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Emphasis on oyster mushrooms



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Man ual F
Manual or Mushr
For oom Culti
Mushroom Cultivv a tion


Mr. Chenjerayi KASHANGURA

Dr. Edna Kunjeku
Dr. Audrey Mabveni
Mrs. Tsungai Chirara
Mr. Arnold Mswaka
Mrs. Vimbai Manjonjo-Dalu
Copyright@ 2004
Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe
151 Sam Nujoma Street

Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe 2004
Mushroom Production Manual

Authors: KASHANGURA C, Kunjeku E, Mabveni A, Chirara T, Mswaka A, Manjonjo-Dalu V

Edited by Professor C. J. Chetsanga

Cover design pictures: upper right: A farmer from Wedza with a bumper oyster mushroom crop, upper left:
oyster mushrooms fruiting through cut vertical slits.centre: double beam system of hanging bags. Oyster
mushroom crop. centre low: thatch-grass mushroom growing house. low right upper: farmers spawning
banana substrate. low right lower: brick mushroom growing house.
Printed by:

Available from Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe

151 Sam Nujoma Street



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


The authors would like to thank the following institutions –University

of Zimbabwe (UZ), Scientific and Industrial Research and Development
Centre (SIRDC), Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe (BTZ), AREX
(Agricultural Research and Extension) for making the Mushroom
Project a reality and not a dream. We thank all the farmers in the
pilot areas (Hwedza and Buhera) for the co-operation shown in
the research and adoption of oyster mushroom cultivation technology.
This manual and the Mushroom Project were supported by a grant from
the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Biotechnology Trust
of Zimbabwe (BTZ). We also thank the founding members of the
Mushroom Project team who include Dr. Allen. Y. Mswaka (the initial
Principal Investigator), Mrs. Chigogora (collaborator at BRI [SIRDC])
and Mr. Gerald Ashley (the initial technician for the project).

Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe is a not for profit organisation

The Intended users of the manual are:

Development workers, Extension Workers and individual growers and
mushroom trainers



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms



1. University of Zimbabwe (Biological Sciences Department): This is where spawn

was produced in conjunction with BRI (SIRDC). Research in oyster mushrooms and
other mushrooms was done in the Biological Sciences Department. Oyster mushroom
cultures were also maintained here. The department offers spawn and mushroom
training. The department was the main research center for the Mushroom Project.

2. Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI) [SIRDC]: Spawn was also

produced here. The BRI was a collaborating institute during the mushroom
project lifespan.

3. Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe (BTZ): This is a not-for-profit organization

which facilitated the project through the provision of funding and other
assistance.The primary objective of the organisation is to provide funding for
agricultural projects that are need driven and which benefit the resource-
disadvantaged farmers (RDFs) in Zimbabwe.

4. Agricultural Research and Extension (AREX): This organization, through

its network of extension personnel, was involved in the initial set up of the
project and provided the necessary linkage between the farmers and the
project team.


To all the mycophiles (Mushroom Lovers)
And oyster mushroom cultivators



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


T he Mushroom project was practically initiated

in Hwedza and Buhera in 1998 after
thorough consultations among all the
kilometres (sq km). Its altitude ranges
between 197 m and 2592 m. Most of the country
lies more than 300 m above sea level, with 80
stakeholders (UZ, SIRDC, BTZ, AREX and percent being higher than 600 m. Less than five
farmers). This manual is a result of some of percent is above 1500 m and the peak is in Nyanga
the experiences encountered during the in the Eastern Highlands.
mushroom project lifespan (1998-2002). The The Mushroom Project started with 12
manual is intended for all those who are project sites in Buhera and Hwedza, which are
interested in cultivating oyster mushrooms. If shown in the map above. Buhera and Hwedza
one is only interested in starting to cultivate are districts in Zimbabwe located in the
oyster mushrooms right away then one can provinces Manicaland and Mashonaland East
concentrate on chapters 4 and 5. The other respectively. Buhera and Hwedza have land
chapters can be read by one who is already cover of 537 058 ha and 256 271 ha respectively.
cultivating the oyster mushrooms. A bonus The project sites are not shown to scale in the
section on spawn production has been map relative to each other
included and a brief section on button There were six project sites in Buhera and six
mushrooms has also been included. project sites in Wedza. This manual contains
Zimbabwe is a land-locked country information on the technology that was developed
bounded by Zambia on the north, at the research institutes (UZ and BRI) in
Mozambique on the east, South Africa on the conjunction with AREX with the collaboration
south and Botswana on the west. It also shares of the farmers themselves through participatory
a small border with Namibia at the point of techniques. The Project team learnt from the
the Caprivi Strip. Zimbabwe is situated farmers and the farmers also learnt from the
between south latitudes 15o36' and 22o25' and project team. As of 2003 the project sites had
it covers an area of 390 757 square increased drastically to close to 50.
The aim of this manual is
to facilitate the adoption of oyster
mushroom cultivation by
interested households in
Zimbabwe and the surrounding
region. Members of such
households can then share with
others the technology
experience that was achieved
in Buhera and Hwedza from
1998 to 2002. The authors
hope that this manual shall not
only provide pleasant reading
but also practical knowledge
which can be used by the
purchaser of this manual in
preparing oyster mushroom

Chenjerayi Kashangura, Edna

Kunjeku, Audrey Mabveni, Tsungai
5 Chirara, Arnold Mswaka,Vimbai


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


Trivia on Mushrooms 8
Nature’s Mushroom Cultivators 8


Common Features 9
Types and Uses 11
Edible Mushrooms 11
Non-edible and Poisonous Mushrooms 13
Common Features to note on Poisonous Mushrooms 13
Uses of Mushrooms 13
Importance of Mushrooms 15
Biological Efficiency 15


Reproduction in Fungi 16
Fungal Growth Factors 18
Nutrition of Mushrooms 22







BONUS Spawn Production 67




Contact Details



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms



Words that are written in italics are scientific names and need not intimidate
the reader who is not familiar with them. Scientific names enable people
worldwide to refer to the same organism without ambiguity. Thus maize
(‘chibage’) is called Zea mays all over the world. If you go to Russia, France,
Italy, Spain, Cameroon, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania and you ask for Zea
mays, they will all give you maize. If you ask for Pleurotus ostreatus, then
you will get the white oyster mushroom. Hope you will enjoy reading this


Anon, (Internet): Figures 2, 14
British Mycological Society: Figure 12

Chenjerayi Kashangura: Figures 9, 10, 11, 21, 28, 30, 41, 44, 49, 50a,
51a, 52a, 53a, 54a, 55a

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation): Figures 4, 15, 16, 17, 18,
26, 42, 58-62, 64, 71

Laszlo P. L.: Figure 3

Mushroom Project Team: Figures 5, 7, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31-40,
45-48, 50b&c, 51b&c, 52b,
53b&c, 54b, 55b-d, 69, 70, 72

Paul. Stamets: Figures 1, 6, 13, 43, 63

Paul. Stamets and Chilton. J. S: Figures 65-68

Peter Oei: Figures 8, 23, 24, 56



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


T he people of Efon Alaye, a town in Ekiti

Division in the Western State of Nigeria,
traditionally do not eat ewe mushrooms
this mushroom.Source: Oso (1975)

The mid-eighteenth century was still a time of

(Termitomyces robustus). There was a tribal war superstition and spontaneous generation. Secretive
between the Ekiti people and the Ibadan people saprobes hidden in humus were linked with the
who lived in separate provinces in Western State. devil. It was then that Otto von Münchhausen
As news reached Efon Alaye that Ibadan warriors investigated the essential nature of fungi and
were in pursuit of the Ekitis, the people of Efon concluded that these mysterious objects were the
Alaye deserted the town. They all fled over a houses of animals.Source: Ramsbottom (1954)
common path, and by the time the Ibadan warriors
reached Efon Alaye, ewe already had grown over In olden days some inhabitants of West Africa
this escape route and covered their footprints. held the belief that there was a god who
When the Ibadan warriors saw the mushrooms controlled the growth of Termitomyces robustus.
they thought to themselves that if the people had Hence, in many of the villages there was an annual
fled by that path the mushrooms would have been offering of a white hen to appease this god. The
crushed. They then turned back and went another people were convinced that there would always
way. Thus the Efon Alaye people were saved from be a poor crop of mushroom during any year when
being taken prisoner or killed during the war. For the offering was not made. Some natives in
this reason they have since considered ewe sacred Nigeria thought Termitomyces robustus drops from
and have developed taboos against the eating of the skies along with the rains.Source: Oso (1975)



A ll the insects, which cultivate fungi, have

specialised structures called mycetangia, for
conveying fungi from one nest to the next (Smith,
which can break down cellulose and probably
lignin also (Smith, 1981). Leaf-cutting ants
provide less wood for their gardens than termites
1981). Wood-boring Ambrosia beetles, bore and more of other, softer plant debris. They are
tunnels in which they plant their fungi, and then socially more complex than termites with more
keep out any ‘weed’ fungi (Smith, 1981). The term of the insect castes having an individual role in
‘ambrosia’ comes from the glistening appearance their myco-agricultural society (Smith, 1981).
of the lining of the tunnels. The other main groups Norris (1979) showed that the ambrosia beetle,
of fungus gardeners, the termites and the leaf- Xyleborus ferrugineus, produced no progeny unless
cutting ants, not only create special weed-free fed its own fungi, either Fusarium solani or
chambers for their fungi, but also bring an Cephalosporium (Smith, 1981). Leaf-cutting ants
abundance of food from outside into the cultivate fungi on cut leaf and flower parts in an
chambers for their fungi (Smith, 1981). The underground garden. Such a fungus produces
gardens of termites are often a mixture of two hyphae with inflated tips, which are used as food
fungi, Xylaria and Termitomyces (an agaric) both of by the ants (Muchovej, Lucia and Muchovej, 1991)



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

INTRODUCTION: Background to Mushrooms
In the eighteenth century, mushrooms were comes from the Greek “pleuro” which means
cultivated in caves where composted animal formed in a lateral position, referring to the lateral
manure beds were prepared. A casing material position of the stem relative to the cap (Stamets
made up of rotten leaf litter was later added to and Chilton, 1983). Pleurotus ostreatus (white oyster)
stimulate mushroom formation (Quimio et al, was first cultivated in 1900 whilst Pleurotus
1990). The rapid development and growth of the pulmonarius var. sajor-caju (brown oyster) was first
mushroom industry from a primitive cave culture cultivated in 1974 (Quimio et al, 1990).
into one using more highly technical and controlled Mushrooms belong to a group of organisms
methods was stimulated in the 1960s. With the known as fungi. A mushroom is therefore the
establishment of laboratories for research on visible reproductive structure of a fungus. When
mushroom growing, improved technologies on the people talk of mushrooms, we think of the edible
use of mushroom growing houses and use of pure fungi. But in general, mushrooms include a wide
culture spawn resulted in the rapid and increased variety of other fungi some inedible which include
production of mushrooms worldwide (Flegg et al, puffballs, stinkhorns and bracket fungi. These
1985 cited in Quimio et al, 1990). Mushrooms in fungi were once grouped together with the Algae,
nature grow on roots of tress, in the soil as but were split because they lack chlorophyll.
mycelium, which, in the case of oyster
mushrooms, is white (Figure 1). Common features of mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used and prized as a Mushrooms are visible reproductive bodies of
delicacy for more than two thousand years. The fungi. The fruiting body is found attached on logs,
Chinese were the earliest growers of mushroom. soil, leaves or twigs. Most of the edible fungi
Literature references (Chang and Miles, 1987 cited inhabit the soil. Several of the wood inhabiting
in Quimio et al, 1990) indicate that Auricularia fungi are non-edible because of their tough context
auricula was first cultivated in China in A.D 600. tissue and have no taste. However, these
Since then many species of mushroom have been mushrooms have common features whether edible
added to the ever-growing list of cultivated or non-edible. Some of these features are shown
mushrooms. Pleurotus species (common name: in Figure 2.
oyster mushrooms) are no exception. Pleurotus

Figure 1 An illustration showing the occurrence of mycelium Figure 2 The common features of a mushroom
(white stuff for oyster mushrooms) underneath the soil.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

(i) Cap:All mushrooms have a cap which can mushroom. When the mushroom opens, a
be of various colours. The most common ring remains attached to stipe. Oyster
colours are cream, white, brown, purple, mushrooms do not have rings. However the
orange and various shades of red. The oyster button mushrooms do have rings. It is
mushrooms, which are mainly cultivated in recommended that button mushrooms be
Zimbabwe, are the white oyster and the harvested before the veil breaks to increase
brown oyster. These have caps with colours their shelf-life since spores, which mark the
that range from white to gray-brown. The end of the lifespan of the mushroom, will
colour and the morphology of the cap are not have been released. Some rings are
important in the classification of fungi. persistent e.g. in Amanita species.
Some mushrooms have smooth surfaces
while others have warts (little bumps) or (v) Basal bulb: This part of mushroom is found
scales. The scales or warts are the remains in the soil. It is generally tough and has a
of the partial veil. network of mycelia, which absorbs the
required nutrients for the fungus. In
(ii) Gills: Underneath the cap surface are the cultivated mushrooms, the basal bulb where
gills. These are very delicate and bear the present, will be attached to the substrate
spores, which can be dispersed by wind or being utilized.
rain on maturity. When oyster mushrooms
are fruiting, the Mushroom Growing House (vi) Volva: This is only common in a few
(MGH) sometimes has a mist like appearance mushroom species such as the Volvariella and
inside when one enters the MGH. This is the Amanita species. In some species, the
due to the oyster spore mass. During these volva may disappear with age. Its function
periods people should not stay for long in is to protect the basal bulb and part of stipe.
the MGH as some individuals may be allergic Oyster mushrooms do not have a volva
to the high concentration of spores. The
spores are the actual mushroom seeds and Types and uses of mushrooms
not the spawn that oyster mushroom farmers
buy. Edible mushrooms
The gills can be cream to white, brown or
pink. The oyster mushroom gills range from The edibility of a mushroom should be treated
white to pink to an off white colour. with great care. Many deaths have been recorded
However, most gills are pink when young. caused by mushroom poisoning especially during
If the gills are placed facing a piece of paper, the rainy seasons. The rule of thumb is: “if in
masses of spores are deposited onto the doubt, leave the mushroom”.
paper. This is referred to as a spore print. Rural women who happen to be mushroom
(iii) Stipe: This is the stalk/stem, which supports collectors are more experienced with the edible
the mushroom. Stipes can be fragile or mushrooms. Most of the edible mushrooms are
tough. Stipes can be smooth or rough. the Agarics. Some tribes consume Schyzophyllum
Usually most mushrooms have stipe of the commune.
same colour as the cap surface.
Common genera with edible mushrooms
(iv) Ring: Most mushrooms have a ring when Termitomycete (Huvhe)
young. This ring originates from a partial Chantharellus (Chihombiro/ Tsvuketsvuke/
veil, which envelops the whole young Firifiti)



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Lactarius (Nzeveyambuya) small fruiting body. These are also mycorrhizal

Agaricus in miombo woodlands.
Boletus (Matindindi) v Russula: Few people eat this genus because it
Russula is a mixed bag of both edible and non-edible
Amanita* (ie Nhedzi) mushrooms. Only the experienced people
* This genus has more poisonous than edible would like to collect this type of mushroom.
species. To date, only Amanita zambiana Identification features are colour, white gills, milk
(nhedzi) is known to be edible. In brackets are the exudates and the peppery taste. I would treat
Shona names. this genus with extra caution for the mushroom
v Termitomycete (Huvhe) forms mycorrhizal as-
sociation with termite mounds and has a long v Macrolepiota: Mostly found in miombo or
pseudorrhiza that grows down the anthill. The muzhanje trees. Has a very tall stipe of up to
cap can be very big i.e. T. titanicus can be ~ 25cm, it has a swollen base without a volva. The
60 cm diameter. This mushroom however is only most striking feature is the prominent ring, which
in association with particular ants. The mush- is persistent. This group is often confused with
room is very tasty and ranked very highly by Chlorophyllum molybdate at young stage.
most people. However, Chlorophyllum has a greenish tint of
gills when mature.
v Chantharellus (Chihombiro/Tsvuketsvuke/
Firifiti) forms mycorrhizal association with ♣ Amanita zambiana (Nhedzi): Also popular
Brachystegia and Julbernadia (msasa and with the rural folk, it is identified by a
munhondo) trees. It has very thick and decur- creamish surface with a light brown tint at the
rent gills and there is a depression at the Centre centre of cap. The cap has to be peeled be-
of the cap. It has a nice yellow colour with a fore cooking. This is a very tasty mushroom.
fruity odour. This mushroom is very tasty and is
ranked high. Non-edible and poisonous mushrooms

v Boletus (Matindindi) is a mycorrhizal mushroom When one finds a mushroom, one often asks: Is
and can be found in pine plantations, or under this edible?” Some mushrooms such as the
mupfura tree or miombo woodlands. The mush- polypores are non-edible but not poisonous.
room has tubes instead of gills. Examples are They have tough context which makes them
Boletus edulis that is very popular among rural not popular with the locals. People have come
folk. Identification features are a very smooth up with safety rules but these have no
brown surface of cap, swollen base covered with guarantee. Some of the rules are:
a network of veins. - The blackening of a silver spoon while
Boletus edulis is very tasty and is preferred in cooking is supposed to show that the
dried form with peanut butter. It is also on the mushroom is poisonous.
wanted list for making soups in Europe. - If the mushroom carries signs of damage
by insects, then the mushroom is edible
v Lactarius: (Nzeveyambuya) Identification fea- - Eating small quantities before a large meal
tures are exuding milk when bruised, light brown may be revealing
smooth cap with white to creamish gills and the - Feeding the mushroom to the chickens or
dogs can show if they will die or become sick.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Mushroom poisoning can occur even with the decomposing woody material into sugars and
smallest quantities of the poison. Some toxins mineral elements to be absorbed by plants.
cause vomiting, diarrhoea, hallucinations and
dizziness while others can be really fatal e.g. n Primary decomposers: These are the first fungi
muscarines and phalloides from Amanita muscaria, to colonise the log, twig or leaf. These are fast
Amanita phalloides and Chlorophyllum molybdates. growing and their mycelium ramifies into the
These toxins can cause death even when consumed substrate as the lignocellulosic enzymes are
in small amounts. Some of the mild toxins can be secreted. Examples are oyster mushrooms
denatured by cooking. In Zimbabwe, most (Pleurotus) shown in Figure 3, Shiitake (Lentinus
mushroom poisoning is from confusion between edodes) and all other wood inhabiting fungi.
Agaricus rubescens and Amanita pantherina as well as
between Macrolepiota and Chlorophyllum. n Secondary decomposers: These fungi
are dependent on the by-products of the
Common features to note on poisonous primary decomposers. They cannot
mushrooms produce the enzymes to breakdown the
Poisonous mushrooms can be distinguished by: cellulose complex. They normally grow on
• white gills composted material with a lot of available
• presence of a ring simple sugars. An example is Agaricus,”button”
• presence of a volva mushroom
• warts on the surface of the cap (Figure 4).

If one finds three or more of these characters on The secondary decomposers cannot utilize a
one fungus, then it is likely to be poisonous. substrate that can be utilized by a primary
However some edible mushrooms also have either decomposer. It is like going to school. A child cannot
one or two of these features making it very difficult start with secondary education and then start primary
for an amateur mushroom picker to identify the education after completing secondary education.
poisonous ones.
Therefore the rule is not to ingest any mushroom
unless it has been properly identified. Usually
the old folk in the villages know which
mushrooms are edible. One should thus only
eat those mushrooms that one has been eating
all along. One should avoid eating mushrooms
without proper identification by a mushroom
expert. The purpose of this manual is to
enable the mycophiles (Mushroom lovers) of
Zimbabwe to cultivate their own edible well-
identified oyster mushrooms.

Uses of mushrooms

1. Mushrooms as saprophyte/decomposers

Mushrooms help in the recycling of matter by Figure 3 White oyster mushroom (a primary decomposer)
in its natural setting, a tree.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

A lot of our indigenous mushrooms have medicinal

value. What is needed is a survey in the rural areas
to tap this information from the old rural folk.

3. Mushrooms as food source

About 2 000 - 5 000 species are used as food.

Mushrooms serve as the major protein source to
most Zimbabweans especially during the rainy
seasons (November to March). During this
period, informal mushroom markets sprout on
roadsides. Research has shown that mushrooms
are a good protein source. The mushrooms may
Figure 4 Button mushrooms (secondary decom- be consumed fresh or sun dried.
4. Mushrooms in bioremediation
This is also the case with primary and secondary
decomposers. Oyster Mushroom can use a substrate Mushrooms secrete various enzymes which
that is not composted whilst button mushrooms hydrolyse unwanted waste material from industry.
require a composted substrate. Fungi also degrade polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons while some fungi produce oxidative
2. Mushrooms in medicine enzymes used in bio-bleaching and bio-pulping
to replace the unfriendly chemicals such as
About 1 800 species are used as medicines. Some chlorine which usually ends up in drinking water.
cultivated mushrooms such as Lentinus edodes Fungi can also absorb heavy metals, thus they can
(Shiitake) are medicinal because they lower blood be used to clean up the environment.
pressure and have low cholesterol content.
Reports have been made on the use of 5. Importance of mushrooms
Perenniporia mundula to treat pleurisy and
impotence in Zambia, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Mushrooms provide a healthy source of protein,
The type of disease treated depends on the norms vitamins (B, C and D) and carbohydrates.
and beliefs of different people. Some tribes use
the same fungus to cure nose bleeding and dizziness.
Fungi such as Ganoderma (Figure 5) species are
believed to boost the human immune system. The
Chinese and Japanese are carrying out a lot of work
in that area.

In Zimbabwe, a team of researchers (Mswaka, Duri

and others) is working on the same fungus to help
reduce blood pressure in the human body and boost
the immune system. Some non-edible fungi of
medicinal value are stinkhorns, which are reported
to cure bilharzia (Tagwira, personal communication).
Figure 5 A Ganoderma specimen maintained at the Biological
Sciences Department, University of Zimbabwe



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

They also lower blood cholesterol level and are where DP is the amount in kg of edible
low in sodium which makes them ideal for persons mushrooms produced as fresh product and Mo is
with certain types of heart and kidney ailments. the initial amount (kg) of raw material introduced
On a dry weight basis, oyster mushrooms in the bag (as dry material) (Sanchez and
(Pleurotus species) have substantial protein ranging Gonzalez, 1996).
from 15% to 35% as well as significant quantities To achieve 100% biological efficiency, an oyster
of free amino acids. They are replete with assorted mushroom farmer who collects 10 kg of dry wheat
vitamins such as vitamin C (30-144mg [milligrams] straw substrate and uses it to cultivate oyster
per 100 grams) and vitamin B, niacin (109mg per mushrooms must harvest 10kg of fresh
100 grams) (Stamets, 1993). In nature Pleurotus mushrooms after three harvests. This level of
species grow on living or dead parts of plants, production can only be attained if optimal
which are generally poor in nutrients and vitamins conditions are maintained in the MGH.
(Chang and Hayes, 1978). For both mycelium
growth and fruit body development on lignin A good strain and substrate combination should
cellulose (C: N–relationship, 1:50, 1:100 and operate within the 75% to 125% biological
1:500) material such as corn cobs, all grain straws, efficiency for the mushroom farmer (Stamets,
paper, wood shavings, sawdust, nutshells, and 1993). The best way to improve yield is to
vegetable wastes, as well as food industry wastes increase the spawn rate and, for the mushroom
are sufficient (Bano and Srivastava, 1962; Block, farmer, the target is not to seek the highest overall
1965; Block et al, 1959; Eger, 1965a; Kedyk and yield. The first, second and third crops are usually
Smotlachova, 1959; Schanel et al, 1966, cited in the best, with each successive crop decreasing in
Chang and Hayes, 1978). The different types of yield. However the number of crops the farmer
Pleurotus are suited to growing within a temperature allows depends on whether the mushroom
range of 20oC to 30oC. Humidity levels of 80 to cultivation is for commercial or household
95% are sufficient for growth (Chang and Hayes, consumption. If it is for household consumption
1978; Quimio et al, 1990). Most extra-ordinary then the farmer can allow the oyster mushrooms
about Pleurotus species is their ability to convert to fruit until the substrate is well spent, whereas
substrate mass into mushrooms with biological the commercial farmer will only need to harvest
efficiencies often exceeding 100%, some of the three harvests not exceeding five times for optimal
greatest efficiencies in the world of cultivated benefits and to be able to supply the market.)
mushrooms (Stamets, 1993).

Biological Efficiency This is the percentage

measurement of the yield of fresh mushrooms
from the dry weight of the substrate. One
hundred percent biological efficiency is
equivalent to saying that from a substrate with
a moisture content of 75%, 25% of its mass
will yield fresh mushrooms having a moisture
content of 90% (Stamets, 1993).

• Biological Efficiency: E = D P / Mo ,



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

T he Biolo
Biologg y of Mushr ooms
Most mushrooms are saprotrophic, they obtain A basidiospore germinates (Figure 6) to give rise to
organic matter from dead plants and recycle a mycelium whose nucleus divides mitotically to give
carbon in the soil. The biology of this group of a multinucleate mycelium. The mycelia is then
fungi is therefore from mycelium to the divided by septa so that each segment of the
basidiocarp (fruiting body) (Figure 6). mycelium is uninucleate. This mycelia is
homokaryotic. Each segment therefore is
Growth and reproduction of mushrooms monokaryotic. In basidiomycetes mushrooms,
homokaryotic mycelia do not fruit. For fruiting to
The reproductive unit of a mushroom is a spore. occur, two homokaryotic mycelia of different
The spore may be formed asexually, sexually or mating types should fuse. When two compatible
vegetatively. When a mature spore is dispersed mating types meet (Figure 6), cell walls breakdown
and lands on suitable substrate, and with favorable and nuclear migration follows. This is followed by
temperature and moisture, the spore will germinate nuclear fusion called karyogamy, each mycelia
and send a germ tube, which attaches to the segment bearing two compatible nuclei. This
substrate. This tube then elongates and forms secondary mycelium for med is said to be
the hyphae. A hypha is a filamentous tube, which dikaryotic, and will further multiply mitotically.
divides mitotically to form other cells and cross- Note: A culture from a single spore is incapable
walls form between cells to form septa. The of producing fertile fruiting bodies.
hyphae form side branches which later form net-
like threads called mycelium. Mycelium is the Spores germinate, and then there is mating between
vegetative body of the mushroom and is compatible hyphae to form the secondary dikaryotic
responsible for its nutrition. mycelia. This mycelium will continuously grow up
to a certain stage where growth ceases due to decline
Reproduction in fungi in heat and carbon dioxide. A drop in temperature
and carbon dioxide together with favourable
humidity and moisture will trigger formation of
fruiting bodies. Fruiting bodies enlarge and
differentiate into the different structures of a mature
mushroom such as cap with a partial veil.
Underneath the cap are the gills and stipe (stalk).
Gills contain the hymenium and this is a layer of
fertile cells bearing basidium. Basidium develops
four “arms” called sterigmata and the apices swell
to give four basidiospores.
Note: Each basidiospore has a haploid nucleus.
Mature spores become pigmented and are dispersed
by wind, water or animals. If prevailing conditions
are favourable, the spore germinates and cycle is
Figure 7a next shows the white colour that becomes
familiar to every oyster mushroom cultivator
indicating that all is well in the Mushroom Growing
House (MGH). Figure 7a shows the hypha stage
Figure 6 The life-cycle of a mushroom showing the transition shown in Figure 6. This is also the case during spawn
from a spore to hypha to primordial to fruitbody (mushroom run when cultivating oyster mushrooms. Figure 7b
which we eat)



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

shows two stages in the life cycle of the Successful cultivation of oyster mushrooms thus
mushroom, the mycelium stage (many hypha) and requires a water source nearby. From Figure 8 it
the fruiting stage. The Petri dish in Figure 7b can be seen that mushrooms have most of their
shows the stages that an oyster mushroom farmer content being composed of water (90%). This is
should expect when cultivating mushrooms in a why when the rains come the wild mushrooms
Petri dish. emerge and grow overnight because most of the
mass of fresh mushrooms is water. This again
Fungal growth factors shows why the MGH should be well watered
especially during fruiting because the mushrooms
Formation and growth of fruiting body is require water to thrive.
dependent on genetic competence and
environmental factors such as moisture, pH,
temperature, light and aeration.

1. Availability of moisture
This is important in facilitating enzymatic
reactions. Enzymes work in an aqueous
environment where they digest the available
nutrients for advancement of the mycelium. In
the absence of water, the mycelium will desiccate Figure 8: A Pie Chart illustrating that 90% of
and die. The water in the logs, called matric fresh mushrooms is water.
potential, will allow the spores to germinate and
colonise the substrate. The oyster mushrooms and
the button mushrooms require a lot of moisture. 2. Favorable pH and temperature
This is required for the growth of the fungus. The
optimum pH for most fungi ranges from pH6 to
pH7. Under natural conditions, the fungus can
regulate its own pH. However, for a mushroom
grower, the pH has to be regulated before
a) spawning. For button mushroom cultivation the
pH has to be regulated before spawning. For oyster
mushrooms their wide optimal pH range enables
them to alter the pH to suit their growth
(Kashangura et al, 2002).

Temperature is very crucial for the stability of the

enzymes being produced by the fungus. The
ambient temperatures for most enzymes produced
by fungi are between 25 and 35 0 C. High
b) temperatures will denature enzymes and also leads
to high water evaporation hence desiccation of
Figure 7 Petri-dishes showing the stages that occur in mush- the mycelium. It should, however, be noted that
room cultivation a) shows the mycelium stage (many hypha) which the temperatures for mycelial growth are higher
is characteristic of the spawn run period whilst b) shows the two than the temperatures needed for fruiting. Low
stages of mycelium and fruiting which are the stages expected in temperatures reduce mycelial advancement and
oyster mushrooms cultivated in a Petri dish.


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

also promote faster multiplication of the other the organism is potentially being harmed.
microorganisms such as Pseudomonas which 2. Mycorrhizal fungi These fungi are
stimulate fruiting. The oyster mushrooms have an mushrooms which are in close association with
optimal growth temperature of 250C. The button particular trees as shown in Figure 10. The
mushroom is very sensitive to temperature relationship can either be mutualistic or symbiotic.
fluctuations. Thus it is not commercially viable to Most of our edible mushrooms in Zimbabwe fall
try and cultivate button mushrooms without an under the latter. Research has shown that some
air conditioner installed in the MGH. On the other trees grow very slowly in the absence of certain
hand oyster mushrooms can be cultivated in a mushrooms and at the same time, some mushroom
MGH without an air conditioner. like Chantharellus can only grow in Miombo
woodlands. Miombo woodlands comprise
3. Aeration and light These two parameters are Brachystegia and Julbenadia species (Msasa and
important because oxygen is needed when Munhondo). Another symbiotic association is
metabolic processes occur. In Oyster mushroom, between termites and Termitomycetes. This genus
high carbon dioxide (CO2) content promotes is only found on termite mounds forming some
vigorous mycelial growth. Low CO2 is also very pseudorrhiza “long root” which grows into the
important for fruiting to occur in most cultivated comb of mound. Our indigenous mushrooms in
fungi. Light intensity, duration and wavelength Zimbabwe are not being cultivated because most
are important for fruitbody production. Fruitbody of them are mycorrhizal.
development is phototrophic (grows towards the
light source). and this is observed in most
hymenomycetes e.g. Flammulina, Coprinus species.
Oyster mushrooms exhibit a phototrophic
response to light. This means the MGH should
Dead tree
have adequate windows to enable enough light to
enter the MGH when the mushrooms are fruiting.
Nutrition of mushrooms
Tree stump

Mushrooms do not have chlorophyll like plants as

they obtain food from dead plants unlike plants
Figure 9 Saprophytic mushroom on a dead tree and stump.
that manufacture their own food. Mushrooms are
The blue arrowheads show the site where the organism is
divided into the following three categories and benefiting.
these are:
1. Saprotrophic fungi These fungi secrete
lignocellulosic enzymes, which attack lignin and
cellulose complexes. Most of the fungi fall under
this group. The fungus is found attached to twigs,
leaves, fruit material, logs and bark of tree (Figure
9). Dead wood in a forest is reduced to humus by
fungi. Plants later absorb the resulting nutrients.
Saprophytes are therefore important in the
recycling of carbon for plants. Oyster mushrooms
are in this category. Blue arrowheads in Figures 9 Figure 10 Mychorrizal relationship between a living tree and
to 11 show the site where the organism is mushrooms. Both organisms benefit from the relationship. Such
benefiting whilst black arrowheads show where mushrooms are difficult to cultivate.


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

They require a living substrate to survive whereas, mushroom such as oyster mushrooms will grow
the saprophytic mushrooms like oyster on a dead tree or the bark of a living tree since
mushrooms can live on a dead substrate. the bark is just for protection and is more or less
dead material. It feeds on the tree and can reduce
3. Parasitic fungi: This group of fungi is found the market value of timber plantations The host
on living plants and may cause the death of the tree will be downgraded for timber use as shown
plant as shown in Figure 11. in Figure 12. As the saprophytic mushroom does
not require a living organism to survive it can be
cultivated on a substrate that has been treated
and is no longer surviving.

The mycorrhizal mushroom requires a living

organism to thrive. It gives certain nutrients to
the tree or plant whilst receiving certain things
from the plant in turn. Scientific research needs
to identify what the mushroom gets from the tree.
This will enable scientists to incorporate such
ingredients in the media for cultivating the
mycorrhizal mushrooms, the main types of
mushrooms found in Zimbabwe.
Parasitic mushrooms receive nutrients from the
plants whilst mostly not giving anything benefical
to the plant. Some mushrooms after ‘parasitising’
a tree or plant will shift to a saprophytic mode of
Figure 11 Parasitic mode of nutrition where the living tree is The tree enjoys having a mycorrhizal mushroom
suffering harm from the mushrooms. The blue arrowheads show
but it does not enjoy having a parasitic mushroom.
the site where the organism is being harmed.

A few examples in this group are Ganoderma,

Amillaria mellea and Phellinus species. Most of the
fungi will cause cankers on trees or cause the
drying of the tree followed by death.

Figures 9 to Figure 11 show the three modes of

nutrition of fungi. The example used is of a
mushroom growing on a tree. The saprophytic

Figure 12 A photo showing a mushroom on a tree in a para-

sitic or mychorrizal relationship. This relationship lowers the
quality of the timber to be derived from such a tree.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

W ha
hatt is Mushr oom Culti
Mushroom Cultivv a tion?

Mushroom development is enhanced by hot and temperature and air exchange requirements that
humid conditions. Under natural conditions, wild necessitate the provision of controlled
mushroom growth is limited to the rainy season environments in the growing rooms. Oyster
in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has seasonal rainfall, with mushrooms also benefit from controlled-
a long dry season with low humidity and environment houses, but their cultivation is
temperatures. These conditions are not conducive possible with less sophisticated requirements.
for mushroom growth. Humidity is therefore Understanding the life cycle of mushrooms
limiting for mushrooms in the sub-tropical regions. helps one to appreciate why certain procedures
In the equatorial region, mushrooms grow are carried out or why at a particular time. The
throughout the year. following are worth noting
Successful cultivation of mushrooms depends :
on successfully isolating a mushroom species from • Mushrooms are the fruit of the mushroom
the natural world and growing it in an environment plant (the mycelia) and occur only briefly in
that gives the mushroom advantage over other the life cycle of the plant.
competing organisms, such as other fungi and • Fruiting only occurs under optimum conditions
bacteria. Mushroom culture draws heavily on what of temperature, humidity and nutrition.
happens in nature at the different growth stages. • The mushroom serves to perpetuate the species
A mushroom house, therefore, has to closely by the production of spores.
approximate the mushroom’s ideal climatic • Mycelia can lie dormant for long periods of
requirements of temperature, relative humidity, time and only produce primordia following
light and air ambience. periods of intense growth when nutrients,
The basic procedures for mushroom cultivation temperature and humidity are ideal.
are the same across all species and are basically as • Primordia formation is central to the yield of
listed below: mushrooms.
a) Isolation of pure mycelium
b) Preparation of inoculum by expansion of Successful mushroom cultivation entails imitating
mycelia and agar media and then placing onto what happens in nature. Mushrooms are present
grain in one of two forms throughout the year. However
c) Inoculation of sterilized or pasteurised we cannot see them when they are in the form of
substrate with quality spawn mycelium (as shown in Figures 1 and 6) in the soil,
d) Spawn run until the substrate is fully colonised on the bark of trees or on the roots of trees and
e) Initiation of fruitbody - the mushroom - and other plants. When it rains the mushrooms will
its development sense the moisture. This will trigger them to start
Each of these stages has specific environmental fruiting and to appear above the ground or outside
requirements the bark of trees. The fruiting will provide the
The choice of which mushroom to grow mycophiles in Zimbabwe with opportunities to
depends on the resources available to the farmer. collect their ‘Nhedzi, Tsvuketsvuke and
Primar y decomposers, such as the oyster Chihombiro.’
mushroom, are able to colonise and decompose
dead plant tissue and are the choice for resource- For us to be able to cultivate the oyster mushrooms
disadvantaged farmers (RDFs). They are not as we should learn from nature. The mycelium can
capital intensive as the button mushrooms, for be found attached to roots, or in the soil or above
example. Because they are secondary the ground in the bark of trees and other plants
decomposers, button mushrooms are grown on during most of the year. Mycelium growth is
composted substrates. They also have strict favoured by dark conditions with no or little fresh



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

air exchanges. When the rains come, the fruiting

body occurs above the ground where there is a Types of oyster mushrooms
lot of fresh air and light. The fruiting body stage Production guidelines
requires light and lots of fresh air exchanges. Thus Golden oyster (Pleurotus citrinopileatus)
we can say the oyster mushroom mycelium requires Singer.
dark conditions and little or no fresh air exchanges The common name is the ‘Golden Oyster
whilst the oyster mushroom fruiting body stage mushroom.’ Few mushrooms are as spectacular
requires light and more fresh air exchanges. A as this type shown in Figue 13. It has a brilliant
MGH that can have dark conditions and restricts yellow colour. It forms clusters hosting a high
fresh air exchanges at one-stage and light number of individual mushrooms whose stems
conditions and more fresh air exchange at another often diverge from a single base. The stems are
stage is suitable for oyster mushroom cultivation. white and centrally attached to the caps.
However, the presence of light is not a requirement
for fruiting body formation for all mushrooms.
There are mushrooms that do not require light to
fruit such as the button mushrooms. With certain
mushrooms light will inhibit fruiting body

Important considerations in mushroom cultivation

1. Investment in mushroom house

2. Availability of substrate
3. Source and quality of spawn Figure 13 The Golden Oyster Mushroom
4. Determination of desired production level White oyster Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr.)
5. Disposal of mushrooms Kummer .
6. Local or export market prospects The common names are “ the oyster mushroom,
7. Knowledge of climatic conditions oyster shelf, tree oyster straw mushroom, hiratake
8. Proper control of the environment in the (Japanese for flat mushroom)”. This mushroom
MGH has a whitish to gray to blue gray colour Colour is
9. Means of financing and implementing the a light determined factor in this mushroom (Figure
project 14) (Stamets and Chilton, 1983). Some strains form
clusters, while others form individual mushrooms
The above considerations will determine (Stamets, 1993).

• Which mushrooms to grow

• Whether to buy or produce spawn
• Which technology to apply
• Whether to grow the mushrooms year round
or on a seasonal basis
• The organization behind the project of
cultivating mushrooms

Each situation is different, thus the available

techniques have to be adapted to be appropriate Figure 14 White oyster showing a gray colour due to
to the prevailing local conditions. light effect


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

al,1990) (Figure 15).

Brown oyster Pleurotus pulmonarius var The materials will later become pliable, dark brown
sajor-caju (Fries) Singer. and begin putting out normally a strong odour of
It has a grayish white colour ranging from beige, ammonia.
lilac gray to gray-brown, sometimes with pinkish Phase II is the pasteurization stage (Figure 16),
or orangish tones. At high temperatures, the cap which is carried out inside a steaming room for at
is lighter in colour (Stamets, 1993). Under cold least 2-4 hours.
conditions with the same light, the cap becomes
very dark gray to grayish black (Stamets, 1993).
Colour varies according to the strain, lighting and
temperature conditions (Stamets, 1993).

In Zimbabwe the brown and white oyster

mushrooms are the types that are widely cultivated.
The white oyster mushroom is meant to be a low
temperature mushroom whilst the brown oyster
does well during the summer season. However,
this depends on the location of the MGH and its
size as this affects the resultant temperature in the

Types of button mushroom Figure 16 Pasteurisation of compost in low cost

Production guidelines chambers using steam for button mushroom
Phase I involves building the raw composting After pasteurisation the substrate is cooled. After
materials into piles which are periodically turned, spawning (6 kg spawn per tonne of moist
watered, and compacted (9-12 days) (Quimio et compost), a thin plastic sheet is placed over the
spawned compost to prevent excessive moisture
loss. After 12 to 14 days of spawn run, the plastic
sheeting may be removed and the surface of the
compost allowed to dry out prior to the application
of the casing material which is usually a soil type.

Mushroom mycelium (white in colour) should be

visible on the casing surface in all areas, prior to
the introduction of fresh air. The temperature is
lowered to 24-250C to induce pin formation (Figures
17 and 18). The amount of water applied in the
MGH is now also slightly reduced.

Substrate Definition

Pleurotus species (oyster mushrooms) grow on a

Figure 15 Wetting, composting and mixing for button
wider array of forest and agricultural wastes than
mushroom production species from any other group. They thrive on



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

substances can be utilised to cultivate oyster

mushroom. If one chooses to use wheat straw to
cultivate the mushroom, then the wheat straw is
the ‘substrate’. In other words the ‘substrate’ is
the material or substance, which provides ‘food’
for the growing mushroom mycelium. Thus we
have a wheat straw substrate, a maize stover
substrate, a thatch grass substrate and so on.
The properties of the substrate determine
which fungi and microbes can grow in them.
Environmental factors such as humidity of the
air, ventilation, shade or sun, and temperature,
together with the internal condition of the
substrate, determine whether the mycelium
can grow on the substrate (Oei, 1991). Some
Figure 17 Fruiting of button mushrooms on beds. Cropping fungi can use a broad range of substrates,
containers of this nature are reusable. while others are very selective. Oyster
mushrooms (Pleurotus species) use a broad
range of substrates.

Importance of Mushrooms

Figure 18: A bumper harvest of button mushrooms. Only

achieved by maintaining the recommended conditions
Figure 19: Sacks of dry ‘gondya’ grass substrate ready for
almost all hardwoods, on wood by-products oyster mushroom cultivation.
(sawdust, paper, pulp sludge), all the cereal
straws, corn and corn cobs, on sugar cane bagasse,
coffee residues (coffee grounds, hulls, stalks and
leaves), banana fronds, cottonseed hulls, agave
waste and soy pulp. This is the basis for their high
suitability for cultivation. In Zimbabwe the main
substrates utilized for oyster mushroom
cultivation are wheat straw, banana fronds, maize
stover (stalks and leaves), ‘gondya’ grass (Figures
19 and 20), thatch grass and savanna veld grass. Figure 20: Pasteurised ‘ gondya’ grass substrate ready for cool-
The word ‘ substrate` means any material ing down and then spawning.
that comes from a plant, since the oyster
mushroom naturally grow on trees (Hwowa
mutanda). This means all the above-mentioned



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

upon ingesting the mushroom. Thus, cultivation

Importance of Mushroom Cultivation to of mushrooms by resource-poor farmers will help
Resource-Disadvantaged Farmers (RDFs) to reduce the incidence of mushroom poisoning
by providing them with known, well-identified,
For the RDFs, mushroom cultivation will edible oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus species).
enable them to have a balanced diet at a Pleurotus species can serve to reduce hunger in
relatively low cost. Mushroom cultivation will developing nations and to revitalise rural
also enable the RDFs to utilise organic economies. To this end, worldwide oyster
substrates, which would otherwise be mushroom (Pleurotus species) cultivation has
regarded as waste material (Mswaka, surged in recent years.
Kashangura and Chigogora, 2001). In the Despite their popularity, culinary and
process environmental pollution will be financial appeal as well as primary dietary role
reduced because disposal of the agricultural at small holder level, the amount of indigenous
waste would become less of a problem. The mushrooms now being gathered continues to
substrate recovered after mushroom decline due to deforestation (Mswaka,
cultivation may also be recycled for use as Kashangura and Chigogora, 2001). National
animal feeds, soil conditioning ingredients and reviews (Ryvarden, Piearce, and Masuka, 1994),
fertiliser (Quimio et al, 1990). country reports (Masuka and Utete, 1996a, b) and
As the cultivation of edible saprotrophic surveys (Mswaka and Tagwira, 1997) have also
mushrooms does not take away farmland independently arrived at this conclusion, and
designated for other crops, this renders highlighted the need to develop suitable
mushroom cultivation compatible with the small-scale mushroom cultivation facilities to
established small-holder agricultural system meet the demand. The continued presence of such
in Zimbabwe. highly rated mushrooms as Cantharellus, Amanita
Many edible species of wild mushrooms and Lactarius species, depends on the conservation
are collected by mycophiles, who make it a of their host trees, as most have an obligate
habit to learn to identify the edible species symbiosis with the trees (Mswaka, unpublished).
(Alexoupoulous and Mims, 1979). Deforestation at the national level is estimated
Occasionally, the mycophiles, might wrongly to be 70 000 - 100 000 hectares annually. The
identify a species leading to mushroom poisoning rates are higher in heavily populated areas such
as Buhera and Wedza..



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms (step by step)
Requirements for preparation of oyster mushroom done. Some farms sell bales of wheat straw.
substrate, spawning the substrate and subsequent Irrigation schemes sometimes have banana
processes plantations, which can be, visited in order to
buy banana fronds for oyster mushroom
The following equipment should be available cultivation purposes.
before embarking on cultivating oyster
mushrooms. If one has many MGHs it is advisable to have
1 . Metal drum to pasteurize the substrate a room or structure where substrates can be
2. Firewood stored in bulk to enable the production of
3. Substrates (Banana leaves, thatch grass, wheat mushrooms to occur throughout the year. The
straw or maize stover) substrates that do well in Zimbabwe are wheat
4. Devices for chopping the substrate straw, ‘gondya’ grass, thatch grass, banana
5 . Water fronds, maize stover (leaves and stalks).
6. Bricks or stones to submerge the substrate Banana leaves have been found to give a very
7. 2 x Plastic sheets (at least 1.5 m x 1.5 m) lengthy cropping period or flushing period
8. Wheel barrow (optional) whereas maize stover results in early fruiting.
9. Garden fork Wheat straw can also give a lengthy cropping
10. Jik bleach/ disinfectant period. However this is only true when the
11. 6 inch nails farmer follows the correct way of cultivating
1 2 .Plastic bag in which to pack the substrate oyster mushrooms and maintains the
1 3 .Mushroom spawn recommended conditions in the MGH. The
14. Strong string or wire to hang the bags size of the cropping container will also
1 5 .S c i s s o r s determine comparisons between farmers as
16.Two buckets one farmer may use a small bag with one
1 7 .Mushroom house / structure substrate and a larger bag with another
1 8 .Nozzle sprayer substrate. In such a case one cannot compare the
19. Muslin cloth two substrates due to the difference in the bag
20. Broom sizes.

Outline of steps in brief

1. Collecting of substrate 2.0 Drying of the Substrate
2. Drying of substrate
3. Chopping of substrate After the substrate has been collected, it
4. Watering of the substrate needs to be dried. The substrate is dried so
5. Pasteurisation that it stores better. Microorganisms are
6. Spawning active when a certain threshold of water
content is reached. This means more
1.0 Collecting of substrate microorganisms are active when there is more
water than when there is less water. If one
The substrates for oyster mushroom cultivation takes a leaf from a living tree and pours water
are agricultural wastes. Different substrates in on its surface,one will notice that the water flows
Zimbabwe are available at different times of the over the surface of the leaf. This is because leaves
year as agricultural crops are not cultivated year have a waterproof layer like wax or ‘vaseline’ that
round. The oyster mushroom farmer should prevents water loss from the leaf due to sunlight.
collect substrates after harvesting of the crops is Without this waterproof layer, plants would wilt



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

immediately they came above the ground level 21) to prevent the sheet from being lifted by the
after germinating. Plants need the waterproof force of the wind. A log is then added which will
layer. In mushroom cultivation it is vice-versa, we be used as a template on which the cutting of the
do not want that waterproof layer. In mushroom substrate is done (Figures 21 and 24). The cutting
cultivation there is no need of the waterproof instrument is then used to chop the substrate on
layer. Mushrooms need a lot of water and the log with the chopped pieces falling onto the
humidity, hence the wet substrate. Drying of the laid out plastic sheet. Maximum concentration is
substrate also removes the waterproof layer or required when carrying out this exercise,no matter
‘vaseline’ which enables the subsequent process how many times one has gone through this
of watering the substrate to occur. exercise. The number of individuals cutting the
substrate mainly depends on the size of the plastic
3.0 Chopping of substrate sheet (Figure 24). If more than one person is
working on the sheet, then each individual should
The substrate is chopped in order to reduce the have enough space to work in.
pieces of the substrate so that when
Figure 21: Illustration depicting the use of logs, cutting instru-
spawning the substrate it will result in a
ments, plastic sheets to chop the substrate and put it into the drum.
compact bag simulating a tree trunk. If
the substrate is not chopped then there
is a high probability that gaps will be left
that will result in the oyster mushrooms
fruiting inside the bag. Chopping of the
substrate also increases the surface area
exposed to the water so that water
uptake by the substrate is enhanced. If
the substrate is also not chopped it might
pierce the bag when spawning the
substrate in the bags. Packing is also
difficult using a substrate that is not
chopped. With a very pliable substrate
one may get away with not chopping it
as it will become very soft after soaking
and pasteurization. This is not the case
with a rigid substrate, which will result
in a bag with a lot of gaps and thus
subsequent loss due to mushrooms
fruiting inside the bag.
To chop the substrate a plastic
sheet or a sheet of any material that
is pliable, cutting instruments such as
(knives, axes, hoes, machetes),
together with logs or stones are
required (Figure 21). The plastic sheet
or pliable material sheet is spread out
(Figure 21) on the ground. Stones or logs
are added to each corner or end (Figure



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

4.0 Watering of the substrate The substrate is soaked overnight (12-24 hours).
The substrate is placed into a drum after being This will result in a substrate with moisture
chopped to an ideal size of about 10cm). content of 70-80%. Hands can be used to
Water is then added to cover the substrate. determine if the substrate is not too wet or too
The length of the pieces depends on the dry. This can be done by squeezing the substrate
texture of the substrate. If it is a substrate that (Figure 23)
is easily pliable then 10cm pieces can be
chopped. If it is a very rigid substrate such as
some wheat varieties, then the wheat straw
of such varieties should be chopped to 5 cm
lengths or less. It is easier to fill the drum when
it is already mounted on the fire stand,to avoid
having to lift a filled heavy drum onto the fire-
Chopping of the substrate enables water
uptake to be faster as a greater surface area
is exposed to the water. Chopping of the
substrate also enables the mushroom farmers
to easily pack the substrate in containers. The
length to use for each substrate ultimately
comes with experience. Weights such as
bricks or granite stones are added to fully
Figure 23: Use of hands to determine if the substrate is not
submerge the substrate. Use natural stones too wet or too dry. A) lots of water dripping shows that the
that will not flake off when submerged in water. substrate is too wet. b) a few drops released with some pressure
Similarly common brick is more ideal than show that the substrate is well watered. If it is too dry then no
farm brick. To prevent the substrate from rising drops will be released with pressure.
and spilling over when water is added, sticks can
be used to pound the substrate in the drum to The soaking stage enables the substrate to take
compress it before water is added (Figure 22). up water, which is essential for successful
mushroom cultivation. Soaking of the
substrate also enables spores, which require
very high temperatures of a red-hot flame to
be rendered useless or killed to germinate
and thus be killed with the low temperatures
of boiling water. If the substrate is not soaked
overnight then these spores will not germinate
and will survive pasteurization and thus may
cause problems to the mushroom farmer. Thus
the mushroom farmer should not soak for less
than overnight that is for example 2 hours or 4
hours (recommended time is 12-24 hours).
Care must be taken not to exceed two days
of soaking as decay might be activated.
Figure 22: Use of sticks to compress the substrate.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

a) a)

Figure 24:Use of logs,
knives and a sheet to
chop the substrate by
farmers. a)With a large
sheet many individuals
can work at the same
time b)If the sheet is
small, then only one
individual can work at a
time. Care should be
Figure 25: a)Pasteurization of the substrate using fire
taken to avoid having a
by resource-disadvantaged farmers. b) Removal of the
worker cut his finger
substrate from the drum using a garden fork previously
sterilised on a fire to kill contaminating organisms.

5.0 Pasteurisation is kept on the shelf. Fresh milk and pasteurized

milk are kept in the refrigerator because they still
The substrate is boiled for one hour (Figure 25). have microorganisms surviving in them. That is
However heating at 71-82°C for an hour is also why they become sour if kept on the shelf as
sufficient. The water does not need to sterilized milk. However sterilized milk can be
physically boil in the sense of observing kept on the shelf because it no longer has any
bubbles on the surface of the water. After an microorganism surviving in it. All of them have
hour, the water is removed and the substrate been killed.
is laid out in a shallow layer onto clean The soaked substrate can be likened to fresh
surfaces to rapidly cool. Pasteurization of the milk, as it has a lot of microorganisms in it. In
substrate does not kill all the organisms. It this case, it even has insect eggs and insects
enables the oyster mushroom mycelium on in addition to the surviving microorganisms.
spawn to have an advantage when spawning The pasteurized substrate can be likened to
is done. the pasteurized milk, it still has some
microorganisms surviving but the heat will
One finds fresh milk, pasteurized milk have killed the insects during pasteurization.
(‘Chimombe’) and sterilized milk in A material that is likened to sterilized milk is
Zimbabwe. Fresh milk and pasteurized milk mushroom spawn. It is manufactured in a way
are kept in the refrigerator whilst sterilized milk that the final product has no contaminating



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

microorganisms. In the mushroom house, the floor

should have been swept and cleaned with clean
water and overlaid with a covering such as a plastic
The utensils that are used for oyster
mushroom cultivation are cleaned with a
diluted disinfectant such as ‘Jik.’ The dilution
rate for JIK is 20 ml per 10 litres of clean water
(or approximately 2 ‘Jik’ large bottle
disinfectant lids per 10 litres). The pasteurised
substrate at this stage should have a moisture
content of 70%. Figure 27: Tying of a plastic roll at the bottom to
result in a packet that can be used for column culture
Prior to spawning, the temperature in the
method by resource-disadvantaged farmers.
substrate should be 25-30°C. If it is above
40°C the Pleurotus species (oyster substrate can be immersed into the still-hot water
mushroom) mycelium will be killed. The from the previous batch. However, after two
mycelium can survive up to 37°C. Human body soakings the water becomes toxic to the
temperatures are around 36,5°C to 37°C. By mushroom mycelium and should thus be
using our hands we can feel if the substrate is discarded,( Figure 41).
still too hot to the touch. When the warmth of
the substrate feels comfortable in the hands, When the cropping container is in the form of
then it is ideal to spawn. When pasteurising a tubular plastic roll, the roll should be cut into
bulk amounts of substrate, another batch of the dimensions decided upon by the
mushroom far mer. However the authors
recommend dimensions between 60cm – 100
cm (1 m). Dimensions greater than 1m will
require a mechanical substrate filler, since the
bag will become very difficult to handle.
Dimensions less than 60 cm will result in very
small bags, which the authors consider as
wastage of the plastic. When the plastics of
the required dimensions (e.g. 1m) have been
cut, one end of the tubular plastic is tied using
string or wire. The string should be strong. The
plastic should not be tied less than 60 mm
from the edge as the string might come off
during spawning when one is compressing the
substrate. After tying the plastic roll, a bag
results with one closed end and one open end.
The open end will also be tied after spawning
Figure 26: A chamber steamer, which can be used to the substrate in the bag.
pasteurise bulk substrates using steam.
6.0 Spawning
This is the process of adding the ‘mushroom seed’
to the pasteurised substrate (Figure 28). It is one



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

of the critical stages in the success or failure of with the substrate and the amount of spawn
the mushroom cultivation process. At this stage (wet weight) is added for the desired
the ‘ mushroom seed’ (mushroom spawn) is added inoculation rate. When the cropping bag
according to the amount of pasteurised substrate becomes larger, the spawning should be done
in the cropping container (in our case, the so as to maximise rate of colonisation of the
mushroom bag). If too little mushroom spawn is substrate by a uniform and homogeneous
added, then there is increased chance of distribution of the spawn in the substrate. The
competitor organisms invading the substrate. following diagram shows the method of
Too little mushroom spawn also results in a spawning a large bag
lower rate of colonisation of the pasteurised
substrate. A higher amount of mushroom A bag is filled with a bottom layer of pasteurised
spawn increases the rate of colonisation of substrate (layer 1 in Figure 28, part b), followed by
the pasteurised substrate, and narrows the uniform distribution of the spawn (layer A in
opportunity for competitor organisms. Figure 28, part b) above the bottom layer of
The recommended rate of inoculation substrate. The spawn that is utilized per layer is
(spawning) is 3-7% of substrate (dry weight) that which fills a clenched fist when the diameter
(Stamets, 1993). When using inoculation of the cropping container is 30 cm. If it is 40 cm
rates of 8-15% or greater than 15%, care must then a clenched fist plus a quarter of an open hand
be taken because increased heat production of unheaped spawn is utilized. Another layer of
(thermogenesis) can occur by the advancing pasteurised substrate is added (layer 11 in Figure
mushroom mycelium, which might activate 28, part b), followed by a uniform layer of spawn
growth of some molds (Stamets, 1993). Thus (layer B in Figure 28, part b). This alternate filling
very high inoculation rates must be avoided, of the bag of pasteurised substrate followed by
as they also contribute to wastage of spawn. spawn is continued until the bag is full. It is
When a small bag is used, the bag is filled advisable to cover the top layer of spawn and not

Figure 28: Diagram of method of spawning a large bag. a) and c) show cross- sections of the bag whilst b)
shows the alternate layering of the substrate and spawn inside the bag.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

1. To punch the holes on the top and bottom of

to leave it exposed. the bag (approximately 8 on top and 8 on the
One thing to note is that the phrase ‘layer of bottom) (top-bottom method).
spawn’ does not mean the substrate has to be 2 . Few holes are punched throughout the body
covered until it is no longer visible. It means that of the bag. (Body method)
the hand is used to uniformly distribute the handful Both methods work. However the first method
or half a handful of spawn at each layer (see Figure has the advantage that if contaminant insects were
28, parts a, and c,). Holes are punched in the to enter the MGH, few would find the holes whilst
bottom and sides of the substrate bags for drainage with the second method the insects would readily
and aeration (see Figure 30 ). The holes should find the holes. However the second method
have a diameter of at least 5mm to allow successful has the advantage that there is a greater
fruiting of the mushroom outside of the chance that holes will remain open on the
cropping container (bag) and to allow ease body of the bag than on the top or the bottom
of harvesting. Smaller holes can result in of the bag and also since they will be more
mushrooms fruiting inside the bag and numerical in number than the first method
becoming squashed by the bag. Very large aeration is improved.
holes might increase drying of the substrate. Which method to use? It all depends on the
Slits can be used as an alternative to the individual oyster mushroom farmer. One can try
punching of holes (see Figure 30). Initially few both methods and see which one suits their
holes are punched after spawning the substrate. conditions.
After the holes are punched, two openings
should be cut at the base of the bag to improve
drainage (see Figure 30).

Figure 29: Resource-disadvantaged farmers spawning banana


When the substrate is fully colonised, more

Figure 30: iIlustration depicting punching of holes and cutting
holes are punched. If an iron rod is used to of slits on the mushroom bags and their opening to improve
punch the holes, it should be heated first and drainage.
then allowed to cool. The cooling is done in-
order to prevent the killing of the mushroom
mycelium when punching the holes. Also if the Figure 31: tying of bags with
hot iron is used immediately it will melt the string to result in a fully enclosed bag
plastic bag around the point where the hole is ready to be hung in the MGH
punched thus resulting in a hole with a very
large diameter. Six inch nails can also be used
to punch holes.

There are two methods for punching the holes,



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

However these openings are optional. Before See Table 1 for the required growing conditions
punching holes the bags are tied at the open end for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus species) and Table
to result in a fully enclosed bag (Figure 31). The 2 shows a conditions for a MGH with equipment.
bags are then tied in a mushroom house with the
conditions in Table 1 for spawn running.
Table 1: Growing conditions and duration of procedures for the Pleurotus species for a structure without equip-
ment. Procedure Conditions Period

Fresh air exchanges: 0 per hour

Spawn Running dark room

Relative humidity 90-100% until substrate
windows closed appears
white (2-4 Weeks)

Fruiting In mushroom house

Relative Humidity 90-95%
Windows opened
2-4 days
Moisture, -daily watering fruits picked

Table 2: Growing conditions and duration of procedures for the Pleurotus species for a structure with equipment

Procedure Conditions Period

Spawn running Fresh air exchanges : 0 or 1 per hour Until substrate appears
Incubation temperature : 24oC - 29oC White ( 2 - 4 weeks)
Dark conditions (Dark room)
Relative humidity : 90 - 100%
Substrate temperature : 26oC - 30oC
Carbon dioxide(CO2) : 5000-10000ppm

Fruiting In mushroom house 2 - 4 days fruits are

Relative humidity : 90 - 95% Picked once they open
Temperatures : 20oC or 25oC or 28oC
Moisture requirement : Daily misting
Carbon dioxide : < 1000ppm
Fresh air exchanges : 4 - 8 per hour
Light requirements : 700-1500 lux



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

In mushroom growing houses without equipment When using the double beam system, care is taken
such as those of the resource poor farmers the that temperatures will not soar in the MGH due
zero (0) fresh air exchanges are achieved by closing to heat production by the growing mushroom
all air outlets in the mushroom growing structure mycelium. This system is useful during winter time
such as windows. Fresh air exchanges greater than when temperatures are low. The column culture
zero are achieved by opening windows and other method is more common than the double beam
outlets in the mushroom growing structure. system mainly because more resources are required
to setup a double beam system than a single beam
Spawn running system. The term ‘spawn run’ refers to the period
after spawning the substrate to the time the
After spawning the substrate the bags are hung in substrate is fully colonized (with oyster
a MGH using the double or single beam system mushrooms it will have become white
(Figures 32 and 33) throughout) (Figure 34). The spawn run period
simulates the mycelium underneath the ground,
The double beam system utilizes more space in attached to roots of trees and plants. The
the MGH, but it can only be used for the bag conditions are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The
method. The column method cannot be used with conditions are dark environment, little or no air
the double beam system but can be used with the exchanges and high humidity. This means the
single beam system. MGH has all the windows physically closed and
black plastic material that prevents light from
entering the windows be put in place. The door
should also be closed throughout this period.

Figure 32 : Single Initiation of Fruiting

hanging beam
method, which is After the bag appears completely white
the common (Figure 34) the mushroom farmer should
method. The punch more holes on the body of the bag or
bags in this punch holes on the bag.
photo are no
longer during the The diameter of the holes punched determines
spawn run stage whether clusters or singles will appear. Very large

Figure 34: Fully colo-

Figure 33 Double nized substrate marking
hanging beam method, the end of the spawn run
which increases the period.
number of bags in the
MGH and also
utilises more space.
The bags in this photo
are during the spawn
run stage since they do
not have holes punched
on the body of the



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

holes will result in single mushrooms whilst Figure 35: A resource-

smaller holes will result in clusters. Slits promote disadvantaged farmer
single mushrooms. Such techniques can be used holding a nozzle sprayer
when one knows what their available market which is required to spray
the emerging primordia,
prefers. To a certain extent it is certain that oyster
pinheads and mushrooms to
mushrooms will continue to produce clusters even
prevent drying of the
when slits are being used. After punching holes pinheads, primordia and
the farmer should change the conditions in the mushrooms.
MGH. The windows should now be opened for
at least 5 to 10 hours a day. This depends on how
easy water is available, as opening windows will
result in the humidity levels in the MGH
decreasing fast. The external door of the double
door setup should be opened occasionally if the
internal door has a sieve to allow light and air to
pass into the MGH, and yet preventing insects
from entering the MGH. If the internal door is (Figure 35) is used to spray the bags.
solid throughout then there is no need of opening
the external door. The fruiting stage requires lots One should NEVER USE WATER
of moisture. The mushrooms emerging outside CONTAINING JIK OR A DISINFECTANT
the bag will be more vulnerable to the prevailing TO SPRAY THE WALLS, FLOOR AND
external environment in comparison to the CEILINGS. Water containing a diluted
mycelium in the bag. More water should be used disinfectant is only used when spawning the
during the fruiting period, as all the emerging pasteurised substrate. Mushrooms are 90%
primordia are likely to dry. water. Without water you will not get
The amount of water that should be applied in mushrooms that are appetizing. Figure 36
the MGH depends on the season, location of shows mushroom pinheads emerging from
the MGH, the dimensions of the house and its cut slits whilst Figures 37-39 show fully mature
design. However the rule of thumb is that the oyster mushrooms fruiting from black and
sand on the floor of the MGH should always clear plastic cropping bags.
show wetness, but not watered to flowing.
Free flowing water on a concrete floor covered
with sand shows that the water is too much.
On a floor that has no sand, water should not .
be more than 5 cm deep. Watering of the
MGH is done on the floor and on the walls.
During the fruiting period a nozzle sprayer



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Figure 36 :Oyster
mushroom pinheads
forming through cut

Figure 39: The golden oyster mushroom fruiting in black bags.

Figure 37: Fully

grown oyster
mushrooms fruiting
through slits.

Figure 40: Oyster mushrooms fruiting under low scale

cultivation conditions in jam-jars.

Figure 40 illustrates the use of jam –

jar bottles to screen for the suitability
Figure 38: Oyster of substrate to promote the fruiting
mushrooms fruiting of the oyster mushrooms on a small
through a clear scale. Figure 41 summarises the
plastic bag. The clear practical steps taken during the two
bags have the days of preparing the substrate and
advantage that the spawning of the substrates.
farmer can see what
will be going on in the



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Figure 41: Summary diagram illustrating oyster mushroom cultivation for the resource-disadvantaged farmer.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Cropping containers: The cropping methods If it is an urban based farmer with access to
that can be utilized to cultivate mushrooms are electricity and has a humidifier, then all the
shown in Figure 43. The tray method is the one cropping methods shown in Figure 43 are possible.
that is used for button mushrooms mainly because However for the rural based farmer such as those
a casing soil needs to be added during the in Buhera and Wedza (pilot study areas for the
cultivation process. It is not ideal to grow mushroom project) the column and bag methods
button mushrooms in an enclosed structure. are recommended (Figure 43). The bags that are
However bags can also be used for button recommended are those that are fully enclosed.
mushrooms (Figure 42). Bags, which have perforations already such as
potatoe sack, will result in more water being used
in the MGH and also they are more prone to
contamination even if another sack is used to
enclose them during the spawn run period.
Both black and clear bags are used in
cultivation of oyster mushrooms. The black bags
are better in a structure that has gaps that allow
light to enter the MGH during the spawn run
period where dark conditions should be
maintained in the MGH. On the other hand the
black bags have the disadvantage that the
mushroom farmer cannot see what is happening
inside the bag.

Figure 42: Plastic bag cropping containers for

the cultivation of button mushrooms.

For oyster mushrooms the bag and

column methods are the ones the authors
recommend. This is because during
spawn run less water will need to be
added into the MGH since the enclosed
bags will retain high levels of humidity
for a longer period than an open tray.
However the disadvantage of using bags
compared to trays is that bags are not
reusable because holes will have been
punched on the bags. All the cropping
containers or methods shown in Figure
43 can be used for oyster mushrooms but
it depends on the type of MGH and
equipment the mushroom farmer has.

Figure 43: Diagram illustrating the cropping methods used in mushroom cultivation. For
oyster mushrooms the authors recommend the use of the column and bag culture methods.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

It is advisable to have one clear bag when Mushrooms are living organisms, which require
cultivating in black bags so that one can see what nutrients to survive. If other organisms are allowed
stage the spawn run has reached. No type of bag to thrive during mushroom cultivation. The invader
(clear or black) is always better than the other. organisms will consume the substrate at the
This depends on where you are located, the expense of the growth of the oyster mushroom.
type of MGH that is there, how often watering Thus when the substrate is being prepared
is done and the quantity of water applied. and spawned, disinfectants (DFT) should be
Thus the statement ‘black bags are better than used (Figure 44). The disinfectant is diluted
clear bags’ is true for one individual whilst the in a pail (Figure 44) and then used to disinfect
statement, ‘clear bags are better than black bags’ first the MGH (walls, ceiling, floor) using a new
is also true for another individual. It is just like clean broom (Figure 46), whilst the substrate
the statement, ‘white oyster is better than brown is being pasteurized. If a broom is not
oyster in yield’ is true for one individual while available then the hand is used as a scoop to
the reverse is true for another individual. throw the water containing disinfectant onto
the walls, ceiling and the floor. When the
Use of Disinfectant to Disinfect utensils used substrate has been pasteurized, but still in the
during Preparation of Substrate and drum, the wheelbarrow (Figure 45), 2 plastic
Subsequent Spawning sheets (one to put in the wheelbarrow to
transport the substrate to the MGH and the
other to be laid in the MGH in order for the
substrate to cool) (Figure 44), garden fork and
scissors are all washed with the diluted
disinfectant. The garden fork is also put in the
fire after washing with disinfectant to kill any
contaminating organisms. Thereafter the
disinfected fork is used to place the pasteurised
substrate onto the disinfected plastic sheet in the
disinfected wheelbarrow. The fork is then
transported to the MGH to be laid onto the
disinfected plastic in the disinfected MGH. This
disinfecting process is very important for
successful cultivation of oyster mushrooms.

Figure 44: The use of disinfectant to disinfect uten-

sils. The dilution rate is two lids of a large bottle (e.g.
Jik bleach and disinfectant for every 10 litres).
Items labeled with blue should never come in contact
with disinfectant.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

cooled previously boiled (5 min) water.

For successful oyster mushroom cultivation a
clean water source is required which should
preferably be near the MGH. Figure 47 shows
a well, which is situated about 5 m from the
MGH at a project site in Wedza.

Figure 45: Resource-disadvantaged farmers cleaning a

wheelbarrow with a diluted disinfectant

Figure 47: Water is very important for oyster mushroom

cultivation. Here a well serves as a water source.

Figure 46: disinfecting the walls, floor and ceiling of the

MGH using a diluted disinfectant and a new broom. Do’s and Don’ts of Preparation of Substrate
and Subsequent Spawning
Whilst the substrate is cooling the farmers will
tie their bags and disinfect. When the substrate Preparation of substrate
has cooled the farmers will spawn the substrate 1. Do not use a substrate that is not dry.
followed by tying their bags at the top and then 2. Chopping the substrate requires good care.
hanging them onto the beams using wire or string. 3. Fill the drum with substrate and water when it
Six-inch nails or an iron rod are washed in is already mounted onto the fire stand
disinfectant followed by being heated on fire. The 4. Continuously check that the surface substrate
disinfected nails are used to punch holes on the is submerged in water as water will be taken
bags. A muslin cloth or some clean cloth is dipped up by the dry substrate during soaking thus
into the diluted disinfectant and used to wipe the lowering the water level. Also during
bottom of the bags. Thereafter the MGH is pasteurization monitoring of the water level
cleaned and the bags are left for the spawn should be done with additional water being
run period with daily watering being done and added accordingly.
monitoring for pests and diseases. There are 5. Never pick any pasteurised substrate that falls
certain things that should never be washed to the ground when filling the wheelbarrow
with diluted disinfectant. Spawn is the major with substrate using the garden fork
input that should never be washed with 6. Provide a foot bath at the entrance of the MGH
disinfectant. Also the nozzle sprayer should containing disinfectant diluted with water
never be filled with diluted disinfectant. The
items that should never come in contact with
disinfectant are labeled with blue in Figure 44.
The sprayer should always be filled with clean


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Spawning of the Substrate and subsequent mushrooms.

stages (spawn run and fruiting) 6. Do not use water with a disinfectant during
spawn run and fruiting periods.
1. Never step onto the disinfected plastic in the 7. Do not apply excessive water in the MGH.
MGH. To collect pasteurized substrate at the 8. Do not stay for too long in the MGH when
center of the plastic, place your feet there is a puffy mist emitted by the mushrooms
underneath the plastic. You can transport
pasteurized substrateto the MGH in a
wheelbarrow overlaid with plastic, avoiding to
step onto the plastic.
2. Do not start spawning the substrate whilst it
is too hot.
3. Use small amounts of spawn per each layer,to
avoid the stimulation of heat leading to the growth
of contaminating organisms due to the increase
in temperature.
4. Pack substrate and spawn into the plastic using
cooled pasteurized substrate.
5. Punch holes 5 cm apart to allow the emerging
pinheads to have enough room to develop into



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Mushr oom Str
Mushroom uctur
ucturee Design and Maintenance

Choice of Growing Structure is Based on: conditions and is more prone to crop
- Building costs - Choice based on farmer’s resources,
- Type of technology available technology, cost of production
- Materials include tray, bag, rack, and price of product.
column, mound/ bed, log
- Environmental requirements of Structure introduction
- temperature For tropical countries, houses for mushroom
- moisture cultivation depend on the local resources and
- light the climatic conditions. The size of one’s
- aeration mushroom growing house is determined by
- humidity the capital investment at hand. For a low cost
- substrate MGH, without any equipment to control the
ambient conditions in the mushroom growing
General Aspects of a Mushroom House/Farm structure, dimensions of 3m (height) x 8m
(length) x 6m (width) are ideal. Dimensions of
In selecting a site for the mushroom house/ 2.5m (height) x 4m (length) x 2m (width) could
farm , consider the following: also be used.
- Desired capacity of the structure (including
possibility for future expansion) Environmental factors conditioning mushroom
- Ready availability of clean water growth
- No source for biological contaminants that can
pollute the air should be nearby (e.g. waste n Light
dumps, compost piles, sawmills) n Temperature
- Outside temperature should be as close as is n Humidity
possible to the desired temperature of the n Carbon-dioxide
mushroom to be cultivated
- Availability of substrate Appropriate levels of the above-mentioned
- Distance to market of product environmental factors are the conditions that
must be provided in the growing structure.
Indoor versus outdoor cultivation In place of air conditioning, buildings with high
ceilings will be appropriate to provide the required
- Indoor cultivation for regulation of cooler temperatures for growth and fruiting of
environmental conditions the mushroom. A 2-pane window is ideal for
- Indoor cultivation is becoming increasingly ventilation. The most important requirement
expensive with increasing control over is high humidity of the air at all times,
climate especially after primordia formation in order
- Indoor cultivation has more stable yield and to prevent the drying out of the surface of the
production can be spread substrate.
- Outdoor cultivation is less costly. In Water sprays in the room are necessary.
Zimbabwe outdoor cultivation may be tried Even steam from a boiler can be used to
in areas such as Nyanga . humidify the mushroom growing structure. If
- Outdoor cultivation depends on natural none of these are available, then the floor must
always be kept wet and the substrate watered



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

frequently. Spraying of water also produces

evaporative cooling which helps to lower the
temperature necessary for certain strains.
Installation of artificial light is necessary if the
structures do not have sufficient natural light.

Oyster mushrooms and virtually all the gourmet

mushrooms require a lot of moisture for them to
thrive. That is why mushrooms fruit during the
rainy season. The oyster mushrooms are no
exception to the rule of high humidity in order to Figure 56: Room for each phase mushroom growing complex.
fruit. Short term mushroom cultivation does not
require the permanent growing structures provides good sanitation measures.
used for long-term cultivation. The cultivation • If contamination occurs in one room, it can
is generally for home consumption or selling b e eradicated without affecting the
to the local community, commercial or for stages in the other rooms.
This chapter will concentrate on a MGH for
One room for all phases versus a room for each the RDFs. A brief section will concentrate on
phase commercial and high-tech MGHs.

There are two concepts on how substrate and The beams in the MGH are used to hang the bags
climate are treated. one involves leaving the containing the spawned substrate. The beams are
substrate in the same place and changing the spaced in a way that does not affect the freedom
surrounding conditions. The other concept of the oyster mushroom farmer to move in the
involves having a room specifically for storage, MGH. The beams should be placed anti-parallel
room 2 for soaking or watering of the substrate, (Figure 49) to the door so that when one enters
room 3 for pasteurization and spawning, room 4 the MGH, one is not greeted with an oyster
for spawn run and room 5 for fruiting. Such a mushroom bag right at the entrance. The
complex has five rooms (Figure 56). Room 1 will recommended spacings are for bags with a
have sliding doors and dimensions that allows diameter of 30-40 cm.
entry by delivery trucks which come to deliver If the farmer wishes to use bags with a larger
the substrates. The fruiting room may have fans diameter then the spacing should be adjusted.
installed and may have a translucent panel on the The authors recommend use of bags with 30-
roof to enable light to enter the room for initiating 40 cm diameters. The spacing of the beams
fruiting. is such that all those that are next to the walls
should be 50 cm from the wall to allow the
The roofs of rooms 1, 2, 4, and 5 are slanted bags hung to fruit freely and also that the
to allow proper drainage of water during heavy person harvesting will not have problems
rains (Oei, 1991). The advantages of this accessing the mushrooms on the MGH wall
setup are that side. The beams that are not against the MGH
walls are spaced for every 100 cm (1 metre).
• a continuous production of mushrooms is These spacings allow a worker to freely move
simultaneously performed. among the fruiting bags and will also allow the
• the setup of separate compartments mushrooms to fruit without the constraint of



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

lack of space to fruit. The beams should be placed fruiting period. Window dimensions should not
2 m from the floor surface and the bags hung on a exceed 70 cm by 70 cm. The ideal dimensions of
beam should be 50 cm apart (Figure 49) to allow the windows depend on the size of the MGH.
free fruiting and development of the oyster
mushrooms. The beams in the MGH should be very strong
and rigid with minimal room for movement. A
• The general shape is rectangular being fully spawned 1 m bag may have a mass of 10-15
twice as long as it is wide. The structure of kg depending on the substrate. If a beam has five
the MGH could also be rounded with a thatch bags then the beam will be carrying 50 – 75
grass roof. kg. They can be wooden beams or metal
• Materials used include brick, fibreglass, beams. The beams if wooden should have at
polycarbonate, acrylic, glass, galvanised metals, least a diameter of 7 cm. The strength of the
thatch grass. beam will depend on the size of the MGH.
• At least two doors with the bottom one fitted
with a brush-skirt that discourages insects from • Completely insulated environmental control
entering). systems function far better in growing
rooms that are insulated than in those that
Figure 48: Double doors are not.
recommended for a MGH. • Floors done in cement or concrete, should
The inner door has a be sloped slightly to a central drain. Floors
screen that will pre- should not be sloped if water sprays on the
vent insects from en- wall and on the floor maintain humidity.
tering the MGH and Sand floor can be used until a cement or
yet will allow air and
concrete floor is built. However a sand floor
light to pass through.
can only be utilized if the water source is very
near the MGH as more water will be used than
when a solid floor is used in the MGH.
Depressions can be put on the floor whilst it
On the windows of the MGH are placed screens is being made to hold water.
or any material that will prevent insects from The floor should be made of rough concrete.
entering the MGH and yet allowing light and air It should not be of a fine finish like the one in
to enter the MGH. The numbers of windows that residential houses. The authors recommend
must be placed on a MGH depend on the size of putting a layer of clean sand on top of the
the MGH. If it is a large MGH then windows concrete floor. This helps in retaining water. .
should be placed on every side of the MGH • If a humidifier is being used, then the roof
sometimes actually having two windows on one should be well slanted or the walls should be
side (Figure 51a, 52a). However the general rule curved to eliminate condensation from dripping
is that the number of windows should be able to onto the crop.
let adequate light enter the MGH during the • A footbath is placed before entering the
growing room to disinfect footwear. Shoes are a
major source of contaminants into the growing
room. A 60cm x 60cm x 5cm (depth) footbath is
ideal. The footbath is filled with bleach (chlorine).
Formalin, Jik or dettol diluted in water to
disinfect. A plastic or metal sponge- like grate
should be placed to help remove debris from


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

the feet (the grate is optional).

• The height of the growing structure should
b e at least 2.5m, but preferably 3.6m to 4.8m
At least 1.2 m of free air space should be
above the uppermost plateau of mushrooms.
• Good personal hygiene is required in
managing the growing room.
• Use of environmentally friendly insect traps
and rat traps is advised.
• Use of a water spray to spray the growing
primordia is advised for the growing room
without any humidifier.
• Use of many growing houses for continuous
production is advised.
• The walls in the MGH should also be left
rough and not smooth. The walls should also
be not painted as a painted wall tends to have
water rolling over it, especially when it is oil
paint. The walls are just plastered. If the MGH
is made of bricks, internal plastering should
be done. Outside plastering is optional.


This section will concentrate on the different

mushroom growing houses. All photographs in
this section are of houses at the project and
adopter sites in Buhera and Wedza districts of Figure 49: illustration depicting the spacing of beams inside a
Zimbabwe ,except Figure 52, which shows a MGH and the recommended height for the beams. The beams
house at the University of Zimbabwe against the wall are placed 50 cm from the wall whilst the beams
(Biological Sciences Department). thereafter are placed 1m apart to allow an individual space to
walk among the bags. The mushrooms need to have adequate
space to fruit. The beams should be placed 2 m from the floor
The MGHs in this section are classified as
surface. The bags on a beam should be 50 cm apart.
1 . High –tech structure (Figure 50).
2 . Recommended gable-roof brick structure
(Figure 51).
3 . Alternative flat-roof brick structure (Figure
A. High-Tech MGH
4 . Modified brick hut structure (Figure 53).
Such structures can be available in urban areas.
5 . Low-cost Pole and dagga flat-roof structure
The one shown in Figure 50 shows a humidifier
(Figure 54).
(round structure visible behind a bag), which
6. Low-cost gable-roof thatch grass structure
maintains high levels of humidity. This humidifier
(Figure 55).



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

can be connected to a humidistat, which will to a flat roof.

automatically control the humidity. If a humidistat
is not available, then a hygrometer should be From Figure 51a it can be observed that a
bought (Table 3). Also in Figure 50 is an air footbath is illustrated at the door, but Figures
conditioner to regulate the air temperature in the 51c does not have a footbath at the entrance.
high-tech MGH. Thus one can set the room at In such a case the farmers use an old dish or
90% humidity level and a temperature of 250C. some apparatus that is movable as a footbath.
The humidifier is connected to a water source Diluted disinfectant is added to not more than 5
such as a tap. cm depth and the people enter the MGH after
stepping with their shoes in the footbath.
An extra high-tech system (Table 3), which is Asbestos roofing sheets should never be used on
mainly available in developed countries any MGH. Since there is a lot of moisture in the
consists of a computerized system that the MGH the sheets will have flakes peeling off and
mushroom farmer only needs to punch the falling in the MGH which when inhaled by anyone
conditions they want to prevail in the MGH on working in the MGH can cause the disease called
a computer and the system does the rest. asbestosis. If asbestos sheeting has to be used,
then a kaylite ceiling should be installed below it.
B. Gable Roof Brick MGH Oil paint can be used to paint the asbestos ceiling.
The oil paint coating must be maintained with
A MGH with a gable roof structure is the one that new coatings having to be done now and again.
is recommended by the authors for RDFs. Such a
MGH has the advantage of facilitating rainfall runoff. a)
Rain will not collect on the roof. A gable roof MGH
will cost more than a flat roof MGH but the investment
is well worth it as repairs are minimal when compared




Figure 50: A high-tech MGH. A humidifier (circular equip-

ment) is visible behind the black bag on the right of the photo. Figure 51: The recommended MGHs (the heaped/gable roof
Below the humidifier is an air conditioner. structures), which will result in minimum problems arising.


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

The normal ceiling that is used by the RDFs of the windows is placed directly opposite the
consists of sacks cut open then sewn together or door and the other two windows are placed on
a plastic sheet serves as a ceiling. The ceiling is the diameter that is parallel to the door.
placed above the beams, but below the thatch A ceiling is also placed in the hut and beams
grass roof. installed in the hut running antiparallel to the door.
The fireplace, which was used for cooking, is also
C. Flat Roof Brick MGH filled with concrete and any crevices or gaps at
the floor edges must also be filled with concrete.
The MGH in Fig. 52 is the same as the one A footbath may be added. If not added then an
with the gable roof brick MGH. The only old dish or some old container may be used as a
difference is that the MGH has a flat roof and footbath.Modifying a hut has the advantage that
not a gable roof. When using thatch grass as the structure already has the recommended gable
the roofing material, the flat roof may collapse roof.
as rainfall may accumulate in depressions in
the roof making the roof to collapse. E. Low-cost Pole and Dagga MGH
Figure 52b shows a MGH with a flat thatch
grass roof in Buhera. The oyster mushroom The authors do not recommend this kind of
farmer at this site had to go for some time structure since it may collapse easily. It is okay
without cultivating oyster mushrooms because for a project that does not need lots of water in
the roof had collapsed. If one decides to put a the MGH.
flat thatch grass roof on their MGH then they
should build a MGH that has small dimensions
(Figure 52c). A small MGH has less chances
of the roof collapsing whilst very large MGHs
have a greater chance of the thatch grass roof
collapsing. If iron sheets are used as the
roofing material then a flat roof MGH has no
problems of the roof collapsing
The beam poles are visible from the outside
on Figure 52c. Also from Figure 52c one can
see a black plastic sheet placed on the door.
This was done because the door was not well
fitted. When the door is closed on this MGH,
gaps are left at the top and side of the door.
D. Modified Brick Hut MGH

Any modifications of an existing structure are

unique to that structure. However generalizations
shall be made in the section. Most huts in the rural
areas of Zimbabwe have small triangular
windows. These windows need to be widened a Figure 52: Flat roofed MGHs, which can result in the roof
collapsing. a) Drawing of a flat roof MGH b) very large flat
little and the MGH requires three of them. One
roofed MGH that has greater chances of the roof-collapsing c)
small flat roofed MGH, which has less chances of the roof


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

However the problem of it possibly collapsing However these MGH are not permanent
may be alleviated by placing plastic sheeting on structures and the grass will occasionally require
the walls and floor to prevent water from going being maintained or replaced with fresh thatching
onto the pole and dagga walls. grass.

F. Low-cost Thatch Grass MGH Siting of MGH

For the individual who wants to enter the oyster • A large MGH has the capability of buffering
mushroom cultivation industry without having environmental fluctuations of temperature
a lot of capital to start the project, a thatch grass and humidity. This means a small MGH will
MGH is the ideal structure. This structure heat up quickly and it will cool down quickly.
comprises using thatch grass to construct the roof If it is hot outside, the small MGH will
and walls of the MGH (Figure 55). Plastics sheets become hot faster than a large MGH. This
must be placed in the MGH on the walls. It is should be considered when siting your
recommended to have a gable roof. MGH.
• The other point to take into account is that
a) the MGH should be near a water source.
• The weather conditions in an area and
climatic data should also be considered
when siting ones MGH.
• The house should be placed far from
rubbish dumps and areas where other waste

b) a)

c) b)

Figure 53: MGH resulting from modifications of huts. A) Figure 54: A pole and dagga house constructed with a re-
Drawing of a hut b) some RDFs with a mushroom harvest source-disadvantaged farmer.
and some members of the mushroom project team c) a young
man proudly stands outside their modified hut MGH.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

materials are stored. • One group in Wedza built their thatch grass
• The MGH should be far from livestock MGHs over a small running stream such
areas that they did not need to water in their MGH
• The MGH should be built in an open place as humidity was always in the MGH due to
and not under a tree or some shelter. Debris the running stream.
from the tree may bring contaminants and
also the tree may prevent adequate light
from entering the MGH.

Figure 55: low-cost thatch-grass MGHs .



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Table 3 : Summary of equipment and methods to control the essential environmental parameters affecting
mushroom growth for a low -cost, high -tech, and extra high-tech mushroom structures.

Parameter Low cost High-tech High-tech

Dual system
Humidity -bags -Humidifier+humidistat -Dual system of
-spraying walls and -fogging equipment+ humidistat and
floor humidistat thermostat
-evaporative mats, -duct system spraying controlling a duct
oldblankets,etc humidified air system that releases
-water spray pre-humidified

Temperature -ambient conditions -air conditioner Air at a desired

-evaporative cooling -Thermal exhaust fan temperature
of water syatem with thermostat according to the
-duct system with humidity and
heating coils+ temperature
thermostat prevailing in the

Light -natural daylight Light of 700-1500lux

Measuring -human body -Mercury bulb Mushroom growing

equipment temperature thermometer structure and its'
sensors(a rather -wet and dry bulb volume.
crude method) hygrometer
-Sensing of moisture -Digital thermometer
in the air (again -Digital hygrometer
another crude -Digital thermo-hygro



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Utilisation of Spent Mushroom Substrate,
Har vesting and Pr eser vation of Mushr
Preser ooms
The substrate from which mushrooms have been pulling it so that the stipe comes off with some
harvested is called spent substrate (Figure 57). substrate. If the stipe does not come off with
some substrate then that hole will not have any
1. The spent substrate is used as fertilizer in new primordial material coming out from it. If
gardens and fields the mushroom does not come off with some
2. The spent substrate of Oyster mushroom has substrate, there are high chances of
been used to remove Dioxines, PAHs contamination occurring on the piece of the
(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and PCBs stipe that remained there.
(Polychlorinated biphenols) wastes from the Never harvest the oyster mushrooms using a
environment. These are very toxic and knife to cut the stipe. This usually results in
persistent wastes. yeast and bacterial infection on the remaining
3. The spent substrate used as animal feed. stipe piece.
When mushrooms are fruiting you will see that
they will be mushrooms at different stages of
maturity on the bag. Only harvest the
mushrooms that are mature. The smaller
mushrooms will usually be mature in two-three
days if adequate watering is done in the MGH.
Mushrooms come out in the flush period.
Oyster mushrooms harvesting can be done
throughout the week, as mushrooms at
different stages of growth will be maturing.
The mushroom fruiting in nature (Figure 6)
has the role of releasing spores into the
Figure 57: Spent oyster mushroom compost.
environment to perpetuate the mushrooms
When the oyster mushrooms begin to fruit it takes existence. If harvesting is delayed the
about 3 months – 8 months for the substrate to mushroom will release spores and begin to
be spent depending on the prevailing conditions die or shrivel even if you are watering
in the MGH and the type of substrate being used. adequately in the MGH.Therefore mushrooms
The substrate is declared spent when the bag can harvested at this stage have a very short life
be squeezed to a great extent such that the diameter span. Young oyster mushrooms store better
is drastically reduced. You can also help than old oyster mushrooms.
confirm the spent substrate status by noting If the farmer is planning to harvest mushrooms,
the nature of the mushrooms coming out is he should not water the MGH a day or two
not of a good quality. before harvesting to lengthen the storage time
for the oyster mushrooms. For button
Harvesting mushrooms, it is advisable to pick the button
mushrooms before the veil breaks. This will
The oyster mushrooms are harvested by hand. lengthen the shelf life of the button mushrooms
The hand is used to pull the mushroom or as the button mushrooms can only release
mushroom cluster from the substrate. The spores after the veil breaks. There are certain
harvester holds the mushroom right at the strains of button mushroom which are sporeless
base of the stipe on the bag, followed by and have long shelf lives.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Cultivated oyster mushrooms are so clean that 1. Mushrooms can be packaged in perforated
they can be fried in a pan straight after harvesting. plastics (Figure 62).
The authors recommend frying oyster mushrooms 2 . Mushrooms can also be packed in
and not boiling them. Styrofoam trays (Figure 63).
3 . For the export market, canned mushrooms
Preservation of Mushrooms are the best.
4 . Soon after harvesting the mushrooms
Mushrooms may be consumed fresh, or preserved should be chilled, then transported in a
by drying, canning, or pickling in vinegar. refrigerated truck to the customer.
5. For the RDFs packaging is done in plastics as
1 . Refrigeration at 1-4 0 C will make oyster they mainly sell to the local community (schools,
mushrooms last for 1 to 2 weeks depending on hospitals and other individuals and
the stage at which the mushroom was harvested. organizations). The RDFs usually sell their
2. In a freezer (-200C) mushrooms can last for 2 mushrooms in kg portions.
weeks. Such oyster mushrooms suffer from chilling
injury, and will break into little pieces when
removed from the freezer. The water in the form
of ice crystal thaws at room temperature.
3. Canning is a long-term storage method. This
involves cleaning, blanching, sterilization, canning,
cooling, labeling and packing (Figure 58).
4. Drying: Mushrooms preserved by drying have
a good flavour and the drying prevents
deterioration. Dried mushrooms are suitable for
long-term storage and transportation. Drying
can involve sun drying (Figure 59) or thermal
power drying (Figure 61). The RDFs can only
employ the sun-drying method which becomes
problematic during spells of cloudy days. Drying Figure 58: Canning of mushrooms in China.
of mushrooms is usually done when a farmer has
surplus mushrooms.

Packaging and Marketing

The way you package your product plays an

important role in whether you will get a
reasonable market share. An individual with
a product not as good as yours, but well
packaged will take the market from you.
Attractive package is the key to those who
would like to enter the export industry of
mushrooms. Quality control is also an issue
with those that import your mushrooms and those Figure 59: Sun drying of oyster mushrooms in ‘tswandas.
local possible contract customers.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

mushrooms. To get a good share of the market,

one must not compromise on quality, reliability
of delivery and market communication. If
exporting is considered, it is important to have
direct contact between producer and buyer.
Middlemen will make the price for the buyers
higher, without having the original producer
benefit. The producers have to communicate
directly with the canning factory or importer
about quality, way of packing and other

Figure 60: Drying of mushrooms on beds or racks.

Figure 61: A modern mushroom dryer.

Figure 62: Mushrooms packed in plastics.

Most people in Zimbabwe were used to the white
button mushroom until recently. Oyster
mushrooms have been introduced in Zimbabwe
mainly through the efforts of the BTZ funded
Mushroom Project in Wedza and Buhera. Oyster
mushrooms are now available in certain retail
supermarkets in the country fetching a price
similar or higher than button mushrooms.
Zimbabwe has a good market for cultivated
mushrooms. The mushroom cultivators are
supplying one-third of the requirement of the
country. Many inquiries are regularly received from
neighbouring SADC countries. This means even
if every household in Zimbabwe were to grow
mushrooms, they would still be a demand for

Figure 63: Oyster mushrooms packed in Styrofoam trays.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

The weight of oyster mushrooms also differs. The

white oyster mushroom is heavier than the brown
oyster mushrooms. For the RDF a Kg of
mushroom is quickly achieved when cultivating
white oyster than when cultivating brown oyster.
The short storage time for the oyster mushroom
means a ready market should be available. If not
available then the mushrooms should be sun dried
for storage.


• Pick mushrooms from the young substrate

and end with the older substrate.
• Apply the spent substrate at considerable
distance from the MGH
• Heavily contaminated substrate should be
• Remove undeveloped primordia from the
substrate. Keep the floor of the MGH clean
• Do not touch sick fruiting bodies during
picking. Collect them at the end of the
picking and dispose of them immediately.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Pests and Diseases
Mushrooms are living organisms, which do not
manufacture their own food as trees and other
plants. Mushroom require a food source to
survive. This is why substrates are used in
cultivation of mushrooms. The point to
remember is that the substrate is not only food
for the mushroom but it can be colonised and
utilised by other organisms. Low water content
is a method of preservation. That is why dry
Figure 65: The cecid fly and its mother larva.
grain will remain unspoiled for longer periods
than wet grain. The dry substrate cannot be
utilised by the mushroom and also other
organisms. However once it becomes wet it
can now be used by the mushroom and other
organisms thus the need to pasteurise the
substrate. The MGH requires special care in
order to prevent devastating losses
‘prevention is better than cure.’ It is better to
follow strict hygienic practices than to throw
away a whole batch of contaminated spawned Figure 66: The phorid fly and its larva.

The MGH should have screen on the windows,

which can be wire mesh with a very small pore
size in order to prevent insects from entering the
MGH and yet allowing the required fresh air
exchanges and light to enter the MGH. Potato
sacks can be also utilised but these require at least
three to be stacked on a single window to reduce
the size of the openings on the sacks as a
single potato sack will allow insects to enter Figure 67: The sciarid fly and its larva.
the MGH.

The major pests problems and diseases for

oyster mushroom cultivation are:

1. Insects, which can also be the cause of worms

visible on the substrate. The worms will be the
larva of the insects. The main insect pests are
the phorid, sciarid, cecid flies and mites (Figures
65 to 68)
Figure 68: The mite.
2. The insects and their larvae eat the mushroom
mycelium. A once white bag can



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

become clear as if it was spawned yesterday. also needs to be steamed for two weeks. The
In such a case the composting organisms spent substrate should not be
usually take over the substrate resulting in the discarded near the MGH.
substrate becoming black. Insects enter the MGH
through inadequately protected windows, 6. Rats are a problem soon after spawning as they
a door which leaves gaps when closed, eat the mushroom bags along the spawn layers.
uncovered openings on the roof-wall interface (the The oyster mushrooms are organically
wall plate). Insects can also be attracted to grown. Thus no rat poison should be utilised as
inadequately pasteurised substrate. The the dying rat might have enough strength to
cultivator can also bring insects into the MGH. contaminate the mushrooms, which may
That is why it is advisable to exercise good prove fatal. Rat trap can be used but the
hygienic practices. rats are able to learn that these traps are dangerous
It is essential to close all outlets, to fully pasteurise and they are able to adapt to such an extent that
the substrate and to check the netting on the some will set the trap of and then ingest the food.
windows so that they do not allow insects to enter Some farmers in Buhera and Wedza
are using a mixture of mealie meal and cement
3. Mushrooms are fungi. Other fungi also to kill the rats. The other solution is to have a
compete with the oyster mushrooms for the MGH with out gaps that can allow the rats to
substrate (‘food’). Molds can occur on the find their way into the MGH to cause havoc.
substrate. The major type of mold infestation Once the bags are fully colonised and the
is the green coloured mold. Molds affect the mushrooms are coming out rats are no longer
bread left for some time in the open at room a problem. Cats can also be utilised to control
temperature. The molds looking like black pins the rats.
begin to colonise the bread. This is a type of
mold. The green mold that mainly occurs 7 Mushrooms fruiting inside the bag: This
in oyster mushroom cultivation is mainly due problem arises because the substrate would not
to inadequate pasteurisation. In other instances have been well compressed during the
it is due to a MGH, which is not well closed. spawning stage. This leaves gaps large enough
The solution is to fully pasteurise the substrate for the mushrooms to fruit inside the bags.
and not to leave the MGH door open for long Such a problem results in loss of yield. The
periods. solution to this problem is to compress well t he
substrate when spawning in the future so
4. Nematodes are very small worms which that gaps large enough to allow the mushrooms
cannot be seen with our eyes.Nematodes can be to fruit will not occur.
a problem in button mushroom cultivation.
However for oyster mushroom cultivation the 8 Substrate becomes black in the bags: The
oyster mushrooms release substances that kill the blackening of the substrate can be due to
nematodes. several reasons.
5. Virus infection causes a very deadly disease
characterised by losing of the white colour, a) When the substrate has been pasteurized, it is
which shows that the mycelium is being lost. cooled in the MGH. Occasionally the farmers
The substrate will end up black. will spawn the substrate whilst it is still hot.
The room needs to be sanitised using This will cause the mushroom mycelium to be
diluted hypochlorate mixed with Jik. The room



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

killed, losing the added advantage to the The solution is to practice good hygiene and make
mushroom mycelium to colonise the substrate. sure the MGH does not have openings through
which insects can enter.
b) If composting organisms come in then the
substrate will be composted. Such a problem 9. A farmer might experience fast growth
results in the whole length of the bag having black during spawn run and then at another time
substrate. Solution: wait for the substrate to cool there is very slow growth during the spawn
down sufficiently. run period. The farmer should check to see
c) Blackening of the substrate in the whole length what season they are in. The oyster mushrooms
of the bag may also be due to the fact that the or any mushrooms would slow in growth rate
farmer will have forgotten to punch the holes for as the temperatures are reduced. This means
aeration and drainage which results in the bag winter will result in slow growth rates whilst
favouring anaerobic (no oxygen environment) summer will result in fast growth rates.
organisms which will ferment the substrate 1. Abortive mushroom pinheads on clusters:
resulting in the black colour. Solution: make When a cluster forms, the oyster mushroom will
sure that holes have been punched on the bags tell itself that some pinheads have to be
before leaving the MGH. sacrificed for the other pinheads to have
enough room to grow and to grow well with
d) Low spawning rates will result in the the nutrients available and also for light access.
mushroom mycelium being unable to colonise Thus an oyster mushroom cluster will in most
the substrate resulting in other contaminating cases have a few pinheads that shrivel and die.
organisms taking over the substrate. The solution However in some cases all pinheads will
is to use higher spawning rates mature to form a fine bouquet.
e) Bag has black substrate at the bottom half or 2. Abortive mushroom pinheads as single
quarter and the rest of the substrate is being mushroom fruits: If the mushrooms are
colonized well by the mushroom mycelium. fruiting as single mushrooms and not clusters
This problem may be due to that the holes and then dying, then the problem may be due
punched at the bottom of the bag closed after to that the substrate is becoming spent. If the
being punched such that the water did not drain abortive pinheads alternate with a normal flush,
enough resulting in the bottom half or quarter the reason could be due to strain tiredness or
of the bag being water logged. This water that the mushroom will be accessing more
logging will result in the substrate decaying nutrients from the substrate being spent.
and hence the black colour. The solution is to continue harvesting until the
The solutions are to make sure the holes punched substrate is fully spent if the cultivation is for
in the bag remain open. It is advisable to twitch household consumption. For commercial
the nail or iron rod to make sure the holes cultivation the substrate should be discarded and
remain open. Make sure the substrate has new substrate spawned.
cooled sufficiently before spawning.
3. Long stipes and small caps: This problem can
f) Blackening of the substrate may also be due be avoided if farmer opens the windows
to insects and their larva, which will devour sufficiently enough to allow enough fresh air to
the mushroom mycelium resulting in enter the MGH. Stipes move towards areas with
contaminant organisms taking over the low carbon dioxide. If windows are not opened



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

then high levels of carbon dioxide will be present These are extremely small entities that are difficult
in the MGH.The stipe will waste energy and to handle (Oei, 1991). Spores need time to
resources by growing towards an area of low ger minate and competitor organisms may
carbon dioxide, which will initiate cap formation. germinate and grow faster than the spores during
Thus the cap will be small, as most of the energy that time. Using a pure culture of the desired
will have been wasted. mycelium to start the culture is called spawning
The solution is to open the windows adequately. and the pure culture is called spawn. Spawn
production is the limiting factor for mushroom
4. Presence of pink or white foam after cultivation in many countries due to the enormous
spawning. This is due to yeast, which will be capital required to setup a spawn laboratory or
fermenting the insufficiently pasteurized substrate. plant (Oei, 1991).
This problem often does not persist. Spawn production enables the exponential
The solution is to pasteurize the substrate increase of the mushroom mycelium required for
adequately. the production of mushrooms (Stamets, 1993).
Mushroom spawn is used to inoculate prepared
5. The oyster mushroom stipes grow towards substrates, which are usually agricultural wastes
regions with low carbon-dioxide and adequate (Oei, 1991; Stamets, 1993). In most cases, cereal
light. If the MGH is constructed in a way that grains (sorghum, millet, rice, wheat or rye) are used
inadequate light enters the MGH, then the as the carrier materials (Stamets, 1993; Stamets and
mushroom will waste energy in developing a long Chilton, 1983). The grain is not only a vehicle for
stipe exhibiting a phototrophic effect towards the evenly distributing the mushroom mycelium, but
source of light. also a nutritional supplement.
The solution is for the farmer to make sure that There are two methods of inoculating
enough light enters the MGH during the fruiting spawn, the agar-grain method and the grain-
stage. grain method (Stamets, 1993). (a).The agar-
6. Differential growth rates for spawn in substrate grain method is usually used to produce grain
pasteurized in the same drum at the same time. masters (G1), which is spawn produced from
This is avoided by showing the oyster mushroom an agar culture (plate culture or agar slant
farmer how to monitor the water level culture). (b). The grain-grain method is usually
during soaking and pasteurization of the used to produce second generation (G2) and
substrate. subsequent generation spawn (G 3 , G 4). For
It is important to monitor water level during grain-to-grain inoculations, a grain spawn
soaking and pasteurization. master (G1) can be used to inoculate 10 more
jars, identical in size to the grain spawn master
Bonus: Outline of Spawn Production to produce second-generation spawn (G 2).
Each of these second-generation (G2) spawn
cultures (in bottles) can be used to inoculate
10 more jars, identical in size to the G2 bottles
Summary Section
(Stamets, 1993). This means a single grain
spawn master (G 1) can be used to produce
1 Spawn production
10 second generation (G2) spawn bottles and
100 third generation (G3) spawn bottles, thus
The mushroom seed is generally referred to
achieving the exponential increase in
as spawn (Oei, 1991). In nature, mushrooms
mycelium required for mushroom cultivation.
use spores for generative multiplication.
It is of critical importance that the first set of



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

spawn masters (G1) be absolutely pure for it may 1.3 Grain spawn preparation (summary)
ultimately inoculate as many as 1000 jars (G3).
Quality control in spawn making consists of Grain seeds (for example-wheat grain) are
constant inspection to eliminate those units visibly soaked overnight. The following day they are
contaminated or those units exhibiting washed and boiled in water for 5-15 minutes
unacceptable differences in appearance and depending on the grain type and its source.
growth. Quality control must be done at each They are drained and allowed to cool. Wheat
of the spawn making process, from the grain is placed in a spawn container. CaCO 3
acquisition of grain to the usage and storage and gypsum; (1,5% each on weight basis) are
of the spawn. added to the grain. The grains are sterilized
in a pressure cooker or autoclave (Figures 69 to
1.1 Insoluble calcium salts 71) for one hour at 121 oC (15psi) .The bottles
are then cooled in a sterile room, after which the
These are added during cultivation of respective bottle containing grain is inoculated
mushrooms to raise the pH to neutrality and with the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus species) and
thereby reducing the bacterial contamination. left at room temperature until the substrate
The salts are also added to increase the appears white (Figure 72).
aeration by aggregation and to improve the
texture and porosity of the composted or
treated substrate (Bech and Rasmussen,
1968; Hayes, 1972 cited in Chiu et al, 1998).
Calcium carbonate, (CaCO 3 ) and gypsum,
(CaSO 4 . 2H 2 O) are the commonly used
insoluble calcium salts. They also help in Table 1.2 : Sterilisation time at 15psi(121°C) in
keeping the grain kernels separated. Calcium relation to capacity of spawn container.
sulphate slightly acidifies a substrate as
sulphuric acids evolve (Stamets, 1993). Spawn container Time (hours)
The addition of these salts to spawn is Milk bottle/ Jam jar /2
1000ml capacity 1
optional for most species including oyster 2000ml capacity 1 1/2
mushrooms (Pleurotus species). Autoclavable bag (5kg- 3 to 4
1.2 Sterilisation time during spawn

Sterilisation time depends on the capacity of the

spawn container (Table 1.2). For a milk bottle or
jam bottle size container, (500ml) 30mins at
15psi (121°C) is sufficient. A 5kg autoclavable
bag will require 3-4 hours at 15psi (121°C) to
get all the grain sterilised.
This means that the more of grain to be
sterilised in a spawn container, the more time
required for sterilisation (Table 1.2).



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Figure 69: A regular autoclave. Figure 71: A homemade autoclave. This is very dangerous to be
made by any person. Should be made by experts in constructing
them or else they are chances that they may explode.

Figure 70: Autoclave room showing large capacity autoclaves Figure 72: Spawn stored in a cold-room.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


Alexopoulos, C. J. and Mims, C. W. (1979) Muchovej, J. J., Lucia, T. M. D and Muchovej, R.

Introductory Mycology. John Wiley and Sons, New M. C. (1991) Leucaagaricus weberi sp. nov. from
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95: 1308-1311.
Chang, S. T., and Hayes, W. A. (1978) The Biology
and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms. Academic Press, Oei, P. (1991) Manual on Mushroom
New York. Cultivation:Techniques, species and Opportunities for
Commercial Application in Developing Countries. TOOL
Chiu, S. W., Chan, Y. H., Law, S. C., Cheung, K. T. (Transfer of Technology for Development)
and Moore, D. (1998) Cadmium and manganese Publications, Amsterdam.
in contrast to calcium reduce yield and nutritional
values of the edible mushroom Pleurotus Oso, B. A. (1975) Mushrooms and the Yoruba
pulmonarius. Mycological Research 102: 449-457. people of Nigeria. Mycologia 67: 311-319.

Kashangura, C., Kunjeku, E. C., Chirara, T., Quimio, T. H., Chang, S. T. and Royse, D. J. (1990)
Mabveni, A. and Mswaka, A. (2002) Optimising Technical Guidelines for Mushroom Growing in
mushroom cultivation conditions for smallholder the Tropics: FAO Plant production and Protection Paper
farmers in Zimbabwe. Biotechnology(A Publication of 106, Rome.
the Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe) 5 (5): 6-12.
Ramsbottom, J. (1954) Mushrooms and Toadstools :
Masuka, A. J. and Utete, D. (1996) Overview of A study of the activities of fungi. Collins, London.
mushroom production in Africa: constraints
opportunities and strategies. Keynote Paper. Regional Ryvarden, L., Piearce, G. D. and Masuka, A. J.
Workshop on Mushroom Cultivation and Mushroom (1994) An Introduction to the Larger Fungi of South
Germplasm Conservation Harare 23-27 September. Central Africa. Baobab Books.200pp.
Sánchez, C. and Gonzaléz, G. V. (1996) Detection
Mswaka, A. Y. and Tagwira, M (1997) Mushroom of highly productive strains of Pleurotus ostreatus
survey in Buhera and Wedza. A Report submitted to by their tolerance to 2-deoxy-D-glucose in starch-
the ZIMBAC Technical Committee. 38pp. based media. Mycological Research 100: 455-461.

Mswaka, A. Y., Kashangura, C. and Chigogora, J. Smith, D. C. (1981) The symbiotic way of life.
L. (2001) Making use of locally available cellulosic Transactions of the British Mycological Scociety 77: 1-8.
wastes: mushroom cultivation by resource poor-
farmers in Zimbabwe. Biotechnology(A Publication of Stamets, P. (1993) Growing Gourmet and Medicinal
the Biotechnology Trust of Zimbabwe) 5 (2): 4 - 7. Mushrooms. Ten Speed Press and MycomediaTM,

Stamets, P. and Chilton, J. S. (1983) The Mushroom

Cultivator. Agarikon Press, Olympia, Washington.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


Appendix A: reference for map in the preface of this manual



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Appendix B: formulae, determining water content of substrate and spawn rate

Spawn rate=mushroom spawn (wet weight)

substrate (dry weight)

mushroom spawn (wet weight) = spawn rate x substrate (dry wt)

The best thing to do is to weigh a dry amount of substrate, soak it overnight, then pasteurise it and weigh
it again. The percentage water excluding the inherent water content in the dry substrate will be determined

Percentage(%) water = pasteurised substrate - dry substrate

pasteurised substrate

· Pasteurised substrate = dry substrate

1- % water

· Dry substrate = pasteurised substrate - ( % water x pasteurised substrate)


Dry substrate = pasteurised substrate x (1- % water)

After calculating the percentage water, the pasteurised substrate is filled into a bag (cropping container).
The amount required to fill the bag is weighed. The weight of the dry substrate can then be determined
using the above formula. The weight of the mushroom spawn required can now be determined from the
spawn rate formula. This needs to be done only once for each type of substrate. After calculating the
amount of mushroom spawn required, everytime spawning is done you know you need one, two or three
handfuls of mushroom spawn for the size of bag being used.

Example of Calculations



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

• % water = pasteurised substrate −dry substrate

pasteurised substrate

= (3,33−1,00) kg

= 0,6996
• Weight of dry substrate in = pasteurised substrate x (1− % water)
bag of known measurements

= 2,00 x (1− 0,6997)


Therefore the weight of the mushroom spawn required for a certain Inoculation rate can be determined
as follows:
For example the spawn rate is 7%

• Mushroom spawn (wet weight) = spawn rate x substrate(dry wt)

= 0.07 x 0.6006kg
=0,04204 x 1000g

By measuring the weight of spawn required to fill a handful, one can then know if one handful or two
handfuls are required to Inoculate the pasteurised substrate in the bag at 7%. This means, everytime the
bag with the same measurements is used and it is filled with the same substrate up to the same level, the
number of handfuls calculated is used for Inoculation with the spawn.
The recommended rate of Inoculation is 3-7% of substrate (dry weight). When using Inoculation rates
of 8-15% or greater than 15%, care must be taken of increased heat production (thermogenesis) by the
advancing mushroom mycelium which might activate growth of some molds. Thus very high Inoculation
rates must be avoided and they also contribute to wastage of spawn. When a small bag is used .The bag
is filled with the substrate and the amount of spawn (wet weight) is added for the desired Inoculation
rate. When the cropping bag becomes larger the spawning should be done so as to maximise rate of
colonisation of the substrate by a uniform and homogeneous distribution of the spawn in the substrate.



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Appendix C (prepared by Dr. A. Y. Mswaka)

Requirements for Cultivation of Button 6. Insect screens and air filters

Mushrooms Insects and air-borne contaminants must be
excluded from the growing room using the
A. Infrastructure above apparatus.
1. Insulated mushroom house
Can be constructed using brick, concrete blocks 7. Composting sheds
under corrugated iron or asbestos sheets. The The composting shed must have a roof of
mushroom house must be insulated using suitable corrugated iron or asbestos, which is at least
materials that are non-wettable because the room 3.05 metres high, supported by iron bars or
will be kept at over 90% humidity for long periods wooden poles. The floor must be made of
concrete and must measure 5 x 4 m.
2. Lights
Fluorescent lights must be fitted in the house 8. Peak heating room
to provide light at stages when it will be This is the room where pasteurisation of
required. compost will be done using steam from a
3. Trays, beds or shelves
Trays that can be stacked on top of one another 9. Thermometers
can be constructed so that there will be no need Monitoring of temperatures in the compost,
for shelves growing room and peak heating room is
absolutely essential.
4. Humidifiers
One humidifier will be required per room. Such 10. Hygrometer
a humidifier can have an exposed fan or can A hygrometer measures relative humidity,
be connected to PVC or plastic tubing which must be maintained at 80-90% in the
ventilation systems. cropping room. Without this instrument one
cannot have any idea of the humidity available
5. Fans: inlet and exhaust which can lead to serious losses being incurred.
The air inside a mushroom house must be
controlled with precision and therefore there 11. Steam boiler
is a need to fit inlet and exhaust fans capable A steam boiler supplied with the necessary
of at least four air exchanges per hour pipes and attachments will be used to supply
pressurised steam into the peak heating room
to achieve air and compost temperatures of
up to 70oC

Activity No. of Level Training

Composting 2 General required
Spawning 4 General required
Harvesting 4 General Not required
Supervision 1 Supervisor required



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

B. Costs of Equipment and Materials (prices of equipment not supplied)

Qty Description Unit Price Total

10 5 ft twin fluorescent fittings
5 ULV Humidifiers MKIII 350
5 Thermometers
5 Hygrometers
1 Steam Boiler
5 Inlet and exhaust fans
5 Screen doors
200kg Agricultural lime
200kg Gypsum
200kg Spawn utilised per month
Sub Total
Sales Tax
Additional Costs
1. Horse or Chicken manure
Acquisition and transport

2. Wheat straw
Acquisition and transport

3. Casing soils
If peat moss is used then it has to be purchased and fumigated.

4. Trays
Wooden trays can be manufactured and fitted on site


1.0 x 0.6 - 1.0 x 0.15 - 0.2 m for manual handling

3.0 x 1.2 x 0.15 - 0.2 m for machine handling

A. Manpower requirements

A total of 5 workers required.

B. Construction of 5 Mushroom Houses

To clear site, excavate topsoil, return refill and ram, cart away excess rubble, planking and strutting



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

trenches. Construct slabs and screens. Brickwork. Fitting wall plates and brandering, erect asbestos
roofing, supply and fit ceiling and electrical components. Plaster walls and insulate walls and ceiling
with kaylite. Attend to the installation and fitting of steam boiler, exhaust fans, thermometers and
hygrometers as necessary.

Total Cost of Construction

GRAND TOTAL (Construction + Materials)

Each Mushroom House will carry at least 200 trays representing a total cropping area of 200 m2 per

Total cropping area in 5 houses = 1 000 m2



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Appendix D:


The laboratory is designed and built for the benefit of the mushroom mycelium. The role of the cultivator
is to launch the mycelium onto appropriate sterile substrates in the laboratory and then leave. The less
the non-essential time spent by humans in the laboratory, the better, as humans are the major factor of
1. Laminar air flow
2. Autoclave (gas or electrical)
3. Incubation room preferably controlled at 250C.
4. Inoculating room
5. External building specially designed for the purpose of spawn production
6. Mushroom cultures.
7. Refrigerator
8. Cold room (optional)
1. Incubation jars
2. Grain
3. Industrial alcohol (absolute)
4. Gas cylinders
5. Cotton wool
6. Inoculating needles and loops
7. Trays (rust proof) (stainless steel or coated with enamel or plastic)
8. Wire gauze sieves
9. Dishes or buckets to soak grain
10. Weighing balance (preferably analytical)
11. Gypsum (calcium sulphate)
12. Agricultural lime (calcium carbonate)
13. Water
14. Pots
15. Gas or electrical stove (e.g. two plate stove)
16. Cups or beakers
17. Oven (100-1700C) but can be more than this range.
18. Burnsen burner
19. Squirt plastic bottles
20. Aluminium foil rolls
21. Examination gloves
22. Asbestos or heat resistant gloves to remove things from the autoclave.
23. Clean lab coats
24. Soap (carbolic soap e.g. Unilever/ formerly Lever Brothers Lifebuoy)
25. Multiwipe tissue rolls
26. Petri-dishes
27. Malt extract and Potato dextrose agar media
28. Conical (Eppendorf) flasks
29. Incubator (20-300C) 66


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Appendix E



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

GLOSSARY and Dictionary a substrate to encourage and enhance fruitbody

formation. It is used in button mushroom
A cultivation and not in oyster mushroom cultivation

Agar an extract from a seaweed used to solidify Compost (noun) a mixture of substrates that has
media; alternatively, gelatin may be used. Agar is undergone decomposition with the help of some
available in bar or powder form organisms

Agarics mushroom group which includes all Compost (verb) to allow a mixture of substrates,
mushrooms with true gills with the help of natural or artificially introduced
microorganisms, to undergo decomposition to
Autoclave a steam pressurized vessel used to produce a degraded but nutrient-rich mixture.
sterilize media during spawn production Button mushrooms use composted substrates
whilst oyster mushrooms use non-composted
B substrates

Bacteria microorganisms that may cause Contamination any organism other than the
contamination in culture work. Grain spawn and one desired to be cultivated
substrates can be contaminated with bacteria.
However some bacteria are needed for the fruiting Cropping the fruiting stage of the mushroom
of button mushrooms (Agaricus). The bacteria crop
are present in the casing soil.
Culture a growth of one organism for
Basidiomycetes all fungi which bear spores experimental or industrial purposes
externally upon a club-like cell known as a
basidium D

Basidium a unique fertile cell club like in form DFT disinfectant

in which sexual spores are produced
Dikaryotic mycelium possesses the nuclei of
Basidiocarp the fruiting body of fungi that both ‘sexes’ and can therefore yield fruiting bodies
reproduce through basidia. In oyster mushrooms
it is that which we harvest and eat. Diploid a genetic condition where each cell can
undergo sexual reproduction by having a full set
Biological efficiency the percentage of chromosomes (2N)
measurement of the yield of fresh mushrooms
from the dry weight of the substrate F

Button Stage the young button mushrooms Flush the sudden development of a lot of fruiting
which are covered with a veil. bodies which usually occurs in a rhythmic manner

C Fructification act of fruiting or fruit formation

Casing a layer of water retentive materials Fruiting production of the mushrooms

(usually soil or peat moss) applied to the surface of
Fruiting body an organized aggregation of myce-


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

or with the organism) used for inoculating. In mush-

room cultivation it is the spawn.
lium containing the spores, in agarics the mushroom
itself, composed of the cap, stipe and gills where the L
spores are borne
Lux the amount of illumination received by a
G surface one metre from 1 foot candle equal to 1
lumen/square meter
Germinate to produce a germ tube from a M
spore, which will continue to grow and form
hyphae Meiosis the process of reduction division by
which a single cell with a double (diploid) nucleus
Gills the tissues or folds underneath the subdivides into four cells, with one single
mushroom cap which bear the spores (see page 9) (haploid) nucleus apiece

Gypsum calcium sulphate, a buffer used in MGH mushroom growing house

spawn making to keep grain kernels separated.
Mushroom a fleshy fungus that erects a body
H of tissue in which sexual spores are produced and
from which they are distributed
Hetero different
Mycelium network or mass of hyphae
Heterothallic a species that requires another
compatible organism for sexual reproduction Mycology study of fungi

Heterokaryotic having genetically different Mycophile a person who loves mushrooms

nuclei in the same protoplast or mycelium
Mycorrhizal showing a symbiotic relationship
Homo same between a mushroom mycelium and the roots of
a tree. A symbiotic relationship between fungi and
Homokaryotic individual whose nuclei are plants
genetically alike
Hymenium the layer of basidia or spore-
bearing cells on the gills Nucleus the central part of a cell containing
genetic information. The headquarters of the cell
Hypha individual filaments of a mycelium were all instructions come from


Incubation the period after inoculation during Parasitic living at the expense of another, usually
which the organism grows causing harm

Inoculate to transfer an organism into a Pasteurisation a heat treatment applied to

substrate, spawning is a process of inoculating substrate to destroy some of the organisms. Not
the mushroom into the substrate all the organisms are killed (compare with steriliza-
tion). In mushroom cultivation achieved by steam
Inoculum the substance (usually the organism itself (12-24 hours) or boiling (1-2 hours).



Emphasis on oyster mushrooms

Spore the true seed of the mushroom which is able

to germinate and reproduce
Petri Dish a cylindrical glass or plastic dish with
an overlapping cover used for growing
Stipe the stalk of the mushroom
microorganisms in a laboratory
Sterilisation the process of completely
pH a measure of how acid a substance is. Pure
eliminating all organisms within the substrate or ma-
water has a pH of 7.0. A higher pH is alkaline –a
terial. Spawn always has to be sterile.
lower pH is acidic
Strain a group of individuals within a species
phototropic growing towards light
showing some common observable features or
characteristics different from the others.
Pinhead a term used to describe a very young
Equivalent to ‘race’ or ‘variety’ in plants
mushroom that is almost the size of the head of a
Substrate the material, usually organic, on which
mushrooms grow
RDF resource-disadvantaged farmer
Thermogenesis the natural and spontaneous
RDFs resource-disadvantaged farmers
escalation of temperature in substances due to
metabolic heat released as fungi, bacteria and
Relative Humidity the amount of moisture in the
other microorganisms flourish
air compared with the maximum amount that the air
could hold at the same temperature, expressed as a
Top-spawning placing spawn as a layer on the
top of the substrate
Saprophyte an organism which lives on dead
Variety In mushrooms it is called the strains
organic matter
Veil a tissue covering mushrooms as they develop.
Spawn mushroom mycelium growing on a
Does not occur in all the mushrooms. Oyster mush-
substrtate which is used as the planting material
rooms do not have a veil, but button mushrooms
(inoculum) in mushroom cultivation
have a veil.
Spawn-run the period after spawning until the
substrate is fully colonized by the mushroom myce-
lium. In oyster mushroom cultivation this is when the
bag appears white throughout. This marks that the Biological Sciences Department, University of
spawn-run period is over. Zimbabwe, P.O. Box MP167 Mt.Pleasant,
Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel (263-04)-303211 ext
Species a biologically discrete group of 1442 /6, Fax (263-04)-333407.
individuals which are cross-fertile, and give rise
to fertile progeny
Biotechnology Research Institute(BRI),
Spent substrate the remaining substrate when Scientific and Industrial Research and
the bag can be squeezed drastically and the bag Development Centre (SIRDC), 1574 Alpes Rd,
has become very soft. 70
Hatcliffe, Harare, Zimbabwe


Emphasis on oyster mushrooms


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