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T h e S u n ’s Tr a j e c t o r y

By: Harun Yahya

It is stressed in the Holy Qur’an
that the Sun and Moon follow specific
trajectories: Vol. 3 Issue 8 Thu. Feb 21, 2008
It is He Who created night and day and
the sun and moon, each one swimming
The Truth
in a sphere. (Holy Qur’an, 21:33)
The word “swim” in the above
Fundamentals of Islam Prophethood
verse is expressed in Arabic by the
word “sabaha” and is used to describe Throughout history, many guides from
the movement of the Sun in space. The among the people were sent for the welfare
word means that the Sun does not move Qur’an were only discovered by means of of humanity. These guides were known as
randomly through space but that it rotates astronomical advances in our own time. prophets, or messengers from God. These
around its axis and follows a course as it guides onto mankind were sent with various
According to astronomers’ calculations,
does so. The fact that the Sun is not fixed gifts for the human race. The first refers
the Sun moves along a path known as the
in position but rather follows a specific to divine revelation, which consists of
Solar Apex in the path of the star Vega religions and laws concerning all aspects
trajectory is also stated in another verse:
Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

at an incredible speed of 720,000 kmph. of our everyday lives. The second refers
And the sun runs to its resting place. In rough terms, this shows that the Sun to miracles. These miracles have come in
That is the decree of the Almighty, the traverses some 17.28 million km a day.
All-Knowing. (Holy Qur’an, 36:38) As well as the Sun itself, all the planets CONT’D ON PAGE 2
and satellites within its gravitational field
These facts set out in the Holy also travel the same distance.

Giving it Away Which one is Stronger?

Your Feet or Your Car? God
Be with God – Part 4 –
“And God is with you where so ever you may be.” Holy Qur’an (57:4)

A man was saying that: God is everywhere. No space or time is without Him; yet He is independent of time
Once upon a time, at the end of and space. He is Omnipresent; and His love protects us from harm in this world as in the life
Look at a car. After
the afternoon prayer, Prophet Muhammed hereafter.
few years of driving you have to change
(M) hastily got up and, stepping over the
the tires. But look at your feet, all your life CONT’D ON PAGE 4
shoulders of the people, went to the house
you walk with them but don’t need to keep
of one of his wives. People, not knowing
changing them. Then look at the joints of
what the necessity was, were confused
machines. If they are not regularly lubricated
over his rush. On his return, he perceived
using chemicals, then you will hear annoying Orbits and the Rotating Universe
the people’s anxiety and explained that he
scratching sounds coming out of them.
had suddenly remembered leaving behind a
But look your joints in the body, we never
piece of gold in the house and he was afraid
lubricate them yet they function perfectly By: Harun Yahya
(lest his death should take place while
without making any scratching sounds. These
he owned a piece of gold; which would
are indeed the signs of God. One of the most important reasons for the great equilibrium in
become objectionable for him on the Day
“Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the the universe is the fact that celestial bodies follow specific paths.
of Judgment). So, he had hurried home to
earth and (in) the difference of night and Stars, planets and satellites all rotate around their own axes and
tell them to distribute it to the poor and
day are signs (of His Sovereignty) for men also rotate together with the system of which they are part. The
needy immediately.
of understanding...” (Holy Quran 2:190) CONT’D ON PAGE 7

8 The Truth
Fundamentals of Islam Orbits and the Rotating Universe
From AGE 1
P From PAGE 1
DIGITAL COPY many forms. In some cases, it has come in the form of a
universe functions within a finely-tuned order,
physical phenomenon such as the case of the parting of the
(PDF FORMAT) Red Sea or the miracles of Jesus. In other cases, miracles just like the wheels in a factory.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE have come in the form of spiritual and intellectual gifts, There are more than 100 billion galaxies in
TO THE TRUTH’S such as the Prophet Muhammed. His miracle was the Holy the visible universe and each small galaxy
Book, i.e. the Qur’an as well as his holy household.
MAILING LIST @ contains approximately a billion stars.
Furthermore, each big galaxy contains more
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. God Almighty chose to present these miracles in different
than a trillion. [1] Many of these stars have
COM/GROUP/THET- forms in correspondence to the time it was sent. For
planets and many of those planets have
example, during the time of Prophet Jesus the people of
RUTH110 that period were the most successful in medicine and cures. satellites. All these celestial bodies follow the
So Almighty God sent Jesus with the gift of curing the ill most finely calculated paths and orbits. For
to prove that Jesus was performing these outstanding acts millions of years, each one
through God’s will. has been moving in its own Like many other comets in the universe,
path in flawless harmony Halley’s comet, seen above, also moves in
IF YOU WANT ANY In the case of Prophet Moses, the people of that time were with all the others. In addition a planned orbit. It has a specific orbit and
it moves in this orbit in a perfect harmony
MATERIAL TO BE successful in performing different forms of sorcery, so God to these, there are also a great

Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

with other celestial bodies.

sent Moses with the gift of magic such as transforming his many comets moving along
PUBLISHED PLEASE staff into a snake. in their own pre-determined All celestial bodies—including planets,
SEND US AN E-MAIL. paths. satellites of these planets, stars and even
Finally in the case of Prophet Muhammed, the Arabs of that galaxies—have their own orbits that
time were proud of their success in poetry and other forms In addition, the paths in the have been determined with very delicate
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE of literature. So, God sent the Holy Qur’an and asked the universe are not restricted to computations. The One Who established this
perfect order and maintains it is Allah, Who
HAVE THE RIGHT prominent Arabs of that time to create a book similar to it if a few celestial bodies. The created the entire universe.
Solar System and even other galaxies also
TO ACCEPT, they were able to.
exhibit considerable motion around other
EDIT OR REFUSE Finally, the Prophets of God were sent with scriptures. centers. Every year, Earth, and the Solar is that they also rotate around their own
ANY CONTENT. These scriptures contained the divine laws that deal with System with it, move some 500 million km axes. The verse which reads “[I swear] by
social, economic, and all other factors that deal with our from where they were the previous year. It Heaven with its cyclical systems,” (Holy
lives. In addition, they contain stories of people before us has been calculated that even the slightest Qur’an, 86:11) indicates this truth. Naturally,
EDITOR IN CHIEF: so we may learn from their downfalls. Parables are also deviation from celestial bodies’ paths could at the time when the Qur’an was revealed,
HASSAN TABATABAI common, especially in the case of the Holy Qur’an where have drastic consequences which might spell people had no telescopes with which to study
EDITOR: God gives his servants examples and comparisons from the end of the entire system. For example, the bodies millions of kilometers away in space,
which to gain a clearer understanding. advanced observation technology or our
AHMAD AL NAJJAR consequences of the earth’s deviating from its
modern knowledge of physics and astronomy.
course by a mere 3 mm have been described
DESIGNED BY: Prophets serve as models, be it thousands of years ago when
in one source as follows: It was therefore impossible to establish that
the Prophets were alive, or in present time, as an example
NAGI GIRGUIS for people of all races and all ages, to help them attain While rotating around the sun, the earth
space had “its oscillating orbits,” (Holy
Qur’an, 51:7) as described in the verse. The
communion with God and to guide them on the right path. follows such an orbit that, every 18 miles, it
Holy Qur’an however, revealed at that time,
PLEASE SEND US only deviates 2.8 millimetres from a direct
provided clear information concerning that
Infallibility was an essential trait for the messengers of God course. The orbit followed by the earth
YOUR FEEDBACKS, because if they were subject to sin, they would misguide never changes, because even a deviation
fact. This is proof that this book is indeed
COMMENTS, their people. Prophets didn’t live in luxurious homes or live of 3 millimetres would cause catastrophic
God’s Words.
AND SUGGESTIONS like kings. On the contrary, they lived like any other human disasters: If the deviation were 2.5 mm instead
being of that time, if not with the lower class.
TO THE FOLLOWING of 2.8 mm, then the orbit would be very large, Footnotes:
They were chosen from among the people because of their and all of us would freeze. If the deviation [1] World Book Encyclopedia, 2003; contributor:
E-MAIL: humbleness and there hate for materialism. These qualities were 3.1 mm, we would be scorched to death. Kenneth Brecher, Ph.D., Professor of Astronomy and were selected as an example of what a perfect person should [2] Physics, Boston University.
[2] Bilim ve Teknik (Journal of Science and
be like. Another characteristic of heavenly bodies Technology), July 1983.

2 The Truth The Truth 7

What are We Proud of? A Short Introduction to Proud to be you?
History has portrayed the fall of the most Islam
Long ago, there
powerful kings such as Alexander, Pharos lived a very
and Cesar, despite their fast tracking proud King. This
victories. Hence the transient victories King loved a
are not something one can rely on, and specific perfume
count them as signs of dignity. and never went
Hospitals show us how strong individuals anywhere without
and athletes can be weakened due to an putting it on.
illness or accident. This makes us realize One day as he
that physical power and strength cannot By: Masooma Beatty proudly applied
be man’s pride. Islam was not born in the 7th century A.D. the perfume, a tiny droplet fell to the
The wealthiest men may turn into the Rather, it is the same religion that God revealed ground. Unable to resist, the King touched
poorest by a simple event such as fire. Thus, wealth too cannot be man’s pride. through His messengers (P) to every people. the droplet and wiped it on his clothes.
Powerful politicians and leaders have ended up in jails or have been executed due to changes in Islam sometimes seems strange to non-Muslims Just then, as he looked around him, he
because it is a religion which impacts every part realized that his minister was watching him
politics of their country. And so, rural and political power is not dependable either....
of life, from eating and sleeping to working and in amazement. Guilty and embarrassed,
Let’s look at our own lives carefully. A human being is weak from the moment of his birth, playing. It is not only a personal religion, but
where even the simplest tasks such as controlling saliva from falling out of his mouth seem the King ordered him to build a pool of the
also a social one.
same perfume. The minister only replied

Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

impossible. In his old years, walking becomes unbearable for him. If he is able to use his hands Muslims seek to live in accordance with God’s
and legs, he will have to take several breaks for a short walking distance. And if he is not able “Your Majesty, what goes away with a
laws. By doing so, they strive to obtain nearness
to use his legs, he will need a wheel chair and an aid to help him move around. drop cannot be replaced by constructing a
to God and victory over temporary trials and
Therefore, a person who began his life from being nothing but a sperm, and ends his life with temptations in this world. All aspects of their pool.” The King’s pride decreased by his
practice including prayer, fasting, charity, and actions (imagine a King so high and mighty
death, should not take pride unto himself and act selfishly toward others.
pilgrimage are intended to help meet this goal. running after a tiny droplet.)
It is upon this matter that our master Imam Muhammed Baqir (P), who is the fifth successor of
Although strict by secular standards, Islam is not So, instead, he tried to justify his actions by
Prophet Muhammed (M), has said,
an ascetic religion. Islam requires its followers building a pool (which is expected from a
“I am surprised at him who brags about himself! He was created from a worthless sperm,
to be active participants in their communities. King.) Pride, to think you are better than
and he will end as a dead corpse. While amidst these he does not know what fate will fall others, is a source of many evils. You can
Muslims believe that God is One, indivisible,
upon him, nor what will happen to him.”(1) and they believe in all the Prophets of the be proud of so many things from wealth
So what does man have to brag about? What is he so proud of? How can he think himself better Christians and Jews including Adam, Noah, and other material items, to knowledge,
than others? Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, worship, and other spiritual acts. Pride
(Selection taken from Morals in the Holy Quran by Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi) Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, shows that you have an inferiority complex
Footnotes: John the Baptist, and Jesus (P). Muslims also
(P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels, Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies.
and you use pride to cover up your sense
recognize another Prophet named Muhammed of insecurity. Pride doesn’t bring honor.
(1) Usul al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 329
(M), who is a direct descendant of Abraham Instead, it brings disgrace and hatred from
through his first born son, Ishmael. His people. People feel hatred towards those
A Water Miracle prophethood is prophesied in the Bible in who love self-praise and are inconsiderate
several places, including Deut 18:18 and John
One day, the companions of Prophet Muhammed (M) submitted to him their about other people’s dignity.
complaint about thirst during a journey. The Prophet (M) got down from When a person is proud, he forgets about
The Qur’an is the holy book of Muslims.
his conveyance and ordered Imam Ali (P) and another person to go and others and only cares for himself. Pride
It contains many stories that are familiar to
search for water. So, they went accordingly. They met a woman possessing Christians and Jews. It was not created by man especially displeases God. God didn’t
two small water-skins containing water. They brought her to the Prophet but was revealed to the Prophet Muhammed create us to feel superior over others. A
(M). Prophet Muhammed (M) asked for a pot to be brought and poured (M) through the Angel Gabriel at the command person even begins to feel superior over
in it the water of both the water-skins and asked the companions to drink from it. One of of God. It contains no scientific fallacies or God! God, alone, has the right for pride,
the companions stated: “We, the forty thirsty men drank water from it very well and internal contradictions. In fact, it contains since He is the creator of all things. Keep
we filled all our pots and water-skins with water. I swear by Allah Almighty that the much scientific knowledge discovered by this saying in mind before you have the urge
water-skins (of the woman) seemed to be more full with water than before.” scientists only in this century. The Qur’an is an to boast: “Two things cause people to be
God is able to suffice 40 thirsty people plus fill all their water pots and containers from unparalleled Arabic literary masterpiece and it is destroyed: fear of poverty and seeking
water that wouldn’t be enough for one person. the true word of God. support through pride.”

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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– Part 4 –
From PAGE 1
But this relationship with God should the plant down and he fell in the mouth of the this world and in the life hereafter; and thus Do not miss this golden opportunity. Go and
not be one-sided. No doubt, God is with us. serpent. it goes on till the end. pray in the presence of God. He is great! Our
The vital question is: “Are we with God?” If problem, our worries, our difficulties - all will
a grown up son misbehaves and still demands We are that man; this world is that well; Athan is not just a symbol. It is a be solved in the best way, if we ask our loving
the same parental affection which is enjoyed the plant in midway is our life; which is being sermon in clear words. It not only calls a man Allah to solve them for us. Not only that. Our
by his courteous and obedient brother, he is coded away by every passing night and day for prayers; it also explains why he should joy, our achievement, our success - nothing
just deceiving himself. Likewise, some people - the black and white mice; death is the serpent pray, and to whom should he pray. It reminds actually matters. Allah only is great. Let us
fail to realize that there is no such thing as waiting for us. The honey represents the the hearers about God; and about man’s communicate with him. Only his benevolent
“one-sided companionship”. And if we want pleasantries of this world, for which we quarrel obligation towards Him. And after these love and care can bring us to prosperity in this
to be sure that God is with us, we must be sure with other people- the bees, and are bitten by explanations, it exhorts the believers to offer world and in the life hereafter.
that we are with God. It means that we have to them. What makes our plight more tragic is their humble prayers, with full knowledge and
prove our love towards God, if we want to be the fact that rescue is never very far. It just understanding, in the presence of God.
worthy of the love of God. In other words, we requires a little effort on our path to reach the God is the Greatest! Nothing else matters. (M) May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon
safety and security provided by the loving care Allah is calling you. Leave aside your worldly him and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet Muhammed
Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

Thursday, February 21, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 8

must also know our responsibilities towards
God and His creatures, and try to fulfill them. of Allah. We may easily reach to God and be affair. Forget your business arrangements.
safe forever. Or, on the other hand, we may be
As a first step to reach this goal, we destroyed by death. The choice is ours.
must realize that we are too much entangled
Allah o Akbar
Sayings of Imam Ali Al-Ridha (P)
in our worldly affairs to spare a moment
to remember God. We are not preparing
‘Allah o Akbar (God is Greatest).’ • The best and most respected
ourselves to meet God at all. Shaykh as Sadiq,
one of the greatest Muslim scholars, has given Five times in 24 hours the call comes virtue of a man is to do good and
a very good parable to throw light on this facet from the minarets of the mosques: Allaho to fulfill the desires of the needy.
of our life. Akbar. This is the Athan, which is meant • You should avoid the generosity
A man slipped down from the brink of to announce the time of prayer. Right at that results in the greater loss to
a deep well. Fortunately, a plant had grown the call of Athan, Muslims are expected to you than the benefits received by
in the wall of the well, and while falling down gather in the mosques. It is a matter of pride your brethren.
his hands clutched a branch of that plant. that we are called by God to his audience. It
• The one who is sure about the

After the initial shock, he began looking up shows his love towards His creatures that
He has provided us with an opportunity to divine rewards will be more
and down. What he saw, was enough to make
communicate with Him. He has opened His generous.
him scared. A huge serpent, in the depth of
the well, was waiting for him to fall down. house for us, let us not be late or absent from
His presence. • He who adopts someone as a brother in order to provide Allah's consent
Desperately, he decided to remain where he
will be given a chamber in paradise.
was and then saw, to his horror, that two mice Athan begins with the phrase - Allaho
- one black, another white - were busy cutting Akbar (God is the Greatest); it ends with • Giving alms is the most valuable savings.
the root of that plant. He lost his hope. Then the phrase - La Ilaha illallah (None is to be
he looked up, and his heart was full of hope. worshipped but Allah). It begins with the • To be patient in the face of hardships is a virtue but to refrain from
He was not very far from the rim of the well name of Allah; it ends in the name of Allah. forbidden deeds is a greater one.
and, by a little judicious effort could reach to We are reminded that Allah is the beginning
safety very easily. Then he saw a beehive in and Allah is the end. Between these two • Patience and resignation are considered as the worthiest devotions.
that plant. And forgetting his tragic position, phrases the Muathin (the one who does the
he began eating the honey. Of course, the • True devotion not only means performing many prayers and observing the
Athan) bears witness to the unity of God; and
bees did not like it and began stinging him, but to the apostle ship of Muhammed (M), the
fast. One ought to meditate on the divinity profoundly.
he remained oblivious of all the troubles. A Holy Prophet. Then he exhorts the believers:

short time after, the mice succeeded in cutting Come for prayer; Come for prosperity (in
The Truth The Truth

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