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212019 ‘Aluminum 6063-7832 Aluminum 6063-1832 Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Aluminum Alloy; 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy. Applications include pipe, railings, furniture, architectural extrusions, irrigation pipes, and transportation. Data points with the AA note have been pro DESIGN, fed by the Aluminum Association, Inc. and are NOT FOR ‘Composition Notes: ‘Composition information provided by the Aluminum Association and is not for design, Key Words: UNS A96063; ISO AIMg0.5Si; Aluminium 6063-T832; AAGO63-T832; AI6063-T832 Vendors: Click here to view all available suppliers for this material Please click here if you are a supplier and would like information on how to add your listing to this material, Physical Properties Metr English Comments Density 2.70 gles (0.0975 Ibn? ‘AA; Typical Mechanical Metric English Comments Properties Hardness, Brinell 8 EF ‘AA; Typical, 500 g lead, 10 mm ball Hardness, Knoop 120 120 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value Hardness, Rockwell A 398 39.8 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value Hardness, Rockwell B 60 60 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value Hardness, Vickers 107 107 Converted from Brinell Hardness Value Tensile Strength, 290 MPa 42000 psi AA; Typical Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield 269 MPa 39000 psi AA; Typical Elongation at Break 12% 12% AA; Typical @Thickness 159mm _ @Thicknoss 0.0826 in Modulus of Elasticity 69.0 GPa 10000 ksi Average of Tension and Compression. In ‘Aluminum alloys, the compressive modulus is typically 2% greater than the tensile modulus Poissons Ratio 0.33 0.33 Shear Modulus 25.8 GPa 3740 ksi ‘Shear Strength 186 MPa. 27000 psi AA; Typical Electrical Properties Metric English Comments Electrical Resisvily 0,00000330 ohmeem 0,00000330 ohm-em Esimated from other heat treatments Metric English Comments CTE, linear FB pmimC 72a pine temperature 501-200 °C @Tenperatire-38.- 680 F 234 ymim."C 13.0 pin" ‘AA; Typical average over range @temperatire 200" 100 °C @Temperatie 68°" 212F 24.5 umim"C 13.6 pin/in-°F @Temperature 20.0 - 200°C @Temperature 68.0 - 392 °F 14.2 yin" @renperatie 68-512" Specific Heat 0.900.Jig-"C 0.215 BTUNb-F Capacity Thermal Conductivity 200 Wim-K 1390 BTU-inv-t-"F Estimated from other heat treatments. Melting Point 616 - 654°C 1140 - 1210 °F AA; Typical range based on typical composition for wrought products 1/4 inch thickness or greater hphvww mate comsearchdetshestprit.spx?matgud-elel2416024144Seatbsittd8e800da 12 212019 ‘Aluminum 6063-7832 Solidus 616°C 1140 °F AA; Typical Liquidus 654°C 1210 °F AA; Typical Processing Metric English Comments Properties ‘Annealing 43°C 775 °F _ hold at temperature for 2 to 3 hr, cool at 50°F ‘Temperature por hour from 775 to 500°F Solution Temperature 521°C 970°F Aging Temperature WC 350 °F hold at temperature for 8 hr ‘Component Metric English Comments Elements Properties ‘Aluminum, Al 75% 75% ‘As remainder Chromium, Cr 0.10% 10% Copper, Cu 0.10% 10% lron, Fe <= 0.35% 35 % Magnesium, Mg 0.45 -0.90.% 0.45 - 0.90% Manganese, Mn <= 0.10% 10% Other, each <= 0,05 % 05 % Other, total <= 0.15 % <= 0.15% Silicon, Si 0.20-0.60.% 0.20- 0.60% Titanium, Ti <= 0.10% <= 0.10% Zine, Zn <= 0.10% <= 0.10% References for this datasheet, Usoreroquing more procs dala or selec ot Bere evn devoed sav may ave non coer ar oan sword ina diy enon corse ma ring cleulatons can click onthe property value to see the orga valve as wall as aw conversion 2 equivalent uns, We advise et you only use the orginal vals or one offs raw conversions in your calelatane o mmimize rounding ero We aso ask hat you rotor to Maiviobi arms at usarogacing tn information, Cle: hae oval tho property values forth dalashoel as they wore oa entered info MatWed, hitpthwwwmatwab,comisearchidatasheet print. aspx?malguid 92416926 144ea3061211390890d8 22

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