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The Behavior of Bakery Consumers in Tucdao, Kawayan, Biliran

A Research in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Practical Research 1



Background of the Study

The bread making process originated in ancient times. During those period, the basis of

the operation was just to mix flour with other ingredients, for example, water, fat, salt and some

source of aeration followed by baking, unlike today a variety of methods have been developed in

making leaven.

Filipinos are a rice-eating people, and no meal is complete, it seems, without hot rice to

offset the delicious viands in our menus. But despite our desperate affinity with rice, bread still

occupies an important place in the Filipino diet. Most commonly, this is during breakfast, with the

iconic pan de sal or “slice” white bread (also known as pan Americano) from commercial

bakers. Sometimes, we also make room for bread during morning or afternoon snacks, including

the traditional ensaymada or Spanish roll, the butter or margarine-filled “Hispanis” bread, or any

number of biscuits, cakes and buns.

Bread production became a profession, and its sale in large scale gave rise to bakeries.

Bakeries have passed through several changes from their appearance to the present. These changes

were in terms of physical structure, production systems, kind ofproducts, service that they provide,

and many others. Some of these changes result from a natural response of bakeries when they face

demands resulting from transformations occurring in the market.(Santos, 2012)

Statement of the Problem

This research investigates the relationship between FABM Teacher’s Management to the Grade

12-ABM Students’ Academic Achievement in Biliran Province.

Particularly, this study aims to answer the following queries:

1. What are the behaviors of bakery consumers?

2. What are the essential factors that could possibly affect the consumer behavior?

3. What are consumer’s purchase decision process?

Scope and delimitation of the Study

This study covers the relationship between Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and

Management (FABM) teachers’ management styles to the Grade 12 ABM students’ academic

achievement in Biliran province. The researchers limit this research to the schools where ABM

strand is available namely; Tucdao National High School, Almeria NHS, Manlabang NHS,

Cabucgayan NHS, Naval School of Fisheries (NSF) and Naval Laboratory HS. This study will use

Structured Survey Closed-ended Questionnaires which will be distributed to 6 accounting lecturers

around the Biliran province to collect data on determining the teachers’ management styles for the
first quarter. Furthermore, the researchers will also gather the Grade 12 ABM students’ FABM

Mean Percentage Scores (MPS) for the first quarter on gathering data for students’ academic

achievement. This study will be conducted from September 18 to October 27, 2017.
Significance of the Study

Teachers- This study helps the FABM teachers on measuring the relationship of their management

styles to the academic achievement of their students. For them to be aware on what strategies

should be applied to motivate their students to achieve high academic performance and to know

how they will manage the allocated budget to attain high academic achievements of the students.

Students- This study helps the student’s awareness on their academic performance/ achievement

that it has relationship to the teachers’ management styles. Because their academic achievement

will depend on the teachers’ management, if it is high then the management styles of the teacher

is good.

School- The school depends on the teacher and students in order to achieve high performance.

That’s why this study is very helpful because it tackles about the management styles of the teachers

to attain student’s academic achievement.

Economy- The relationship of teacher’s management styles to the academic achievement of the

students is helpful to the economy, because if the teachers possess good management style then it

will lead to high academic achievement of students that will result to more effective professionals

in the future.
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework

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