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Philippians Chapter 1 Questions

1. Read the book of Philippians and count the number of times the following words or phrases
occur: “joy” or “rejoice” (various forms), the word “mind,” and the phrase “in Christ (Jesus).”

2. What previous experience in Acts 16 had already proven to the Philippians that believers can
endure trials with joy?

3. What do we know about the city of Philippi (Acts 16:16-24; Phil. 1:28-29, 3:17-19)?

4. Describe what the offices of a bishop (i.e. an overseer or elder), and a deacon were (1 Tim. 3;
Acts 6:1-6).

5. Review the initial greetings of Paul in other epistles. In what order does he mention grace and
peace? What is the application?

6. According to verses 3-4 do we have to know all the details about a situation to pray for
individuals effectively?
7. What is the difference between the “the day of Lord Jesus” (the day of Christ) and the “day of
the Lord” in Scripture (compare 1 Thess 5:1-11; Rev. 6:1-19:6 with 1 Cor. 5:5; Phil 1:6, 10; 1
Cor. 1:8)?

8. What was Paul saying to the Philippians in verse 7?

9. Paul was not satisfied with the high level of love the Philippians were demonstrating in their
lives so he exhorts them to do what in verse 9 (also see 1 Thess. 4:1, 9-10)?

10. What exhortation does Paul give the Philippians concerning their relationship with others (v.

11. Paul informs the Philippians that he is where in verse 13?

12. Rather than complain about his situation Paul identifies some of good results of this difficult
experience. List some of these (vv. 12-14):

13. Describe another source of irritation for Paul (vv. 15-18) and what conscious “choice” Paul made
to deal with his feelings (v. 18).
14. By what means does Paul find the capacity to have joy in trials according to verses 20-21?

15. What great dilemma did Paul acknowledge in verse 22-23?

16. If Paul remained on earth how would the Philippian Christians benefit (vv. 24-26)?

17. According to verse 27 (also see John 17:23 and Eph. 4:3-6) what seems to be a necessary quality
among believers in order to see the lost won to Christ?

18. What are the marks of a true believer controlled by the Holy Spirit (vv. 28-29)?

19. Did Christ promise the believer a life of ease and comfort, or of trials and suffering (v. 29, John

20. Practically speaking what benefits are there in suffering for Christ?
a. 2 Corinthians 1:5-8:

b. James 1:2-3:

c. 2 Corinthians 4:17:

21. Paul uses “you,” “you all,” “together,” “one spirit,” several times in chapter 1; what is the
significance of this?
Philippians Chapter 2 Questions
1. What does Paul indicate would be an encouragement to him (vv. 1-2)?

2. Explain each of the following aspects of unity that the Philippians were to have (vv. 2-3):
a. Like-mindedness:

b. The same love:

c. One accord:

d. One mindset:

3. Describe the attributes of the mind of Christ that should be present in our behavior towards

4. What is the ultimate example of selflessness the believer is to follow (vv. 6-8)?
5. The Kenosis Theory (derived from Phil. 2:7 where the Greek word “kenos” means “to empty”)
teaches that Christ emptied Himself of all of His divine attributes in order to become truly man.
The following are four errors that develop from the Kenosis teaching. Provide some arguments
against this false teaching.
a. Christ had no divine attributes when He became a servant.

b. Christ was a human just like us.

c. Christ was the exact counterpart of the first Adam.

d. Christ was tempted just as we are.

6. How are we to understand the meaning of the phrase “the likeness of man” (v. 7) and the phrase
“express image” (Heb. 1:3)?
7. Complete the following table concerning Adam (the first man) and Christ (the last Adam)
Adam Christ
Entrance to the world:
Spiritual condition:
Spheres of control:
Relationship to life:

8. Does Paul say a Christian should “work for” or “work out” their salvation? Please explain.

9. There are three more examples in this chapter of Christ-like servants. Identify and describe each:
a. V. 17:

b. Vv. 19-21:

c. Vv. 25-30:

10. For what reason did Paul delay sending Timothy to the Philippians (v. 23)?
Philippians Chapter 3 Questions
Paul’s Past (vv. 1-11)
1. What does Paul indicate in verse 1 is a necessary study method for teaching others?

2. Describe Paul’s warning to the Philippians in verse 2.

3. What is Paul saying about circumcision (see also Rom. 2:25-29) and about properly worshiping
God in verse 3?

4. Describe the argument Paul makes about the vanity of trusting in the flesh to please God (vv. 4-

5. Summarize what Paul had learned about all that he had before Christ and what it meant to him
now (vv. 7-8). Also address the reason why he felt this way.

6. What activities did Paul want to experience in order to be identified with Christ and understand
Him better (vv. 10-11)?

7. How should the phrase “if by any means” be interpreted, given a literal meaning of verse 10?

Paul’s Present (vv. 12-16)

8. Did Paul consider himself to have attained Christ-likeness or sinless perfection yet (v. 12)?

9. Although Paul possessed Christ, he was still pressing forward towards Christ’s calling. What
does he identify as being necessary aspects of obtaining the high calling of Christ (v. 13)?
10. Explain what you think each of the following aspects of Paul’s spiritual race mean (v. 14):
a. “Press towards”:

b. “The mark”:

c. “The prize”:

d. “The high calling”:

11. Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and identify who the believer is actually racing against.

12. How is the word “perfect” in verse 15 to be understood given the context of the passage?

13. What wise counsel does Paul give the believer who does not understand the full implications of
the sacrificial mindset a Christian should have (v. 16)?

Paul’s Future (vv. 17-21)

14. Why could Paul tell the Philippians to follow his example and that of others who were following
his example (v. 17)?

15. Who does Paul warn the Philippians not to follow (vv. 18-19)?

16. Why is our citizenship in heaven (v20)?

17. So if believers are a heavenly colony of people, why are we still here on earth (Phil. 1:20; 2 Cor.
5:19-21; Heb. 13:21)?

18. What kind of a body do we get at the rapture (v. 21)?

Philippians Chapter 4 Questions
1. Review Paul’s technique for exhorting two sisters in the meeting that were causing division.
Given his example, what would be a good method of offering exhortation to a fellow believer?

2. Read the following passages and explain what The Book of the Living (or Life) and what The
Lamb’s book of Life pertain to?
a. Exodus 32:31-33:

b. Psalms 69:28:

c. Revelation 3:5:

d. Revelation 13:8 and 17:8:

e. Psalm 139:15-16:

3. Paul exhorts the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always and not to be anxious about anything.
Practically speaking how is this accomplished (vv. 4-7, relate to Paul’s example in chapter 1)?
4. When we think someone has done something against you how should you respond emotionally
and in action (Matt. 18:15; Col. 3:13; Phil. 4:8; Luke 17:3)?

5. Describe the proper things we should think about and do to protect ourselves from wrong
thinking and wrong doing (verses 8-9).

6. How does Paul demonstrate in verse 10 what he has been teaching about rejoicing (i.e. that
rejoicing is a choice)?

7. List some principles on how a believer can maintain contentment despite circumstances; (vv. 11-

8. What is the result of practicing these principles of contentment (v. 13)?

9. Paul tells the Philippians that they have had fellowship with him at various times and in several
ways. Explain how the Philippians had shared with Paul (1:5-7, 1:19, 2:25, 4:3, 4:14, 4:25)?
10. What do we learn about the Church at Philippi’s generosity in verses 15-16?

11. Explain Paul’s motive for praising them for their gifts to him (v17-18).

12. Verse 19 has been a great encouragement to many of the Lord’s servants who live by faith.
Paraphrase what Paul is saying in this verse.

13. What is the good Christian principle of fellowship given by Paul in verses 20-21 (also see 2 Cor.
13:12-13 and Jas. 2:1-4)?

14. What wonderful information do we learn concerning the power of the gospel in verse 22?

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