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Self-organization, also called (in the social sciences) spontaneous order, is a process where some form of

overall order arises from local interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. The process
is spontaneous, not needing control by any external agent.

Protected Concerted Activity is a legal term used in labor policy to define employee protection
against employer retaliation in the United States. It is a legal principle under the subject of the
freedom of association. The term defines the activities workers may partake in without fear of
employer retaliation.
Security of tenure is a term used in political science to describe a constitutional or legal
guarantee that a political office-holder cannot be removed from office except in exceptional and
specified circumstances.

Installation of labor-saving devices concerns the introduction of machinery or automation processes in

the work system in order to improve productivity. Redundancy happens when there is an overlap of the
services rendered by employees than what is required in the business.

Redundancy occurs when an employer either decides they no longer need an employee's job
to be done by anyone, or the employer becomes insolvent or bankrupt, and terminates their
employment. The job itself, not the employee, becomes redundant.

Definition of Retrenchment

A common conception of retrenchment is that this is when a business cuts its headcount because the
company isn’t making money or is in danger of taking serious losses.

Retrenchment, as defined by the Supreme Court, is:

… an act of the employer of dismissing employees because of losses in the operation of a business, lack
of work, and considerable reduction on the volume of his business, a right consistently recognized and
affirmed by this Court. [G.R. 181719, Apr 2014]

Examples of Termination for Cause

A couple of examples may clarify the types of behavior that qualify for termination for cause.

Example #1:
A man brought what employees believed to be a firearm hidden in a brown paper bag to his workplace.
He brandished the gun around the coworkers before locking the gun in his locker. They reported their
concerns to their manager and to human resources staff.

The company had a zero tolerance policy for weapons in the workplace, a policy that had been well-
vetted by an employment law attorney for their state. The gun was also in company-owned property
and the coworkers had felt threatened by the man's actions. HR called the police who removed the man
and the gun. The man with the gun was ultimately charged with illegally possessing a weapon. He was
fired from his job for cause.

Example #2:

An employee was sought out at a trade show booth by two potential customers who asked for him by
name and referred to him as a company vice president. The problem?

The man was a company manager who was using the title VP to appear to be more important than he
actually was. When the company learned about his mascarade following the show, he was immediately
fired for presenting himself as an officer of the company when he was not.

Example #3:

The company IT department noticed that a young employee had totally reconfigured his cubicle and
made his computer screen unviewable by any employee passing by his desk. They wondered why the
change and checked out his computer.

They found that he was sitting in his cubicle watching pornography all day long instead of working. He
was dismissed. The funny part and so indicative of his youth? He called his HR director the morning after
his termination to ask for help in updating his resume.

Retrenchment is the reduction of personnel for the purpose of cutting down on costs of operations in
terms of salaries and wages resorted to by an employer because of losses in operation of a business
occasioned by lack of work and considerable reduction in the volume of business.

Closure of a business or undertaking due to business losses is the reversal of fortune of the employer
whereby there is a complete cessation of business operations to prevent further financial drain upon an
employer who cannot pay anymore his employees since business has already stopped.

In addition, while the Labor Code provides for the payment of separation pay in case of retrenchment to
prevent losses, it does not obligate the employer give separation pay if there is closure of business due
to serious losses.

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