Neo Kote

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t(TE-z (ts) September 1 980 (R)


lsowool Unifelt alone can be used at high temperatures lnstallat¡on of 'NEO KOTE'
above 1,200"C, but an effective surface coating mater¡al 1) Ground Treatment
for lsowool ,'NEO KOTE',has beendevelopedto improve ln the surface of lsowool Unifelt adhered to the wall
it in resistance to metal oxide, res¡stance to abrasion of a furnace, 6o.o,mm holes are to be made with a special
and resistance to veloc¡ty of the gas while maintaining tool for better support.
its h¡gh heat insulating property and low thermal mass.

Main Features of 'NEO KOTE'

1) lt can be sprayed easily on the surface of Unifelt.
It forms a thin film and has very good spalling
resista nce.
2) lt
improves lsowool in shrinkage when it is heated
high temps, resistance to metal oxide, abrasion Existi ng
and velocity of the gas without deteriorating the
good properties of lsowoo l.
3) lt has good resistance to impurities in combustion
gas. ìKaost¡cr
4) lt can be used at high temperatures over 1,300"C.

Properties of 'NEO KOTE' 2) Mixing

'NEO KOTE' is placed in a contaìner and clearn water is
{EO KOTE NEO KOTE {EO KOTE gradually added to it by about 40 - 45% (out). They
I M c
are m¡xed together uniformly"
Maxìmum use
temperature oC 1,000 1,400 1,450 ln case where much 'NEO KOTE' is needed. it is
Tvpe advisable to use a mortar mixer.
dry type dry type dry type
Bulk density of powder O.459/cm: 1. l0 g/cm1 1-04 g/cm3
Amolrn I of waler to be
3) Spraying
mixecl for spraying {%) 60 65 4L/ - +a +U - ¿13
Kneaded 'NEO KOTE' is poured into a spray gun for
after firing 0.3 0.3 0.3 an example and it ¡s sprayed on the surface of Unifelt
Li n ear at'{ )"c (800) {r,300) t1,s00) in the thickness of about 1 - 2mm at the a¡r pressure
Thermal after f¡ring
o.5 0.5 of 5 - 7kg/cmz from the spraying distance of about
Shri n kagr at )"c (1,000) {1,400)
l'/'\ 20cm"
after f ring 0.5
at { )"C (1 .4s0)

Chemical s¡o2 cz
4) Curing and Dry¡ng
22 12
Analysis At2 o3 40 bt 88
It is possible to f¡re the furnace after one day of
t%l Uthers (S¡C} 8
curing and drying after the installation.
\ì12lJt l.¿
Material Based chamotte mull¡te, mu ll¡te,
S¡C alumina
lnstallation amount
kglmz 2-3 J-+ 3-4
(spray thickness 1 -2mm)
lnstallation method spray r n g sp ray r ng spray r ng

Use of
'NEO KOTE M' is recommended for ordinary
reheat¡ng f urnaces, 'NEO KOTE S" for soaking pits and
forge furnaces at higher temperatures and'NEO KOTE
L' for furnaces at temperatures below i,000"C. We
recommend your consulting us about your particular


HEAD OFFICE : New Osaka Bldg. Dojimahama 1-2-6, Krta-ku, Osaka, Japan
Cable Address, "|SOL|TE OSAKA" TEL: (06) 345-7231
BRANCH OFFICE: Sumitomo Kanda Ekimae Bldg 2-2- 1 Kajrcho, Chiyooa-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
TEL: (03) 256-4711

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