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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading and Writing – Grade 11

Time Frame: 60 minutes

Prepared by: Josephine J. Alabin


At the end of the 60-minute period, at least 75% of the students shall be able to:

1. Distinguish between and among techniques in selecting and organizing information.

2. Construct and generate ideas using the pre-writing strategies; brainstorming and clustering.
3. Realizes the important role of pre-writing in the writing process.


A. Topic: Using Pre-Writing Strategies

B. References:
1. K-12 Reading and Writing Skills by Marella Theresa A. Tiongson and Maxine Rafaella C.
Rodriguez, P. 35-41

C. Materials
1. Chalkboard
2. Chalk
3. Manila Paper
4. Permanent Marker

D. Teaching Strategy
1. Collaborative Learning




Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

(The students will arrange the chairs properly

Kindly arrange the chairs properly and pick
and pick up the pieces of paper on the
up the pieces of paper on the floor.
Ok, let us pray. _______ , kindly lead the
(One student will lead the prayer.)

(Checking of attendance.) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day.)

So, how’s your day? Is it good so far? It was great Ma’am!

That’s good to know. So, are you ready to

Yes Ma’am!
discuss our new topic today?

Okay, that’s good! Let us begin this with a

Yes Ma’am!
simple activity. Are you ready?


1. Ask the students on their thought about this quote and how it is related to writing:
“Those who fail to plan, plan to fail” – Benjamin Franklin


Thank you for sharing.

Most of us skip out on planning on what

to write on that we become frustrated
later in the writing process. How many
times have we experienced staring at a
blank paper when we are asked to write
an essay?

You are probably already familiar with

rough draft and outline. But how do you
generate ideas to get there. Today our
objective is to learn how to select and
organize ideas through pre-writing
strategies and the important role it plays
in the writing process


First lets define pre-writing – it’s the first

stage of the writing process where the
writers focus on generating ideas. This is
where we think of how we are going to
approach our write up.

Lets say I have an idea for writing: I have (Students will answer.)
decided I will make a write up about our Plan what to write
school. I have the topic but what else Research
do I need to get started?

Thank you class!

So here is what I will do, first I will think of Students will answer
the kind of piece to write. Is it to please The readers
the editor, to promote the school, to The reasons for writing
expose something not right, who will be
my readers, will I be using the first point
of view or third person point of view. Did
you notice the things that I am

This class is how you determine your

writing situation. So you want to take in
consideration the following:
 Knowing the kind of paper
 Purpose
 Audience
 Tone to use
Yes Ma’am!
Is this clear class?
Now that we have determined the
purpose, audience and the tone lets
move on to the pre-writing strategies.
These are some techniques that will help
you when you are tired of staring at a
blank page, or having that writers block
or having an anxiety in writing.

Ok, now lets assume “School” as our Students will come in front and write
general topic. Now, School is a very their ideas.
broad topic and I don’t think we can
write a one paragraph or 5 paragraph Possible answers
essay about school. So help me out here School is crowded
to generate topics about a write up for Prom is coming up
school. The goal here is to just let your Senior high school is fun
ideas flow. No wrong answers. Anyone
can give me topics to write about the
Nice work everyone! You know what we
have just done? We used the strategy

Brainstorming is one of the most

popular methods of discovering your
writing topic. Brainstorming works well in
a group. Jot down all the possible terms
that emerge from the general topic.
Now you have a topic and with possible
points to develop.

Now, let us proceed to the next Students will answer

strategy, which we call clustering. Technology as distraction
Clustering is also called mind mapping The future
or idea mapping. Lets take Robots
“Technology as distraction ” as the Replacing human work
general topic. We want to create
related topics regarding this. Now can
you please help me map out ideas for
this topic.

Great job everyone. Clustering is

especially useful in determining
relationships between ideas. You will
distinguish how the ideas fit together.
Clustering your ideas lets you see them
visually in a different way, so you can
more readily understand possible
directions of your paper.
Now I know you’ll find it that next time (Students will say no or they will ask
you are asked to write an essay you will questions.)
not be staring on your paper. Always
start with your pre-writing Do you have
any questions?
Generalization Yes Ma’am.
The more time and effort you put in
prewriting, the less time you will have to
spend on the rest of the writing process.
If you develop a plan before you start
writing, your writing will start with a
purpose and a structure. So remember
before you begin drafting your essay or
paper, consider your purpose, identify
the audience and then gather and
organize your ideas through
brainstorming or clustering. When you
plan before you write you will see at a
glance where you are heading. Pre-
writing helps you generate ideas,
create new knowledge and what
exactly you want to say.

 The class will be divided into three (3) learning groups.

 They will be given ten (10) minutes to prepare.

Use the pre-writing strategy specified in the parentheses to narrow down the general idea to several
topics. Choose the topic that you find the most interesting. Afterward assume a purpose, audience,
tone and point of view. Then, use another pre-writing strategy of your choice to generate more ideas
regarding the identified writing situation.

Group 1 - Summer Vacation (clustering)

Group 2 - Social Media (brainstorming)
Group 3 - Prom Night (clustering)

Chosen General Subject: _____________________

Point of view:
Second pre-writing strategy:


What do you think is the most important benefit of pre-writing? Why? Write your answer below.


1. Research and read on the following techniques in selecting and organizing Information:
 Topic outline
 Sentence outline

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