The Truth Volume3 Issue12

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Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (P) Sayings Regarding

• Knowledge is a shield, truthfulness is might,
Vol. 3 Issue 12 Thu. Mar 20, 2008
The Truth
ignorance is abasement, understanding is glory,
generosity is success, good behavior causes
friendship, he who has knowledge about his time,
ambiguous things do not attack him.
• Whoever attacks a matter without knowledge cuts The Diameters of the Earth and Space
off his own nose. By: Harun Yahya
• Verily, knowledge is a lock and its key is the
Company of jinn and men, if you are able to pierce
through the confines of the heavens and earth,
• Allah does not accept any act without knowledge, there is no knowledge without
pierce through them. You will not pierce through
act, so whoever knows, knowledge leads him to act, and whoever does not act gets no except with a clear authority. (Holy Qur’an, 55:33)
knowledge, but belief is a little of a little. The Arabic word translated as «confines» in the above
• Enough for the fear of Allah is knowledge, and enough for self-importance is verse is «aqtar.” This is the plural form of the word
ignorance. “qutr,” meaning diameter and refers to the skies and
• Indeed, the most knowledge of all men in Allah is the most satisfied of them with the Earth having many diameters. It is possible in
Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

death. Arabic to tell from the form in which a word is used

whether it is singular, plural (more than two), or
Edwin Hubble employed in a dual form. Therefore, the form of the
The Mercy of the Merciful Prophet CONT’D ON PAGE 2

A Bedouin came to the messenger of

God, Muhammed (M) and told him, The Humbleness of Prophet Muhammed
“Give me from what God gave you,
not from the wealth of your mother and His Household
or from the wealth of your father.” The Messenger of God, Muhammed, narrates: An
People were furious at the man and Angel came down to me who had neither descended on
step forward to discipline him for any Prophet before me nor will descend on anyone after
what he said. Prophet Muhammed me. He was Israfil and was accompanied by Jibrail. He
(M) commanded everyone to leave said: Peace be upon you o Muhammed (M)! Then, he
him. went on to say: I am an envoy from your lord to you; He
Then by the hand, the messenger of ordered me to appoint you as a Prophet and as a servant
God (M) took him home, opened his door and said, “Take what you wish and leave CONT’D ON PAGE 4
what you wish.” The man did so and after he was finished, Prophet Muhammed
(M) asked him, “Have I honored you?” “Yes, by God,” said the Bedouin. “I bear
witnesses that there is no God but Allah, and you are the messenger of God.” The Layers of the Atmosphere
When people heard of how the man changed, Prophet Muhammed (M) taught them.
“Verily the example of myself, you and this Bedouin is that of a man who had his By: Harun Yahya
camel run away. The townspeople tried capturing the camel for him by running
and shouting after the camel, only driving it further away. The man would shout, One fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Qur’an
‘Leave me and my camel, I know my camel better.’ Then he took some grass in is that the sky is made up of seven layers:
his hand, ruffled it in front of the camel, until it came willingly. It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and
‘By Allah, had I left you to this Bedouin, you would have hit him, hurt him, he then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into
would have left without knowing the teachings of the last message of God to seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things. (Holy
mankind, Islam.” Qur’an, 2:29)

8 The Truth
The Diameters of the Earth The Layers of the Atmosphere
and Space From PAGE 1
Then He turned to heaven layers has vital duties for
DIGITAL COPY From PAGE 1 when it was smoke. In two the benefit of human kind
(PDF FORMAT) days He determined them and all other living things
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE as seven heavens and on the Earth. Each layer
revealed, in every heaven, has a particular function,
its own mandate. (Holy ranging from forming
MAILING LIST @ Qur’an, 41:11-12) rain to preventing
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. The word “heavens,” which harmful rays, from
COM/GROUP/THET- appears in many verses in reflecting radio waves
RUTH110 the Holy Qur’an, is used to averting the harmful
to refer to the sky above effects of meteors.
the Earth, as well as the The verses below inform
entire universe. Given this us about the appearance
meaning of the word, it is of the seven layers of the
IF YOU WANT ANY seen that the Earth’s sky, or The atmosphere only lets rays atmosphere:
MATERIAL TO BE the atmosphere, is made up Do you not see how He

Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

required for life reach the

of seven layers. Earth. For example, ultraviolet created seven heavens
Today, it is known that the rays make it to the world only in layers? (Holy Qur’an,
SEND US AN E-MAIL. word used here, the plural, refers to another piece of world’s atmosphere consists 71:15)
partially. This is the most
miraculous information. of different layers that lie on appropriate range to allow plants He Who created the
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE A three-dimensional body can only be said to have a single top of each other. [1] Based to make photosynthesis and seven heavens in
HAVE THE RIGHT diameter if it is perfectly spherical. The term “diameters” on the criteria of chemical eventually for all living things to layers… (Holy Qur’an,
contents or air temperature, 67:3)
TO ACCEPT, can only refer to an irregular but basically spherical shape.
the definitions made have
This word chosen in the Qur’an-diameters-is important The Arabic word
EDIT OR REFUSE determined the atmosphere «tibaqan” in these
from the point of view of indicating the geoid shape of
ANY CONTENT. the Earth. The second noteworthy subject in the verse is of the earth as seven layers. [2] According verses, translated into English as “layer”
that the Earth and the heavens are mentioned separately to the “Limited Fine Mesh Model means “layer, the appropriate cover
EDITOR IN CHIEF: in reference to diameters. (LFMMII),” a model of atmosphere used or covering for something,” and thus
to estimate weather conditions for 48 hours, stresses how the top layer is well suited
HASSAN TABATABAI According to Albert Einstein’s General Theory of the atmosphere is also 7 layers. According to the lower. The word is also used in the
EDITOR: Relativity, the universe is expanding. But this does to the modern geological definitions the plural here: “layers.” The sky, described
AHMAD AL NAJJAR not mean that the galaxies and other heavenly bodies seven layers of atmosphere are as follows: in the verse as being in layers, is without
DESIGNED BY: are being dispersed in space. This means that space is 1. Troposphere doubt the most perfect expression of
NAGI GIRGUIS expanding and that the distance between the galaxies is 2. Stratosphere the atmosphere. It is a great miracle that
increasing. 3. Mesosphere these facts, which could not possibly be
4. Thermosphere discovered without the technology of the
PLEASE SEND US The definition of the “confines of the heavens” in Surah 5. Exosphere 20th century, were explicitly stated by the
YOUR FEEDBACKS, ar-Rahman (Surah #33) indicates the spherical structure 6. Ionosphere Holy Qur’an 1,400 years ago.
of space. (God knows best.) In the same way that the
COMMENTS, 7. Magnetosphere Footnotes:
diameters of space will be different from different points The Holy Qur’an says, “[He] revealed, [1] Michael Pidwirny, “Atmospheric Layers,”
AND SUGGESTIONS in space, so the diameters of a constantly expanding 1996,
in every heaven, its own mandate,” in atmosphereandclimate/atmslayers.html.
TO THE FOLLOWING space will also display differences. From that point of Surah Fussilat (Surah #12). In other words, [2] “Numerical Prediction Models used by NWS,”
E-MAIL: view the use of the plural form of the word confine is full God is stating that He assigned each Integrated Publishing, of wisdom, and is one of the indications that the Qur’an heaven its own duty. Truly, as will be seen 27.htm.
is the revelation of our Omniscient Lord. in following chapters, each one of these

2 The Truth The Truth 7

We are Rich, Yet We Don’t Know It Valuable Advice for Those Who Truly
Once a person came to a Sheikh (Muslim scholar) and
complained to him about his own poverty, saying that he
Follow and Await …
was in great distress and would prefer death to such a life.
It has been narrated that Imam Hassan Muhammed (P) said: “The best of deed in
The Sheikh said to him, “Are you willing to have your
Askari (P) 1 wrote a letter to one of the great my community is waiting for the relief
eyes taken out in exchange for ten thousand Dollars
scholars, namely Ibn Babeweyh2 (May (the appearance of Imam Mahdi (P)).”
(silver coins).” He replied “Certainly not.” The Sheikh
God’s mercy be on him), saying: Our followers will be in a constant grief
said “Would you like to have your tongue plucked out
until he reappears. He is the one promised
and get ten thousand Dollars in return?” The man said,
“O My trusted and experienced scholar, by Prophet Muhammed (M) who will fill
“Of course not.” The Sheikh said, “Would you agree to
Abu al-Hassan Ali Ibn Qummi; may Allah the earth with justice when it has been
having both your hands and feet cut off in return for
give you success in His way. May Allah filled with tyranny and oppression. O my
twenty thousand Dollars.” The man said that he would
bless you with pious children. I advise you follower! Be patient (for the appearance)
not. The Sheikh asked “Are you willing to be made a mad
in piety, consistency in (your daily) prayers, and ask all of my followers to endure as
man and get ten thousand Dollars in return?” The man said that he was not willing.
and on paying alms. Indeed, the daily well; nevertheless:
At this, the Sheikh said to him, “Are you not ashamed of yourself? You admit that
prayers will not be accepted of those who “…surely the earth is Allah’s; He
Almighty God has granted you so many precious gifts, the value whereof, in your
do not pay alms.
own estimation, exceeds fifty thousand Dollars (counting only a few gifts, by way of
I advise you to

Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

illustration) and yet you complain of poverty!”

forgive people at
the time of anger;
The value of the above mentioned gifts can be fully understood when we lose them. Let
visit your relatives
us be more thankful to our Lord.
and sympathize
with them; try to do

Walking With a Bag of Bread at Night

your best in helping
them in the time of
need and difficulty.
Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain (P) used to (I further advise
lead a seemingly miserable life. But you to) be patient
when he died they discovered that with the unwise and
he was supporting one hundred poor wrong doers, gain
families in Medina. Muhammed Ibn deep understanding
Ishaq said: Some people of Medina of religion, seek
used to live not knowing where they education in behavior, show respect to the causes such of His servants to inherit
got their livelihood from. When Imam holy Quran, retain your good nature, advise it as He pleases; and the end if for the
Ali Ibn Al-Hussain (P) died they lost (others) to do good and prevent them from righteous.” (Holy Quran 7:128)
what used to be sent to them by night. As evil. As Allah states in the Holy Quran:
a matter of fact, Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain “There is no good in most of their May Allah’s mercy and blessing be
(P) used to carry a bag of bread by night on secret counsels except (in his) who enjoins upon you and all of my followers. ”
his back and distribute it as charity. He would charity or goodness or reconciliation
say: “The secret charity puts out the anger of between people; and whoever does this __________________________
God.” When Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain died and seeking Allah’s pleasure, We will soon
people washed his body, they found some black traces on his back. They said: What give him a mighty reward.” (4:114) Footnotes:
1- Imam Hassan Al-Askari is the eleventh
is this? Then the answer came from his son who said that he used to carry bags of infallible successor/leader/Imam after the last
… Thus, act according to my advice, messenger of God, prophet Muhammed.
flour on it by night and would give them to the poor people of Medina. That is why
and ask my followers to do the same. Your 2- Ali Ibn Babeweyh Qummi, the father of Sheikh
when he died, people of Medina said: “We only lost the secret charity when Imam
goal is to wait for the relief, for Prophet Saduq.
Ali Ibn Al Husain died.”

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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The Humbleness of Prophet Muhammed
and His Household
From PAGE 1
of God or, if you wish, to be a king. I It is narrated that Imam Hassan son Ridha (P) went to the bath. There, a man at the same time kept rubbing his body
looked at Jibra’il who was signaling me to of Imam Ali (P) used to sit beside the poor told him: O man! Rub my body with the with the bath-gloves.
keep humble, and I said: I prefer to be as a and recite this verse: “Verily He loveth not bath-glove, thinking that it was just a Footnotes:
Prophet and as a servant of God. arrogant.” (16:23). servant working there. His Holiness (P) did
so. Surprised, the people who were present (M) May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon
Imam al-Sadiq (P): Jibra’il came Muhammed son of Amr son of there introduced the Imam (P) to that man. him and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet Muhammed
to the Holy Prophet Muhammed (M), and Hazm said: Imam Hussein (P) was passing He apologized to the Imam (P), and His (P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels,
made sure that he became free, directing by a group of poor people who were eating Holiness (P) appeased his anxiety and Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies.
him to choose humility. Jibra’il was on the floor, when they offered food to his
benevolent to the Holy Prophet. The Holy holiness. He sat with them and said: God
Prophet, being humble before the Exalted does not like the arrogant, and started Rights of the Brother in Faith
and Almighty God, would eat like a servant eating with them. Then he told them: I
and would sit like one. accepted your invitation, and now you There are numerous traditions in connection with the
Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

Thursday, March 20, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 12

accept mine. They said: All right. The rights of the believers and brothers-in-faith. A few of such
Zadhan said: I would see Imam Ali Imam (P) took them to his house and traditions are quoted below:
ibn Abi Talib (P) holding in his hand a lost told his wife Rabab if she could take out Mualla Bin-Khanees asked Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (P)[1]:
shoe-lace and searching in the market until whatever she had in stock to feed the “What are the rights of the believing brother?”
he could find its owner, or guiding a lost poor. Imam (P) replied, “Seven rights of the believers are
traveler, or helping a porter to carry his
obligatory - If one fails to fulfill even one of these rights, he
load, while reciting the verse from the Holy Abu Basir narrated that Imam Al- is distant from God’s obedience. He shall not receive any
Quran: “That House of the Hereafter we Sadiq (P) went to a bath. The bath-keeper reward from the Almighty.”
shall give to those who intend not high- asked him: Shall I reserve the bath for your “What are those seven rights?” enquired Mualla.
handedness or mischief on earth; and the use only? The Imam (P) said: There is no Imam (P) said, “I fear that you may fail to act upon them.”
end is (best) for the righteous” (28:83). need to do this; the way of the faithful is Mualla said, “There is no strength except from God” (It
Then he would say: This verse is revealed far easier than this [the formality] affair. won’t be so)
about the administrators and the men of
Ibn Shahrashub in al-Manaqib Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (P) said, “The foremost right is that you wish for the believing
narrated that it is related that Imam Al- brothers whatever you wish for yourself.”

Imam (P) then related the other six rights,
The Old Man and the Cup of Water “The second right is that you must refrain from angering him and try to seek his pleasure
and obey him.
An old man recently came to a pious man, and complained about a The third right is that you help him with you life, your wealth, your tongue, and your
whole host of worldly problems. hands.
The pious man said, “Dip a cup into an ocean, how much water can The fourth right is that you guide him and teach him that which is beneficial for him.
you hold in one cup? The water in that one cup is equivalent to ALL The fifth, is that do not eat till satiation when your believing brother is hungry, and do
your worldly problems, the water left in the ocean is equivalent to not drink to satiation if he is thirsty, and do not dress nicely if he is deprived of good
the problems you will face in the Day of Judgment. Now, tell me, clothes.
which problem is greater?” The old man sat, stunned, unable to reply. The sixth right is that if you have a servant you should send him to do his work.
Words of wisdom, which is why knowledge is to the heart, what water The seventh right is that if the believing brother says something on oath you should
is to a plant. believe him, if he invites, you accept his invitation, if he is sick, visit him, if he dies,
Prepare for the REAL problem of eternity; don’t waste your life fretting over PETTY accompany his bier, if you come to know any of his needs fulfill it before he asks.
things of this worldly life.
[1] Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq is the sixth infallible successor/leader/Imam after the last messenger of God,
Think about it… prophet Muhammed.

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The Truth The Truth

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