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Raiden’s Half-Life Two Roleplay Staff Application


Firstly, I’d like to thank you in advance for reading this application. I understand the strenuous task
of going through what I can only imagine to be many applications all vying for the same thing, but I
can only express my appreciation for you, the reviewer, taking the time out of your day to review my
application. I have decided to use this format as it is simple, smooth and allows me to properly detail
information about myself and why I wish to be a member of the Staff Team here on Nebulous Cloud.

About me, personally:

My name is Kieren, I am an 18-year-old business and law student born in, and currently residing in,
England, United Kingdom. Currently, my forum and Steam name is Raiden, and my Steam ID is
(STEAM_0:1:6261179). When I am not on the forums or playing on the Half-Life Two Roleplay server,
I spend most of my time working on my assignments, revising for assessments or being at college in
lessons. I plan to do a degree in Law at University, starting October 2019, where I shall be within
accommodation at whatever university I decide to go to. I wish to pursue a career in Law, either as a
law maker myself (which of course is the more political route, which would require me being elected
as a member of parliament), or as a solicitor working in a Law firm. I am in mixed minds whether I
should go for a more difficult degree thereafter my original one, with the potential of looking into
achieving a Doctorate in Law, depending on my situation after my original three-year course.

I enjoy spending my free-time doing things I enjoy, which include playing on the nebulous cloud
server, creative writing and Real Time strategy games like Stellaris, Age of Empries or Lambda Wars.
I’m also quite keen on other RPG games such as the Elder Scrolls franchise and the Fallout Series,
which I play from time-to-time when I feel like it. I used to be quite the athletic type also, attending
my local gym, but my lack of funds has somewhat halted that, much to my partner’s dismay.

My Experience with Nebulous Cloud:

For me, Nebulous Cloud has always been the “go to” Half-Life Two Roleplay server. Ever since it’s
creation in late 2016, it has been the most popular server across the clockwork game-mode, even
doing performing so well as to be able to break away from the days of moderately low FPS and
create its own scheme, Helix.

Before Nebulous Cloud, I had been a part of a few different servers. My first Half-Life Two Roleplay
server was called Relentless Gaming, something which I know Rictalspace will be familiar with. I
started playing there at a young age, and it allowed me to develop my roleplaying techniques as
well. It was an enjoyable community, however after some time it sunk in player count, and I was
forced to move on to another server. I started playing on Nebulous after directly migrating over from
Lemonpunch, originally playing on the first edition of the World War Three Roleplay back when
Toasty was the Server Director and of which I was Operator on for several months. Unfortunately, at
the time I had to resign due to a desire to get my GCSE’s out of the way, but I did enjoy my time as
part of the staff time on World War Three Roleplay, and it did teach me some useful things about
how to manage as a staff member on one of the flagship servers of nebulous cloud. I can’t wait for
its return, although I’ll most likely be more active on the Half-Life Two Roleplay server.

What attracted me to nebulous cloud was just how professionally everything was run, from its
events, to the main server activities and all the way around to the basic systems of which characters
can use to develop a character. All these things work in good cohesion with each other to produce
that starlight Half-Life Two Roleplay server which is enjoyable for all involved. The creativity this
community allows players brings some truly interesting scenarios, and it is fascinating to be a part of,
and to behold. I don’t think there has been a dull day gone by when I’m on the server. Sure, some
days are slower then others, but I can happily say that there is always something going on
somewhere, and there is always roleplay to be had.

The first whitelist I was given was the Civil Administration Board. This gave me a huge insight on to
the server’s lore, the way of which it works and just how custom the faction I had been whitelisted
into was. It was fascinating to place myself in a world stained by oppression, yet I can openly state
my opinion, somewhat freely as compared to those who walked the streets.

The second whitelist was Civil Protection. I really enjoy playing on my unit, whether it be passively
with my cohorts, or the action-packed rush of an armed 647e who had just killed someone for their
weapon, it is really a unique faction to play, and isn’t like anything else on the server. I love how
down to lore the faction is on nebulous, and I find it utterly fascinating how detailed and well-
thought out everything is, making it seem like a real dystopian police force.

Coming days apart from each other, I also joined the Civil Worker’s Union, the USE and the Union
Medical factions, both in administrative roles. I’ve yet to do much on either of these characters, but I
have enjoyed the brief time I’ve played on them so far, and I’d can’t wait to develop all three of
these characters further.

By far, the most enjoyable time I have spent is being part of the event team. Being able to assist
with, and make my own, events both on the main server, the admin box (which is just really the CAB
are skybox on City Eight) and on the event server. It’s nice being a part of a team who are creating a
platform for players to develop their characters and overall have a good time, and I’ve gained a lot of
fond memories from it.

Why I wish to join:

I wish to join the Staff Team of nebulous cloud because I want to be able to give a little back to the
community I’ve enjoyed since its inception in 2016. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here and would
love to have the ability to assist further in the community in a staff role. For me, I see it as something
of a “one-up” from my current role in the event team, but also in that I want to include the added
responsibility of mainly helping new players learn the game-modem to allow them to develop as a
player. I work well with many of the current staff team members and would like to continue working
with them more closely by being a member of the team.

My experience and personality:

During my responsibilities as an operator on World War Three Roleplay, and my work in the event
team, I have gained knowledge on how to work with the admin system in place. I’ve always been the
type to help players out with issues varying from technical ones to in-game issues, like grasping a
general understanding of the how the game mode works. I’ve been a part of staff teams on previous
servers, including Relentless Gaming, the server I mentioned earlier, and other minor communities
which usually only involved a few players coming onto a private server to host large-scale events.

I’m very informed with the Half-Life Two Roleplay lore, both on the server and in general from what
we learn from the game itself, and I believe I can properly translate this understanding well as part
of the staff team. I’m a patient person who is willing to take the time out to help people with their
issues and problems, and I’m also a person who is willing to talk to people about their problems,
hear what they have to say, and respond to their worries accordingly. Many people who know me
would consider me to be approachable, social, and likeable. Furthermore, I am dedicated to my work
and I always strive to make something be the best it can be, a perfectionist, in every sense of the

I am a good analyser, and I can act upon situations responsibility. I’ve been complimented in the past
from my peers for my good judge of character, and how deeply I investigate certain issues should I
need to, and I believe I could translate these skills onto the main server with this role.

Finally, I’m a good team player. I communicate well with my peers when working on something, and
I can effectively manage pretty much any situation that comes our way responsibly. I listen well to
those I work with, and those who are higher then myself, and I am confident in the words I say.


Thank you for reading through this application. I hope I am considered in the next wave of
applications, I have made some edits from my first application to make it stand out more, and to
give it a real taste of creativity, which I thought the previous one lacked. For now, I hope you have a
pleasant day, and I do hope I hear back from you soon with some feedback, but until then, see you
on the server.


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