Fisika Dasar II

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4 Maret 2019

Kuliah Minggu #2 Tatap Muka 3


Review Kuliah Minggu lalu (25 Peb 2019):
1. Charges exist.
2. Charges exert forces on each other.
3. This force appears to exert itself across distances of any size.

Konsep Gaya (forces) dan Medan (fields) adalah penting untuk dipelajari.

When we walk we experience gravitational forces. Dan ini berkaitan dengan medan gravitasi.

Electric fields and forces are very important in are day to day life. Anything we do is directly or
indirectly related to electric fields and forces.

Gaya dan Medan adalah besaran vektor. Sebenarnya ada besaran skalar yang terkait dengan besaran
ini, yaitu potensial. Jika Anda susah menangani besaran vektor maka anda dapat mempelajarinya
melalui besaran skalar. Besaran potensial memungkinkan Anda melakukan hal ini.

Satu hal lain yang memudahkan kita membayangkan konsep medan adalah mencoba
membayangkan adanya garis-garis medan. Ini telah kita pelajari pada minggu lalu. Untuk konteks
medan listrik maka ada garis-garis medan listrik. Garis-garis medan ini adalah pola, yang
sedemikian rupa seperti adanya sesuatu yang mengalir.

What are field lines if not some kind of flow pattern? Electric field lines "flow" from positive
charges to negative charges. A positive charge is like an open faucet and a negative charge is like
an open drain

Think for a moment, of the other things that flow and think of what it is that causes them to flow.
This will be the answer to our next conceptual problem. Let's set up a table that compares similar
phenomena. In all cases, there will be something that flows and something that causes the flow.

the flow of… is caused by

(liquid water)
the wind
atmospheric pressure
(atmospheric gases)
(internal energy)
dissolved substances
In each case, the thing that's flowing can be described by a vector field (a quantity that has
magnitude and direction at any location) and the thing that causes the flow can be described by a
difference in a scalar field (a quantity that has magnitude only at any location).

the flow of… is caused by a difference in…

a vector field a scalar field

If we can identify the electric scalar field that causes the electric vector field, we've made all of
electricity mathematically simpler, since scalars are mathematically simpler than vectors. "Identify"
probably isn't the right word. "Define" is more like it. We are going to define a quantity that serves
the same role as height does for rivers, pressure does for the wind, temperature does for heat, and
concentration does for solutes.

he "flow" of the electric field is "caused" by a difference in electric potential.

the flow of… is caused by a difference in…

electric field (test charges) electric potential

Mari kita renungkan lagi!!
Parvez Siddiqui, High School Physics Teacher
Updated May 11 2018 · Author has 421 answers and 298.5k answer views

When something flows (more correctly falls) from a point A to a point B, there must be a scalar
physical quantity which has a high value at A as compared to that at B.
For example if air is flowing from A to B, the pressure at A is higher than that at B. Likewise heat
flows from a point at higher temperature to a point at low temperature.
Potential is one of such a thing. When a charge positive) flows from A to B, we must have something
that is higher at A and lower at B. This is electric potential. When A mass falls from a point A to a
point B, the quantity that is higher at A as compared to that at B is gravitational potential.
It is just a mathematical concept to make it easy to solve the physics problems.

For the physicist, the noun potential is more closely related to the adjectives potent or potency.

A difference in electric potential gives rise to an electric field. (This is the concept I am introducing
to you in this chapter you are reading right now.) The electric field is the force per charge acting on
an imaginary test charge at any location in space. (This concept was introduced in the chapter
before this one.) The work done placing an actual charge in an electric field gives the charge electric
potential energy. (This concept is called the work-energy theorem and was introduced a long time
ago, in a chapter far, far away.) By the transitive property (I guess), electric potential gives rise to
electric potential energy; and by the reflexive property (another guess), the electric potential is the
energy per charge that an imaginary test charge has at any location in space.

Itu semua adalah konsep, sekarang kita memerlukan mastematika untuk merealisasikan
dalam perhitungan-perhitungan yang dibutuhkan.

In any case, here are the rules for the symbols specific to this topic…
The symbol for electric field is a bold, uppercase E. It's bold because it's a vector quantity.
It's uppercase because of an arbitrary choice. It's an E because that just makes sense. If you
see the symbol written in italic with a bar across the top like this, E, it means you're using
the average value of the magnitude only. Sometimes that's good enough.

The symbol for electric potential energy is an italic, uppercase U. It's italic because it's a
scalar quantity. It's uppercase because of… nobody knows. It's a U because you gotta use
some letter. I guess, now it's U's turn. Since we're dealing with electric potential energy, we
should add a subscript, uppercase E. That gives us UE. If I forget to add the subscripted E,
it's because you're supposed to know from context that it's electric potential energy and not
something else.

The symbol for electric potential is an italic, uppercase V. It's italic because it's a scalar
quantity. It's uppercase to match electric potential energy (maybe). It's a V because V
follows U in the alphabet… I guess. It might also have to do with the name of the unit for
electric potential — the volt. You might think I should add a subscripted, uppercase E to this
symbol too, like this VE, but I won't. No one does. It's so rare to discuss forms of scalar
potential that aren't electric, that adding a subscript is only done for the exceptions — like
gravitational potential, Vg.
Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr., Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Ninth Edition,
2014, Publisher, Physical Sciences: Mary Finch

Bab 25 dan 26:

Matematika yang dibutuhkan:

“Potential and Potential Energy

The potential is characteristic of the field only, independent of a charged particle that may be
placed in the field. Potential energy is characteristic of the charge-field system due to an interaction
between the field and a charged particle placed in the field.”
Perhatikan untuk kasus mekanika:

Gravitational potential at a point in space is the work done per unit of mass in bringing a
body/particle/object from infinity (i.e. gravitation-free space) to the point under consideration.

Gravitational potential energy is simply the work (done in moving the body from infinity to the point
under consideration) stored in the body in form of energy. Basically it is the energy possessed by the
body due to the influence of a gravitational field.

The gravitational potential energy is the potential energy of a specific object in

this field, so in other words, it depends on mass. It's like potential is always
there, and the energy is a single number attached to a certain object which
represents how much the objects experiences the field.

E. g. A bowling ball and ping pong ball are at rest on pedestals 1m of the floor
surface. They both have the same gravitational potential (, but because the
bowling ball has a larger mass, it has more gravitational potential energy. Ergo,
it will crush your toes while the the ping pong ball bounces off it.
Satuan energi:
Sisterm terisolasi:

isolated system (plural isolated systems)

(physics) A system that does not interact with its surroundings; that is, its total energy and mass stay

EK1 + EP1 = ET1 = EK2 + EP2 = ET2 >>>>>> ▲E = 0


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