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Dr. S. D.

Rajan Arizona State University Due Date: See each

CEE321 Structural Analysis & Design problem statement
Report 1

Solve ALL the four problems listed below. Note that all the problems may not be graded.

Please follow the following directions.

(1) Use the Microsoft Word file template for submitting the homework problems. This file is available
on the class BlackBoard web site. An electronic file (MS Word 2007 or later file) is to be submitted.
(2) The entire work must be done electronically, or done using paper and pencil and then scanned
into the MS Word document. The final document must be legible and the work done
(3) Each problem must start on a new page. Write the problem statement. Follow this with the
solution. Clearly state all assumptions. Box and highlight the answer(s).
(4) The hand solution must be immediately followed by the GS-USA output file. Use the procedure
shown in class where (a) you copy plots into clipboard and paste into a Word document and (b)
insert the contents of the output file into a Word document. Include a figure that shows the origin
of the coordinate system, node and element numbers. In the computer output, highlight the
numbers that represent the problem answer(s).
(5) You must electronically submit one zip file that has all the files associated with the assignment.
Call the zip file The GS-USA project files (those with
extension .usa only) should be named R1P1, R1P2 etc. - R1 for report 1, and Px for problem x.
Zip all the files in a single zip file.

Here is an example submission for Problem 1. The student’s name is Bob Jones.
(a) The single zip is called This is the file that Bob Jones will submit
to the Blackboard web site. If you are not familiar with zip files, do a internet search – “What
is a zip file?”. Winzip, WinRAR, PeaZip, 7-Zip are some programs that can be used to zip
(create) and unzip, zip files.
(b) The file contains the following files:
(i) R1P1.docx: This MS Word file has the (hand) solution to the problem that is followed
by the GS-USA Frame output file and figures.
(ii) R1P1.usa: The GS-USA project file that contains the GS-USA model and solution.

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Problem 1 (Beam Analysis) (Due: By 5 pm on Jan 24, 2018)

Fig. P1(a) shows the schematic diagram of a truck as per AASHTO design code. Take the distance
marked Varies as 30 feet.

Fig. P1(a). AASHTO HL-93 Truck Loading

Now consider that the truck is moving (forward as shown in Fig. P1(a)) from B to A on a bridge that
is modeled as a simply-supported beam shown in Fig. P1(b). Assume that the axle loads are applied
as static loading on the beam (no dynamic effects).

300 ft
Fig. P1(b)

Compute and plot the vertical reactions at A, B and the sum of the two support reactions, as a
function of the distance of the front axle of the truck with respect to A. Use the Load Cases feature
in the GS-USA© Program to solve this problem using a single model.

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Problem 2 (Truss Analysis) (Due: By 5 pm on Feb 1, 2018)

Fig. P2(a) shows a perspective view of a billboard

supported by three equally-spaced trusses. The truss
spacing is shown as d in the figure. The billboard is
subjected to a uniform wind pressure of 100 lb/ft2.
Each truss is made of hollow circular steel tubes
with an inner radius of 2 inches and an outer radius
of 4 inches. Use the tributary area method to
compute the (wind) loads acting on the center truss.
The model of the center truss is shown in Fig. P2(b).
Carry out the analysis using the following values:
d=30 feet, a=60 ft and b=20 ft. Perform all your

calculations using SI units: kilogram for mass,

meters for length, and seconds for time.

(a) Compute the total weight of the truss. Determine

if the weight of the truss is important in the truss
analysis. If it is, include the weight of the truss as
additional loads.
(b) Compute all the support reactions.
d (c) Compute the member forces in members AB, AF,
BF, BC, CG and FG using Method of Joints.
(d) Compute the member force in members CD, DG
and GH using Method of Sections.

Fig. P2(a)




Fig. P2(b)

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Problem 3 (Frame Analysis) (Due: By 5 pm on Feb 14, 2018)

3500 N/m2 Column CD in the frame

shown in Fig P2(a) is
subjected to hydrostatic
B 5m C loading. Take the mass
density of the fluid as 1050
kg/m3. The beam BC is

loaded uniformly as shown.

One can by considering a unit
50 width of the structure
A (perpendicular and into the

page), model the structure as
a planar frame suitable for
structural analysis. Use US
Customary units in your
solution. You may ignore
D self-weight of the members.

Fig. P3 (a) Compute the support

reactions and pin forces.

(b) Draw the shear force and

bending moment diagrams
for the frame.

(c) Column CD is made of

W27x146. (i) Find the
location with the largest
bending moment in segment
CD. At this point, compute
the location of the neutral
axis. (ii) Compute the max.
tensile, compressive and
shear stress in the column.

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Problem 4 (Optimal Design) (Due: By 5 pm on Feb 27, 2018)
25 psf

500 lb
10 ft

10 ft
15 ft

5 psf
30 ft
Fig. P4 Dead load shown on top and bottom chord members

The roof trusses are placed 4 ft o.c. Assume that the truss is simply supported and that the roof truss is
modeled as a planar frame with rigid connections. The design problem is to design the lightest roof truss.
The material is wood with the following properties – modulus of elasticity, E = 1700000 psi , density
γ = 25 3 . The design requirements are as follows:
(a) Allowable compressive stress, σ ac = 1650 psi .
(b) Allowable tensile stress, σ at = 2000 psi .
(c) Allowable shear stress, τ a = 300 psi .
(d) The maximum vertical displacement is to be restricted to where L is the total span of the truss.
(e) Euler buckling is to be prevented with a safety factor of 2.0.
(f) The member cross-section must be rectangular solid with the height of the cross-section less than or
equal to three times the width.
(g) No more than 3 different cross-sections can be used.
(h) A typical member must be between 4 ft and 10 ft long.

The dead loads (DL) acting on the top and bottom chord are shown in Fig. P4. Compute the live load (LL)
acting on the top chord. The structure is to be designed for one load case that is a simple combination of
DL and LL. Include self-weight of the members in the design.

What you need to turn in.

(1) Create a MS Word document – cover page, table of contents, page numbers, section
numbers, figure numbers, table numbers, references.

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(2) Include the problem statement. Follow this with (a) a drawing of the truss showing
node and element numbers, and dimensions, (b) details of the dead load and live load
calculations acting on a single frame, (c) the design problem statement in a
mathematical form, (d) a drawing of the final design similar to (a), a table showing the
final design details (objective function and design variables) and identify what
control(s) the design.
(3) Follow this with the output file. In the output file, highlight the important numbers.
Clearly show that the final design is an acceptable design.

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