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( Rabbit Proof Fence => Nature Issues Analysis )

Rahma Lelasari
NIM : 161010650069
Class : 04SIGP001 ( V.533 )

University of Pamulang
Faculty of Literature
English Department
1 Introduction Page xii, line 13 " the terrain was uncleared virgin bush, a strange, they are in a place that is still
scary wilderness " unfamiliar to them

2 Page xii – xiii, " Nature was their social calender, everything was they use nature as a determinant
line 35 measured events and incidents affected by seasonal of time and date
changes. "

3 Page xiii, line 2 " summer is pink-eye time when eye problems summer causes some bad
brought on by the heat, dust and flies flare up. " influences and its terrible season
in Australia
4 Page xiii, line 7 " The winter or rainy season is yalta or galyu time they have their own language in
" mentioning the season

5 Page xiv, line 3 " This journey took place when there were no a long journey that requires
highways or sealed roads criss-crosing the struggle
continent, only gravel roads or more often, dirt
tracks and trails made by carts, sulkies and light,
early model cars. "
1 Chapter 1 Page 1, “It was still very cold in the morning; the fresh, because it is still original in nature
(The First Military paragraph 1, clean air” and has never been touched by air
Post) line 1 - 2 pollution, the air is still maintained
by its cleanliness and freshness
2 Page 1, “lying outside their shelters made from Aborigin people built their shelters
paragraph 1, branches and slabs of bark” with raw materials from nature
line 8 - 9
3 Page 1, “stopped along the banks of the river to pull The tradirional wah how to catch
paragraph 1, up the fish traps he had set the previous fish they are using traper
line 14 - 15 evening”
4 Page 1, “with the sounds of birds twittering high with the sounds of birds and
paragraph 1, above, amid the leafy branches of the giant splashes of fish in the river that
line 16 - 18 river gums, and the occasional splash of the makes people calm and its very
fish in the river” beautiful and very peaceful nature
5 Page 2, “this tranquil environment; that this pristine because of the arrival of foreigners
paragraph 1, forest would echo the anguished cries and the who drove them out of their own
line 2 - 4 craseless weeping of thousand of people” land, the peace they always felt
would be lost and replaced by cries
6 Page 2, “such as kangaroos and wallabies” Kangaroos and wallabies are native
paragraph 2, animal from Australia
line 5 - 6
7 Page 2, “The animal pelts were made into warm cloaks animal pelts they used as material of
paragraph 2, as protection against the bitterly cold winter making clotes
line 9 - 11 winds of the south west.”
8 Page 2, “The smaller skins were made into skin bags besides making clothes they also
paragraph 2, with fur lining the inside to be used for make bags for carrying babies and
line 11 - 13 carrying babies and as all purpose bags”
as multipurpose bags made of
animal skin
9 Page 2, “the cool water drawn from the soak under the river water has many benefits for
paragraph 3, thick bullrushes that grew along the river them
line 31 - 32 bank.”
10 Page 3, “the mouth of the river so that he and his he wanted to move to a place near
paragraph 2, family could feast on crayfish, crabs, seals and the mouth of the river so that he and
line 15 - 17 shellfish.” his family could easily get food that
had been difficult for him to get
11 Page 3, “Even the flocks of birds were squawking birds fly wildly in search of a
paragraph 4, loudly as they sought refuge in the high canopy sanctuary because they hear a loud
line 31 - 33 of the forest.” explosion
12 Page 5, “wanted to be taken to an island ( now known white people catch the men from
paragraph 1, as Green Island ) to collect birds’ eggs.” aboriginal people (black people )
line 2 - 3 and throw them into the island to
collect bird eggs
13 Page 6, “hid behind the thick bushes on the rocky to avoid being caught by white
paragraph 1, ledge” people they hid behind thick bushes
line 3 - 4 on rocky cliffs
Conclusion : their quiet and peaceful lives disappear when foreigners begin to come and take their place of birth.
1 Chapter 2 P.8, Ph.1,  “Two hunter knelt on the wet water ground Nature always provides food
( The Swan River Line.1 beside the small, gray doe kangoroo and began for them. They get it by hunting
Colony ) pulling their spears from its chest” in the forest and catching fish in
& the river.
 “They usually sailed up the river in small boats,
P.9, Ph.2, Line searching for fresh wather and food”
2 P.10, Ph.6, “They climbed the sandhills cautiously, crawling They climbed to the sandhill to
Line 29 through the small shrubs until they reached the top look towards the beach that
and peered over the dures. Normally this beach is normally this beach is deserted
deserted white, sandy espanse, but instead, a strang white, sandy espanse, but
sight greeted them.” instead, a strang sight greeted
them because of the arrival of
white people
3 P.11, Ph.4, “their precious possessions being soaked by the Nature never look up for how
Line.3 rain, in land which was a wilderness.” possession it is, or how rich
she/he is. This is how the role of
the nature.
4 P.12, Ph.1, “He was anxious to take possession of a land grant White people colonize
Line.4 of half a million acres of Nyungar land,” Aboriginal tribes and they want
to take over half a million
hectares of land in Noongar
5 P.12, Ph.3, “but of one million square miles of territorial land, After taking a million square
Line.3 naming it Swan River Colony” miles of territorial land, they
named it the Swan River
6 P.12, Ph.4, “the terrain appeared unproductive thick, tangled The terrain they were passing
Line.2 creepers grew under foot and when the weather through was not easy, the
fined up, they were plagued by swarms of terrain seemed to spread,
mosquitoes and other pets.” unproductive creased creepers
grew under the feet and when
the weather subsided, they were
disturbed by flocks of
mosquitoes and other pets
Conclusion :
The white people are slowly worming their way into the tribal landscape, and even acting falsely altruistic toward the
Aboriginals in order to gain their trust.


1 Chapter 3 Page 13, “The best land was taken up by the more Land that has been occupied by
( The Ddecline of paragraph 1, wealthy, influential people who had the Aboriginal tribes has been taken
Aboriginal Society ) line 3 responsibility of maintaining their costums.” over by white people who are
richer than they are and have more
2 Page 13, “The more adventurous settlers discovered that far and beyond the Swan River
paragraph 2, further up and beyond the Swan River Colony Colony there is a lot of fertile land
line 13 there was an abudance of fertile land in which where they can plant anything
they could grow anything.”
3 Page 13, “it was the destruction of their traditional the arrival of white people had
paragraph 3, society and the dispossession of their lands” destroyed traditional societies and
line 19 captured Aboriginal land
4 Page 14, “There are hunts and farms all over the place, white people limit aboriginal tribal
paragraph 3, soon they will drive us all from our lands.” sources by limiting hunting
line 7 grounds and making farms
5 Page 14, “Where there was once bush,there was now they destroy nature by building
paragraph 4, tents,huts or houses.” houses, tents and huts
line 11
6 Page 14, “Their people stood on the banks of the muddy When Aboriginal people violate
paragraph 7, river as they sailed away to their prison.” the rules made by white people
line 26 they will be given a severe
sentence and will be imprisoned
7 Page 15, “How many more were pacified with gifts of the laws made by white people are
paragraph 6, food? The whites had created two sets of laws; very difficult to understand and
line 25 this was very confusing for the Nyungar people difficult to accept because most of
to understand and accept” the laws are very burdensome for
Conclusion : the arrival of white people makes the lives of aboriginal people (black people) increasingly miserable, lack of
food because food sources are limited by fences, and laws that are very burdensome.


1 Chapter 4 19, ph 4, lines “The elders realised that their weapons Nature provided their weapons to survive
( Form the Deserts 2-3 of wood and stone were no match for from foreign attack, eventhough it’s not as
They Came ) white man’s guns.” powered as the white men’s gun. It’s
because of unknowladge of them.
2 24, ph 1, lines “The sun was sinking slowly in the Aborigin decided their direction by
2-4 western sky and all he could see was the looking the sun rise and sun set.
strange thing heading straight for
3 25, ph 1, “The only time their drink was varied Their source of water not only from the
lines11-15 was during the warm winter days when river, but nature also provide the
the flowers from the desert oak, a type of traditional drink which they took from
griville, were picked and soaked in certain tree or flowers to make it as sweet
coolamous of water to make a sweet beverages of their daily drink.
drink like cordial or lolly water.”
4 25, ph 3, lines “Their bodies were covered only with a They’re made their clotes by taking from
8-9 slave, a mixture of red ochre and animal nature and animals. Because they did not
fat.” know how to make clothes. Inaddition, it
is because the effect of Australian’s
weather that is really hot and dry.
5 28, ph 2, lines “ Ruppi remembered that it had been an The terrible summer day at Australia
1 extreamely hot day, the salt lakes were which only spindly mulga trees that cover
-3 simmering with heat and the spindly the as the shelter.
mulga trees gave little shade.” The picture of arid land of Australia that
only have little trees as the shelter.
6 28, ph 4, lines “The family scanned the dry salt lakes Aborigin people has their own way to
1-2 for any signs of movement then they saw tracking collaborate with nature. The
them.” traditional tracking by looking at the foot
print of movement.
7 30, ph 5, lines “They met up again in the late afternoon One of aborigin traditional ways to find a
4-6 and made a huge fire so that the smoke direction by making smoke on the sky as
would guide them to the camp.” the point of their position to assemble.
8 31, ph 4, lines “The Mardu also realised that the white Aborigin found the foreigners that had
4-8 strangers were not the only foreigners tried to come or iritate their environment
that they had to adjust to, there were also were not only white strangers but also the
the large beasts that were thought at first animals that the white strangers brought.
to be marbus but they discovered that These animals were horses.
these animals were horses”
9 31, ph 4, lines “ As well as horses there were other The animals that the white man brought it
8-11 stanger imported animals such as cattle, kind of colonialism for Australian nature
sheep, foxes and rabbits.” that would change the pure ecosystem of
Australian nature.
10 32, ph 1, line “ The rabbits adapted to this hod arid The white people built “ rabbit proof
1-4 land immediately and they thrived and fence” to controled the population of the
multiplied at an alarming rate. In an rabbits. Therefore the rabbits would not
attempt to control the rabbit population, ruin the farm of white stangers. They
the rabbit-proof fence was constructed assumed the rabbits as pest for their
and completed in 1907.” environment since the population could
not be controled.
11 32, ph 3, lines “The rabbit proof fance became an The rabbit proof fence not only important
1-4 important landmark to everyone, for the white people but for the aborigin
including the Mardudjara people people too, because this fence is function
migrating from the desert regions. Once as a landmark that show them way to go to
they reached the rabbit proof fence they Jigalong.
followed it to Jigalong.”
Conclusion : Aborigin as the original clan of Australia is a clan that pin their life on nature. In other side, white stangers came
to Autralia for colonize the aborigin’s land. They brought many things to Autralia from UK. One of the things is animals.
The import animals change the pure ecosystem of Austalia. Inspite of the white stranger built new great place for Australian
they ruin the nature for sure and made many damages for the aborigin’s land.
1 Chapter 5 page 1/paragraph 1/ " who travelled up and down the The rabbit proof fence also has a
( Jigalong ) line 3-6 rabbit proof fence, clearing away negative impact on nature because it will
branches of trees and tumblweed that damaging crops and animals can die
may have been blown againts the because they are stuck on an barbed wire
fence or any dead animals that had
been caught in the barbed wire."

2 page 1/paragraph "Food rations, clothing, tobacco and While white people also provide food,
2/line 1-2 blankets were distributed amongst the clothing and blankets for indigenous
& Mardu people.." people, they are still comfortable and
Line 8-10 & afraid to rest peacefully because they are
"But more importantly, they wanted a afraid that white people will attack
refuge, a place where they could sleep again.
safely at night without fear of attack
by the white men"

3 page 2/paragraph3/ "The elders decided that Jigalong Jigalong became their headquarters to
line 1-5 would be their base camp for holding hold their sacred and secret ceremonies,
their sacred and secret ceremonies. and they also buried their sacred objects
Sacred objects were brought in from and they called it “ sit-ting down place”
their hiding places in the desert and
buried there, thus signitying a
permanent "sit- ting down place".

4 Page 2, "We go and make camp in the river nature still provides woods and fire to
paragraph 7 line 3-6 over there," she said pointing beyond warm them up, gives place of refuge and
the mulga trees. safe for people there
5 Page 2/ paraggraph "..then while her sister began rubbing women prefer to give birth in the bush
12/ line 2-6) the warm, dry sand over the child to and use help from nature rather than
& remove all amoniotic fluid from its giving birth at the hospital because they
Page 4/pargaraph body” are afraid that white people will take
3/line 1-9 & their babies
" many women preferred to give birth
in the bush rather than in a hospital
where they believed their babies
would be taken from them soon after
6 Page 8/ paragraph 1 “The roads were bad enough as it even when there is a disaster white
/line 1-4 was, but when wet they were more people are more concerned with their
& hazardous so he decided to make a egos because they don't want to be in the
paragraph 2/ line 1-2 start. “I don’t want to be marooned same place as the aboriginal tribes
on the road wit these natives”
Conclusion : Jigalong as a refuge of sorts from the danger that now exists all through the Australian outback in the form of
white colonizers who prey upon Aboriginals. At the same time, Jigalong—safe as it seems—is in many ways directly under
the influence and the watchful eyes of the Australian government.
1 Chapter 6 (3 -4th lines,
“ the evening, while it was pleasant When evening come it gives pleasant
( The Journey page 54) and warm..” and warm athmosphere, as the sun set
South ) replaced by the moon. As if the situation
gives comfortness to the three girls
before they have to face whatever
awaits in the future.
2 (18th -20th “They paid no attention to the beautiful Because they are too focused on their
lines, page 50) scenery or the long shadows of the tall struggle to get home, they don't pay
river gums.” attention to the beautiful scenery or the
long shadows of the high river gums
3 (36th line, page “..into the deep, blue waters of the They are starring at the deep blue ocean,
52-1st line, open sea,..” as they never seen ocean before. The
page 53) deep blue itself symbolizes gloomy.
4 (29th line, page “Even the beautiful blue-green ocean was The changing of ocean’s colour as the
55) changing..” three girls’ arrival showing turning
point of their future. This is strengthened
by the next sentence, ‘It turned a dark
green colour and the dull grey sky
seemed to be reflected on the rough,
choppy sea.’. Miseries ahead symbolizes
by those natural signs.
5 (8th line, page “..turned into the bright, lively city,..” Different atmosphere implicitly means
58) different situation the girls would feel.
This also showing they were wondering
for a better life.
6 “Their interests was aroused only when kangaroo, emu, horses and camels
(31st line, page
50-1st line, they saw animals such as kangaroos, attract their attention because there are
page 51) emus, horses, and camels.” some animals that are not native to
Australia but animals brought by white
7 th
(26 -27 th
“ the majestic red gum trees, the they were so fascinated to see the red
lines, page 60) lakes and the herds of dairy cows and gum trees and farm animals such as
flocks of sheep.” cows and sheep. This implicitly showing
their limited knowledge about oute
world ( outside their country).
Conclusion : On the ship, the girls finally encounter a measure of kindness, as crew members attempt to give the girls
knowledge and tools that will help them feel less frightened, lost, and alone.


1 Chapter 7 Page 62, line 1 " The road out to the settlement was heavy rain caused the river to overflow
( The Moore River almost totally underwater. " and water to cover the road out to the
Native Settlement ) settlement
2 Page 67, line " follow the trail along the cliffs because the streets are covered by
24 overlooking the brown, foaming river. " floods they are looking for other
alternative ways by following a path
along the cliff overlooking the foaming
brown river
3 Page 68, line " this chocolate-coloured river was a new Different from the river in their place,
11 and exciting spectacle, quite different because their place of origin has never
been flooded, this brown river is a new
from the normal pinky coloured salt lakes, and interesting spectacle, very different
creeks and rivers back home. " from normal salt lakes, rivers and pink
rivers at home
4 Page 68, line " a deep longing for the dry, rugged, red Too long past the muddy, flooded roads
19 landscape of the Pilbara. " makes them a deep yearning for the dry,
rough and red Pilbara landscape
5 Page 69, line " They stood admiring the pleasant view They let go of tiredness by standing
23 from the bottom of the hill which was admiring the beautiful view from the
covered with the golden blooms of acacia bottom of the hill which was covered
with golden blooms of the acacia bushes
shrubs and occasional bushes of bright
and occasionally bright pink flowers
pink flowers. "

Conclusion : Alone in a strange and unwelcoming new environment, the girls cling to one another, taking refuge in their
shared background and the bond of family.


1 Chapter 8 Page 78, line 1 "We'll find the rabbit-proof fence and "Rabbit Proof Fence" is a fence made
( The Escape ) follow that all the way home " by white people to limit their territory
and to control rabbit populations, but
for the three girls this fence was their
guide to finding their way back to their
homes in Jigalong
2 Page 78, line “ that the fence stretched from coast to They will go home by participating in
10 coast, south to north across the country. “ "Rabbit Proof Fence" which runs from
coast to coast, south to north across the
3 Page 81, line " A tree leaned over the water creating a When they were confused to cross the
27 natural bridge for them to cross safely to river because of flooding they finally
the other side. " found a tree leaning on the water
creating a natural bridge for them to
cross safely to the other side
4 Page 83, line 5 “ grasslands led into a fenced-off area of After passing through the meadow, it
sandy slopes filled with marri gums, turns out that the grass shoots lead to a
banksia and prickly bark or coastal fenced area on a sandy slope filled with
gum trees, bankia, and barbed skin or
blackbutt beaches
5 Page 83, line “ the beautiful kangaroo paw flowers, the flowers of the kangaroo claws and
22 from the smallest – the yellow and orange yellow claw flowers are their original
cat’s paw – to the yellow and the green interest and are a symbol of their own
and black varieties. The most famous
variety is the red and green kangaroo
paw, our state emblem.”

6 Page 86, line “ widen and deepen a deserted burrow to After a tiring journey they looked for a
30 make a slighty cramped but warm, dry place to rest and spend the night by
shelter.” expanding and deepening the quiet
burrow to make a place that was a little
narrow but warm, dry
7 Page 90, line “ a secional of bushland that had been they pass through the area that has been
15 ravished by fire.” burned by fire and it is not known what
caused it
8 Page 93, line “ Stumbling on another rabbit warren was they are looking for food by hunting
33 indeed an exiciting find.” rabbits who have managed to get caught
but it is still fun to do
9 Page 121 , line “ across the sone covered plains, The way to "Pagar Proof Kelinci" by
5 scattered with spinifex grace, acacia crossing a covered area covered with
bushes and spindly mulga trees, towards snow, strewn with spinifex, acacia
bushes and thin mulga trees
the rabbit proof fence.”

10 Page 123, line “ in the familiar landscape of the red Finally they arrived at a place that felt
2 earth, the dry spinifex grace and grey- very familiar with them, with red earth
green mulga trees.” landscapes, dried spinifex and green-
gray mulga trees
11 Page 130, line “ drowned in the raging floods or perished Word spread that the three girls were
8 in the wilderness, but their bodies were drowning in a flood that raged or
never found.” perished in the wilderness, but their
bodies were never found, but in fact
they arrived at their destination
Conclusion : although the journey was long and tiring, but for the three of them this trip was a new experience by discovering
new things they had never seen and experienced before.

1 Chapter 9 Page 132, line “ she and her baby daughter arrived Molly and her baby traveled back to the
( What Happened 1 safely at Jigalong months later, following house passed on the same route as when
to Them ? Where the same route she had taken nine years she was young with Gracie and Daisy
are they now ? ) when they wanted to returned home to
Conclusion : Molly had married and had two daughters. Gracie, unlike Molly and Daisy, never even made it back to her
family. Daisy was reunited with her family, they all moved together to a town south of Jigalong.

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