The Truth Volume3 Issue14

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Bitter Fruits Were Sweet to Ayyaz

There was a famous ruler by the name

Vol. 3 Issue 14 Thu. April 3, 2008
The Truth
Sultan Mahmud and he had a slave
called Ayyaz. Sultan Mahmud loved
Ayyaz very much because of his great
wisdom. From time to time, Sultan
would test Ayyaz with various things The Forgiveness of Prophet Muhammed
to see how much love Ayyaz had for and His Household
him. One day, Sultan Mahmud gathered
the bitterest fruits from his garden and The Messenger of God, Muhammed, said: “Our
called Ayyaz. Sultan told Ayyaz to (the Ahl al-Bayt) manliness is in forgiving the one
eat them. Ayyaz took the fruits in his who has oppressed us and to give to the one who
hands and kissed them and then started eating them without any hesitation. Sultan has stayed away from us.”
observed that Ayyaz was eating the fruits with great pleasure and the bitter taste
was not affecting him in any way. Now Sultan started thinking that he might’ve Abdullah said: It is as though I am looking at the
picked the wrong fruits, so, he took one of the fruits from Ayyaz to find out. As Holy Prophet (M) who was the best Prophet among
soon as Sultan took a bite, he was overwhelmed by the bitterness of the fruit and the Prophets. His people used to beat him and injure
Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

started screaming for water. When Sultan settled down, he asked Ayyaz why he him and while he was wiping blood off his face, he
was unaffected by the fruits. Ayyaz said “You only see the bitterness of the prayed to God: “Forgive my people for they do not
fruits but you don’t see the one who gave them to me? They were given to me CONT’D ON PAGE 2
by the King himself!”
My dear friends, today we find some commandments of God to be bitter
and hard to follow. However, we should rather follow them with great love The Protected Roof
because they were given to us by the King of all kings, Almighty God.
By: Harun Yahya

In the Holy Qur’an, God calls our attention to a very

The Man Who Will Enter Paradise important attribute of the sky:
One day, Prophet Muhammed (M) looked at a man and said: We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still
“Whoever likes to look at a man who will enter Paradise, they turn away from Our Signs. (Holy Qur’an, 21:32)
let him look at this man.” Abdullah Ibn Abbas, who was This attribute of the sky has been proved by scientific research
present and heard this comment, followed the man who was carried out in the 20th century: The atmosphere surrounding
favoured with this promise. He asked the man’s permission to CONT’D ON PAGE 4
be his guest, which the man gladly accepted. After observing
him for three consecutive nights, without seeing anything extraordinary about him,
Abdullah Ibn Abbas said: “I don’t see anything about you which qualifies you to enter
Paradise more than the rest of us. Can you remember one special thing you do of
The Sky Made a Dome
which I may not be aware of?” After thinking for sometime the man said: “Nothing is By: Harun Yahya
outstanding in my life except one thing, may be, that I go to bed with a pure and
sound heart towards my friends (meaning to forgive others of their bad qualities It is He Who made the earth a couch for you, and the sky a
and to think good of everybody).” Then Ibn Abbas exclaimed: This is exactly what dome. He sends down water from the sky and by it brings
qualifies you to enter paradise. forth fruits for your provision. Do not, then, knowingly
It is not easy to forgive others of their faults but let us try hard to bring this quality
make others equal to Allah. (Holy Qur’an, 2:22)
in ourselves. CONT’D ON PAGE 7

8 The Truth
The Forgiveness of Prophet The Sky Made a Dome
IF YOU WANT TO Muhammed and His Household From PAGE 1
(PDF FORMAT) know what they are doing.”
TO THE TRUTH’S Al-Baladhuri in his book Ansab al-Ashraf wrote:
MAILING LIST @ When Imam Ali (P) 1 triumphed over the people in the
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. Battle of the Camel[the people who fought against
Imam Ali (P) near Basra], he stood up and delivered
COM/GROUP/THET- a sermon as follows: “O people of Basra! I forgive
RUTH110 you. However, do withdraw from sedition as you
are the first people who broke the allegiance and
dispersed the united Ummah.” The Geminid meteor shower is observed at its highest
intensity in the second week of December each year.
IF YOU WANT ANY It is narrated that the servant of Imam Hassan The short lines in the photograph to the side are traces
AlMujtaba (P) 2 committed a sin which deserved belonging to stars; the long ones belong to meteors.

Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

punishment. The servant was afraid and immediately The meteors in the shower seen in the picture fall at a
PUBLISHED PLEASE said: “My master! Those who restrain anger.” His density of up to 58 per hour.
SEND US AN E-MAIL. Holiness (P) said: “Spare him!” He said: “My master!
Here, the Arabic word for the sky is everything on the earth subservient to
And those who pardon (all) men.” His Holiness (P)
«assama’a binaan.” As well as the you and the ships running upon the sea
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE said: “I forgave you” - he said: “My master! For God
meaning of “dome” or “ceiling,” this also by His command? He holds back the
loves those who do good (Holy Quran 3:134). His
HAVE THE RIGHT describes a kind of tent-like covering heaven, preventing it from falling to the
Holiness (P): “in God’s grace, you are set free, and
TO ACCEPT, you will receive twice the amount which I used to
used by the Bedouin.[1] What is being earth-except by His permission. Allah is
EDIT OR REFUSE give you.”
emphasized here, through mention of a All-Compassionate to mankind, Most
tent-like structure, is a form of protection Merciful. (Holy Qur’an, 22:65)
against external elements. The protective property of the atmosphere
Hurr ibn Yazid Al-Riyahi used to be the commander
of Yazid’s army. He said to Imam al-Hussain (P) 3 Even if we are generally unaware of it, a we discussed in the preceding section
on the day of Ashura: “May I be your ransom and large number of meteors fall to the Earth, protects the Earth from space-in other
HASSAN TABATABAI as they do the other planets. The reason words, from external elements. With
protect you, o son of the Messenger of God! I am the
EDITOR: one who stopped you from returning, and came along why these make enormous craters on the word “dome,” referring to the sky
AHMAD AL NAJJAR with you step by step, and stopped you at this pace. other planets but do no harm on Earth is in the above verse, attention is drawn to
DESIGNED BY: I swear to Allah, that I never would have thought that the atmosphere puts up considerable this aspect of the sky, which could not
NAGI GIRGUIS that these people (who are fighting you) would reject resistance to a falling meteor. The meteor possibly have been known at the time of
your proposal (for peace). I am here in front of you is unable to withstand this for long and our Prophet Muhammed. The fact that
in order to give up my soul to you. Will you consider loses much of its mass from combustion this information was imparted 1,400 years
PLEASE SEND US this action, as my repentance?” His Holiness (P) said: due to friction. This danger, which might ago in the Holy Qur’an, when there were
YOUR FEEDBACKS, “Yes, God will forgive and excuse you. What is your otherwise cause terrible disasters, is thus no spacecraft or giant telescopes, shows
COMMENTS, name?” He replied: “Al-Hurr ibn Yazid”. His Holiness prevented thanks to the atmosphere. As that the Holy Qur’an is the revelation of
AND SUGGESTIONS (P) said: “You are al-Hurr [i.e, the liberated one] well as the verses regarding the protective our Lord, the Omniscient.
TO THE FOLLOWING as your mother has named you; if God wills it, you properties of the atmosphere cited above,
will be liberated in this live and in the Hereafter; attention is also drawn to the special
E-MAIL: creation in the following verse:
dismount your horse!” [1] “The Quran and Modern Physics,” http:// He said: “O Imam! I would be more helpful to you
Do you not see that Allah has made htm

2 The Truth The Truth 7

The Prophetic Forbearance The Forgiveness of Prophet
Muhammed and His Household
History reveals that Abdullah Ibn Salaam was Jewish before he embraced Islam in the time
of Prophet Muhammed (M). After becoming a Muslim, Abdullah tried to convince Zaid Ibn
Shuba, a Jewish friend, to accept the religion of Islam. Despite Abdullah’s effort in explaining
the essence of Islam, Zaid insisted in his faith, and he refused to become a Muslim. if I be mounted rather than dismounted.
Abdullah narrates that one day he entered Masjid al-Nabi (the Prophets Mosque) where he I will battle with them for an hour, and
saw Zaid sitting among Muslims in line for performing prayer. Abdullah said being overcome
my dismounting will be the end of my
with joy. I approached Zaid to inquire the reason why he accepted Islam. Zaid responded one
day while I was reading the Torah, I reached the verses that explain the attributes of Prophet
Muhammed (M). I paid a close attention to capture his characteristics described in Torah. I said Imam al-Hussain (P) said: “May God’s
to myself it is better that I sit in the Prophets presence to see if he possesses these attributes, Mercy be upon you, do whatever you
among which there was forbearance. I observed his behavior and manners for several days and wish.”
I found all of the attributes in his personality. There was only one left unseen, forbearance;
so I attempted to continue my quest for I read in Torah that, Muhammed’s forbearance and
patience supersedes his anger. Although ignorant people treat him with disrespect and bad Imam Ali ibn Al-Hussain (P) 4 said: I
manner, they will not see anything in return from him except forbearance and patience. entered upon Marwan ibn al-Hakam. He told myself that if he is truly a Prophet,
Zaid then continued his search. I went to the mosque again. I saw an Arab Bedouin from said: “When he triumphed, I found no this will not harm him, and in case he is a
the desert. While riding his camel, he entered the mosque. He got off his camel when he saw one nobler than your father. He was king, then I have thereby liberated people
the Prophet and said that he was from some tribe who were struck by famine and therefore they from him.” Al-Imam al-Baqir (P) says:

Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

the one who chased us in the Battle of

were in need of food and sustenance. He said that the people of the tribes were Muslims and “The Holy Prophet (M) forgave her.”
the Camel and his herald was calling
they hoped for help from the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah (M) turned to Imam Ali (P) and
asked, Is there any money left from the previous savings? The response was negative and sad
out: No fugitive or wounded will be
killed by us.” Imam Muhammed al-Baqir (P) said:
for the Prophet. Zaid said, I then interfered and mentioned to the Prophet, O the Messenger of
Upon being stuck on the head by ibn
God, if you wish I would partake in a trade with you. I lend an amount of money till the time of
harvest when I will accept dates for the same amount in return. The Prophet accepted my offer, Abdullah ibn Muhammed said that I Muljam, Imam Ali (P) said about him:
accepted the money and gave it to the Bedouin Arab. heard Abd al-Razzaq say that the servant “Give him food and drink and treat
Zaid said I was waiting until a week before the harvest. One day I went to the desert where of Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (P) would him kindly in his captivity; if I live on,
I found the Prophet sitting in the shade of a tree, surrounded by his companions. I approached pour water on his hands to prepare him I will have the option to either forgive
him impolitely, grab his color and told him, I know you well; you take money from people and for prayers. Suddenly the water container him or punish him; but if I die and you
fall short in return. Do you know there is not much time left to our mutually agreed accord? fell off the servant’s hand and cut the kill him, do not mutilate him”.
Zaid proceeded; I treated the Prophet furiously and with great ignorance, although there Imams (P) face. Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain
was still a week left to the harvest. Suddenly I heard an aggressive voice; Umar Ibn Khattab Footnotes:
(P) held up his head toward her. She
drew his sword and asked me to leave with a rude call. Prophet Muhammed (M) prevented
said: The exalted God says: “Those who (M) MayAllah’s Peace and Blessings be upon
him with patience and said to him there was no need for quarrel. The Prophet said I should
be recommended to maintain forbearance. Then he asked Umar to give me certain amount of restrain anger”. His Holiness (P) told him and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet Muhammed
her: “I restrained my anger.” She said: (P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels,
special dates. Umar followed the order and added 20 extra units of dates to the original amount.
Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies.
I was curious why he gave me extra dates; Umar said that the extra dates were the result of “and [those who] pardon (all) men”. His 1
Imam Ali is the first successor, leader, and
Prophet’s Forbearance. Since I suffered from Umar’s anger, the Prophet ordered him to add 20 Holiness (P) said: “May God forgive Imam after prophet Muhammed
extra units to the original amount, so that I would be satisfied. you.” She said: “For Allah loves those 2
Imam Hassan AlMujtaba is the second
After seeing such manner and great patience, I have fallen in love with Islam and the who do good (3:134).” His Holiness (P) successor, leader, and Imam after prophet
Prophets behavior. I have embraced Islam by testifying that Allah is one and that Muhammed added: “Go! You are free.” Muhammed 3 Imam Hussain is the third
is the Messenger of God. successor, leader, and Imam after prophet
There exist hundred of such examples in the lifestyle of Prophet Muhammed (M), each Muhammed
Al-Imam Muhammed al-Baqir (P) 5 said 4
Imam Ali ibn Al-Hussain is the fourth
is just a drop from the great ocean of his manners to which Allah Almighty refers as sublime
that a Jewish woman who had poisoned successor, leader, and Imam after prophet
manners in Indeed you possess the sublime manners (Holy Quran 68:4), and indeed this is
a sheep’s flesh for the Holy Prophet (M) Muhammed
one of underlying reasons why Islam is growing fast. 5
Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir is the fifth
(Reference: Mahajah al-Baidhaa by Mulla Muhsin Feyz al-Kashani and translated to Persian by Muhammed Reza was brought to him.
successor, leader, and Imam after Prophet
Ataeian) The Holy Prophet (M) told her: “What
caused you to do that?” She replied. “I

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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The Protected Roof
From PAGE 1
the Earth serves crucial functions for the the space, which is approximately -270oC. have any magnetic field is Mercury-but html.
continuity of life. While destroying many its field strength is 100 times less than the
meteors-big and small-as they approach It is not only the atmosphere that protects Earth’s. Even Venus, our sister planet, has
the Earth, it prevents them from falling to the Earth from harmful effects. In addition no magnetic field. The Van-Allen radiation
Earth and harming living things. to the atmosphere, the Van Allen Belt-the shield is a design unique to the Earth.[1]
layer caused by the magnetic field of the
In addition, the atmosphere filters the Earth-also serves as a shield against the The energy transmitted in just one of
light rays coming from space that are harmful radiation that threatens our planet. these bursts detected in recent years was
harmful to living things. The most striking This radiation, which is constantly emitted calculated to be equivalent to 100 billion
feature of the atmosphere is that it lets by the Sun and other stars, is deadly to atomic bombs, each akin to one dropped on The magnetosphere layer, formed by the magnetic field of the
only harmless and useful rays-visible light, living things. If the Van Allen belt did Hiroshima at the end of World War II. Fifty- Earth, serves as a shield protecting the Earth from celestial
bodies, harmful cosmic rays and particles. In the above picture,
near ultraviolet light and radio waves pass not exist, the massive outbursts of energy eight hours after the burst, it was observed this magnetosphere layer, which is also named Van Allen Belts,
through. All of this radiation is vital for called solar flares that frequently occur in that the magnetic needles of compasses is seen. These belts at thousands of kilometers above the Earth
protect the living things on the Earth from the fatal energy that
Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

Thursday, April 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 14

life. Near ultraviolet rays, which are only the Sun would destroy all life on Earth. displayed unusual movement and 250 would otherwise reach it from space.
partially let in by the atmosphere, are very kilometers above the Earth’s atmosphere,
On the importance of the Van Allen Belt, the temperature suddenly increased to
All these scientific findings prove that the world is protected in
important for the photosynthesis of plants a very particular way. The important thing is that this protection
Dr. Hugh Ross says: 2,500oC. was made known in the Qur>an in the verse «We made the sky
and for the survival of all living beings.
In fact, the Earth has the highest density a preserved and protected roof» fourteen centuries ago.
The majority of the intense ultraviolet rays In short, a perfect system is at work high
of any of the planets in our Solar System. Most people looking at the sky do not think about the
emitted from the Sun are filtered out by above the Earth. It surrounds our world protective aspect of the atmosphere. They almost never
This large nickel-iron core is responsible
the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Only a and protects it against external threats. think what kind of a place the world would be like if
for our large magnetic field. This magnetic this structure did not exist. The above photo belongs to
limited and essential part of the ultraviolet Centuries ago, God informed us in the
field produces the Van-Allen radiation a giant crater caused by a meteor that fell in Arizona,
spectrum reaches the Earth. Holy Qur>an of the world>s atmosphere in the USA. If the atmosphere did not exist, millions of
shield, which protects the Earth from
functioning as a protective shield. meteoroids would fall to the Earth and the Earth would
The protective function of the atmosphere radiation bombardment. If this shield were become an inhabitable place. Yet, the protective aspect of
not present, life would not be possible on Footnote: the atmosphere allows living things to survive in safety.
does not end here. The atmosphere also
This is certainly Allah>s protection of people and a miracle
protects the earth from the freezing cold of the Earth. The only other rocky planet to [1]. proclaimed in the Qur>an.

Rain Ka’ab relates, once at the time of Prophet Musa (P), there was a
drought. The people of Israel asked him to pray for rain. Prophet
Musa told them to come with him to the mountain. When they
climbed the mountain he said to his people, “Whoever has
Prophet Musa enquired, “What is it?”
Barkh replied, “Once I happened to pass the door of a house
which was open. I glanced in and saw somebody, but I was not
able to tell whether it was a man or a woman. I said to my eye,
committed a sin must not follow me.” because it had looked at something it should not have looked at,
They all turned back down the mountain except for one man. He ‘Out of my whole body you hurried to commit a sin, you cannot
was blind from one eye and known to the people as Barkh. remain with me anymore’, so I plucked out my eye. If this is a
Prophet Musa asked him, “Did you not hear what I said?” sin, I will return.”
“Yes” he replied. Prophet Musa assured him that he had not sinned and then told
Prophet Musa asked again, “Have you never committed a him to pray for rain. They prayed to God, “Oh Almighty, your
sin?” bounties do not deplete. There is no end to your treasures;
Barkh paused and then replied, “I cannot remember committing you cannot be accused of being miserly. Oh Allah show us
a sin except for one, but I do not know whether it is regarded as your mercy and send forth rain.”
a sin. I will mention it to you, and if it is a sin, I shall return.” The narrator states that they both walked home in the mud.

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The Truth The Truth

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