The Truth Volume3 Issue27

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Animals That Lay Eggs and Animals

That Give Birth

Vol. 3 Issue 27 Thu. July 3, 2008
One day a person came to Imam Ali (P). He was planning to ask Imam
Ali (P) such a question, which would take Imam Ali (P) a long time to The Truth
answer and because of that his Maghrib (Dusk) Prayers would be delayed.
He asked, “Imam Ali you say you
know everything in the world, then tell
Prophet Muhammed (M)
me which animals lay eggs and which and Anecdote About 3 Friends
animals give birth to their young ones.”
Imam Ali (P) looked back at him smiled and Once the Messenger of God,
Muhammed (M) was sitting amidst his
said, “The animals that have their ‘EARS’
companions in the mosque, when all
outside their body give birth to their of a sudden the prophet said “Today
young ones and the animals that have I shall narrate a story to you all
their ‘EARS’ inside their body lay eggs.” which will reveal three riddles for
all of you to solve”. This hushed the
crowd and they all listened to what
Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Love for the Sake of God Prophet Muhammed (M) had to say.
Prophet Muhammed (M) continued
Imam Ali (P), the first successor, Imam, and by saying that once a man got to
infallible leaders after prophet Muhammed CONT’D ON PAGE 2
(M), would always spend time with his
children. Once he was sitting in his house
with his two young children, Abbas, his son, Is Mo ney Ever yt hi ng?
and Zainab, his daughter. Some people say ‘money is everything’. It will be advisable
Imam Ali (P) said to Abbas, “Say Waahed for such people to consider the following facts:
(one)”. Imam Ali (P) then asked him to “Money will buy a bed but not sleep, Books but not
“say Ithnain (Two)”. Abbas replied, “I feel brains, Food but not appetite, Finery but not beauty,
ashamed to utter ‘two’ from the same Medicine but not health; Luxuries but not culture,
tongue which just said ‘one’”. Amusements but not happiness, Passport to every where
Imam Ali (P) hugged his son, pleased at such but not Heaven.”
a charming expression. The reply from Abbas
indicated how deeply devoted he was in his belief in Tawheed, that is, Oneness
of God. A true believer never likes to even imagine any association with God.
Zainab then asked, “Dear, father, do you love me?” Imam Ali (P) said, “Yes,
The Formation of Rain By: Harun Yahya
of course, my children are like a part of my heart”. On hearing this, she said,
“You also love God. How can two loves be in one heart of a true believer, How rain was formed remained a great mystery for quite some time. Only after
the love of God and that of children?” the weather radar was invented was it possible to discover the stages by which
Imam Ali (P) smiled and replied, “Love God and for the sake of His love, you rain is formed.
love His creatures and fellow beings too. I love you for the sake of God.” According to this discovery, the formation of rain takes place in three stages.
Footnotes: First, the “raw material” of rain rises up into the air with the wind. Later, clouds
(M) May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon him and his Progeny / Refers to Prophet are formed, and finally raindrops appear.
(P) Peace be upon Him / Refers to Angels, Prophets, Imams, and Infallible Ladies. CONT’D ON PAGE 4

8 The Truth
Prophet Muhammed (M) and The Proportion of Rain
IF YOU WANT TO Anecdote About 3 Friends
From PAGE 1 Another item of information provided in the Holy
know that the days in his life was numbered and very soon Qur’an about rain is that it is sent down to Earth
(PDF FORMAT) he would be confronted with death. With this knowledge in “due measure.” This is mentioned in Surat az-
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE he feared his loneliness in the grave and went searching Zukhruf as follows:
TO THE TRUTH’S for true friends who would help and accompany him. It is He Who sends down water in due measure
He knocked on the door of his first friend and asked whether
MAILING LIST @ he would help. To this the friend said, “of course, what are
from the sky by which We bring a dead land
back to life. That is how you too will be raised
HTTP://GROUPS.GOOGLE. we here for.” But then the man went on to say that he had [from the dead]. (Holy Qur’an, 43:11)
COM/GROUP/THET- very few days to live after which he required help. As soon This measured quantity in rain has again been
RUTH110 as he uttered this statement, the friend said “I am sorry
discovered by modern research. It is estimated
but when death does us apart, there is nothing we can
that in one second, approximately 16 million
do for you but buy you a place in the graveyard and
some cloth (Kafan) to cover your dead body.” Grieved tons of water evaporates from the Earth. This Every year, the amount of water
figure amounts to 513 trillion tons of water in that evaporates and that falls
IF YOU WANT ANY but looking forward to his next friend, the man moved on.
one year. This number is equal to the amount of back to the Earth in the form of
On the second door, when he came face to face with his friend,
MATERIAL TO BE and after narrating the entire story of his death and asked for rain that falls on the Earth in a year. Therefore,
rain is «constant»: 513 trillion
PUBLISHED PLEASE help, the same answer was his fate again. The second friend water continuously circulates in a balanced cycle,
tons. This constant amount is

Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

SEND US AN E-MAIL. said “I have been there with you all your life and can help according to a “measure.” Life on Earth depends
declared in the Qur>an by the
you here. But there’s nothing I can do for you after you die on this water cycle. Even if all the available
except take your corpse to the graveyard and bury you.” technology in the world were to be employed for expression «sending down water
PLEASE NOTE THAT WE Lost in agony and despair, he headed for the third friend, very this purpose, this cycle could not be reproduced in due measure from the sky.»
HAVE THE RIGHT sure that he would receive the same answer but there was a artificially. The constancy of this quantity is
tinge of hope left. When he confronted the third friend, and
TO ACCEPT, told him that he required help, the friend eagerly volunteered
Even a minor deviation in this equilibrium would very important for the continuity
soon give rise to a major ecological imbalance that
EDIT OR REFUSE to help. But the man continued to say that I need help after of the ecological balance, and
would bring about the end of life on Earth. Yet,
ANY CONTENT. I die. To which the third friend replied, “Do not worry, my
it never happens, and rain continues to fall every
therefore, life.
dear friend! I shall accompany you to the grave, be there
with you in the grave, even when the angels arrive for year in exactly the same measure, just as revealed
EDITOR IN CHIEF: questioning, then assist you on the Sirat (a bridge which in the Holy Qur’an.
HASSAN TABATABAI is above hell fire that leads to heaven) and then lead you The proportion of rain does not merely apply to
its quantity, but also to the speed of the falling
EDITORS: to heaven. “To this the man heaved a sigh of relief and then
raindrops. The speed of raindrops, regardless of
passed away in peace.
AHMAD AL NAJJAR Prophet Muhammed (M) then turned and asked his companions their size, does not exceed a certain limit.
HASSAN MAYERS if anybody could identify the three friends and the man. When Philipp Lenard, a German physicist who received
DESIGNED BY: the prevailing silence didn’t dissolve, Prophet Muhammed
the Nobel Prize in physics in 1905, found that the
(M) continued to say, “The man in the anecdote is any
NAGI GIRGUIS other human being.” The first friend is “money/wealth”,
fall speed increased with drop diameter until a size
things that help us only in life and not after we die. of 4.5 mm (0.18 inch). For larger drops, however,
the fall speed did not increase beyond 8 meters per second (26 ft/sec).[1] He attributed this
PLEASE SEND US The second family/friend were the “children/
to the changes in drop shape caused by the air flow as the drop size increased. The change
sons and daughters”, we strive for them all our
YOUR FEEDBACKS, life and all they give us is a shoulder to the grave. in shape thus increased the air resistance of the drop and slowed its fall rate.
COMMENTS, And the third and most important friend is “deeds.” which As can be seen, the Holy Qur’an may also be drawing our attention to the subtle adjustment
AND SUGGESTIONS accompany us all the way through. in rain which could not have been known 1,400 years ago.
Moral: Do not strive for materialistic values that will give
TO THE FOLLOWING you nothing and help you in no way in your eternal life. But
E-MAIL: work and pray and ask forgiveness from God for only the good [1] Keith C. Heidorn, Ph.D., “Philipp Lenard: Brushing the Teardrops from Rain,” deeds assist mankind where every other thing loses value in
the life hereafter!

2 The Truth The Truth 7

Imam Al-Baqir (P): A Perfect Between Free Will and God’s Control
Example of Behavior and Moral Aspects One day a man came to Imam Baqir (P), the fifth Imam, successor, and infallible
God would never appoint a person as an Imam leader after prophet Muhammed (M), and asked him a very interesting question.
(infallible leader) and make him His decisive Man: “Please tell me if how much power has God given to us human beings? Is
proof upon people unless the person has earned it that God has given us absolute power, no power at all or limited power?”
the position and has reached perfection in his Imam Baqir (P): “Please stand up.” The man stands up. “Now keep your one
virtues, sayings, and deeds. Such a person would foot in the air.” He does that.
say nothing but truth, and do nothing but good... Imam Baqir (P): “Now keep your other foot in air.”
Like his ancestors Imam MuhammedAl-Baqir (P), Man: “I cannot do that. I will fall down.”
the fifth Imam, successor, infallible leader after Imam Baqir (P): “God has given you this much power. You are not given the
prophet Muhammed (M), is a perfect example
complete power and you are not made powerless either.”
in terms of behavior and other moral aspects. In
his behavior towards people, he was so chaste and humble that he would forgive and forget
people’s wrongdoings as much as possible. This manner of the Imam would deeply penetrate
within people’s hearts. The following narration clearly indicates this magnificent virtue. The Justice of the Great Leader
A man who intended to make fun of Imam Al-Baqir (P), changed the word Baqir (Splitter
of knowledge) to Baqar (the Cow), and addressed Imam Baqir (P) insultingly. Without Once Imam Ali (P), the first infallible successor,
showing any signs of sadness or anger, Imam Baqir (P) simply replied: “No, I am not Imam, and leader after prophet Muhammed

Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Baqar, I am Baqir.” (M), saw his coat of mail in the possession of a

The man continued: “You are son of the woman who was a cook.” Christian. He took him in the court of a judge
Imam Al-Baqir (P): “That was her career. This is not shameful.” named Shurayh so that he might give a decision
The man: “Your mother was impudent and rude.”
regarding its ownership. When both of them
Imam Al-Baqir (P): “If such matters you accuse my mother are true, I ask God to forgive
her sins; and if they are false, I ask God to forgive you for your accusations and lies.”
appeared before the judge Imam Ali said: “This
The patience of Imam Al-Baqir (P) was enough for the man to be revolutionized and coat of mail is mine. I have neither sold nor
attracted towards Islam. He later became a Muslim. gifted it to anyone”. The judge asked the other
person: “What have you to say about the claim
Give Away The Nicer Things made by the Commander of the Faithful(‘Ali)
? The Christian said: “This coat of mail is mine. In spite of this, however, I
– Simplicity in Islam - do not consider the Commander of the Faithful to be a liar.” then the judge
Shurayh turned to Imam Ali and said: “Can you produce any witness who
should depose that this coat of mail is yours?” Imam Ali smiled and said:
One day our first Imam, infallible leader, Imam Ali “Shurayh is right. I cannot produce any such witness”.
(P) went to the market with his servant, Qambar. The judge gave a judgment in favour of the Christian who took the coat of
There he bought two shirts, one which was really nice mail and departed. The Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali, kept looking
and expensive and the other which was not as nice.
at him from behind. After having gone a few steps, however, he returned and
When Imam Ali (P) returned home he gave the better
shirt to Qambar and kept the other one for himself. said:
Qambar told Imam Ali (P) that it would look better “I testify that such an order resembles the order of the prophets, because
if he wore the nicer shirt as he was the leader one who is the Commander of the Faithful has appeared along with
of the Muslims (Commander of the Faithful) a person like me in the court of the judge who is also his subordinate
while Qambar himself was only a servant. and the judge has given a judgment against him”. Then he added: “O
Imam Ali (P) answered that Qambar should wear the nicer shirt because he was younger Commander of the Faithful! I swear by God that this coat of mail is yours
and so it would suit him better; but more importantly Imam Ali (P) told him that he and my claim was false”. The Christian later on became a follower of the
was a guide for the Muslims and so had to set a good example for them by leading a great leader.
simple life.

6 The Truth The Truth 3

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The Formation of Rain
From PAGE 1

The Qur’an’s account of the formation across the sky. Thus, the sky is covered with cold hail in them, striking with it where drops of water and hail formulate
of rain refers exactly to this process. In in clouds. anyone He wills and averting it from and begin to grow larger and larger.
one verse, this formation is described in anyone He wills. The brightness of His When these drops of water and hail
this way: lightning almost blinds the sight. (Holy become too heavy for the updrafts to
It is Allah Who sends the winds which Qur’an, 24:43) support them, they begin to fall from the
stir up clouds which He spreads about Scientists studying cloud types came cloud as rain, hail, etc.[2]
the sky however He wills. He forms across surprising results with regards to We must remember that meteorologists
them into dark clumps and you see The above illustration shows the water droplets
the formation of rain clouds. Rain clouds have only recently come to know these
the rain come pouring out from the being released into the air. This is the first stage in are formed and shaped according to details about cloud formation, structure
the formation of rain. After that, the water droplets
middle of them. When He makes it fall in the newly formed clouds will be suspended in
definite systems and stages. The stages and function, by using advanced
on those of His servants He wills, they the air and then condense to form rain. All of these of formation of one kind of rain cloud, equipment like planes, satellites,
rejoice. (Holy Qur’an, 30:48) stages are related in the Holy Qur’an. cumulonimbus, are these: computers etc. It is evident that Allah has
Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Thursday, July 3, 2008. Vol. 3 Issue 27

Now, let us examine these three stages THIRD STAGE: “…and you see the 1. STAGE, Being driven along: Clouds provided us information that could not
outlined in the verse in more detail. rain come pouring out from the are carried along, that is, they are driven have been known 1,400 years ago.
FIRST STAGE: “It is Allah Who sends middle of them” along, by the wind.
the winds...” The water particles that surround salt
Countless air bubbles formed by the crystals and dust particles thicken and
foaming of the oceans continuously form raindrops, so, drops that become
burst and cause water particles to be heavier than the air leave the clouds and
ejected towards the sky. These particles, start to fall to the ground as rain.
which are rich in salt, are then carried As already discussed, every stage in
away by winds and rise upward in the the formation of rain is related in the (A) Isolated small pieces of clouds (cumulonimbus
atmosphere. These particles, which are verses of the Qur’an. Furthermore, clouds)
called aerosols, function as water traps, these stages are explained in exactly the (B) When the small clouds join together, updrafts These updrafts cause the cloud body to grow

and form cloud drops by collecting vertically and the cloud is stacked up. This vertical
right sequence. Just as with many other within the larger cloud increase. As a result, the cloud
growth causes the cloud body to stretch into cooler
around the water vapour themselves, is stacked up.
natural phenomena on the Earth, Allah regions of the atmosphere, where drops of water and
which rises from the seas as tiny gave the most correct explanation of 2. STAGE, Joining: Then, small clouds hail formulate and begin to grow larger and larger.
When these drops of water and hail become too heavy
droplets. this phenomenon, and made it known (cumulonimbus clouds) driven along by for the updrafts to support them, they begin to fall
SECOND STAGE: “.... which stir up in the Qur’an centuries before it was the wind join together, forming a larger from the cloud as rain, hail, etc. This scientific fact
clouds which He spreads about the sky was announced in Sura Nur 43 fourteen centuries ago
discovered. cloud.[1] by Allah in this way: “... then [He] makes them into
however He wills. He forms them into In another verse, the following 3. STAGE, Stacking: When the small a stack, and then you see the rain come out of it…”
dark clumps...” information is given about the formation clouds join together, updrafts within the Footnotes:
The clouds are formed from water of rain: larger cloud increase. The updrafts near [1] Richard A. Anthes, et al., The Atmosphere,
vapour that condenses around the salt Have you not seen how Allah drives the centre of the cloud are stronger than 3rd ed. (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing
crystals or dust particles in the air. along the clouds, then joins them those near the edges. These updrafts Company: 1981), 268-269; Albert Millers, Jack
C. Thompson, Elements of Meteorology, 2nd
Because the water droplets in these together, then makes them into a cause the cloud body to grow vertically, ed. (Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Publishing
clouds are very small (with a diameter stack, and then you see the rain come so the cloud is stacked up. This vertical Company: 1975), 141.
between 0.01 and 0.02 mm), the clouds out of it? And He sends down from growth causes the cloud body to stretch [2] Anthes, et al., The Atmosphere, 269; Millers,
are suspended in the air, and spread and Thompson, Elements of Meteorology, 141-142.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sky mountain masses [of clouds] into cooler regions of the atmosphere,
The Truth The Truth

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