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Kelas : 12 SMA IPA/IPS Guru : Tim Guru HSPG

Tanggal : 19 September 2017 Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Waktu : 10.30-11.30 WIB

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Soal

 Berdoa terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan!
 Isikan identitas Anda pada kolom nama siswa di lembar jawab yang disediakan!
 Waktu mengerjakan soal selama 90 menit.
 Dilarang membuka catatan dalam bentuk apapun!
 Periksalah jawaban Anda sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru!

Answer the questions below correctly!

Read the text and answer the questions!
How Roman Roads were Built
The system of roads for mobility has been begun early decades. It was started since the Roman Empire
conquered the world. The roads in Roman era were known as the best construction.
The Romans built roads are for the purpose of mobility, especially for the army. Having the best road,
the army could march from one place to another. They built the roads as straight as possible, so that the army
could take the shortest route.
It is interesting to know how the roads were built, which some of them are still in use today. First, the
Romans builders would clear the ground of rocks and trees. Then they dug a trench where the road was to go
and filled it with big stones. Next, they put in big stones, pebbles, cement and sand which they packed down to
make a firm base. After that, they added another layer of cement mixed with broken tiles. On top of that rough
construction, then they put paving stones to make the flat surface. These stones were cut so that they fitted
together tightly. As the finishing touch, kern stones were put at each side of the road to hold in the paving
stones. It was also used to make a channel for the water to run away.
1. What was the purpose of building roads for the Romans?
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
3. Explain the way to make road of the Romans!

Text for questions number 4 to 6

How a Switch Works
 A switch is like a little draw-bridge. The bridge is a flat piece of metal.
 When the bridge of metal is down, electricity can move across it to the thing that needs electricity to
work. And the switch is on.
 When the bridge of metal is up, electricity can move across it. And the switch is off.
 The little bridge of metal goes up or down when you push a button, turn a knob, or pull a string.
 Electronic irons, frying pans, mixers and many other appliances have switches.
4. What does the text mainly about?
5.What happen when the switch is on?
6.When does the electricity move across the bridge of metal?
Change the sentences into indirect speech!
7. ”You will have to surrender your passport,” the officer said to the passenger.

8. ”Light travels in a straight line,” the teacher explained.

9. ”I saw an interesting film last evening,” said my friend.

Change the sentences into direct speech!

10. Peter said he had enjoyed himself very much the previous night.
11. They said they visited the exhibition.
12. George said to me that he had done his best the day before.

13. Mention five (5) adjectives and five (5) adverbs!

14. Translate the adjective below into Bahasa and make a sentence for each word (in English)!
a. Steady
b. Strange
c. Obvious
d. Magnificent
15. Translate the adverb below into Bahasa and make a sentence for each word (in English)!
a. Bravely
b. Neatly
c. Properly
d. Enthusiastically

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