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Enlarger head
contains the main working parts:
the light source, lens, and negatran. it is raised up
and down no the supporting column.

Term Definition
supporting column holds the enlarger head out over the baseboard
and printing paper. serves best as a rail on which
the head is moved up or down.

Term Definition
Negative Size Indicator Specifies enlarger setting of film format size.

Term Definition
Negative Size Adjustent Knob Adjusts the upper bellows to adapt to different
size film formats.

Term Definition
Negative Stage Lever Opens and closes the negative stage to lock in the
negative carrier or negatran.

Term Definition
Negatran The device that holds and transports the negative
under the lamp.

Term Definition
Height Adjustment Krank This part moves the enlargert head farther and
nearer the printing paper producing the final
image size for the enlargment.

Term Definition
Focusing Control changes the distance between the lens and the

Term Definition
Elevation Brake Prevents unwanted movement of the enlarger

Term Definition
Lens Illuminator A small red plastic insert that allows light to hit
the lens so the aperture setting can be read.

Term Definition
Enlarging Lens Bends the light rays passing through the negative
to form an enlarged image.

Term Definition
Aperture ring It changes the size of the diaphragm in f/stop

Term Definition
Diaphragm An adjustable opening much like the diaphragm
in the camera which controls the amount of light
reaching the printing paper.
*Controls the amount of light passing through the
Term Definition
Aperture Index Small mark that indicates the selected aperture

Term Definition
Lens Board This enlarger part holding the enlarging lens and
lens illuminator is held in place by the lens stage.

Term Definition
Small Filter Holder Hiolds the contrast filters ir safelight filters below
the lens.

Term Definition
Lens Stage Holds the lens board with the enlarging lens and

Term Definition
Lower Bellows allows the distance between the lens and negative
to be adjusted while focusing.

Term Definition
Negative Stage This platform is opened by the negative stage
lever and supports the negative carrier/negatran.

Term Definition
Upper Bellows Allows the enlarger to accommodate e cariety of
film formats.

Term Definition
Condenser Lens A pair of convex lenses which spread the light
evenly over the negative area

Term Definition
Large Filter Compartment Holds large gelatin in contrast filters in preferred
location above the lens.

Term Definition
Lamp This high intensity bulb supplies the required
light to expose the printing paper.

Term Definition
Negative Carrier A round frame device for holding the negative
inside the enlarger so that it can be printed.

Term Definition
Baseboard The foundation supporting the whole unit. It also
is the surface apon which the print proofer, easel
or printing paper is placed.

Term Definition
Printing Easel Used to hold printing paper flat and in place
when making an enlargement. Four print sizes
are avaliable.
Term Definition
Print Proofer Used to assure that negatives and photo paper are
in contact when a proof or contact print is made.

Term Definition
Print Proofer Used to assure that negatives and photo paper are
in contact when a proof or contact print is made.

Term Definition
Anti-static Brush Small brush treated to eliminate static electricity
so dust or lint will not adhere to the negative.
Must be kept clean and in a box.

Term Definition
Dodging and Burning Tools Devices used to lighten or darken particular areas
of a print by shading one area whils addinf light
to another area.

Term Definition
Grain Enlarger Magnification devide used to assist with sharp

Term Definition
Timer Controls the interval of time photo paper is
exposed to light.

Term Definition
Lens Cap Used to protect the lens and put in place when the
enlarger is shut down.

Term Definition
Lens Tilt Knob Alighs hairline to ensure that lens board is
parallel to the baseboard.

Term Definition
Polycontrast Filters Used to alter contrast on polycontrast paper.

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