to the sky” [Holy Qur’an 6:125]

8 The Truth
Love Love Means Imam Hussain (P)
DIGITAL COPY All love directly or indirectly in some way, shape, or
content: “This is a statement from hurt me with their tongue. In such
form is a man’s hope to be in reach of the ultimate
(PDF FORMAT) perfection, which can be nobody but God-the Hussain the son of Ali to Muhammed times I sought refuge to You and You
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE Almighty. the son of Ali and the rest of Hashemite recovered all of that…” (3)
TO THE TRUTH’S From the vast universe to the cosmos, the clouds above tribe who are with him. It seems that
there has never been a world and that Witness the patience of Imam Hussain
MAILING LIST @ our heads to even the most minuscule insects, there is
the hereafter has always existed.”(1) (P) when he had fallen on the warm soil
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. love intertwined within every creation of God. There
Isn’t such a statement a sign that nothing of Karbala; his body was torn up by
is no realm of existence where love does not manifest
COM/GROUP/THET- has been left to the world and that hope injuries from enemy spears and swords;
itself in some way.
RUTH110 God’s Love for Man has completely been entrusted to the his forehead was broken because of the
hereafter? rocks that had been thrown at him; his
It is man’s heart which attracts God’s love towards
Imam Zain Al ‘Abideen Al-Sajjad (P) chest was covered with arrows; an arrow
mankind more than any other creature.
says: “As time was passing and the battle had hit beneath his throat and another
The angels cannot feel the intensity of God’s love as
was getting harder for Hussain, his face arrows had ripped his side; his tongue
IF YOU WANT ANY the humans can due to the fact that they cannot undergo
got brighter and his confidence increased was attached to his mouth from thirst;
wrath, severity, and detachment like man can. And the

Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

until some enemies told each other: ‘See his heart was broken from the death of
animals cannot feel love in the way man is capable
PUBLISHED PLEASE because they cannot experience beauty, tenderness, and how fearless Hussain is for his own his companions and his unprotected
SEND US AN E-MAIL. proximity suitably. All the conflicting celestial qualities death’...”(2) family. The sound of women and children
Another example of Imam Hussain’s (P) screaming for help from one hand and the
are brought jointly within man, nearness, distance,
piety is his recitation of the Qur’an and laughter of enemies over what they had
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE gentleness, and severity.
his prayer. The only reason he asked from done on the other. Consider all of these;
“Surely my lord is all-merciful, all-love.”
HAVE THE RIGHT the enemy to postpone the start of battle Imam Hussain (P) did not complain nor
Holy Quran (11:90)
TO ACCEPT, “I have turned my face towards him who created by one day was to have an extra night cried for all the agony. He continuously
EDIT OR REFUSE the heavens and the earth…” of prayer and worship God. In that night said: “My Lord, I am patient of Your
ANY CONTENT. Holy Quran (6:79) thirty soldiers were guided and came to destiny to me and there is no one to
Perfection Imam Hussain (P) after hearing the sound be worshiped except You; indeed, You
of his worship. They were eventually are the only Shelter of those who seek
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Human nature seeks flawlessness and beauty, and God
martyred. refuge.” (4)
is the absolute perfection and eternal beauty. When
HASSAN TABATABAI one is in deep infatuation with someone or something,
EDITOR: whatever the field to which they belong and whatever Imam Hussain (P) was continuously That is why we read in the dua of Imam
AHMAD AL NAJJAR the object of their love, since they identify perfection remembering God and reciting the Hussain (P): “The angels of sky were
Holy Qur’an from the time he faced the indeed impressed by you patience.” (5)
DESIGNED BY: with them, they concentrate all their attention to their
enemies in the battle till his head was
NAGI GIRGUIS beloved. They long for an absolute magnificence
raised on a spear; even when his mouth Peace be upon Hussain, the oppressed;
and perfection which has no defect. If they reach
anything greater than it, their heart turns away from had dried because of thirst. Imam Hussain Peace be upon Hussain, the martyr...
PLEASE SEND US the original ideal and towards another superior one. (P) prayed to God on the morning of his
YOUR FEEDBACKS, One by one, every man’s objects of desire will show last day, the morning of Ashura in the (Reference: Khasa’is al-Husainieh by
COMMENTS, their unfaithfulness, and man, with a broken heart, following manner: “O God! You are Sheikh Ja’far Shooshtari)
my shelter in any distress and my only
AND SUGGESTIONS will turn his love elsewhere. There is no other beloved
hope at the time of misery. You are Footnotes:
TO THE FOLLOWING except the perfect being towards whom human nature 1- Kamel al-Ziaraat, Baab 24, Narration 16
is directed, the only beloved that will not disappoint my only protection in any tragedy. I
2- Ma’ani al-Akhbar, p. 288
E-MAIL: anyone eternally. All other love which is love for others had many catastrophes in which hopes 3- Irshad Sheikh Mufid, Vol. 2, p. 96 than God originates from love for him, in due course, were lost, solutions were impossible, 4- Yanabi’ al-Mawadat, Vol. 3, p. 82
leads to him. friends had left me and enemies 5- Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 98, p. 322

2 The Truth The Truth 7

Fundamentals of Islam Divine Justice
in Islam
“God bears witness that there is no God but Him-(and so do) the angels,
and possessors of knowledge-upholding justice; there is no god but Him, How to Reciprocate God’s Love so only God can be the
the All-mighty, the All-wise.” (Holy Quran 3:18) Act in a Manner that would Please God core of his adoration.
“God is never unjust in the least degree.” (Holy Quran 4:40) Aside from the fact that one who loves Imam Ali (Peace be
The above verses summarize the second fundamental of Islam, which is the
God is loved by him, a real love for God upon him) once said:
Divine Justice. According to Islamic beliefs, justice is an important attribute
of God, the Glorified. He does not do injustice to anyone, nor does He deny prompts one to prove that if someone “Blessed is he who sincerely devotes the
anything beneficial to His servants. Surely, inequity is something bad and really loves him he would act in a entirety of his actions, knowledge, love,
an expression of faultiness. Only the weak and needy do injustices and seek control over them, or make manner that would please him. God says hatred, receiving, relinquishing, speech,
them a means to their purposes. Sometimes the oppressor is not aware that such a deed is ugly and unfair. to Prophet Muhammed (May Allah’s silence, deeds, and statements absolutely
God, the Glorified is contrarily the Powerful, the Independent and the All-knowing. He does not resort to Peace and Blessings be upon him and his to Allah.”
injustice because he does not need to nor is He unaware of it. He is the Just Who created, on the basis of
Progeny) to tell the people in the Quran: Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, vol.77,
justice and right, the heavens and the earth and life existing on it.
God says: “...and your Lord shall not wrong anyone.” (Holy Quran 18:49) “Say, if you love God, then follow me, p.289.
He does not coerce man to do something then punishes him for it, nor does He order man to do something and God will love you and forgive you Imam Al-Sadiq (P) said once, “The
above his ability. When something is verified to be of great benefit to man in God’s wisdom, He ordains it. your sins, and God is forgiving and heart is the sanctuary of God; therefore
That is why He sent the Prophets and revealed the religion to save people and guide them to the right path. Merciful” do not settle therein anything but God.”
God’s justice is manifested in everything, for example: Holy Quran (3:31) Al-Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 70, p.25.
1. Creation Invocation If God asks us to give our lives to protect

Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

He does not do injustice to anyone in respect to His creation. God’s justice is seen in the order of man’s
body. He creates him in a way that makes him live on earth, and grants him hearing, sight, emotions,
Through invocation one can gradually lift innocent lives or our country or anything
mind, and the ability to move and walk. himself from the material world into the similar to that, we shouldn’t let our love
2. Destiny next world. A lover enjoys talking to his for this world or any other distraction i.e.
God causes death, provision, events that befall man and everything else on the basis of justice. God beloved, strives at every chance to do so, family, wealth, power, etc. avert us from
compensates people for the pains they suffer in this life, as willed by Him, by granting them grace and feels the pain of separation when they striving in his way.
weighing more than the pains. He does that for the benefit of His servants even though they may not are not in proximity of their beloved.
realize it.
3. Obligations and Laws
“Remember the name of the lord at Imam Hussain ibn Ali (P) Said: “Oh
Divine obligations and laws are distinguished by being just. God, the Just, does not impose any duty on morning and evening.” God, I have left the world in Your love. I
His servants that is above their abilities. God, the Glorified, says: Holy Quran (76:25) am ready to make my children orphans
“God does not charge a soul but according to its ability...” (Holy Quran 2:286) Nothing should come into conflict with in Your love. My heart could not divert
Then all the obligations are within man’s capability. your love for God towards anybody but You even if you cut
3. Freedom of choice: Man must separate God from imitative my body into pieces in Your Love. ”
God imparts to man the ability to choose. Man can freely choose for himself. He can do good by helping
beloveds, enhance his seeking and need Love is the most important principle of
the poor, respecting parents, offering prayers and discharging justice. On the other hand, he can do evil
like harming others, killing, lying, or stealing. God never forces anyone to do anything. For, if He did through spiritual discipline under the existence in the real world.
so, man would by no means deserve rewards or punishment. Being free to choose, man is rewarded or guidance of an educated, and wipe out all No one is more worthy of love and
punished in proportion to his good or evil deeds. Those who are evil are punished and those who are good things other than God, including himself, genuine affection than the divine being.
are rewarded.
“And We have shown him the two ways (of good and evil)” (Holy Quran 90:10) The Holy Quran Amazes a Sailor
And He, the High, also says: “Surely, We have shown him the way: he may be thankful or “(The unbelievers’ state) is like a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with waves, one over
unthankful”. (Holy Quran 76:3) the other, and above it is a cloud of darkness upon darkness, one above another; if a
4. Punishment and Reward in the Hereafter: man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it; For anyone to whom Allah gives no
The good and upright one gets what he deserves from God’s grace and the evil doer is punished according light, there is no light.” (Holy Quran 24:40)
to his bad deeds. Should this principle be abolished, then the doer of good and the doer of evil become Gary Miller in his book, “The Amazing Quran” stated the following story: A Muslim
equal. And this is injustice to which God is most certainly above: gave a copy of the Holy Quran to a man who was a merchant marine. This man knew nothing
“...and that every soul may be rewarded for what it has earned and they shall not be wronged”. about the history of Islam. When he finished reading the Holy Quran, he asked his Muslim friend:
(Holy Quran 45:22) “This man Muhammed (M), was he a sailor?” When he was told that Muhammed (M) lived in a
Everyone is responsible for his/her own deeds. desert and probably did not even see an ocean during his whole life, he embraced Islam on the spot.
God never punishes anyone for something someone else has done, except when he is the one who induced He acknowledged that this description of the Holy Quran could only be described by one who had
the other to do it. In such case he is viewed an accomplice in doing the foul deed. The most High says: actually seen sea storms many times, whereas Muhammed (M) never witnessed this phenomenon.
“...and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another...” (Holy Quran 6:164)

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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– Part 3 –
From PAGE 1
protect your camel. You should not have you thank Allah even when you do not burdens of almost inevitable when he was asked by the
confidence in the rope only, because many succeed? Because success or failure persecutions with great patience; Holy Prophet (M) to sleep in
camels have been stolen together with are not your responsibility. You were Prophet Muhammad (M) faced his (Prophet’s) bed, so that the
their ropes; and, likewise, you should not expected to do your best - and you did it. them with cheerfulness and Prophet (M) could leave Mecca
neglect the rope, because binding with Be thankful to Allah that you were able to thankfulness. The difference while his would-be killer (who
the rope is a part of “Tawakkul” or trust perform what was expected from you. It between these two attitudes is ringed his house) thought that
in God. So basically, you attach the rope is your efforts which matter. Success or clear enough. he was sleeping in his bed. His
and then put your trust in God and hope failure is not your providence. Not only this. His closest only question was: “Will your
that nothing happens and not just leave the Thankfulness to Allah people also thought of these hardships life be saved if I sleep in this bed?” When
camel and expect that it will not go away “And be thankful to Me; and do not be as a sign of grace of God. Had not God assured that it was the promise of God, he
because you put your trust in God. ungrateful.” Holy Qur’an (2:152) chosen them to bear such heavy burdens prostrated to God, thanking Him that He
So this is the spirit of Tawakkul or trust in Thankfulness of God is one of the highest in His cause? Was it not a sign of His made his (Ali’s) life a ransom for the life
Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

Thursday, February 14, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 7

God. We are to try our best; and then we virtues which a man could aspire for. It is pleasure with them? It was this thought of the Holy Prophet (M).
should have trust in God that He will make easy to be thankful when one had an easy which made them face cheerfully all kind Footnotes:
our work succeed. It is a sheer nonsense life, a prospering business, a respectful job of persecutions inflicted by the enemies of (M) May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him
and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet Muhammed
to sit idle and say that Allah will do all our and a happy family. It is a different story God. It was this feeling which made Imam (P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels,
work for us. He says in the Holy Qur’an: when things are not going as desired. Most Ali (P) Not only ‘patient’ but ‘thankful’ Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies.
“And that man can have nothing but of us, in such situations, remain obsessed
what he strives for.” (53:39) with sorrow, forgetting countless bounties The Structural Differences between
A high standard of Tawakkul or confidence of God which we are bestowed with, even the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars
in God was set when Imam Ali (P) asked at the time of that tragedy. Perhaps it is By: Harun Yahya
We built seven firm layers above you. We installed a blazing
some idle persons who they were. “We this tendency which is mentioned in the
lamp. (Holy Qur’an, 78:12-13)
are those who have confidence in Allah”, Qur’an in these words: “And few amongst As we know, the only source of light in the Solar System is the Sun.
came the answer. Imam Ali asked: “How my servants are grateful.” With advances in technology, astronomers discovered that the Moon
is your confidence in Allah?” They It is even more difficult to be grateful in was not a source of light but that it merely reflects the light reaching
said: “We eat when we get food; and such heart-breaking situations which a it from the Sun. The expression “lamp” in the above verse is a translation of the Arabic word “sirajan,”

which most perfectly describes the Sun, the source of light and heat.
we have patience when we do not get man of God has to face in his struggle
In the Holy Qur’an, God employs different words when referring to such celestial bodies as the Moon,
it.” Imam Ali retorted: “Yes! That was to lead his people on the right path (like the Sun and the stars. This is how the differences between the structures of the Sun and Moon are
the very nature of a dog.” Stunned, they the condition which our Holy Prophet expressed in the Holy Qur’an:
asked him to explain the true meaning of Mohammed had to contend with). He Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers, and placed the moon as a light in them
Tawakkul in contrast to their own belief. faced abuse of the community and the and made the sun a blazing lamp? (Holy Qur’an, 71:15-16)
Imam Ali (P) said: “When we get, we give wrath of tribal heads. Children used to In the above verse, the word “light” is used for the Moon (“nooran” in Arabic) and the word “lamp”
for the Sun (“sirajan” in Arabic.) The word used for the Moon refers to a light-reflecting, bright,
to others; when we do not get, we thank throw stones on him, women scattered motionless body. The word used for the Sun refers to a celestial body which is always burning, a
Allah.” thorny bushes in his path. And he constant source of heat and light.
It means that you are to try your best to remained cheerful and thankful to God. On the other hand, the word “star” comes from the Arabic root “nejeme,” meaning “appearing,
improve your condition; but you should When a man asked him why did he emerging, visible.” As in the verse below, stars are also referred to by the word “thaqib,” which is used
not trust your own power and wisdom. pray whole nights and fasted almost for that which shines and pierces the darkness with light: self-consuming and burning:
It is the star that pierces through darkness! (Holy Qur’an, 86:3)
Have confidence in Allah that he will make continuously, when he had so much
We now know that the Moon does not emit its own light but reflects that reaching it from the Sun. We
your efforts fruitful. Then, if you succeed, work to do every day, the Prophet simply also know that the Sun and stars do emit their own light. These facts were revealed in the Qur’an in an
try to help your fellow brethren with the asked: “Should I not be a thankful age when mankind simply did not have the means to make scientific discoveries of their own accord. It
fruits of your labor; and if you fail; then servant of Allah?” Many examples was an age when peoples’ knowledge of celestial bodies was severely restricted, to say the least. This

also be thankful to Allah. But why should can be found of men of God bearing the further emphasizes the miraculous nature of the book of Islam.

The Truth The Truth

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