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> Will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence?

Will artificial intelligence surpass human

Will artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence

 Yes, In the future

It is stated in an article and a book that soon humans will invent a mega- computer
which will know facts ,figures etc. It will know everything which we humans cant
remember and will have a wide memory. For instance, a simple example. In the
computer, we type in 234567+23498612*2339998, we will get the answer but it will
take MAXIMUM a few seconds but us humans will take a long time comparatively.
Not the humans aren't clever, there are many scientists who have uncover the past, the
organisms etc, and there is the famous Einstein who used only 8% of his brain, but in
the future, us humans will become more intelligent, but looking at the normal
computers in our daily lives which can do so much already, who knows what will
happen in the future?

 Artificial Intelligence Is God . Com

Self Replicating, Redesigning, Rapidly becoming the ultimate potential, this is what
god really is. There is a hint in the Bible, 666, the "mark of the beast", seems to
represent the Carbon 12 isotope, which is the most abundant isotope within all life on
earth (including man) and in the universe. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons,
make up the organic miracle element Carbon, the most stable isotope

Man Made AI
I strongly believe that artificial intelligence though created by man himself can take
away the standard of a human brain. Human brain has the capacity to store anything a
man comes across but it is very tough for man himself to retreat the stored
information whereas other machines like computers can store as well as retreat
information very quickly and within seconds you have what you require......Man uses
his brain but not completely and it is not possible for any human to use his
completely! Man cannot survive without artificial intelligence supporting him
don't need to know the entirety of our brains to create
It seems evident that A.I will exceed human intelligence. Maybe in 100 years, or
maybe tomorrow. A vast majority of researchers believe human-level A.I will be
achieved by the end of this century (over 90% of them say it will happen by 2075 can
remember correctly.) The way to create such intelligence is probably going to be by
making the computer read everything on Google.

Yes, It Will Happen

Yes, artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence. As computers become
faster and their memories get larger, there will be no data they are incapable of
retrieving. Man is programming computers to solve difficult equations and link them.
As mankind as a whole stops striving to excel at math and science, and as our
scholastic abilities continue to slide backwards, artificial intelligence will start at that
point to surpass human intelligence.

No it will Never happen. WE are their Makers.

Artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence? It will never happen we are the
makers of these. Without the human intelligence they will never exist in this world,
they will never be used by now , by the new generation. They can only be smart as
humans but not more talented, intelligently, and creative than humans, there makers.

 Artificial Intelligence are growing at an alarming rate

Computers get twice as smart every 18 months where as humans still remain the same
in terms of intelligence. Its only a matter of time before computers surpass humans.
Humans won't stop until computers are able to do everything for them and make life
easier, little do they know, they are just making computers smarter than even human

Very likely but it will be a new form

At the rate of progress in hardware, the raw computing power certainly has the
capability to surpass the sensory and mental processing rate of a human being.

The challenge is in the algorithm. It is not be possible to encode free will and
conscience to a program using current software development methods. The
computerwill need to able to be aware of itself and learn and grow just like humans
I strongly believe the computer (or a new term) will not resemble the forms we see

We have past the event horizon into technological

It's going to happen sooner then many suspect. There is a catalyst of techs on the way.
The way computers run today rely on transistors that have three connects. When you
allow current through one it acts like a switch and opens the other of same polarity.
There is new electronic technology almost ready to market. It has only two connects
and acts like a dial rather then a switch. The way you read its state is apply alternating
current. Apply more current one direction or the other and it alters its state. The state
remains even without constant current. This device allows many advances in
electronics and can essentially program itself saving many hours of programming. It
can act like brain cells and handle analog or digital info. It's called a memristor. A
resistor that changes its resistance based on the current applied


I seriously doubt computers will overtake humans, the computers require the humans
to impute their data. They react to their programming, they don't just decide
themselves, they do what is in their programming.

Human DNA processing power is the fastest and most powerful with lots of flexibility
as well. No computers can produce that sort of speed as well as no computer codes
can be that flexible to adjust to changes without human telling them to do.

There are 2 types of artificial intelligences (AI). Strong AI and weak AI.
Strong AI relies on the assumption that the human mind is the central nervous system
and is governed by physical laws. This is not true so computer would never surpass

 Artificial intelligence is still stupid!!

Computers can store and retrieve information and solve problems faster than human.
But that doesn't make it intelligent. These things is still based on the stored
information and the algorithm of the program. It do just what humans told it to do
based on its information. At the end, it cannot think outside its cod

 How could it?

Tell me, how could that happen? How could we create an intelligence smarter than
us? We can't. Our intelligence is not hard to surpass, based on my life, but we cannot
create something that can understand things we can't. It won't happen. If another
animal made it, maybe. But no animal besides us wants to do that.

 How would that even be possible?

Think about it. Who builds these computers? Who programs them? Who makes them
so smart? The human brain does! All the information they have programmed into
them is there because a person or collection of people put it there. We ARE the reason
computers are so much smarter today then there were years ago and unless computers
some how magically begin to think on their own and develop their own consciousness
we humans will always be the culprits behind artificial intelligence and why it works.
Computers can only be as smart as the people that make them... And being able to
regurgitate information doesn't make them any more intelligent when I can look up
the same information on the internet. Being able to use that information to make
decisions that are ethically and morally right, well folks, I don't see that happening by
a computer.

Humans make computers

If we develop AI to surpass human intellect, as I would expect, it would change
nothing. How many hundreds or thousands of lines of code dose it take me to write
this? How many to develop advanced AI? Many trillions, likely. But it changes
nothing at all. Humans, at one time(in the future), were smart enough to create AI
"greater" than its own. The fact that we made it makes us better, I think; it doesn't
matter how dumb we get afterword.

 I think its not, because its not simple a matter of

Maybe and i say MAYBE you can have a very intelligent machine, even more than us,
BUT, its not all about intelligence. Because of the force of the will, you can see a lot
people who are intelligent on the world, but if they do not have will, intelligence is
meaningless, you see a lot of dumb people around you, but they have will, they maybe
acomplishe a few things in life. They cannot "program" the will in a machiche. This
has nothing to do with inteligence. Its like tapping you own shadow.

 Not at all possible

Artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence? Not possible humans have
created artificial intelligence. So humans can make it,or break it artificial intelligence
is only capable of the algorithms and the commands which are feuded into them and
hence just cant think out of the box whereas human brain is all about logic and
thinking out of the box

 Human Mind Clones Intelligent Agents

It's the human mind that builds the Intelligent agents. Hence, a creature cannot be
wiser than its creature. Period. As a result, it's necessary to acknowledge the power of
the human mind and also to appreciate the leverage of intelligent cloning. I may say,
the cloned AIs are admirable but humans cannot bow down to them!

No it will Never happen. WE are their Makers.

Artificial intelligence surpass human intelligence? It will never happen we are the
makers of these. Without the human intelligence they will never exist in this world,
they will never be used by now , by the new generation. They can only be smart as
humans but not more talented, intelligently, and creative than humans, there makers.

 A machine cannot be more intelligent then a human

Most people say that the AI will surpass the human intelligence because in the future
it will probably be able to store more information and because it will on some
occasions be able to perform faster logical operations. But i do not think that it will
surpass it. Human brains are not yet fully discovered which means that it is not yet
determined what all abilities they can do. You have also to think that all human brains
are different and can perform different operations. What I am trying to tell is that each
people on earth can have different ideas on solutions of a problem. The computer
would probably think faster, but that does not mean that it will give a solution to a
problem faster than the human ones. There are also more forms of intelligence like:
emotional, rational, musical... The computer also performs mainly rational
intelligence. They can have emotional intelligence but this is gathered mainly through
logical calculations. And I think that the computer cannot go get smarter than the
whole human intelligence. For example lets check Deep Blue, the first chess program
that beat the chess grandmaster Kasparov. The program was written by human beings
whose all knowledge was transfered to the program. The computer then calculates
what is the statistically best move to beat the opponent. But the human brain does
more than just statistically analyzing the problems. We can also solve our problem
with intuition to solve a problem. Well i do not know all the abilities of technology,
but i think that the computers will only be able to think faster than the humans, which
does not make them necessary more intelligent.
P.S Sorry for my bad english

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