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Picking a Topic for Writing Your

Research Papers on Alcoholism

Jason Burrey


Alcoholism is a major issue in many parts of the world. It is the most severe form of

alcohol abuse. A person can’t control their drinking habits. Alcoholism is a disease,
and if it isn’t treated, it is difficult to control and manage. People suffering from
alcohol abuse feel that they can’t function without having a sip. This can lead to
health problems, personal issues, and social problems. When it becomes an obsession,
focusing on the daily pleasures is stressful. For such a problematic topic, writing
research papers on alcoholism seems like a topic that needs discussion. When writing
about alcoholism, the lecturer can give you a specific topic, or you will have to pick
one for yourself. We will focus on the major topics you should focus on to make your
paper unique and a success.
What is Alcoholism?

It is a disease, a pattern of abusing alcohol which involves tolerance and withdrawal

from alcohol, making a person unable to manage drinking habits.

Particular patterns and symptoms may vary from one individual to another. To be

called an alcoholic, a person doesn’t have to drink every day. However, it is possible
to abuse alcohol over a short time. College students drink heavily compared to other
age groups. The extent to which someone can drink and measure the effects of the
alcohol can be a good sign of an alcoholic problem.

Reasons Why People Drink

Stress: People rely on alcohol to relieve stressors of life such as work, school,
relationships, money and other things. The irony of it is that, when people drink, the
problems tend to seem worse than they which makes them decisions that they
wouldn’t make if they not under the influence. Depending on alcohol to numb your
problems can lead to alcoholism.

Peer pressure: People want to fit in society and groups. Peer pressure is one of the
reasons why people drink. If you go somewhere people are drinking, you could end up
drinking to avoid feeling out of place. What’s worse is someone pushing a drink to
your face.

To feel good and for fun: People who feel nervous in social settings tend to drink to
loosen up. Others do it just for fun. It is a good way to pass the time and enjoy
yourself with friends.

What are the consequences of alcoholism?

People who abuse alcohol have higher chances of getting into an unnecessary fight.
They have relationship issues, arguments, and sexual problems which lead to a lack of
trust in a relationship. For other people, the alcohol could affect their careers. Turning
up to work smelling of alcohol is never a good sign. Someone can’t focus and
concentrate while working which can put the company and business at risk. Other
problems which may occur are health issues, money problems, friends and family may
disown you. Alcoholism can lead to death.

Other topics to write on research papers on alcoholism

Below is a list of interesting topics you can choose when writing a paper on
 Signs and symptoms of an alcoholic
 Causes of alcoholism
 Male and female drinking patterns
 How to reduce underage drinking
 Teenagehood and binge drinking
 What role does alcoholics anonymous play?
 How does alcohol affect your self-esteem?
 Advertising alcoholic beverages

If you’re writing research papers on alcoholism, remember that the Internet has a lot

of data and statistics on the topic. It can get overwhelming what to write about and
what to ignore. Statistics give your paper authority making you look like you know
what you are writing about. Remember to fact check before throwing numbers on
your paper.

Another important thing, don’t plagiarize the content you decide to use from the

internet. You must reference your work with correct citations. Your ideas should be
put forth in a clear way, making it easy for the reader. Your professor and other
colleagues may read your paper, so support your arguments with facts.

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