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(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
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Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

Name: Eric James V. Gomez Date: February , 2187

Curriculum: DPE Term: 2nd Semester
Subject: DPE 104 Measurement and Evaluation Professor: Dr. Irish L. Gulbe

Learning Element
An Introduction to Educational Measurement and Evaluation

I. Documentation:

II. Content Outline:

An Introduction to Educational Measurement and Evaluation

 Historical Narrative in Educational Measurement and Evaluation

 Current Trends in Educational Measurement and Evaluation
 Meaning, Scope, Characteristics, Purpose/Functions of
Measurement and Evaluation
 Qualities of a good Measuring Instrument

III. Report Proper:

(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

A. Introduction:

Measurement and evaluation are independent concepts. Evaluation is a

process that uses measurements. In the evaluation process, information
is interpreted according to established standards so that decisions can be
made. Clearly, the success of evaluation depends on the quality of the
data collected. If test results are not consistent (or reliable) and truthful (or
valid), accurate evaluation is impossible.

Considering the value of measurement and evaluation in the improvement

of instruction – teachers, instructors, professor should know the meaning,
functions, scope, characteristics of measurement and evaluation as well
as kinds in order to produce good quality graduates who can respond to
the socioeconomic development of the country and can also compete
globally with other graduates of the world.

B. Body:

B1: Historical Narrative in Educational Measurement and Evaluation

 Development of Intelligence Test was developed in Germany,
England, France and America. 1879 – The 1st psychological
laboratory was established in Leipzig, Germany by Welhelm Wundth.
The problems studied were on sensitivity to visual, auditory and other
sensory stimuli and these sensory phenomenon were reflected in the
1st psychological test. 1. Germany and Experimental Psychology 1885
– Herman Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist and founder of
quantitative study of memory published memory experiments.
(arithmetic computation, memory span and sentence completion to
school children).
 1894 – German psychologists Kroeplen and Sommer, contributed the
development of free-association tests. 1912 – William Stern
pioneered the differential psychology the differential psychology. He
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

dealt with differences among individuals in various psychological traits.

MQ = MA / CA IQ = MA /CA Lewis M. Terman
 1879 – Francis Galton, an English scientist, was the originator of the
questionnaire method theory of eugenics (deals w/improvement of
hereditary qualities) He invented statistical and experimental methods
and suggested a graphical method of representing correlation. 1885 –
Galton published a paper called “Regression towards Mediocrity in
Heredity Stature” – (predicting physical characteristics of their parents).
2. England and Statistical Methods Karl Pearson (Galton’s student)
and Carl Spearman – developed the science of statistics. *Pearson
product moment coefficient of correlation *Spearman rank correlation
coefficient/ spearman rho *Spearman- Brown Formula
 1838 – Esquirol, a French physician, distinguished levels of imbecility
and idiocy individual’s use of language. He pointed out the
individual’s use of language provided the most dependable criterion for
gauging the intelligence levels. e.g. Peabody Vocabulary and Stanford
Binet Tests. 3. France and Abnormal Psychology Seguin – a French
physician contributed significantly to the training of the feeble-
minded(mentally deficient). Seguin Form Board Test – devised for
sensory motor training of mentally defectives. (board consist with 10
holes of different shapes) Alfred Binet – a French psychologist
developed the extensively used test of intelligence and whose thinking
was influence by the early psychophysicists.
 1905 - Binet & Simon, devised the first intelligence scale which
marked the appearance of the scale for measurement of intelligence.
1908 – second revision introduced the concept of mental age 1911 –
more tests were added at different year levels and the scale was
extended to the adult level. This test was brought to the United States
particularly at Stanford University. 1916 – Stanford – Binet or Stanford
Revision was published which made use of the intelligence quotient
(IQ) for the first time. 3. France and Abnormal Psychology
 1904 – Dr. Eduard L. Thorndike, an American educator and Father of
Educational Measurement, published his first book in educational
and mental measurement. 1908 – J. McKeen Cattel, was the first to
use the term “mental test” - “Father of Mental Testing” 1912 –
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Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

Kuhlman, published his first revision of the Binet Scale. It was a

downward extension of test to the age level of three months. 4.
America and Applied Psychology 1916 – Lewis M. Terman of
Standford University, made a thorough revision of Binet Scale. -
Standford-Binet /Stanford Revision was published. - IQ - Intelligence
Quotient was first used. 1937 – the second Stanford revision was
printed consisting of two equivalent forms L and M by Terman & Mervill
1960 – third revision, provided a single form (L-M)
 1939 – Wechsler, published Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS). This scale is widely used of verbal and non-verbal intelligence.
(16-75 years old). (1955 2nd edition) - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC), adaptation of the Adult Scale for children from 5-15
years old. 4. America and Applied Psychology 1960 – C. Safran,
published another intelligence test known as Safran Culture-reduced
Intelligence Test (SCRIT). This test consists of 36 items applicable to
children from 7-12 years of age. 35 and above - intellectual advance
24-34 - above average 18-23 - average 18 below - intellectually
 Development of Achievement Test 1845 – Horace Mann, influence
the introduction of written examination to the schools in Boston due to
the disadvantages of the oral examination. 1864 – Rev. George Fisher,
an English school master, devised and utilized the first objective
measures of achievement. Scale Book- for measuring the learners’
achievement in school subjects was the predecessors of the modern
day proficiency scales in hand writing, spelling, grammar and
composition. 1894- he administered a list of spelling words and
subsequently used these test in other areas to measure differences
between groups of learners who were taught differently.
 Development of Achievement Test 1908 – Cliff W. Stone, published
the first standardized achievement test in Arithmetic, (Stone Arithmetic
Test). 1909- Dr. Eduard Lee Thorndike, Stone’s teacher and awarded
as Father of Educational Measurement, develop the first handwriting
scales. 1920 – an informal objective test was developed. 1924 -
William A. McCall, published his pioneer book dealing with test
adaptation. 1931 – evaluative tests and techniques were developed.
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

1942 – Arthur I. Gates, published the Gates Basic Reading Test for
Grade III-VIII. 1944 – evaluative instrument were developed. 1945 –
mental and educational tests.
 Development of Achievement Test 1953 – Stanford Achievement
Test in Reading for primary grades was published. 1954 – Stanford
Achievement Test in Reading for elementary grades was published.
1955- Stanford Achievement Test in Reading for intermediate grades
was published. (paragraph meaning and word meaning) 1964 – Gates
Reading Tests, consist of vocabulary and comprehension tests were
 Development of Character and Personality Measurement 1912-
Fernald, was the first to measure character by tests. 1921 – Voelker
invented some actual situations for testing character. - Symonds
published his book “Diagnosing Personality and Conduct”. - Hermann
Rorschach, introduced a multi dimensional test of personality known
as Rorschach test. (10 ink blots) 1949- 16 PF (16 Personality factor) is
an objectively scorable test devised as basic research for getting an
insight of a person’s personality. 1953 – Guilford and Zimmerman
conducted a survey to determine a comprehensive picture of an
individual’s personality. Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey
(GZTSW) 1959 – Porter and Catell, published the CPQ (Children’s
Personality Questionnaire).
Historical Development of Measurement and Evaluation in
Philippine Education
 Clemente, Martinez and Uichanco 1st Period - before 1898 2nd Period
– 1898 – 1900 (the last three years of 19th century) 1901 – 1925 (the
1st quarter of 20th century) 3rd Period - 1926 – 1956 4th Period - 1957
- 1963
 1st Period - before 1898 It was characterized by oral and
performance tests were there was little recognition on individual’s
performance. It was characterized by uniform final examinations
throughout the country
 2nd Period – 1898 – 1900 (the last three years of 19th century) - 1901
– 1925 (the 1st quarter of 20th century) 1924 – The 1st standardized
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

test adapted in the Philippines was the Philippine Vocabulary Test.

1925 - Monroe Survey Commission evaluated obtaining in Philippine
Public Schools.
 3rd Period - 1926 – 1956 This period was marked the abolition of the
common final examinations prepared in the general office in each
school year, decentralization of the final achievement test was
adapted. 1950 – giving of competitive examinations for selection of
elementary grades teachers took place. 1957 - In this period much
attention was directed toward personality development and evaluation
not only in schools but in business and Industrial Corporation. 1960-
1962 – Achievement testing, after more than three decades of
decentralization, shifted to the centralized system again for three
school years. 4th Period - 1957 - 1963
 April 23, 1978 – the first Professional Board Examinations for
Teachers (PBET) has been administered pursuant to Presidential
Decree No. 1006. PBET – has been administered by the Civil Service
Commission and Department of Education Culture and Sports.
November 1995 – the last administration of PBET. Professional
Licensure Examination for Teachers (PLET) given by the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) was the successor of PBET by virtue
of Republic Act 7836 known as Professional Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994. August 24-25, 1996 – the first
 LET – Licensure Examination for Teachers -The LET was
implemented in the Philippines through the enactment of Republic Act
7836 or otherwise known as the “Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994” on December 16, 1994. The
enactment of the law didn’t mean that the teachers in the Philippines
were not “professional”. Rather it is a means to strengthen and improve
not just the teachers, but also the quality of education and the whole
education system in general. By improving the teachers, the students
will naturally follow the embitterment of those who lead them. Before
R.A. 7836 was implemented, education in the Philippines was mostly
regulated and supervised by the National Board for Teachers (NBT).
Even though R.A. 7836 was signed as law in 1994, the first LET exam
was held two years later. On August 1996, a total of 97,560 examinees
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

took the first LET exam administered by both the Board for
Professional Teachers (BPT) and the Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC). BLEPT – Board Licensure Examination for
Professional Teacher
 November 25, 1975 – the first National College Entrance
Examination (NCEE) was administered to all high school graduates
by the Department of Education Culture and Sports (DECS) pursuant
to Presidential Decree No. 146 1975-1993 – all first year college
applicants should meet the NCEE cut-off score to qualify them to enroll
in baccalaureate course in any public and private institutions of higher
learning. September 2, 1993 – the last administration of NCEE NSAT
(National Secondary Assessment Test) is the successor of NCEE per
DECS Order No. 31, s 1993, dated May 21, 1993. The results of the
NSAT was transmuted into percentage grades and should be given an
equivalent of 1/5th of the general average of each subject are in
English, Filipino, Mathematics and Science & Technology. September
1994 – first administration of NSAT 2003 – NSAT was discontinued
 August 31, 1993 – NEAT (National Elementary Achievement Test)
for all Grade VI pupils was administered pursuant to DECS Order No.
30, s. 1993 dated May 20, 1993. The test covered in four areas namely
English, Mathematics, Science and Heograpiya/Kasaysayan/Sibika.
2002- NEAT was discontinued and replace by NAT (National
Achievement Test) given to Grade IV pupils and first year high school
students by the Department of Education (DepEd). February 2003 –
first administration of
 NCAE – National Career Assessment Examination - The NCAE
was developed to improve the quality of secondary education
graduates entering college. It aims to maintain the highest quality of
education in the Philippines by leading the flow of students to courses
in post-secondary institutions of learning matching their aptitude to
promote national development.

B2: Current Trends in Educational Measurement and Evaluation:

 The Use of the Internet and Social Media as a Teaching Tool
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

All students these days know how to use a computer and the internet,
and most of them are using social media networks to share their
thoughts and to support each other. Educators these days know how
to harness the power of the internet and social media to get in touch
with their students, and hear their thoughts.
 How the Condition of Educational Facilities Affect Performance
Basically the better the building's condition, the better the students and
their teachers perform. There was a survey done with different schools
in the US as subjects, they sought to find out just how much of an
impact a school building's condition and facilities affect the students
and teachers. Some results point out that better facilities led to less
truancy, smoking, and substance abuse in the students. It was also
determined that with better school buildings test scores rose up
significantly. And even the behavior of the teachers and how well they
instruct their students seem to increase along with improvements in
the school.
 Students Teaching Teachers
Students perform better when they have the opportunity to tell their
teachers what things in the classroom needs improvement. Contrary
to the old belief that students are too young to know what they need,
the latest education systems now give the students the opportunity to
give pointers to their teachers on how they can better deliver their
lessons so that the students can understand.
It was also found that giving the students the chance in contributing
and even revising the classroom rules actually make the students
abide to them; it gives them the feeling that they actually have a say
on what goes in the classroom. Students tend to follow the class rules
now since they had a role in making the rules and regulations.
 Paying Close Attention to Each Students' Needs
Educators are not looking at their class as a collective; they see them
as different individuals with different needs, which is why some
students lag behind the others when it comes to the lectures.
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

Educators can help these students keep up by giving them

personalized attention.
These are just some of the recent trends in Philippine education
system. These are promising signs that show the educational system
in the country is improving and no longer stagnant.

B3: Meaning of Measurement and Evaluation:

Measurement can be defined as an instrument or device to measure
individual’s achievement, personality, attitudes, intelligence and among
others that can be expressed quantitatively. For instance, test
questionnaires, rating scales, checklists, etc.
Evaluation refers to consideration of evidence in the light of value
standard and in terms of the particular situations and the goals which the
group of individuals are striving to attain (Good, 1945)
In evaluation, statistical treatment is involved to determine the exact
meaning of a value whether it is within the standard or substandard. In
other words, if students’ achievement is within standard, they passed and
if substandard, they failed.

B3.1 : Scope of Evaluation

The scope of evaluation are as follows:
1. Assessment of curriculum offerings. This means courses offered
should be evaluated to determine if they are still relevant, realistic and
responsive to the changing needs and problems of the society.
2. Assessment of school programs. School programs must be appraised
to determine if teachers are not over loaded or under loaded.
3. Assessment of instructional materials. Instructional materials like
books, references, visual aids and devices and many other should be
assessed to ascertain if they are adequate and updated.
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Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

4. Assessment of instructional facilities. Instructional facilities like

computers, projectors, audio-visual equipment, laboratory equipment,
physical plant, library holdings and many others should be evaluated if
they are adequate.
5. Assessment of teachers and professors. The teachers and professors
should be evaluated if they possess the qualities of the acronym MODERN
TEACHER (Model, Obedient, Dedicated, Efficient, Resourceful, Noble –
Talented, Effective, Active, Creative, Honest, Economical and Research
oriented); to determine also if they can deliver goods and services to the
students effectively, efficiently and economically, and to evaluate if they
are qualified to teach the subjects they are handling.
6. Assessment of pupils/ students. The pupils or students should be
evaluated to determine whether they reached the goals of the learning
7. Assessment of graduates. Graduates should be evaluated to determine
if they passed the board examination; and if they are employed,
underemployed or unemployed
8. Assessment of the school managers. School managers should be
evaluated to determine if they are democratic in dealing with their

B3.2 : Characteristics of Evaluation

The characteristics of evaluation are as follows:
1. It measures broad range of goals or objective of the modern school
curricula rather than limited subject matter achievement.
2. It uses various strategies of assessment such as achievement,
prognostic, aptitudes, personality and character, tests, rating scales,
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

checklist, questionnaires, and judgment scales of products, interviews,

controlled observation techniques and many others.
3. It includes integrating and interpreting the various lists of values
reformation of an individual in order to make an inclusive portrait of
himself. For this purpose a comprehensive anecdotal and cumulative
records of students are intact.
B3.3 : Functions of Measurement and Evaluation
These are seven functions of measurement and evaluation:
1. Measurement and evaluation measure students’ achievement. By
giving tests and evaluating the results, student’s achievements can be
determined whether they have the goals of the learning tasks or not.
2. They evaluate instruction. The effectiveness and ineffectiveness of
instruction is ascertained through measurement and evaluation.
3. They motivate learning. Upon knowing the results of the achievement
test, the students’ enthusiast is aroused especially if he gets a high
score, otherwise, if his score is low, he strives hard to get higher score
the next examination.
4. They predict success. Success of failure of the students is predicted
through measurement and evaluation. For example, a student who
always gets high score in all his subjects may mean he is sure to pass
and passing means success.
5. They diagnose the nature of difficulties. The weaknesses of the learner
can be identified through measurement and evaluation. Example of
this is a diagnostic test which would determine the difficulties or the
weaknesses of the students, hence, remedial instruction be given.
6. They evaluate teachers’ performance. Example of this is when the
entire class takes the NAT (national Achievement Test). The result of
the test determines the effectiveness of the teacher.
7. They evaluate school’s facilities. Adequacy and inadequacy of school’s
facilities are determined through measurement and evaluation. For
instance, marine engineering program of the school applies for
accreditation. If passed the accreditation, this means facilities are
adequate; if failed, facilities are inadequate.
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

B4 : Characteristics of good measuring instrument:

Reliability is the consistency of your measurement, or the degree to
which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the
same condition with the same subjects. In short, it is the repeatability of your
measurement. A measure is considered reliable if a person's score on the
same test given twice is similar. It is important to remember that reliability is
not measured, it is estimated. A good instrument will produce consistent
scores. An instrument’s reliability is estimated using a correlation coefficient
of one type or another.
Validity is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to
measure. It is vital for a test to be valid in order for the results to be accurately
applied and interpreted. Validity isn’t determined by a single statistic, but by
a body of research that demonstrates the relationship between the test and
the behavior it is intended to measure. There are three types of validity: It is
the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. More formally,
Cook and Campbell (1979) define it as the "best available approximation to
the truth or falsity of a given inference, proposition or conclusion." In short,
were we right? Let's look at a simple example. Say we are studying the effect
of strict attendance policies on class participation. In our case, we saw that
class participation did increase after the policy was established. Each type of
validity would highlight a different aspect of the relationship between our
treatment (strict attendance policy) and our observed outcome (increased
class participation).
Practicability: It should be feasible & usable. Quality of being usable
in context to the objective to be achieved. USABILITY(practicality) ease in
administration, scoring, interpretation and application, low cost, proper
mechanical make – up
Measurability: It should measure the objective to be achieved.

V: Schematic Diagram
(SUC Level IV, AACCUP Accredited and ISO 9001 Certified)
Agujo, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Tel. No. (032) 437-8526 Fax No. (032) 437-8523

Introduction to educational
measurement and evaluation

Historical Narrative in Current Trends in Meaning, Scope ,

Educational Measurement Educational Measurement Characteristics, Purpose/
and Evaluation and evaluation Functions


 If the current educational system does not follow the educational
measurement and evaluation, what do you think is the outcome of our
graduates now a days?
 How does measurement and evaluation help in solving the pandemic life
threatening problems that earth is facing today, examples are: Global
Warming, increasing carbon footprints, rising sea levels etc.
 Philippines belongs to the third world countries in Asia, with the current
educational system like the k-12 program, how will this help uplifting it’s
economic status.
 Basing on question number 4, how is Measurement and Evaluation
 Affirm or Negate “setting the educational system of highly progressive
countries in the world as benchmark for our own system would result to an
increase not just the literacy rate but the economy as well”.

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