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RESEARCH PROJECT ON: To study the opening of a café in Mumbai where orphans
will take care of the operations (fast food café)

Compiled by: -

Abhishek Gudi (151197)

Ganesh Kumar Maurya (151248)

Research Project Guide: -Mr Shashank Rajauria

Sign of the guide: __________

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 1

Sr. No. Title Page No.
1 Acknowledgement 4
2 Certificate 5
3 Contact Hour Certificate 6
4 Synopsis 7
5 Objectives 8
6 Chapter 1: Introduction 9
6.1 Factors and steps
6.2 Staff selection
6.3 Orphanages visited
6.4 Manpower required
6.5 Location
6.6 Clientele
6.7 Menu
7 Chapter 2:Costing 17
7.1 Staff salary
7.2 Staff meal
7.3 Staff training cost
7.4 Staff uniform
7.5 Kitchen and KST equipments
7.6 Electrical equipments
7.7 Service equipments
7.8 Telephone cost
7.9 Interior/rental cost
7.10 Furniture
7.11 Marketing costs
7.12 Variable/Purchase costs
7.13 Miscellaneous costs
7.14 Total costs
8 Chapter 3: Advantages and disadvantages of fast food 25
8.1 Advantages
8.2 Disadvantages
9 Chapter 4: Types of café 28
9.1 Bistro
9.2 Brasserie
9.3 Coffeehouses
9.4 Cafeteria
9.5 Theme restaurant
9.6 Understanding QSR
9.7 History
9.8 Cuisine
10 Chapter 5: Competition 31
11 Chapter 6: Licences required 32
11.2 Trade licence
11.3 FSSAI licence
11.4 GST registration

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 2

11.5 Eating house licence
11.6 Shop and establishment act
11.7 Signage licence
11.8 Approval from BMC
11.9 Format of BMC registration
12 Chapter 7: Menu 41
12.1 Menu page 1
12.2 Menu page 2
13 Questions for the customers 44
14 Responses 46
15 Findings 53
16 Suggestions 54
17 Conclusion 55
18 Limitations 56
19 Bibliography 57

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 3


We, Abhishek Gudi (151197) and Ganesh Kumar Maurya (151248),VI semester students of
IHM Ahmedabad would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our Research
Project Guide, Mr Shashank Rajauria as well as our principal, Dr Jagat Krishna Mangaraj
who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic(To study the
feasibility of opening a café in Mumbai where orphans will take care of the operations),
which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new
things. I am really thankful to them.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents, friends and other general public who helped
me a lot in compiling data and completing this project within the limited time frame.

I am also thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and
guidance from the Teaching staff who guided us in many ways, providing untimely

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 4


This is to certify that Abhishek Gudi (151197) and Ganesh Kumar Maurya (151248) 6th
semester students of third year B.Sc. (H&HA) 2017-18 have satisfactorily completed their
research on “To study the feasibility to open a café where orphans will take care of the
operations”,under the guidance of Mr. Shashank Rajauria.
The thesis has reached the standard of fulfilling the requirements of the regulations relating
to the B.Sc. in Hospitality Management of the Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad.
The results embodied in this thesis have not previously formed the basis for any research
project and that it is an independent work done by them.

This research is found to be ______________


(Mr. Shashank Rajauria)

Research Project Guide

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 5


This is to certify that Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya have contacted their
research project guide on the following dates: -

1) 15th December 2017

2) 17th January 2018
3) 20th Februray 2018
4) 12th March 2018
5) 19th March 2018

SIGN OF THE GUIDE: ________________

ABHISHEK GUDI ___________


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 6


TOPIC: - To study the feasibility of opening a café in Mumbai

where orphans will take care of the operations(fast food)

1. To help the orphans socially
2. Special training to be imparted to the orphans
3. To study the operational aspect of the cafe

1. Surveying several orphanages
2. Conducting interviews
3. Preparing and asking questionnaires and acting according to the responses
4. Imparting training to the selected orphans

Sign of the guide: _____________

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 7


 Try to achieve all the goals set during pre-opening

 To study the operational aspect of the café
 To help the orphans socially
 To help the orphans financially
 To make the orphans responsible at a stipulated age
 To establish reputation in the market
 To provide all the needed facilities for the workers as well as customers
 To fix the stipulated covers for the café
 To impart training to the orphans
 To decide the type of menu, style of service, set up of the café

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 8

Before opening the outlet let us understand the meaning of a café, what does café literally

A “café” is a basic restaurant having a simple seating serving snacks, light meals, beverages,
etc. It is a French word meaning “coffee”.

Setting up your own café will be the most exciting thing you have ever done. However, it is
not just about finding what we believe to be a good location, it is also about the number of
people we will cater to, efficiently and skilfully. Obviously we aim to earn profit since it is
not a welfare organisation and demand for fast food is at an exquisite level.

It will take careful thought, detailed planning and focus on our part. This guideline should be
viewed as a helpful map to get there, however consulting commercial agents, surveyors, land
owners, competitors and architects in relation to premises is advisable for our business plan.

We have to deal with problems and unexpected expenses and have understand the scope of
cost associated with opening the cafe. This is going to be challenging but is the major
concern to be kept in mind along with the following factors which affect in opening of the
café, such as: -

1. Competition
2. Location
3. Marketing
4. Capital
5. Clientele, etc.

The above shown pictures are those of a few fast food cafés.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 9

Also apart from the above mentioned factors certain other things are also to be kept in
mind if we are to open a café.The following are the certain steps to be kept in mind on
the basis of which the café will be established: -

1. TYPE OF CAFÉ: -The most important thing which is to be kept in mind while
opening a café. The café would be a quick service fast food café, since we are
recruiting orphans for operations, the skills will not match to that of fine dine
2. LOCATION: - Since a fast food café is to be opened, our major business will be
through students, hence our café will be established in a student based area, near
several schools and colleges.
3. CLIENTELE: - Students will be our major clientele, but it is not restricted to only
students, the café is open for every public.
4. MENU: - A simple a la carte menu is to be prepared initially consisting of a
stipulated number of snacks and beverages.
5. AVAILABILITY OF RAW MATERIALS: - One of the most important aspect
which includes deciding upon the supplier, which type of material, the quantity,
quality, brand etc. plays an important part.
6. COSTING: - Yes there are going to be heavy costs to be incurred in the pre-opening
stage but we will have to plan up to overcome the costs, pricing of menu is included
here, along with the tax policies and discounts (if any)
7. SERVICE STYLE: - The style of service is certainly not going to be formal since it
is a fast food café. Personalised services are not expected as in fine dine outlets.
Quick service will be provided tilted towards a casual service style.

However, while opening a café one should remember to keep a suitable name for it and to
justify it. Since the café is being run by orphans, “SMILE CAFÉ” is the name of our café and
the name is kept so as to socially motivate the orphans in order to work for themselves and
earn in order to bring smile on their face.
The café will be of 40 covers with 2 side stations

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 10


The decided set of staff working in the café will be orphans and obviously the source of
getting them to work will be The Bosco Boys Home. Surveys will be made deciding certain
criteria and procedures through which the orphans will be hired for the outlet inside the

 The age group of the orphans will be between 16-20

 The range of the age group is less so as to maintain efficient coordination between the
 Different orphanages will be visited during the pre-opening period and owners and/or
the in-charge of the orphanages will be met and explained with the concept of the café
 Accordingly, the orphans will be briefed about the concept of the café, their benefits,
their experienceat a young age, capability to work, etc.
 All those who are willing to work, and want to earn, will have to report to the
orphanage in-charge who will in turn report us and tell whether the orphans are
interested or not.
 Accordingly, we will hold meetings in each orphanage for the interested orphans and
brief them in detail about our plan and ask them to give us some information related
to them, which will basically be personal details.
 The information regarding the orphans will be filled in a form, for e.g. their name,
age, gender, name of the orphanage, contact details, schooling details, past
experience, etc.
 The form is filled by the orphans and is studied by us
 A casual interview is being conducted for those who are willing to work for the café
after we closely assess the forms.
 The interview will happen in a sequential pattern, starting from one orphanage to
other as it would be easy for us to conduct in the most suitable way.
 The interview will assess their confidence, way of speaking and interaction, their
postures, how fast they can understand what someone is trying to say, etc.
 They would also be asked how much knowledge they have related to food and food
related sectors.
 Their local knowledge will also be assessed
 Around 8-10 orphanages will be visited for hiring the orphans for work.
 After the interview is done, the orphans will be assessed on the basis of their
performance in the interview.
 Selection of the orphans will be on the basis of their performance in the interview, the
skilful ones will be hired.
 After the selection process, the orphans will be imparted with special training
regarding service, food preparation, cashiering etc.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 11

 Preference will be asked for working in kitchen or as a server and every selected
candidate will work in kitchen as well as a server and accordingly those who suit in
the respective department will be working there (also according to their interest).
 There is also a position for a cashier which will be acquired by any of a service staff
 There would be certain workers in KST too and duties of the staff of theirs and those
of kitchen will keep on rotating on time to time basis
 During the training process, the staff will also be provided with some theoretical
knowledge regarding food, their service style, the menu, how to sell/promote it, the
total café covers, placement of equipments, their usage, layout of the café, brief about
the competition and the locality.
 This will complete the recruitment process and now the staff (orphans) are ready to
start with the proceedings.


 Bosco Boy’s Home

 Montfort Children Home
 Sneha Sadan Orphanage
 Ankur Children’s Home
 Dreamz Home
 Desire Society
 Swagat Ashram Orphanage
 St. Catherine Orphan Home
 Sneha Sagar Ashram
 Shaanti Daan


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 12

For a 40 cover café with a casual service, a fast food menu and workers being inexperienced
in form of orphans, the suitable manpower would be: -




3. KST 3


Total staff required: -

8+8+3+1 = 20

 8 workers plus 1 handling the service section and the cashing section where rotation will
take place on time to time basis.

 8 workers plus 2 working in kitchen and KST respectively and even here the rotation will
take place on time to time basis.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 13

It's time to put location at the top of our to-do list. While preparing to open a food or retail
business with a storefront, putting business in the proper location might be the single most
important thing to do at start-up.

Location is an important factor to keep in mind before you open a restaurant or café, the same
implying for a fast food business because it will determine how many clients we will have. If
a fast food restaurant is located in a place with little traffic and visibility, the depth of
business most likely will not be successful. Fast food owners usually locate their restaurants
by highways, business streets and shopping centres and close to other fast food restaurants.
Malls, colleges and universities are also a good option for location.

Where do you think will be the most favourable place where fast food is easilyaccessible and
highly consumed?

As mentioned earlier that students will be our major clientele, it is evident that opening the
café in an area where student interface takes place the most is suitable for business.
According to several reports, students are primary consumers of fast food and yes it is also a
true fact observed almost every day by us.

So, from all the possible and available and possible options, the preference of opening the
café would be in a student based area. Keeping in mind all the necessary factors like the cost
of land, rent for the area, cost per sq. ft., etc. the café will be established in Thakur Village,
Kandivali(East), Mumbai (also mentioned in the staff selection section).

The reason for the same is that the locality is a combination of township planned area, ie. a
resident area along with a student based area. There are around three schools and colleges
each in the locality having a prestigious name in the city. Also it is conveniently accessible
from western express highway.

There are a few colleges even on other side of the highway, paving way to add more students
for business. Thakur Public School, Thakur Polytechnic College, Thakur Shyamnarayan
College etc. are few institutes in the locality attracting huge number of students for our outlet.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 14

Clientele as well play an important role to decide the opening of a café. Often regarded as
target market, it has to be established in order to get to know that how much maximum
revenue we will achieve from a particular market. How can you make sure your ideal
customer walks through the doors of your brand new restaurant if you don’t know who they
are? Getting the clearest possible picture of our target market will help with virtually every
aspect of your business. Consider the age, income level and lifestyle of the customers we
wish to cater. Where do they live? How do they spend their time? What do they value the
most? Know the answers to these questions and then it will be easy to clearly envision the
types of people we expect to fill our tables and visit our counters.

If we keep in mind that the location of our outlet is near schools, colleges, universities, etc.
then it is obvious that students will be our major clientele. Also if we don’t consider the
location first and focus on clientele, still we would go with students since they will be the
major source of revenue for any food or fast food business set up. Students will definitely be
the primary source of earning and it is obvious in every way that targeted clientele (in this
case it is students) are being previewed and pre questioned for their compatibilities which
also acts as a sales tool during the pre-opening stage.

But only focussing on students does not mean that the target customer set up is completed. As
earlier mentioned, students are the major clientele not the total clientele, so it is essential to
look for other sections of society who could be attracted to our business. As the location is set
up in such an area which is planned as a township, local residents living in the vicinity are
also targeted and act as a good revenue generating source. Particularly during holidays or
vacation days, they could help enhance the business.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 15

Menu is the next essential factor to be kept in mind while planning to open a café or
restaurant. At its most basic, the menu will show what types of food are available and how
much you can expect to pay for each one, but every real restaurant knows that the menu
offers so much more than that as long as you do it right.

Many restaurants have an overall theme that they want to stick to, which will often come
through in the design of the building and the way that the food is presented. Some focus on
fun and games, making them ideal for children, whereas others focus on class and prestige.

The menu has to reflect that in terms of the colours used and the way the various dishes are
presented and explained. As such, the text it contains should not be intimidating and the
service staff must make sure they are available to answer any questions you may have about
an item on the menu.

A Good Variety: -

While all restaurants have a set number of dishes, a good menu should highlight the variety
that the restaurant has to offer. After all, we all have different tastes so the menu should make
it clear that there are many different dishes that can accommodate that.

This comes down to information, in part, as a simple list of dishes without context may lead a
person to believe that there is little variance between them. However, a good menu should
highlight the different qualities of each dish and offer plenty of variety for every course, to
ensure that nobody feels like they have to order something that they don’t want to eat. Plus,
the experimental foodie may enjoy exploring dishes they have never heard of before, which
can only be done if there is enough variety on the menu in the first place.
But this will not be the case in our outlet since we are hiring an inexperienced and an
untrained staff (in form of orphans) and the menu should not be a complicated one. So there
will not be experimental dishes being introduced and the menu will be a simple fast food one.
Why a fast food menu? This is a question which is wondering everyone, but the fact of
keeping a fast food menu is based on several reasons. Here are some of those: -
1. Inexperienced and untrained staff
2. Students being our major set of target clientele
3. Location being near schools and colleges
4. Low initial costs incurred
5. No or minimal delay in food service

So a quick service restaurant will require such a menu that not only helps in generating
profits but also goes hand in hand with staff understanding and helps in achieving the desired
aims and objectives.

The final menu will certainly be set nearby to the competitor’s price

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 16


Staff Salary

Sr. Designation No. of staff Monthly salary

No. (in Rs.)
1. Kitchen staff 8 10000
2. KST staff 3 10000
3. Service staff 8 9000
4. Cashier 1 9000

Monthly cost =Rs. 38000

Staff meal
Staff meal will be provided once in a day/shift. It is a compulsory practise for a shift lasting
around 7-8 hours and definitely certain costs will be incurred

Total staff = 20

Cost for one employee’s meal = Rs. 35

Therefore, cost for meal of every employee (for a day) = 20*35 = 700

For a month, cost will beRs. 21000

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 17

Staff training cost
Training period required = 30 days

The following trainings will be imparted: -

 Technical training
 Refresher training
 Fire safety
 Equipment handling
 Motivation training
 Handling computers
 Soft skills training, etc.

The costs incurred for training one individual = 1000

Hence for training, 20 individuals, costs incurred will be: - 20*1000 = Rs. 20000

Staff uniform

Sr. Designation Item Unit Sets Price Total Amount


1. Kitchen and Chef coat, apron, chef 11 2 1200 26400

KST staff cap, scarf

2. Service staff Chinese collar shirt, 9 2 1000 18000

and cashier black trouser

Total cost for uniform = Rs. 44400

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 18

Equipment costing


Sr. No. Equipment Rate Quantity Amount
1 Spoon 20 6 120
2 Small knife 30 10 300
3 Large knife 70 8 560
4 Peeler 30 8 240
5 Steel containers 70 8 560
6 Slicers 60 6 360
7 Chopping board 130 4 520
8 Tawa 400 6 2400
9 Perforated spoon 40 4 160
10 Rolling pin 30 5 180
11 Sieve 20 4 80
12 Grater 30 2 60
13 Colander 70 2 140
14 Kadai 300 2 600
15 Deckchis 200 5 1000
16 Steel bowl 50 6 300
17 Sink 600 3 1800
18 Sink for dishwashing 700 2 1400
19 Working table 1000 4 4000
20 Racks 10000 1 (5’ by 2’) 10000
21 Gas range 5000 3 15000
22 Shelves 400 2 (each 2’ by 2’) 800
23 Steamer 100 1 100
24 Fat fryer 4000 1 4000
25 Chopper 60 2 120
26 Fork 20 5 100
27 Scoop 40 2 80

Total cost for kitchen and KST equipments = Rs. 45780

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 19

Sr. No. Equipment Quantity Price amount
1 Mixer 2 1800 3600
2 Griller 1 2800 2800
3 Grinder 1 4000 4000
4 Refrigerator 1 14000 14000
5 Pizza oven 1 3000 3000
6 Hot plate 2 6500 13000
7 Juicer 1 7000 7000
8 Microwave 1 11750 11750
92 Freezer 1 8000 8000
10 Water cooler 1 9500 9500

Total cost for electrical equipments = Rs. 76650

Sr. No. Equipment Quantity Price Amount
1 Full plate 100 120 12000
2 Half plate 100 80 8000
3 Quarter plate 80 60 4800
4 Spoon 120 60 7200
5 Fork 120 50 6000
6 Tea spoon 70 30 2100
7 Bowls 80 75 6000
8 Glasses 80 60 4800
9 Juice glass 40 90 3600
10 Glasses for shakes 40 95 3800
11 Cruet set 20 pairs 40 800
12 Napkins 60 15 400
13 Toothpick holders 16 25 400
14 Underliners 40 30 1200
15 Service spoon 60 80 4800
16 Service fork 40 80 3200
17 Small bowls 70 30 2100
18 Trays 5 60 300
19 Salvers 8 100 800

Total cost of service equipments = Rs. 72300

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 20

Telephone installation charges (inclusive of short range Wi-Fi) = Rs. 2000


Sr. No. Area Area in sq. ft. Price (including
1 Total Café area 500 20000
including kitchen
2 External area 100 5000

Caution money/ security to be given = Rs. 20000

Total rental advance to be paid = Rs. 45000 (excluding brokerage)

Sr. No. Item Quantity Price Amount
1 Table for 2 covers 4 2000 8000
2 Table for 4 covers 5 4000 20000
3 Table for 6 covers 2 6000 12000
4 Chairs 40 1000 40000
5 Locker 1 4000 4000
6 Cashier table 1 6000 6000
7 Chairs in kitchen 2 800 1600
8 Sofa 1 15000 15000
9 Side station 2 4500 9000

Total furniture cost = Rs. 115600

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 21

Sr. No. Type of marketing Cost
1 Newspaper advertisement 2000
2 Pamphlet 1000
3 Online marketing 1500
4 Mini flex banners 4000

Total marketing cost incurred = Rs. 8500


Item Quantity Price
Rawa 10 kg 250
Dosa batter 25 kg 350
Bread 10 packets 500
Burger bun 5 packets 150
Butter 2kg 850
Cheese spread 2kg 600
Cheese cubes 30 no 600
Cheese slice 10 packets 650
Tomato ketchup 5 bottles 350
Oil 10 ltr 1000
Salt 20 packet 400
Pepper 1kg 50
Mayonnaise 10 bottle 750
Paneer 10 kg 3000
Corn 5 kg 500
Oregano 1 packet 80
Chili flakes 1 packet 80
Coconut 10 no 250
Pumpkin 4 kg 240
Tuar dal 5 kg 250
Tomato 15 kg 300
Lettuce 2 no 100
Onions 20 kg 400
Cabbage 10 kg 350
Capsicum 10 kg 400
Carrots 10 kg 300
Garlic 20 kg 600
Spring onions 1 kg 80
Green chillies 1 kg 50
Rice 5 kg 350
Hakka noodles packet 20 no 600

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 22

Item Quantity Price
Schezwan sauce 5 packets 250
Red chilli sauce 5 packets 200
Soya sauce 4 packets 250
Agino moto 2 kg 160
Potatoes 20 kg 400
Pizza base 20 packets 1000
Corn flour 2 kg 100
Maida 5 kg 100
Tomato puree 2 kg 280
Moong dal 10 kg 450
Tamarind chutney 5 bottles 250
Dahi 10 kg 600
Milk 20 ltr 800
Sev 5 kg 200
White peas 5 kg 400
Puri (pani puri) 20 packets 800
Puri (sev puri) 20 packets 700
Coriander 2 kg 60
Mint 2 kg 50
Besan 10 kg 700
Pav 20 packets 800
Cauliflower 5 kg 300
Lemon 2 kg 120
Mix farsan 5 packets 300
Pav bhaji masala 2 packets 80
Red chili powder 5 packets 100
Soft drink bottles 10 each 2000
Orange 20 kg 1200
Mosambi 15 kg 900
Coffee packets 40 no 400
Chocolate syrup 20 packets 200
Chocolate powder 4 packets 240
Ghee 2 kg 700

Total variable cost = Rs. 29650

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 23

Licences 7000
Printer 9000
Printer cartridges 800
Fan 5000
Light 2000
Exhausts in kitchen 1500
Gas pipeline 18000
BMC registration 500
Menu cards (25) 750
Stationary 300
Banner 300
Logo approval 500
Registration of orphans 1600

Total miscellaneous charges = Rs. 47250

Total overall cost incurred will be the sum of all the above mentioned costs.

Staff salary 38000

Staff meal 21000
Staff training cost 20000
Staff uniform 44400
Kitchen and KST equipments 45780
Electrical equipments 76650
Service equipments 72300
Telephone cost 2000
Rental cost 45000
Furniture cost 115600
Marketing cost 8500
Variable costs 29650
Miscellaneous costs 47250

Therefore, total cost required for opening the outlet = Rs. 521130

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 24



 Saves Money
Saving money is the biggest selling point of fast food, right? It’s hard to cook for a family
while still keeping it cheap – no matter what you and your family eat. Not to mention if you
have kids, you know what it’s like to be a made-to-order chef every night for dinner. No one
wants to spend a ton of money to just be an under-glorified chef, and fast food definitely
eliminates that whole mess.

 Saves Time
The second most obvious reason is that fast food is just that – fast. There is little or no
waiting involved in the process. Food is prepared in a matter of minutes and you can be on
your way.Many fast food restaurants also have drive thru’s which allow customers to order
and receive their food even more quickly. We don’t even have to get out of our cars to
purchase food. When compared to traditional restaurants, you could be saving over an hour of
time from ordering to finishing your meal.

 Healthy Options
Although fast food has a reputation for being high in calories and fat, that is slowly
changing with the rise of the health-conscious population, which is increasing the
demand for healthy food options.Just about every fast food restaurant offers some
kind of healthy alternatives today.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 25

 Easily Available: -

Yes, it is a true fact that fast food and convenient food is easily accessible and
primary consumption for general public.It seems like you can find fast food
restaurants on nearly every street corner, and going to a drive-through or using home-
delivery makes going to a fast food restaurant appealing. Fast food restaurants enable
you to consume ready-to-eat, fresh, portion-controlled foods. If you want to eat
healthy food but don't want to prepare it at home, you can order something healthy
from a fast food restaurant.


 Low Quality Food

There’s no doubt about it, fast food is made in a bulk production process, which tends to
lower the overall quality of food. A lot of the fast food restaurants have started using organic
vegetables, hormone-free beef, and cage-free chickens. This is greats news for both
consumers and animals. But still the standard of food does not match to an upright quality
although it is not substandard and wasteful

 More Fattening
Historically speaking, fast food has been very fattening. The production process involved in
creating fast food added a lot of greasy and fat content to foods. However, as mentioned in
the healthy choices section above, this is quickly changing.While most restaurants have your
normal greasy burgers and fries, they have also started to offer grilled chicken, fish, salads,
and healthy wraps. So whether you’re looking to eat a nice greasy meal or a healthy grilled
sandwich, fast food restaurants have what you want. Usage of oils and fats are increasing
steadily and hence the nutrient content becomes imbalanced and reduction of oils to ensure
fat free foods is necessary.

 Fast food is served more than recommended

They serve more than the required quantity for one person usually they are good for sharing.
But to persons with bigger appetite it encourages them to eat more and turn out to be obese
which links to other diseases. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has
accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life
expectancy and/or increased health problems.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 26

 Adverse health effects: -

The greatest disadvantage of fast food is the adverse effect that it has on one's health.
It is a fact that fast food is unhealthier than home-cooked meals, as they contain
higher amounts of unwanted nutrients like salt, fat and various types of additives. In
many cases, fast food is highly processed and contains large amounts of
carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats and sodium. And when fast food
frequently replaces nutritious whole foods in your diet, it can lead to all sorts of bad
health outcomes.

 Excess of Additives and Preservatives

Most fast food contains food additives and preservatives. A lot of these additives and
preservatives are harmful for the human body. Some of the preservatives have been known to
be very harmful. Additives do help in enhancing the taste and flavour of food but still their
use in inadequate quantity will backfire the preparation and must be refrained.

In this fast-paced world fast food is very much a permanent part of our lifestyle. To sum it up,
the argument for fast food advantages and disadvantages will never end. If someone wants to
eat fast food, there are always justifications for it.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 27

Bistro: -
A bistro (sometimes spelled bistort) is a small place, much like a café. In its
original Parisian version, a bistro is a small restaurant. It serves moderately priced simple
meals in a modest setting. Bistros are defined mostly by the foods they serve. Home cooking
with robust earthy dishes, and slow-cooked foods like cassoulet are typical. By
using stews and cassoulets they could cook the main food and it would last all day.

Similar to bistros are brassieres, which offer slightly more elaborate meals.

Brasserie: -
A brasserie is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, which serves single dishes
and other meals. The word brasserie is also French for "brewery" and, by extension, "the
brewing business". A brasserie can be expected to have professional service, printed menus,
and, traditionally, white linen unlike a bistro which may have none of these. Typically, a
brasserie is open every day of the week and serves the same menu all day. Check table cloths
are also common in brasseries.

Coffeehouses: -
Coffeehouses are casual restaurants without table service that emphasize coffee and other
beverages; typically, a limited selection of cold foods such as pastries and perhaps
sandwiches are offered as well. Their distinguishing feature is that they allow patrons to relax
and socialize on their premises for long periods of time without pressure to leave promptly
after eating, and are thus frequently chosen as sites for meetings.
Many cafés also serve some type of food, such as light snacks, muffins or pastries.
Coffeehouses range from owner-operated small businesses to large multinational
corporations. Since the development of Wi-Fi, coffeehouses with this capability have also
become places for patrons to access the Internet on their laptops and tablet computers. A
coffeehouse can serve as an informal club for its regular members.

Cafeteria: -
A cafeteria is a restaurant serving ready-cooked food arranged behind a food-serving counter.
There is little or no table service. Typically, a patron takes a tray and pushes it along a track
in front of the counter. Depending on the establishment, servings may be ordered

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 28

fromattendants, selected as ready-made portions already on plates, or self-serve their own
portions. Cafeterias are common in hospitals, corporations and educational institutions.
In the UK, a cafeteria may also offer a large selection of hot food and the use of the
term cafeteria is deprecated in favour of self-service restaurant. Cafeterias have a wider
variety of prepared foods.

Theme restaurant: -
Theme restaurants are restaurants in which the concept of the restaurant takes priority over
everything else, influencing the architecture, food, music, and overall 'feel' of the restaurant.
The food usually takes a backseat to the presentation of the theme, and these restaurants
attract customers solely on the premise of the theme itself. The popularity of theme
restaurants has skyrocketed in recent years because of the parallel growth of the market for
items of nostalgia. As fast food restaurants offer cheap food in cookie-cutter buildings, theme
restaurants offer diners a good meal, as well as an experience

Understanding QSRs: -
A fast food restaurant, also known as a quick service restaurant (QSR) within the industry, is
a specific type of restaurant that serves fast food cuisine and has minimal table service. The
food served in fast food restaurants is typically part of a "meat-sweet diet", offered from a
limited menu, cooked in bulk in advance and kept hot, finished and packaged to order, and
usually available for take away, though seating may be provided. Fast food restaurants are
typically part of a restaurant chain or franchise operation that provisions standardized
ingredients and/or partially prepared foods and supplies to each restaurant through controlled
supply channels. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in

Arguably, the first fast food restaurants originated in the United States with White Castle in
1921 and A&W in 1923. Today, American-founded fast food chains such as McDonald's (est.
1940) and KFC (est. 1952) are multinational corporations with outlets across the globe.

Variations on the fast food restaurant concept include fast casual restaurants and catering
trucks. Fast casual restaurants have higher sit-in ratios, offering a hybrid between counter-
service typical at fast food restaurants and a traditional table service restaurant. Catering
trucks (also called food trucks) often park just outside worksites and are popular with factory

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 29

Some trace the modern history of fast food in the United States to 7 July 1912, with the
opening of a fast food restaurant called the Automat in New York. The Automat was a
cafeteria with its pre-prepared foods behind small glass windows and coin-operated slots.
Joseph Horn and Frank Hardart had already opened the first Horn & Hardart Automat in
Philadelphia in 1902, but their "Automat" at Broadway and 13th Street, in New York City,
created a sensation. Numerous Automat restaurants were built around the country to deal with
the demand. Automats remained extremely popular throughout the 1920s and 1930s.

Modern commercial fast food is highly processed and prepared on a large scale from bulk
ingredients using standardized cooking and production methods and equipment. It is usually
rapidly served in cartons or bags or in a plastic wrapping, in a fashion which reduces
operating costs by allowing rapid product identification and counting, promoting longer
holding time, avoiding transfer of bacteria, and facilitating order fulfilment. In most fast food
operations, menu items are generally made from processed ingredients prepared at central
supply facilities and then shipped to individual outlets where they are cooked (usually by
grill, microwave, or deep-frying) or assembled in a short amount of time either in anticipation
of upcoming orders (i.e., "to stock") or in response to actual orders (i.e., "to order").
Following standard operating procedures, pre-cooked products are monitored for freshness
and disposed of if holding times become excessive. This process ensures a consistent level of
product quality, and is key to delivering the order quickly to the customer and avoiding
labour and equipment costs in the individual stores.

Because of commercial emphasis on taste, speed, product safety, uniformity, and low cost,
fast food products are made with ingredients formulated to achieve an identifiable flavour,
aroma, texture, and "mouth feel" and to preserve freshness and control handling costs during
preparation and order fulfilment. This requires a high degree of food engineering. The use of
additives, including salt, sugar, flavourings and preservatives, and processing techniques may
limit the nutritional value of the final product.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 30


Bunkers’ Café

The Bombay Fries

The J

Craving Bite

Rolls Mania


Tibbs Frankie

The Momo House

Jai Maharashtra Pav Bhaji


Mc Donald’s, KFC, Dominos, Subway etc. are other retail segments in the vicinity who could
act as competition, definitely generating higher revenues. These outlets will be helpful in
setting meus, deciding prices, etc.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 31

Legal verifications and permissions are a certainty for opening an establishment (Café Smile
in this case), particularly if land is being used for setting up the establishment. Also since it is
more than an entrepreneur activity, it cannot be as small scalethat does not require a specific
area. Although the operation is small scale one, still it will require area and land and in turn
certain legal documents and licences are required.

Some of the general legal requirements for getting the café

established: -

1. Trade licence
Trade License is a certificate/document which grants us the permission to carry on the
particular trade or business for which it is issued. It does not confer ownership of property
or permission for any other activity than for which it is issued. Business licenses permits
are issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct
business within the government's geographical jurisdiction. It is the authorization to start
a business issued by the local government. A single jurisdiction often requires multiple
licenses that are issued by multiple government departments and agencies. Business
licenses vary between countries, states, and local municipalities.

There are often many certifications and documents required to attain the trade license
some of them being: -

 Rent agreement and/or NOC from the land owner

 Copy of identity proof of outlet owner as well as land owner
 Graphical copy of the outlet layout
 Medical certificates of employees working
 NOC from police department
 Structure stability certificate from civil engineer
 Copy of the proof of caution money submitted
 Proof of property papers
 Sewage connection plan
 Copy of outlet plan
 Plan of external premises

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 32

2. FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority License
The FSSAI license, also known as the Food License is one of the most important licenses
required to open a restaurant and is obtained from the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard
Authority of India). This license is not merely a license, on the contrary, it also serves as an
approval by the authority and ensures the customers that the food of that particular restaurant
affirms to the food safety standards of India. This license is essentially a unique 14-digit
registration number that is given to manufactures, traders and restaurants which should
mandatorily be printed on food packages. This confirms your consumers that they are dining
at the right place which adhered to all the safety standards.

Some of the documents that are needed to apply for the FSSAI License: -

 Id Proof and Address Proof

 Valid Email Id
 Phone Number
 Affidavit
 Declaration of Food Safety Management Plan
 Kitchen Layout Plan
 List of Food Category
 Water Testing Report from ISI approved Facility
 No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the owner or the partner
 Medical Certificates of Employees

How to Obtain the FSSAI License for Your Restaurant?

Once you have these documents in place, you can apply for the license which would
approximately cost you around Rs.2000 per year for a new license. The application process is
rather simple, you can log in to the FSSAI website, complete the sign-up process by creating
a username for the registration. Then sign in to your account and fill up the online application
with all the required documents. Submit the printout of the filled up online application form
to the Regional/State Authority with all the supportive documents within 15 days from the
date of making the online submission, to ensure that your application is considered.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 33

3. GST Registration

GST (Goods and Services Tax) that came into force since 1st of July, 2017, has kept
everyone hitched to it with this frequent changes. Both the restaurant industry and the
government has been in loggerhead for long. Even then registering in GST is one of
the major things that your restaurants must do, that will ensure that your restaurant
runs seamlessly.

Documents required for GST registration: -

 Copy of Pan Card of Proprietor/Partnership Firm.

 Copy of the Partnership Deed
 Copy of Aadhar Card of Proprietor/all partners
 1 passport size-photo of proprietor/all partner.
 Mail ID and Mobile No. to receive OTP & Verification links of all partners
 Latest Bank Statement containing Name, Address and IFSC Code of Branch of Bank.
 List of Item to be traded (if you want to sell stuff over the counter also)
 List of Item to be traded/manufactured
 Digital Signatures of authorized partners
 Authority Letter in favour of dealing partner

How to Get the GST Registration of Your Cafe?

Yes if you are thinking to take a big bite or leap of faith, it is easier to start your own billing
and business now because GST registration is a simple process wherein Individual,
Partnership firm or Registered Company can obtain by filing basic documents online at .
The confusion regarding GST has been going around for quite some time now. With the
increasing changes, both the restaurant owners and the diners are living in this constant
apprehension of further changes that might be incorporated. However, there are several
channels that are trying to make things easier for the restaurant owner.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 34

4. Eating House License
The Eating House License is provided by the Licensing Police Commissioner of that city
where you would want to open the outlet. The approximate cost required to issue this license
is Rs. 300 for three years.

Documents required for eating house licence: -

 Documents to prove the legal occupancy of the place of Eating House and in the
case of tenancy, NOC from the landlord
 Site Plan containing details of the size of Eating House
 Photographs of the place showing its usage as an Eating House
 Photocopy of Valid NDMC/MCD/DCB/Airport Authority of India trade license
and free receipt.
 Residence proof of the applicant
 An affidavit on the stamp paper of Rs 10 duly attested by Notary Public
 Fire NOC, if seating capacity of the eating house is 50 or more
 Undertaken with regard to amusement activities
 Undertaking regarding the installations of CCTV Cameras with 30 days recording

How to obtain eating house licence: -

The applicant will have to first register himself or herself on the specific website. After you
are successfully registered you will receive a User ID and Password for submission of forms.
Using the user ID, you can fill up the form, upload all the necessary documents and fix an
appointment. Self-attestation of all the documents you place is a must since it will ensure

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 35

5. Shop and Establishment Act
To run a food business in India you must register your restaurant under the Shops and
Establishment Act, be it a Food Truck or a Fine Dine restaurant. You need to register your
restaurant within 30 days of the commencement of your business. This license is city specific.
The total cost you would incur for this license amounts to Rs.200 to Rs. 4,000 per year.
However, the cost is relative as it depends on the number of the employees and the location
of the restaurant.

Documents required for shop and establishment act licence: -

 Pan Card
 Identity Proof
 Address proof of the proprietor, partner or the company
 Details of the employees

How to establish the shop and establishment act license?

Once you have arranged all the above-mentioned documents, you can submit these with the
application form mentioning the name of the shop, the postal address of the establishment
and the proof of ownership such as the Rent Agreement or Shop Lease Papers to the Local
Chief Inspector of the shop or other Inspectors. Once the government officials verify all the
documents he registers the restaurant in the Register of Establishment and issues a
registration certificate. This certificate must be explicitly displayed at your restaurant and
must always be renewed before its expiration. You would roughly obtain this license within
7-10 working days. If you wish to change any information, you must inform the Inspector
within 15 days so that he could then make the changes in the register of the establishment and
issue a fresh registration certificate. It is also mandatory to inform the local inspector
regarding the closure of the business within 15 working days

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 36

6. Signage License
You need to market your product well that will ensure that your business helps you garner the
maximum profit. However, if you want to market your restaurant either through word of
mouth, logos, posters, pictures and symbols, you are required to obtain a legal permit which
is the signage license. You can obtain this license from local civil authorities like the
Municipal corporations.

These are the licenses that will legally permit you to carry on with your restaurant business in
India without getting involved in the legal hindrances.

7. Approval from BMC

For land usage and water and sewage purposes, permission from MCGM (Municipal
Cooperation of Greater Mumbai) is required. To make the procedure of issuing
permissions pertaining to hotel industry, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has
recently launched a single window system. Under the new system applicants can now
apply for license and permissions online. The aim is to boost transparency and make all
the permissions go through a single window module. The online platform also allows
applicants to submit scanned documents required for the same. Thus eliminating the usual
procedure of physical interaction between the applicants and officials.

How to apply for BMC approval: -

 Applicants need to visit the civic body’s website ‘’.

 Click on the ‘Online Services – New Business Application’.
 Fill the online form and submit the scanned copy of documents mentioned.
 Click on ‘Submit’.

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 37


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 38

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 39
Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 40



Shop no. 5, Thakur shyamnarayan marg, opposite evershine park,

Thakur Village, Kandivali East, Mumbai-400101

Contact no: 022-28700690

+91 9004626506

Email Id: café

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 41

Idli 35

Medu Wada 35

Dosa 45

Masala Dosa 60

Mysore Masala Dosa 70

Cheese Dosa 60

Onion Uthappam 50

Tomato Uthappam 60


Veg. Sandwich 40

Veg. Cheese Sandwich 60

Grilled Sandwich 55

Grilled Cheese Sandwich 70

Coleslaw Sandwich 60

Veg. Burger 45

Veg. Cheese Burger 60

Paneer Burger 70

Margarita Pizza 100

Onion Capsicum Pizza 110

Veg. Panini Pizza 140

Veg Paneer Pizza 140

Pani Puri 25

Bhel 35
Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 42
Sev Puri 35

Ragda Patties 40

Veg. Fried Rice 70

Schezwan Fried Rice 80

Chilly Paneer 90

Veg. Hakka Noodles 80

Schezwan Hakka Noodles 90

Veg. Triple Rice 120

Dry Manchurian 80

Manchurian Gravy 80

Veg. Manchurian Rice 100

Veg. Manchurian Noodles 110

Veg. Roll 60

Veg. Cheese Roll 80

Paneer Roll 80

Vada Pav 20

Batata Vada (2 pieces) 25

Samosa (2 pieces) 30

Missal Pav 55

Pav Bhaji 70

Jain Pav Bhaji 80

Cheese Pav Bhaji 100

Extra Pav 05

Fresh Mosambi Juice 60

Fresh Pineapple Juice 60

Fresh Lime Juice 40

Cold Coffee 70

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya

Chocolate Shake 7043

Soft Drinks (Pepsi/7 up/mirinda/coke/mountain dew) as per MRP


There were certain questions asked to the customers during market survey in the preopening
stage of the café

NAME: - ____________________________________

CONTACT NO.: - _____________________________

EMAIL ID.: - _____________________________________

1. What type of fast food you prefer to have?

a) Light snacks b) Heavy snacks c) both a&b d) none

2.How often do you have fast food?

a) very rarely b) rarely c) frequently d) more frequently

3. What time do you prefer to have fast food?

a) In the morning b) in the evening c) at night d) any time

4. What do you think is the major benefit of having fast food?

a) Saves time b) easily available c) cheap priced d) all of these

5.What is your spending capacity while you have fast food (in Rs.)?

a) below 100 b) 100-200 c) 200-300 d) above 300

6. Which is your favourite fast food among these?

a) pav bhaji b) pizza c) chaat d) sandwiches

7. Apart from students, which other type of clientele can increase our business?

a) Local residents b) Business clientele

c) Government servants d) All of the above

8.What type of arrangement would you prefer in a fast food cafe?

a) Seating b) standing
c) Take aways d) all of the above

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 44

9. What do you think of these is more beneficial for business?

a) fast food b) nutritional food c) both a&b c) none

10. Which type of food taste you prefer while having fast food?

a) Sour b) plain & salty c) spicy d) savory

11.What type of outlet do you prefer to go to have food?

a) Fine dine b) fast food outlet c) specialty restaurant d) others

12. What type of cuisine do you prefer for snacks/fast food?

a) Chinese b) Indian c) Italian d) all of these

13. Do you think opening a fast food outlet in a student based area will be profitable?

a) Yes b) No

14. Will there be higher costs for fast food as compared to that for a nutritional one?

a) Yes b) No

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 45

1. What type of fast food you prefer to have?


35% light snacks

heavy snacks

25% both


2. How often do you have fast food?

very rarely
15% rarely
more frequently


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 46

3. What time do you prefer to have fast food?

in the morning
in the evening
at night
any time


4. What do you think is the major benefit of having fast food?

saves time
easily available
35% cheap priced
all of these


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 47

5. What is your spending capacity while you have fast food?

below 100
15% 100-200


6. What is your favourite fast food among these?


23% pav bhaji

47% pizza


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 48

7. Apart from students, which other type of clientele can increase
our business?

local residents
45% business clientele
government servants
all of these

8. What type of arrangement would you prefer in a fast food cafe?

35% seating
take away
all of the above

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 49

9. What do you think of these is more beneficial for business?


15% fast food

nutritional food
both a&b
65% 4th Qtr

10. Which type of food taste you prefer while having fast food?

20% 15%

plain and salty


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 50

11. What type of outlet do you prefer to go to have food?


10% 30%
fine dine
fast food outlet
specialty restaurant


12. What type of cuisine do you prefer for snacks/fast food?


35% chinese
all of these


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 51

13. Do you think opening a fast food outlet in a student based area will be




14. Will there be higher costs for fast food as compared to that for a
nutritional one?




Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 52


 85% crowd prefer eating fast food

 1/4th survey suggests that fast food is had more frequently
 Maximum people prefer having fast food during evening time
 Maximum crowd prefer to spend in triple figures or more to have quality fast food
 According to survey, Pav Bhaji is the most preferred fast food, followed by pizza,
chaat and sandwiches
 70% of crowd prefer to have either seating arrangements or take aways
 Local residents add up to the next major set of clienteles after students
 Survey also suggests that fast food business is more profitable
 50% of crowd prefer fast food outlet to dine

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 53


 Marketing strategies should be used efficiently

 Service staff as well as the kitchen staff should be provided with necessary training
during the pre opening phase
 Ensure to maintain the quality of food
 Opening the cafe in a student based area will tend to produce adequate revenue

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 54


After looking at all the procedures, step by step and following them cautiously and
preparedly we conclude that our fast food café (café smile) can be established at the desired
location (Thakur Village). We have discussed all the necessary factors required to establish
this outlet including the costs, target clientele, the benefits of orphanages to work and gain
experience, their social obligations getting fulfilled along with all the legal formalities to be

Also surveys were conducted in order to know the preferences, and according to it, we have
the scope of opening the outlet at the preferred location since the results were very positive.
Also this is a new concept of employing orphanages, since there are lots of cafes or
restaurants where disabled people work and it is common nowadays but having orphans as
workers is something new or very rare. Although there are a lot of competitors still there is
scope of good revenue generation, as the business goes on.

Also this project taught the plan and way to open a business and at last we would like to say
that opening café smile is possible

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 55


 Since it is just the opening phase of the business, the sales cannot be predicted
 Due to lot of competition, it will be challenging to generate
adequate sales
 The competitors initially didn’t respond during the time of survey
 Also according to the survey, we observed that only these two clienteles (students and
local residents) will contribute to our major source of earning

Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 56


Researchers: -Abhishek Gudi and Ganesh Kumar Maurya 57

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