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3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing




What The Facts!

7 Myths About Spanish Colonial 13 Beloved Pinoy Products That

Period Filipinos Should All Stop

Are No Longer Available

Believing A Brief History Of Filipinos’

Obsession With White Skin
Last Updated on 02/20/2019
10 Surprising Facts About
Was Spanish rule of the Philippines really that bad? Did their 300-plus year Death Penalty In The
occupation of the country consist of nothing but abusing and exploiting Philippines
the Filipinos for their own dastardly ends?
6 Reasons Why Ramon
While it’s easy to answer yes to that question, the truth is a lot more
complex. While wrongdoings did happen, the Spanish weren’t exactly pure
Magsaysay Was The Best
President Ever 1/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

evil. Our perception of them only turned out that way due to the massive 11 Things You Never Knew
propaganda campaign conducted by Filipino nationalists and later on by About Gregorio Del Pilar

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10 Reasons Why Life Was
Although this list won’t condone the abuses committed by the Spanish, it Better In Pre-Colonial
will go through some of the common myths Filipinos over the years have Philippines
come to believe about Spanish rule in the Philippines.
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  Emilio Aguinaldo

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Table of Contents [hide]
Crazy Origins You Would Never
1. The Friars Did Nothing But Oppress The People. Have Guessed
2. Only The Rich And Powerful Could Speak Spanish.
3. Mother Spain Did Not Care About Or Ignored The Filipinos’ Plight. 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial
4. All Spanish O cials Abused The Filipinos. Period Filipinos Should All Stop
5. Filipinos Had No Representation In The Spanish Cortes. Believing
6. Spanish Rule Was Uni ed.
7. There Were No Checks On Spanish Abuses. Thousands in China are
descendants of an ancient
Filipino king. Here’s how it

1. The Friars Did Nothing But happened.

Oppress The People.

The Haunting Story of Filipinos
Locked in a ‘Human Zoo’

11 Fascinating Facts You Didn’t

Know About Andres Bonifacio

Halo-Halo: The Surprising

Origin of Philippines’ Beloved

The Filipino Doctor Who Helped

Discover Erythromycin (But
Never Got Paid For It) 2/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

These Century-Old Photos from

National Geographic Bring The
History of Filipino Tribes To Life

How to Get Married in the

Philippines – An Ultimate Guide

Spanish friars of the Dominican Order, ca 1875-1880.


Probably one of the most widely-used images to depict the Spanish

excesses in the Philippines is that of the lecherous, self-righteous friar.

While it is true that there were indeed friars who abused their positions,
we must not also forget the numerous good things friars did for the
country. To name a few, they helped build bridges, hospitals, schools and
other buildings, many of which we can still see even today.

Trivia: Magellan was not the rst to circumnavigate the world

Notwithstanding the negative stereotypes, a number of good friars also

actually protected the Filipinos from exploitation and abuse. Among them
were Domingo de Salazar, the rst bishop of Manila who campaigned for
the abolition of slavery and just compensation for indentured Filipinos
during the 1582 Manila Synod; Friar Martin de Rada who complained to
the Mexican viceroy about the abusive behavior of the conquistadors; and
Friar Diego de Herrera who protested the encomienda system.

Unfortunately, for all their good deeds, the friars—as one of the most
visible Spaniards on the archipelago—provided Filipino nationalists and  3/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

propagandists the perfect fodder with which to demonize the Spanish.

The end result is the Filipinos’ negative perception of friars, a sentiment
which can still be felt even in the modern era.

2. Only The Rich And

Powerful Could Speak

Early ag of the Filipino revolutionaries (“Long live the

Philippine Republic!”). The rst two constitutions were
written in Spanish. Via Wikipedia.

Contrary to popular belief, many Filipinos—including the masses—could

actually speak and write in Spanish. After all, Spanish was a worldwide
lingua franca for several hundred years, making it necessary for Filipinos
to know the language.

And as we’ve already mentioned before, the introduction of the public

school system which mandated free compulsory education for Filipinos
made Spanish easily accessible. It is estimated that when the Americans
arrived, at least 60 percent of the Filipino population wrote and spoke

Also Read: 30 Filipino Words With No English Equivalent

Ironically, Spanish-in uenced Filipino literature ourished during the start

of the American period as a result of greater freedom of the press. 4/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

However, when the Americans arrived, they began phasing out Spanish in
favor of the English language. Coupled with the propaganda which
derided everything Spanish, the language soon slowly faded out of use
among Filipinos.

3. Mother Spain Did Not Care

About Or Ignored The
Filipinos’ Plight.

Native Filipinos during Spanish colonial rule. Via Wikipedia.

To say that Spain, situated thousands of miles away from the Philippines,
did not care about its colony at all is only one-half of the story. In truth,
Spain’s government regularly kept itself appraised of any news in the

Far from being uncaring, Spain regularly sent a number of decrees

ordering for the better treatment of Filipinos. For example, King Philip II
issued a decree as early as 1574 forbidding the abuse of native rowers
and ordering their just compensation. Twenty years later, his successor
Philip III also condemned the numerous abuses being heaped on the

Also Read: 8 Dark Chapters of Filipino-American History We Rarely Talk

About  5/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

Unfortunately, decrees and orders calling for the better treatment of

Filipinos went unheeded or were outright ignored by the local Spanish.
Also, while Spain knew of its colony’s situation, it was wracked with its own
problems, including invasions, rebellions, and calls for reform of its own
governmental system. To put that in perspective, both the ruling country
and colony experienced similar tumultuous events time and again.

4. All Spanish O cials

Abused The Filipinos.

De La Torre, The liberal Governor-General of 1869-

1871. Via

True, cases of corruption and abuse committed by Spanish o cials in the

Philippines are well-documented. Same as with the friars, however, not all
Spanish o cials abused their stations. In fact, two governor generals,
Emilio Terrero and Carlos de la Torre, were well-loved by Filipinos due to
their liberal views and implementation of popular reforms. 6/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

It was Terrero who protected Jose Rizal and resisted pressure from the
friars to ban the dissemination of Noli Me Tangere in the Philippines. De
La Torre, on the other hand, opened the doors of the government for the
masses, eased press restrictions, and allowed Filipinos to voice their
concerns without fear of reprisal. For his e orts, the latter even received a
spontaneous serenade by Filipino nationalists—an unprecedented show
of thanks to a governor general.

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Also, upper-class Filipinos and those mandated by the Spanish to govern

the populace themselves were also guilty of abusing their fellow Filipinos.
Speci cally, those at the local level of government acted as a sort of
middlemen for the Spanish who were usually content to overlook any
abuse as long as they received their tribute and taxes.

5. Filipinos Had No
Representation In The
Spanish Cortes.

Cortes of Cadiz Oath in 1810. Oil painting by José Casado

del Alisal, 1863. Via Wikipedia. 7/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

Although we already know Filipino nationalists and reformists often

protested the lack of representation in the Spanish Cortes (Parliament),
little-known is the fact that the country actually sent two representatives
to Spain in the early 1810s.

At the time, Napoleon and the French occupied most of Spain and
imprisoned King Ferdinand VII. However, a Spanish government-in-exile
composed mostly of liberals operated in the city of Cadiz where they
promulgated the Cadiz Constitution in 1812. The Constitution provided for
unheard-of freedoms and provided Spanish citizenship for people who
lived in the colonies. It also allowed the colonies to eld representatives to
the Spanish legislature.

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The rst Filipino representative, a peninsulares named Don Pedro Perez

de Tagle, represented the archipelago in 1809 while his successor, an
insulares named Ventura de los Reyes lled the post in 1811. During his
term, de los Reyes earned a reputation as a erce defender of Filipino

Unfortunately, King Ferdinand VII—upon his return to the throne after

Napoleon’s forces were driven out of Spain—caved in to the conservatives
and had the Cadiz Constitution repealed. Incidentally, this would
foreshadow Spain’s own internal struggles for reform just like that of its

6. Spanish Rule Was Uni ed.

Friars of the Augustinian, Dominican and Franciscan orders

conducted many of the executive and control functions of
government on the local level. They were responsible for 8/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

education, health, census-keeping and tax collection, and

supervised the selection of local police and town o cers. Via

To presume that the Spanish ruled the Philippines like a giant, united
monolith would be an oversimpli cation. The truth is, the Spanish
themselves were divided into di ering factions looking for ways to
undermine each other.

For example, friars often liked to report the abuses committed by the
encomenderos, so much so that the encomienda system was largely
replaced by administrative provinces by the end of the 17th century.
Another good illustration would be the constant power struggle between
friars and government o cials. Both sides—either in good or bad faith—
often kept monitoring each other for any misdeeds or goof-ups.

An even more pronounced rivalry involved the insulares (full-blooded

Spanish born in the Philippines) and the peninsulares (full-blooded
Spanish born in Spain). Tensions between the two classes ran high
especially with the in ux of the latter into the archipelago during the late

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Philippine History Forever

The insulares—having established themselves at the top of the social

hierarchy in the Philippines—resented the arrival of the peninsulares who
thought of themselves as the superior class. As a result, both classes often
fought for almost anything from government posts to commercial

7. There Were No Checks On

Spanish Abuses. 9/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

With all the abuses committed by the Spanish, one may think there was no
justice at all for the Filipinos. However, the natives did get some form of
protection in the guise of the visitador-general and juicio de residencia
(trial of residence).

The rst, visitador-general, was essentially a royally appointed investigator

tasked to secretly scrutinize the governor general and other public o cials
for signs of abuse and corruption. Afterward, he would then submit his
report directly to the king. Unfortunately, visits by a visitador-general were
infrequent owing to the great distance between Spain and the Philippines.

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era. Find out which ones

The second (and arguably the more e ective) juicio de residencia involved
requiring an outgoing governor general and other o cials to undergo a
trial at the end of their term and give a full account of their performance.
Much like a truth commission, the o cial’s actions were subjected to
intense review, a process which would sometimes last for half a year. If
found guilty of wrongdoing, he could be penalized with a sti ne,
imprisonment, or a combination of both.

Ironically, the residencia system was abolished after the 1812 Cadiz
Constitution came into e ect and even after the same was repealed—a
fact lamented by Jose Rizal in his “The Philippines A Century Hence.” 10/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

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David, R. (2011). ‘Residencia’. Retrieved 13 January 2015, from

Juan, C., & Molina, C. (2012). A Pinoy in the Spanish Cortes. Retrieved 13 January 2015, from

Ocampo, A. (1998). The Spanish friar, beyond the propaganda. Retrieved

13 January 2015, from

People’s Journey with God 2007 Edition (Church Renewed & Her
Sacraments) by Joseph F. Ines, Esteban T. Salibay, Jr., Bernardo N. Sepeda,
Ed.D., Felinore Angelica H. Valera, Ed.D.

Towards A New Life by Ru na Barola Legaspi

The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

by Spencer Tucker

State and Society in the Philippines by Patricio N. Abinales, Donna J.

Amoroso 11/12
3/13/2019 7 Myths About Spanish Colonial Period Filipinos Should All Stop Believing

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Mendoza, Amparo C. Sunga

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