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Faithful To A Promise

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (P) quoted the Messenger of

Vol. 3 Issue 13 Thu. Mar 27, 2008
The Truth
Allah (M) as saying:
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day
should keep their promise when they make
Prophet Muhammed’s Teachings
Our Holy Prophet Muhammed (M) teaches us the
best morals and the most useful customs, and also
“And We have not sent you [O Muhammed] only as
how to fulfill a promise and be punctual.
a mercy to the worlds.”
Imagine that one day you have an appointment with Holy Quran (21:107)
your friend and have agreed to meet him half-an- Equality:
hour before noon prayer in the mosque to recite
the Holy Qur’an together. You arrived on time and Prophet Muhammed (M) taught fairness and equality
waited until the prayer caller (Mu’adhin) called for between all human beings, and he firmly denounced
the noon prayer. You performed the prayer but your the current in his society, which was crushing human
Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

friend still had not come. Certainly, you will blame rights. He did not differentiate between an Arab, a
Persian, a black, or a white person.
your friend for not keeping his promise and making you wait. Hopefully your
Prophet Muhammed (M) preached this verse to his
friend will feel responsible and apologize to you.
But how happy and glad you are if someone promises to do something for you
and keeps his promise; keeping a promise is among the morals of the true believer.
And whoever does not fulfill their promise; no one will respect their word nor trust
What Did Others Say About
them. Prophet Muhammed (M)
It is obligatory for us to be honest in making a promise and keeping an Many people have studied the life and character of the Prophet of Islam and
appointment we have made. It is also obligatory upon us to be punctual and not have expressed remarkable viewpoints about his unique character. This is a collection
to waste time. We should be exactly on time in school, at work, or at an agreed of short quotations from several notables, including academics, writers, and
meeting place. scholars. Considering the fact that these words reflect the views of some non-Muslim
personalities, they might require to be paid more attention. Moreover some of these
A Promise Fulfilled by our Prophet Muhammed (M)
quotations touch on some aspects of the character of the Prophet which might not be
Prophet Muhammed (M) promised a man that he would remain seated in a certain well noticed by the Muslims.
place until the man returned. That man went away and the sun rose. Soon it CONT’D ON PAGE 4
became very hot but the Prophet never changed his place. One his companions
said: “O Prophet of Allah! What difference does it make if you come and sit in the
shade?” The Prophet replied: “I promised to meet him here and not to change Control your Anger
place till he comes back, in order to fulfill my promise to him. If he does not
come, then it will be he who is breaking the promise.” A simple unlettered man from the
desert once arrived in Medina and came
And Most Surely You Conform (Yourself) To Sublime Morality.
to Prophet Muhammed (M). He asked
Footnotes: the Prophet (M) to give him a word of
[1] Bihbodi, Sahih al Kafi, vol.1, p.117. advice which he said he would follow.
(P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels, Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies.


8 The Truth
Prophet Muhammed’s Teachings Control your Anger
From PAGE 1
RECEIVE YOUR WEEKLY society “O Mankind! Surely We have created you of The Prophet (M) said: “The anger has taken better of my reason.
DIGITAL COPY a male and a female, and made you into nations and “CONTROL YOUR ANGER.” And I have set out to fight without trying for
(PDF FORMAT) tribes that you may know each other; surely the most then the Prophet (M) remained silent. an amicable settlement. What a shame!”
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE honorable of you with Allah is the most pious of you;
He came forward and addressed
surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.” (Holy Quran 49:13) When the man returned to the
TO THE TRUTH’S Equality is clearly manifested in Hajj, the yearly Islamic interior of the desert where he lived, the leaders of the opposite side:
MAILING LIST @ ritual, where people from different parts of the world, he found that the situation had become “Brothers, what is this war for? If my
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. different social status, different colors, and different quite tense. Some audacious young man people have raided your side and stolen
COM/GROUP/THET- nationalities meet and wear similar simple cloths and from his tribe had raided another tribe your property, we could sit together and
walk around the Ka’bah, in Al-Masjid Al-Haram in in the vicinity and stolen their wealth. agree upon compensation. I am prepared
RUTH110 Mecca, praising and thanking God for all the blessings In retaliation, the other tribe had also to recompense from my personal
He bestowed on them during their life time.. carried out raids. Now they were at war. wealth.” The leaders from the other
Women’s Right: Immediately he prepared himself to opposite side felt totally disarmed by
Prophet Muhammed (M) was one of the first people who defend his tribe and was angered by the this new approach. They soon realized
IF YOU WANT ANY stood up for women’s rights. One of the most positive outrageous conduct of the adversaries. that bloodshed was not at all worth
aspects of Islamic law is the freedom, honor, and prestige anything. So with all the magnanimity,
MATERIAL TO BE Just as he stood in line to fight, he

Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

it assigns to Muslim women regardless of their race, suddenly recalled what the Prophet (M) their chief said: “Well, you have agreed
PUBLISHED PLEASE nationality, or socioeconomic status. Prophet Muhammed to recompense. But we are in no way
had told him: “CONTROL YOUR
SEND US AN E-MAIL. (M) guaranteed human, civil, legal, financial, and ANGER.” inferior. We have agreed to forego our
political rights to women. Islam considers a woman to demand!” And both parties peacefully
be equal to a man as a human being. Islam prohibited
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE violence of any kind towards women and forcing them
He was soon engrossed in deep retreated to their places.
thought. Admonishing himself, he said:
HAVE THE RIGHT against their will for anything. He also gave women the
TO ACCEPT, right of education by saying “To acquire knowledge is
EDIT OR REFUSE binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female.”
A Young Man
ANY CONTENT. Rights of Neighbor:
Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of
neighbors: and his Invalid Mother
EDITOR IN CHIEF: - “And (be good) to the neighbor who is your relative It is reported that a young man
HASSAN TABATABAI and to the neighbor who is not a relative....”(Holy approached the Holy Prophet (M) and asked,
EDITOR: Quran; 4:36) “O Prophet of God (M), I have a mother who
- Prophet Muhammed (M) has said “Gabriel always
AHMAD AL NAJJAR used to advise me to be generous with the neighbors,
is an invalid. She cannot even move by herself.
I carry her on my back and feed her with my
DESIGNED BY: till I thought that Allah was going to include the hands. I also clean her excreta. Have I fulfilled
NAGI GIRGUIS neighbors among the heirs of a Muslim.” her rights?” The Holy Prophet (M) replied, “No.
- The Holy Prophet (M) has said: “He who sleeps Because you remained in her womb for a long
period of time during which you derived your
PLEASE SEND US contentedly while his neighbors sleep hungry did not
nourishment from her body. She was always
believe in my message.”
YOUR FEEDBACKS, Rights of People at War: busy in caring and protecting you at all costs. In
COMMENTS, When the Holy Prophet (M) and his followers were spite of such hardships she always wished a long
AND SUGGESTIONS going to go to fight their first battle, the Battle of Badr, life for you. But you are waiting for her to die so
that you may be relieved of the responsibility of
TO THE FOLLOWING he said to his followers about the rights of people at war.
taking care of her.”
Some of these rights are:
E-MAIL: 1- Don’t torture with fire: There is a saying of the Prophet (M) that “Punishment
Prophet Muhammed (M) used to say: “Paradise is at the feet of your mother.”
Hence, one needs not go far in search of Paradise.
by fire should not be done by anyone except the

2 The Truth The Truth 7

Prophet Muhammed’s Teachings
Prophet Muhammed The Model of Goodness
master of the fire [God].” sword” a very clear and unequivocal
The behaviour and personality of Prophet Muhammed (M.) 2- Don’t Punish the Wounded: instruction given by the Prophet (M)
are the best examples to follow in life. A companion of his, “Do not attack a wounded person” 4- Do not kill a tied person:
who spent ten full years with him, has said: thus said the Prophet. This means that the The Prophet has prohibited the killing of
“Throughout my stay with him I never heard an wounded soldiers who are not fit to fight, anyone who is tied or is in captivity.
indecent word from his lips and never found him rude or not actually fighting, should not be 5- The Prophet has said a lot of things
to anyone. He spoke very politely. He was kind to attacked. about the rights of people at war. The
everyone”. 3- The Prisoner of War should not be Prophet has even said not to attack
slain: women, children and those who are not
Although Muhammed (M) was the Prophet of God and “No prisoner should be put to the fighting in the war.
had been appointed by God to guide the people, yet he
was not ashamed of doing his work with his own hands. Here Comes Muhammed - The Trustworthy
He assisted the members of his family in household work and performed the jobs of
It had rained heavily and continuously for a long period, and the water poured down towards
other deserving persons with great pleasure. He mended his clothes and shoes. He also
the Holy Ka’ba in Masjid-ul-Haram, the big mosque in Mecca, The Ka’ba was in the lower
took part in the construction of Masjid al-Nabi (the Mosque) in Madina along with his section of Mecca. It had become old and collapsed.
companions. So the rebuilding was started. The work progressed well enough until al-Hajar-ul-Aswad, the

Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

Black Stone, was to be put back in its place.

His dress was always clean, though simple. He was very mindful of cleanliness. He
Each quarter of the Ka’ba was being built by one leading family of Quraish - the big and
washed his hands and mouth before and after taking his meals. prominent tribe of Mecca. Each family of Quraish felt the honour of placing the Black Stone
belonging to it.
He was so kind and generous that he never refused a reasonable request of any person.
The disagreement became deeper, and led to a lot of argument, shouting and abuse. The
He often distributed edibles among others and went without meals himself. He always members of each big family were thinking that a war was going to break out. None of them
helped the needy and the poor and went to the houses of the sick to enquire after their was willing to change his position. They regarded it as a great insult if they didn’t have that
health. As and when he met anyone he said “Salamun Alaikum”1. He always spoke special honour of putting the Black Stone back in its place.
with a smiling face. One member stood up and said, “I have a suggestion, let us wait till tomorrow and see who
enters the Masjid-ul-Haram first in the morning; then let him decide”. All agreed, since that
The Holy Prophet Muhammed (M) was a model of all the virtues and qualities of a sounded like a good suggestion.
believer described in the Holy Qur’an. None can describe him better than God who They anxiously waited next morning, to see who was the first to come and enter the Ka’ba.
has said, he possessed the noblest character. Suddenly they heard footsteps heading towards them. It was Muhammed (M), the son of
The personality of our Prophet is an excellent model to follow. Abdulla. Everyone, of course, knew, loved, admired and respected Muhammed (M). So with
Footnote: a loud voice, everyone said, “Here comes Al-Amin (the Trustworthy)” and the voice echoed
Salamun Alaikum is the Muslim greeting, it means Peace be upon you. through the place over and over again.
He was surprised to hear of that title with which they called him. He was told about what the
One day, the companions of Prophet Muhammed (M) complained about people of Quraish were fighting for. It was all silent for a while. Everyone thought his family
A Water thirst during a journey. The Prophet (M) got down from his conveyance was going to be favored. Their hearts were beating hard and they were getting anxious and
Miracle and ordered Imam Ali (P) and another person to go and search for water. impatient.
So, they went accordingly. They met a woman possessing two small Muhammed (M) put his robe on the floor, took the sacred Black Stone and put it in the centre
water-skins containing water. They brought her to the Prophet (M). of the robe and said. “The chief of each family will take one corner of the robe and lift it
Prophet Muhammed (M) asked for a pot to be brought and poured in it together”. With that, each understood a marvelous example of justice in sharing the honour.
the water of both the water-skins and asked the companions to drink from It showed how Muhammed’s intelligence far exceeded those around him. It also showed his
it. One of the companions stated: “We, the forty thirsty men drank great capacity to solve difficult problems with such ease.
water from it very well and we filled all our pots and water-skins with When the robe with the Black Stone was lifted to a reasonable height. Muhammed (M) took
water. I swear by Allah Almighty that the water-skins (of the woman) the Black Stone and put it in its proper place by his own hands. None felt insulted and each
seemed to be more full with water than before.” had his share of the privilege and honour.
God is able to suffice 40 thirsty people plus fill all their water pots and This is how Muhammed (M) the Prophet of Islam succeeded in uniting the ever-fighting and
containers from water that wouldn’t be enough for one person. ignorant Arabs with his honesty, justice and noble character.

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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What Did Others Say About
Prophet Muhammed (M)
From PAGE 1
Washington Irving unusual testimonial of respect were
(1783-1859) Well-known as the first shown to him.” (1)
American man of letters
“He was sober and abstemious in his David George Hogarth
diet, and a rigorous observer of fasts. He (1862-1927) English archaeologist,
indulged in no magnificence of apparel, author, and keeper of the Ashmolean
the ostentation of a petty mind; neither Museum, Oxford
was his simplicity in dress affected, but
the result of a real disregard to distinction “Serious or trivial, his daily behaviour
from so trivial a source... has instituted a canon which millions
In his private dealings he was observe this day with conscious mimicry.
just. He treated friends and strangers, No one regarded by any section of the
the rich and poor, the powerful and the human race as Perfect Man has been
Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

Thursday, March 27, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 13

weak, with equity, and was beloved by imitated so minutely.” (2)
the common people for the affability
with which he received them, and William Montgomery Watt
listened to their complaints... (1909-2006) Professor (Emeritus)
His military triumphs awakened of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the it is improbable that the expansion Footnotes:

no pride nor vain glory, as they would University of Edinburgh, and one of the would have taken place, (M) May Allah’s Peace and Blessings
be upon him and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet
have done had they been effected for key historians of Islam in the West.
selfish purposes. In the time of his The more one reflects on the Muhammed
history of Muhammad and of early 1. William Montgomery Watt, Life of
greatest power he maintained the same “There was nothing inevitable or Mahomet, London, 1889, pp. 192-3, 199
simplicity of manners and appearance automatic about the spread of the Islam, the more one is amazed at the
2. David George Hogarth, Arabia, Oxford,
as in the days of his adversity. So far Arabs and the growth of the Islamic vastness of his achievement.” (3) 1922, p. 52
from affecting regal state, he was community. Without a remarkable 3. William Montgomery Watt, Muhammad
displeased if, on entering a room, any combination of qualities in Muhammad Prophet and Statesman (1960), Oxford: Oxford

University Press. pp 236 and 237

Sayings of Prophet Behavior Parents and Family - The five stated prayers Heaven: “Be happy in the
- Deal gently with a - Paradise lies at the feet erase the sins which have been world and be happy wherever
Muhammed (M) people, and be not harsh; cheer of thy mother. committed during the intervals you go; and take your abode in
them and condemn not. - He who wishes to enter between them if they have not Paradise.”
- Much silence and a Paradise must please his father been major sins. Worldly Love and
good disposition; there are no and mother. Sympathy Materialism
two works better than these. Pride - God is not merciful - The love of the world
- The best of friends is - No one who keeps his to him who is not so to is the root of all evils.
he who is best in behavior and mind focused entirely upon humankind. He who is not - Wealth properly
character. himself can grow large, strong kind to God’s creation and to employed is a blessing; and a
- One who does not and beautiful in character. his own children, God will not man may lawfully endeavor to
practice modesty and does not Remembrance of God be kind to him. increase it by honest means.
refrain from shameless deeds - Whoever loves to meet - Whosoever visits a sick
is not a Muslim. God, God loves to meet him. person, an angel calls from

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The Truth The Truth

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