Sultana Raisin and Pop Lab

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Sultana Raisin and Pop (Schweppes Ginger ale) Lab:

Perceive (observation):
- carbonated ginger ale
- liquid is yellow
- liquid is room temperature
- raisin is dehydrated (shriveled)
- raisin is brown
- raisin is small
- Raisin explodes??
- Raisin will absorb fluid and expand (no explosion)??
- Raisin will dissolve??
- Raisin will sink??
- Raisin will float??
- Pop and or raisin will change colour??
- Pop will fizz and escape from beaker????????
- We predict that the raisin will sink to the bottom of the beaker absorb the
pop and float to the surface.
- Holding the raisin level with the opening of the beaker, we will drop it into
the centre of the liquid.
- Drop will be done by holding raisin with index finger and thumb of right
- Raisin sinks to bottom
- bubbles collecting on surface of raisin
- raisin starts to do “push ups” at the start
- raising begins to raise to top of liquid
- once it reaches the surface of the pop it releases some bubbles and sinks
- raisin sinks and floats multiple times (10-12 trips)
- Bubbles increase buoyancy of raisin allowing it to float to the surface of the
- Once it reaches the surface the bubbles (co2) is released to the outside of the
beaker and raisin falls to the bottom of the beaker
Carry out Inquiry:

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