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Author: Bryony Chalwell

Creation Date: 15 December 2008

Version: 1.8
Latest Update: 3 November 2009
Document Control

Change Record

Date Author Version Change Reference

15 Dec 2008 Bryony Chalwell 1.1 Initial release for RR internal use
20 Jan 2009 Robin Mayo 1.2 Initial draft for Client use
21 Jan 2009 Robin Mayo 1.3 Updates from feedback
27 Jan 2009 Maria Scipioni 1.4 Update TOC, version & Change control update
05 Feb 2009 Renée Cowling 1.5 Replace screenshots to match RR Support
Business User
11-Mar-09 Renée Cowling 1.6 Update Red Rock Support Services iSupport
Process Flow for Support Customers visio drawing,
update point 2 under Create a New Service

20-Apr-09 Renée Cowling 1.7 iSupport reset password details included

26-Oct-09 Renée Cowling 1.8 Product line, Affected environment DFF and Item
Instances changes.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 Page ii


Document Control ......................................................................................................... ii

Change Record ...................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2

Overview of Oracle iSupport ......................................................................................... 3

What is Oracle iSupport? ....................................................................................... 3
The iSupport Process for Red Rock Customers .................................................... 3
Logging into iSupport.............................................................................................. 5
Internet Browser Requirements.............................................................................. 5

CHAPTER 2 Create a New Request ................................................................................................ 7

Create a New Service Request..................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 3 Viewing a Service Request ...................................................................................... 15

Searching For and Viewing a Service Request .......................................................... 16

Creating a View .................................................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 4 Updating and Responding to a Service Request ................................................. 21

Updating a Service Request ....................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER 5 Resolving a Request ................................................................................................ 25

Resolving a Service Request ...................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER 6 iSupport Password Reset ........................................................................................ 27

Password Reset .......................................................................................................... 28


1 Introduction

T his Chapter provides an overview of Oracle iSupport for Red Rock’s Support


RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Overview of Oracle iSupport

What is Oracle iSupport?

Oracle iSupport is a simple, online facility that enables Red Rock’s Support Customers to
create, view, update, and resolve Service Requests via the internet.

The iSupport Process for Red Rock Customers

Red Rock’s Support Customers can now follow a simple self-service process to create,
view, update and resolve their Service Requests through the new web based iSupport

The new process will cover the following steps:-

1. Provision of username/password and User Manual

Red Rock Support will provide the username details for accessing iSupport via email.
A separate email will be sent with the password and logging in information, including
the URL.

2. Login to Red Rock iSupport

Red Rock Support Customers can log into Red Rock’s iSupport page via the internet,
using the username/password provided.

Only nominated users will be able to access iSupport. Any additional users requiring
access will need to be approved internally, and requested via the client’s Account

3. Raise Service Request

Service Requests can be created using iSupport and a Service Request Number will
be generated automatically.

4. Service Request Creation Email Notification

When a Service Request is raised, iSupport automatically sends an email to the

Support Customer’s email address that acknowledges the Service Request along with
the Service Request Number and Service Request details.

5. Automatic Service Request Assignment

Each time a Service Request is created, iSupport automatically assigns the Service
Request to Red Rock Support for actioning.

6. Service Request Review and Updates

Support Customers can view the status and progress of their Service Request via
iSupport along with the ability to make updates for further information if needed.

7. Service Request Resolution

Support Customers also have the capability to close the Request (set status to
Resolved) via iSupport.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Logging into iSupport
1. Go to

2. Enter your username and password and click the Go button. If you do not
remember your password, click on the ‘Did you forget your password?’ link and a
new one will be emailed to you.

3. When you log in, you may change your password by clicking on the button
and proceed to change your password.

4. On the iSupport home page you will see a list of your most recent Service

5. If for any reason iSupport is unavailable please call 1300 733 762 (1300 RED

Internet Browser Requirements

Support Customers can use iSupport with the following Internet Browsers:

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

• Mozilla Firefox 1.5

• Mozilla Firefox 2.0

Other versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox may also work with
iSupport; however the above versions are certified to work with iSupport.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

2 Create a New Request

T his Chapter outlines the procedures for creating a new Service Request using iSupport

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Create a New Service Request
1. If for any reason iSupport is unavailable, please call 1300 733 762 (1300 RED
ROC) and the service desk will log your call.

2. If your issue is a Severity 1 emergency, please call 1300 733 762 (1300 RED
ROC) as soon as you have created the Service Request.

Please note: If the issue occurs outside of your supported business hours, ie 24/7
or extended hours coverage is applicable. Please contact your Red Rock
Account Manager.

3. On the iSupport home page, click on the ‘Create service request’ link.

4. On the next page click on the Type, eg. Incident, Move / Add / Change or

5. On the next page ‘Create Service Request: Indentify Problem’ are several entry

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
6. For fields with a torch icon, you will need to select a value from a list or if you
know the value you can enter it into the field. If not, click on the torch and select
the value, eg. Desktop Support.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
7. Enter values for the following fields:-

• Problem Type - select from a list eg. E Business Suite.

• Problem Summary - enter a brief summary of the problem.
• Error Message - enter the error number and message (if applicable).
• Urgency - select from the drop down list. Most requests fall into a
Severity 3 rating. The urgency selected will be reviewed by the Red Rock
Support Services Team and will be updated accordingly, if required.
• Environment Affected – select your environment affected by the issue.

8. If you have an attachment, click on the Add Attachment button. Another screen
will pop up. Browse for your file, enter a brief description and click the ‘Attach’

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
9. You can add more attachments by clicking the ‘Add Attachment’ button again, or if
you want to remove the attachment, click on the Trash icon.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
10. The User creating the request will default as the Primary Contact. Each user
listed as a contact will be able to view the SR via iSupport and receive update
notifications. (If you do not need to change the contact information go to step 13).

Note: you can still add contacts after the SR has been created by viewing the SR
details and clicking on the Contacts tab.

11. To change the contact person click on the ‘Add Contacts’ button. Select the
contact name and contact email address.

12. If you do not want to monitor the SR or receive notifications, you can set the other
person to be the Primary Contact and click on the trash can icon to remove
yourself as a contact. Once done, click the ‘Apply’ button.

13. When you have completed all the necessary fields, click on the ‘Next’ button at
the right hand side. The next screen ‘Create Service Request: Problem Details’
will show a text box where you can describe your issue in more detail.

Important Note: Please do not paste email correspondence, output logs or

screenshots into the Problem Details region. Please add this information as an
Attachment to the Service Request.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Click on the ‘Next’ button.

The next page ‘Create Service Request: Review’ will display the details of your
Service Request. If you want to change any details, click on the ‘Previous’ button to
edit the information. If you are ready to create the Service Request, click on the
‘Submit’ button.

14. On the next page you will see your Service Request number.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
15. To view the Service Request online you can click on the Service Request

16. As the creator of the Service Request, you will receive an email notification with
the Service Request Number similar to the one below.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

3 Viewing a Service Request

T his Chapter outlines the procedures for searching and viewing existing Service

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Searching For and Viewing a Service Request
On your iSupport home page you can see a list of your most recent Service Requests.

If you know the Service Request number and it is not displayed, you can enter it into the
Quick Find field and click on the ‘Go’ button.

If the Service Request is already displayed, click on the Service Request number.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
On the view Service Request page, you can see details like the Current Status and
Progress. Under the progress area you should see information about the various activities
that have been carried out, ie. Problem description, analysis notes, communication etc.

If you have a long list of Requests, you may want to add some to your Quick Links so they
are easier to find.

To do this, view your Service Request details. Click on the ‘Add to Quick Link’ button.
(You may receive the following warning. Click OK).

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
The Service Request will now be displayed in the Quick Links area at the top of the
screen. To remove the Request, view the Request and click the ‘Remove from Quick
Link’ button.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Creating a View
In the View Service Requests tab you can create a view that will filter and sort your
Service Requests eg. only show Severity 2 calls, or sort by Status instead of Service

1. Click on the View Service Requests tab.

2. Click on the Personalize button.

3. Click on the Create View button.

4. Enter a View Name, Filter Criteria, Display Options and Sort Options.

Filter Criteria will only show the Service Requests that match the filter information.

Display Options will change the columns of information. Columns to be displayed

are in the right hand box. Highlight the column and use the < > buttons to
add/remove the column.

Sort Options change the order of the Service Request list.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
5. Click on Save to save the View or Click on the Save and Search button to save
and display search results.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

4 Updating and Responding

to a Service Request
T his Chapter outlines the procedures to add additional information to an existing
Service Request.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Updating a Service Request
You can update a Service Request with more attachments, more information, or ask for
an update on the progress of the call.

If the Status of a Service Request is ‘With Customer’, it means the person working on
resolving the issue is waiting for more information or action from the User who made the


To add more attachments, view the details of the Service Request and click on the
‘Attachments’ tab. Then click on the ‘Add Attachment’ button and browse for your

Add Notes or Request Information

To add more information, view the Service Request details. At the bottom of the page is
an area called Update Service Request.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Select the Status eg. Action Required.

Select the Note Type eg. Update Description.

Type in your Comments and click the ‘Update’ button.

The new information will be emailed to the owner of the Service Request and will appear
as a new line in the Progress area.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

5 Resolving a Request

T his Chapter outlines the procedures for setting the status of the Service Request to


RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Resolving a Service Request
When all the deliverables (service provided, problem solved) of the Service Request have
been completed, the status of the Service Request needs to be set to Resolved.

Service Requests can be set to ‘Resolved’ by Red Rock Support or Support Customers.

Resolving a Service Request follows the same procedure as updating a Service Request.

In the Update Service Request area, select Resolved as the New Status.

Select Update Description and enter in comments to confirm that the Service Request is
now complete.

The ‘Current Status’ will change to Resolved.

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

6 iSupport Password Reset

T his Chapter outlines the procedures for resetting your iSupport password

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009
Password Reset
You can reset your iSupport password one of two ways. Firstly, using the Tip Did you
forget your password? link displayed directly under the Login ID and Password on the
iSupport Login page and follow the prompts.

Secondly, reset your password once logged into iSupport by clicking on the Profile link
displayed on the top right hand corner followed by selecting the Click here to change your
password link.

Important Note: If you require any assistance with iSupport including password
issues please send an email to whereby
the Red Rock Support Services Team will be able to provide

RedRock iSupport User Guide - For Support Customers v1.8 3 November 2009

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