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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Cardiac Nursing
True & False Statements:

T F 01: Chest pain is uually subsides after few minutes of rest.

T F 02: Low blood pressure is classic sing pf cardiogenic shock.
T F 03: Right atrium is thickest chamber of heart.
T F 04: Some people have gentic tendency towards atherosclerosis.
T F 05: Cardio version is an elective, therapeutic measur.
T F 06: Cardic output is HR x VS.
T F 07: SA node is the pace maker of heart.
T F 08: Angiography is done in unstsble angina.
T F 09: Myocardial Ischemia can be recognized the ECG.
T F 10: Mitral valve has three leflets.
T F 11 Lidocan is commonly used to treat atrial tachyarrhythmia.
T F 12: Stroke volume normally ranges 60 to 130.
T F 13: The proper hand placement is not essential for effective cardiac compression.

T F 14: Increased temperature dose not increase metabolic demand.

T F 15: Defibrillation is an emergency life saving measure.
T F 16: Angina pectoris is usually on by effort.
T F 17: There is no need to take deep breath before ventilation.
T F 18: Oxygen is not given routinely unless the patient cynosed.
T F 19: Orthopnic is used for a patient who needs to sit up.
T F 20: Rapid week pulse is characteristic of cardiogenic shock.

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Multiple Choice Questions:

01. Baby having cynotic spell should placed in bed of:
a- Supine b- Knee chest position
c- Bending forward d- Lateral position

02. The conduction which may lead to acute pulmonary oedema is:
a- CCF b- AMI
c- VT d- AF

03. What changes are found in ECG in case of atrial fibrillation:

a- Absence of T waves. b- Absence of P waves.
c- Regular rhythem of QRS complexes d- Prolong P.R interval.

04. To assess a patient with a cardiac problem inspect his:

a- Level of consciousness. b- Skin and mucous membrane.
c- Juglar vein and carotid arteries. d- All of them.

05. Which of the test below helps to determine myocardial cell viability and perfusion?
a- Thallium scan b- Swelling of the feet
c- MUGS scan d- MRI

06. The symptom for the heart failure is:

a- Dyspnea b- Swelling of the feet
c- Cough with sputum d- All of them

07: Atherosclerosis occur predominantly in western countries, which one of the following is
through to be the main reason for this:
a- Diet b- Race
c-. Climate d- Income

08: The most common cause of air way obstruction in unconscious victim is:
a- Blood clots b- Tongue falling back
b- Acute oedema of the trachea d- Smoke inhalation

09. Permanent pacemaker is indicated in all EXCEPT:

a- II block with anterior MI b- S.S.S
c-. III block with inferior MI d- Complete A/V dissociation

10: SA node is situated in:

a- Left atrium b- Right atrium
c-. Left ventrical d- Superior vena cava

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

11: In shock there is:

a- Circulatory failure b- Pump failure
b- Heart failure d- All of them

12. External cardiac message compress the heart between:

a- Sternum& lung b- Lung & vertebral column
c- Ribs & vertebral column d- Sternum & vertebral column

13. Nitroglycerine is given sublingually because:

a- Superficial blood vessels promote rapid absorption
b- They are excreted in the gastro motes
c- In all cases dyspnea is present
d- They are too rapidly absorb in the gastric area

14. The concentration of electrolytes in solution means used in:

a- mg. b- cc/ml
c- Gr d- MEq/L

15. A patient with CCF should be watched for signs of :

a- Liver dysfunction b- Cardiomyopathy
c-. Renal failure d- AC pulmonary oedema

16: Lowest pressure is in :

a- Left ventricle b- Right ventricle
b- Left artrium d- Right artrium

17: On a 12 lead EKG strip ,which of the following would you except to see in leave VI:
a- tall r wave b- Small r wave
c- tall q wave d- Small q wave

18. Key signs and symptoms natal to early recognition of a cardiac problem may include
all of following except:
a-. Cyanosis b- Oedema
c- Dyspnea d- Syncope

19. Which one is the most important advice to give to a patient with atherosclerosis:
a- Stop smoking b- Eat more roughage
c- Reduce weight to a normal level d- Take regular daily exercise

20. On the ECG paper the depolarization of the artria produce :

a- P-wave b- Q-wave
b- T-wave d- R-wave

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

21: Key signs and symptoms natal to early recognition of a cardiac problem may include
all of following EXCEPT:
a- Cyanosis. . b- Edema
c- Dyspnea d- Syncope
22. To assess a patient with a cardiac problem inspect his:
a- Level of consciousness b- Skin and mucous membrane
c- Juglar vein and carotid arterise d- All of them
23. On a 12 lead EKG strip, which of the following would you EXCEPT to see in leave VI:
a- Tall R wave b- Small R wave
c- Tall Q wave d- Small Q wave
24. Which of the test below help to determine myocardil cell viability and perfusion:
a- Thallium scan .
b- 99 Technetium Tyrophosphate scan.
c- MUGS scan
d- Magneatic resonance imaging (MRI)
25. Niatroglycerine is given sublingually because:
a- Superficial blood vessels promote rapid absorption
b- They are excreted in the gastro motes
c- In all cases Dyspnea is present
d- They are too rapidly absorbed the gestricarea
26. Angina pactoris is caused by which one of the following:
a- Inadquate cardic output
b- Too muchphysical activity .
c- Increased cardiac output
d- Inadequate suppy of oxygen to myocardium

27. Nursing measures to prevent thrombophilbitis include:

a- Providing / foot board walking . b- Ferequnt massaging of calfs .
e- Supporting poplitial area with pillow d- None of them

28. Atherosclerosis occur predominatly in westrn countries, which one of the following is
through to bethe main reson for this:
a- Diet b- Race
b- Climat d- Income

29. Which one is the most important advice to given to a patient with Atherosclerosis:

a- Stop smoking . b- Eat more roughage

c- Reduce wight to a normal level d- Take regular daily exercise
30. Permanent pacemaker is indicated EXCEPT:
a- II block with Anterior MI . b- S.S.S .
d- III block with inferior MI d- Complete A/V dissociation

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

31. What changes are found in ECG in case of atrial fibrillation:

a- Absent of T waves b- Absence of P waves
c- Regular rhythm of QRS complexes d- Prolonge PR interval
32. An elderly patient with a history of heart diseas and who is having difficulty of
breating Is brought into the emergency room examination reveals that she has put
edema which of the Following treatment is indicated:
a- Spironolatone b- Furosemide .
b- Chlorothadidone d- Hydrochlorothaizide
33. A patient with HTN is being treated with thiazide. Her BP response and reads at
120/76 mmHg. After second month on the medication. She complins of being treat
and weak. An analysis of the indicate low values for which of the following;
a- Calcium b- Potassium
c- Sodium d- None of the above
34. Which of the following action should be yurs first priority during a cardiac arrest:
a- Calling a code . b- Beginning CPR.
c- Defibrllating the patient. d- Determineng the cause of arrest.
35. Initial nursing goals for the patient with acute MI may include ala of the following
a- Relaving pain
b- Minimizing myocardial damage
c- Improving tissue oxygenation
d- Maximizing myocardial oxygen consumption

36. The normal serum potasiium level is:

a- 1.0110 to 1.030 MEq/l. b- 3.5 to 5.5 MEq/L .
c- 135 to 145 mg d- 22 kg
37. The concentration of electrolytes in solution meas used in:
a- Mg. . b- cc/ml .
c- Gr. d- MEq/L
38. Inj of Glyceryl trinitrete are available in solution Mass used in:
a- 5 mg/10 ml. b- .10mg/10ml
c- All of them
39. The nurse main concern about the digitalized patint who is receiving fursamide ( lasix)
a- Recording intake out put. b- Taking CVP reading.
c- Observing for decreasing edema d- Observing hypokalemia

40. If cardic arrest is suspected the routine pube to chek first:

a- Radial b- Femoral .
c- Brachial d- Carotid
41. The average volume of pericardial fluid under normal cordi:
a- 10 -- 20 b- .40 -- 60
c- 80 -- 100 d- None of the above

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

42. The most common cause of elevate of JVP:

a- L.V F b- Pul Edema
c- Cardiac Temponai d- None of the above

43. In pericarditis acute and chronic the most common cause:

a- Viral infection. b- TB.
b- Uremia d- Bacterial infection
e- All of them

44. In constrictive pericardiotis sign and symptoms should appear:

a- Anemia . b- J V P Raised .
c- Pulses pardosis is slightly or absent d- Condition normal
e- a & b

45. In cardiac temponode is characterized by:

a- Elevated intra cardial pressure b- Prognois limitation of ventricular
filling. .
c- Reduction of stroke volumes d- All of them

46. Rh fever is characterized by a clinical manifestation of which:

a- Athritis b- Carditis .
c- Chorea

47. The most common cause of high BP is:

a- Vaso constriction b- .Vaso dilation
c- Valvular heart disease d- Vericose vein
48. Hypertention commonly result in the patient developing heart failure with reference to
this, which part of the heart is likely to fill first:
a-. Rt Atrium b- Rt Ventricle
c- Lt Atrium d- Lt Ventricle
49. The myocardium becomes infracted due to:
a-. Reduce blood supply to the muscle of heart
. b- Insufficient stimulation of the sino-atrial node
c-. A complete absence of blood supply to part of the heart muscle. .
d- A reduction in blood flow through the chambers of the heart..
50. In myocardial infarction which one of the following is not a cause of coronary artery
a-. Atheromatous plaque.
b- Blood clot
c-. Narrowing of the lumen of the artery due to smoking.
d- The stmulation of the sympathic nerve.
51. To help prevent the formation of athroma individual should eat a diet:
a-. .Rich in protein b- .Rich in charbohydrate and fat.
c- Low in animal fat and cholesterol. d- . Low in salt and roughage

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

52. The pain which Mr. akhtar was suffered;

a-. Occurred only during exercise. b- Occurred rest and persists.
b- Was felt only in the chest. d- None of them
53. Mr. Akhtar was felt nausea and vomiting due to:
a-. Blood b- Bile
c- Altered food. d- Faccal matter
54. Normal standerd of an ECG is:
a-. 5mm . b- 10mm
c- 10m.sec. d- 20mm
55. Lead V4 is placed in:
a-. 5th ICS mid axially line. b- 5th ICS anterior axially line.
c- 5th ICS posterior axially line d- 5th ICS mid clavicular line.
56. Hepatomegaly is a sign of:
a-. Right sided heart failure . b- Left sided heart failure
c- Renal failure. d- Heart attack
57. Digoxin is used in:
a-. CCF b- Hypertension
c- Pericarditis. d- II av block
58. Heparin acts as a:
a-. Anticoagulant. b- .Antiarrythmatic
c- Anti biotic. d- .Inotropic agent
59. Atropine:
a-. .Increase the heart rate b- .decrease the heart rate
c- .No effect d- . Given orally
60. When ther is generalized reduction of tissue perfusion, the term is used for:
a-. .Syncope b- .Shock
c- Arthopnea. d- .Cardiac arrest.

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Q1: write down the nursing management of a patient of open heart in icu?
Q2: write down the pre and post procedure .nursing management of coronary angiography?
Q3: write down in the risk factor of coronary artery disease?
Q4: write in datail about echocardiography?
Q5: write short notes on the following?
A: exercise treadmill test?
B: color of limb leads?
C:case of i/v line?

Q 1: Write down the nursing management and complication of Acute Myocardial Infarction?

Q 2: Write down the risk factor of Coronry artery diseas?

Q 3: How you look after a patient of open heart in ICU?

Q 4: Write down the pre and post procedure, nursing management of coronary Angiography?

Q 5: Short note

a- Main drugs used in CPR

b- Echo cardio Graphy
c- Exercise Treadmill Test

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Cardiac Surgery
01. Regarding cyanotic heart disease.
T F a. ASD 1 is cyanotic heart disease.
T F b. TGA is cyanotic heart disease.
T F c. VSD may be come cyanotic when shunt right to left .
T F d. MS is a cyanotic heart disease.

02. Anatomy of heart.

T F a. Ther are five valves.
T F b. In normal heart four chambers always present.
T F c. Tricuspid valve present between Right & Lift.
T F d. Pulmonary arty arises from the right atrium..

03. Mitral Valve:.

T F a. 2 – 6 cm(squre) is the normal Mitral valve area.
T F b. M/S may be called when Miatral valve areas reduce to 1.5 cm(squre)..
T F c. It is tricuspid normally.
T F d. Mitral value is lift in ASD premium.

04. Regarding Mitral stanosis;

T F a. It is a congenital heart disease..
T F b. Mitral. Stennous may occur due to rheumatic fever.
T F c. In Mitral stenonis Left atrium size is increase..
T F d. Pulmonary arty hypertention develops in M/S.

05. Aortic Valve:

T F a. Aortic valve is tricuspid valv..
T F b. It occurs between left ventricle & lift atrum.
T F c. Size of the valve is 1.5 to 4 cm (squre)
T F d. It is semi lunare shaped in structure.

06. Concerning the boarders and surfaces of the heart:

T F a right heart boarder is nearly horizontal
T F b left heart boarder is mostly formed by left atrium
T F c. posterior surface [Base] consist almost entirely of left atrium
T F d. the ventricale are separated from each other by artio-ventricular groove

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07. Aortic Stenosis;
T F a. It is always congenital disease.
T F b. Patient complains of back out during walking.
T F c. Angina may occur during exertion.
T F d. Pulse is low volume with decrease systolic pressure.

08. Rheumatic Fever;

T F a. It iscaususal by beta hemolytic streptococci infection.
T F b. P/R interval is increased in E.C.G .
T F c. Penedura L.A is the druge of choice for treatment..
T F d. Sore thorat occurs in rheumatic fever.

09. Closed heart surgury.

T F a. When heart lung machine is used called closed heart Surgery.
T F b. M. Comm is closed heart procedure.
T F c. PDA is also called open heart surgery..
T F d. CoAo is repaired by closed heart surgery..

10. considering chambers of adult heart:

T F a. right atriumlies anterior to the left atrium
T F b. fossa ovails is in the left atrium
T F c. septomacginal band is in the left ventricle
T F d. the walls of left ventricale are three times thicker than those of the right ventricale

011. . Miatral Valve Surgery.

T F a. Mitral valve is repaired in fever M/R.
T F b. Mitral valve surgery is called open heart surgery when valve is repaired.
T F c. Mitral valve regrigtation due to repture papillary muscle require surgery.
T F d. Mitral valve replacement is a close heart procedure.

12. Following are the closed heart surgery .

T F a. Mitral commisrotomy
T F b. PDA Ligation
T F c. Repair of CoAo
T F d. Repior of ASD closure

13. Cynotic conginatal heart disease include.

T F a. PDA
T F b. TOF
T F c. VSD
T F d. ASD

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14. In tetrology of fallot following is present.

T F a. Right ventricular hypertrophy.
T F b. Pulmonary stenois.
T F c. Over riding of aorta.
T F d. Large ASD

15. regarding values of the heat:

T F a. maintain bidirectional flow of blood
T F b. mitral and aortic value are semi-lunar values
T F c. mitral value consists of two cusps
T F d. chordac tendinae connect the cusps to the papillary muscles

16. immediate treatment of shock is:

T F a. sedate the patient
T F b. give diuretic
T F c. catheterized the patient
T F d. give i/v infusion

17. Regarding TGA ( Transposition of Great Arteries) .

T F a. Aorta arsise from the felt ventricle.
T F b. Main pulmonary arty arsis from the right ventricle.
T F c. Babies are cynotic since birth.
T F d. it is a commonest cynotic heart disease.

18 . Complications of redial arty conulation; .

T F a. Thrombosis.
T F b. Gangrenes of fingers.
T F c. Loss ooof venous pulse .
T F d. Accidental injection of drugs.

19. Compication of internal jugular CVP line .

T F a. Air embolism.
T F b. Cathter releted sepsis.
T F c. Pnemothorex.
T F d. puncture of other vessels.

20. Compication of multiple blood transfusion .

T F a. Hemolysis.
T F b. Hepatitis.
T F c. Air embolism
T F d. Abdominal pain.

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21. regarding the conducting system of heart:

T F a. SA node is situated with in the muscle fibers of the right atrium just below the superior vana cana

T F b. AV node is the dominant pacemaker of the heart

T F c. SA node is mainly supplied by the right coronary atery
T F d. AV node is largely supplied by left coronary atery

22. Blood Gases Analysis .

T F a. Sample shuld be heparinised.
T F b. Should betaken immediately to lab.
T F c. venous blood is not taken.
T F d. Blood sample should not he less then 10 cc.

23. Regarding pH of bood, the common findings are; .

T F a. Normal range of PCO2 between 35 – 40 mmHg.
T F b. Normal range of PO2 between 80 – 90 mmHg.
T F c. Normal Ph is blood 7.4.
T F d. Bicarbonate is gaven in metabolic acidosis..

24. CVP Indicates .

T F a. Pressure of right ventricle
T F b. Pressureis right atrium.
T F c. Normal rangeis between 2 – 11cm of H2O
T F d. It shows system from the heart.

25. Indication of Urinory catheter are in I.C.U .

T F a. In all post of surgical patint.
T F b. Urinary retention due to any cause.
T F c. In open heart surgery is necessary.
T F d. To measure intake and out put in I.C.U

26. Regarding coronary ateries:;

T F a. Left coronary artery arises from left aortic sinus
T F b. Anterior interventricular artery is a branch of leftcoronary
T F c. The heart has maximal blood flow during systolic
T F d Right interventicular artery usually arises from left coronary artery

27. Indication of chest tube intubation include.

T F a. Pneumothorix
T F b. Hemo, Pneumothorix
T F c. Emzycina.
T F d. After thoracotamy.

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28. Complication of chest tube intubation. .

T F a. Injury to lung tissue.
T F b. Oesopheagus may rupture.
T F c. Diaphragmatic rupture.
T F d. Interocortal vessels may be blocked.

29. Following are the findings in hypovolemia.

T F a. Tachycardia.
T F b. Blood pressure is decreased.
T F c. Peripheral Vasoonstriction.
T F d. Anxiety and restlessness.

30. Following veine drian into te coronary sinus:

T F a. Anteroircardiac vein
T F b. middle cardic vein
T F c. venas cardiac minimal
T F d. oblaquie vein of the left artium

31. CPR complication include ; .

T F a. Rib fracture.
T F b. Sternal fracture.
T F c. Myocardial damage.
T F d. Air embolism

32. About VSD find out the true & false .

T F a. Large VSD present with congestive cardic failure.
T F b. Small VSD can not cause any dysfunction.
T F c. VSD with cynotic spells present n right to lift shunt.
T F d. It commonly present in the child hood.

33. Postural drainage of the lungs is andicate in:

T F a. Bronchiectasis.
T F b. Lung abscess.
T F c. Cytic fibrosis.
T F d Pheumothorax.

34 Concerning pulmonary trunk.

T F a. Divades in the concavity of aortic arch.
T F b. Have three bronches.
T F c. It has much lower BP then that in the aorta.
T F d. Carries oxygenated blood.
T F e. Ligementum arteriosum is a fibrous remnant connect the left pulmonary artery to the
Concavity of aortic arch.

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35. Regarding ASD Closure .

T F a. Right to lift shunt ASD nearly early cclosur.
T F b. ASD is always clouser by asynthetic patch.
T F c. ASD 2 may a closed directly.
T F d. it is closed from the right atrium

36. Regarding VSD closure .

T F a. It is always closed by a open bya heart procedure
T F b. Always close by a patch.
T F c. Left & right shunt may be present if in complication of VSD closure.
T F d. Residual VSD is a common complication of VSD closure.

37. Recurrent chest infection in a baby may be due to: .

T F a. increased pulmonary blood flow
T F b. decreased pulmonary blood flow
T F c. normal pulmonary blood flow

38. Regarding SP shunt.

T F a. It made b/w aorta andpulmonaray vein.
T F b. It improve oxygenatin if a child .
T F c. It cynotic heart disease it is mandatory procedure.
T F d. System to pulmonary shunt improve the growth of child.

39. ASD.
T F a. It occurs b/w right to lift atrium.
T F b. Always shunt is lift to right when child is pink.
T F c. Chn is closed with interversion.
T F d. surgery is safe and cheaper.

40. Regarding heart vessels of the heart:

T F a. Acending aorta arises from the left artium
T F b .Descending aorta is the continuation of ascending aorta.
T F c. Superior vena cana is formed by the union of the two Brachiocephalic veins.
T F d. Arch of aorta becomes continuous with the descending aorta at tha level of sternal angle.

41. Regarding cyanotic heart disease.

T F a. ASD 1 is cyanotic heart disease.
T F b. TGA is cyanotic heart disease.
T F c. VSD may be come cyanotic when shunt right to left .
T F d. MS is a cyanotic heart disease.

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42. Anatomy of heart.
T F a. Ther are five valves.
T F b. In normal heart four chambers always present.
T F c. Tricuspid valve present between Right & Lift.
T F d. Pulmonary arty arises from the right atrium..

43. Mitral Valve:.

T F a. 2 – 6 cm(squre) is the normal Mitral valve area.

T F b. M/S may be called when Miatral valve areas reduce to 1.5 cm(squre)..
T F c. It is tricuspid normally.
T F d. Mitral value is lift in ASD premium.

44. Regarding Mitral stanosis;

T F a. It is a congenital heart disease..
T F b. Mitral. Stennous may occur due to rheumatic fever.
T F c. In Mitral stenonis Left atrium size is increase..
T F d. Pulmonary arty hypertention develops in M/S.
45. Aortic Valve;
T F a. Aortic valve is tricuspid valve..
T F b. It occurs between left ventricle & lift atrium.
T F c. Size of the valve is 1.5 to 4 cm (square)
T F d. It is semi lunar shaped in structure.

46. Aortic Stenosis;

T F a. It is always congenital disease.
T F b. Patient complains of black out during walking.
T F c. Angina may occur during exertion.
T F d. Pulse is low volume with decrease systolic pressure.
47. Rheumatic Fever;
T F a. It is caused by beta hemolytic streptococci infection.
T F b. P/R interval is increased in E.C.G .
T F c. Penedura L.A is the drug of choice for treatment..(benzyl penicillin)
T F d. Sore throat occurs in rheumatic fever.
48. Closed heart surgury.
T F a. When heart lung machine is used called closed heart Surgery.
T F b. Mitral Commissurotomy is closed heart procedure.
T F c. PDA is also called open heart surgery..
T F d. CoAo is repaired by closed heart surgery..

49. . Miatral Valve Surgery.

T F a. Mitral valve is repaired in fever M/R.

T F b. Mitral valve surgery is called open heart surgery when valve is repaired.
T F c. Mitral valve regurgitation due to rapture papillary muscle require surgery.
T F d. Mitral valve replacement is a close heart procedure.

50. Following are the closed heart surgery .

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T F a. Mitral commisrotomy
T F b. PDA Ligation
T F c. Repair of CoAo
T F d. Repior of ASD closure

51. Cynotic conginatal heart disease include.

T F a. PDA
T F b. TOF
T F c. VSD
T F d. ASD

52. In tetrology of fallot following is present.

T F a. Right ventricular hypertrophy.
T F b. Pulmonary stenois.
T F c. Over riding of aorta.
T F d. Large ASD

53. Regerding PDA which statement is true & false .

T F a. Left to Right shunt in present.

T F b. In premature babies is close in early life.
T F c. Surgical legation is indicated.
T F d. It is communication b/w aorta & right ventricle.

54. Regarding TGA ( Transposition of Great Arteries)

T F a. Aorta arise from the felt ventricle.

T F b. Main pulmonary arty arsis from the right ventricle.
T F c. Babies are cyanotic since birth.
T F d. it is a commonest cyanotic heart disease.

55 . Complications of redial arty cannulation;

T F a. Thrombosis.
T F b. Gangrenes of fingers.
T F c. Loss of venous pulse .
T F d. Accidental injection of drugs.

56. Compication of internal jugular CVP line .

T F a. Air embolism.
T F b. Cathter releted sepsis.
T F c. Pnemothorex.
T F d. puncture of other vessels.

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57. Compication of multiple blood transfusion .

T F a. Hemolysis.
T F b. Hepatitis.
T F c. Air embolism
T F d. Abdominal pain.

58. Blood Gases Analysis .

T F a. Sample shuld be heparinised.

T F b. Should betaken immediately to lab.
T F c. venous blood is not taken.
T F d. Blood sample should not he less then 10 cc.

59. Regarding pH of bood, the common findings are; .

T F a. Normal range of PCO2 between 35 – 40 mmHg.

T F b. Normal range of PO2 between 80 – 90 mmHg.
T F c. Normal Ph is blood 7.4.
T F d. Bicarbonate is gaven in metabolic acidosis..

60. CVP Indicates .

T F a. Pressure of right ventricle

T F b. Pressureis right atrium.
T F c. Normal rangeis between 2 – 11cm of H2O
T F d. It shows system from the heart.

61. Indication of Urinary catheter are in I.C.U

T F a. In all post of surgical patint.
T F b. Urinary retention due to any cause.
T F c. In open heart surgery is necessary.
T F d. To measure intake and out put in I.C.U

62. Indication of chest tube intubation include.

T F a. Pneumothorix
T F b. Hemo, Pneumothorix
T F c. Emphysema
T F d. After thoracotamy.

63. Complication of chest tube intubation.

T F a. Injury to lung tissue.
T F b. Oesopheagus may rupture.
T F c. Diaphragmatic rupture.
T F d. Interocortal vessels may be blocked.

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64. Following are the findings in hypovolemia.

T F a. Tachycardia.
T F b. Blood pressure is decreased.
T F c. Peripheral Vasoonstriction.
T F d. Anxiety and restlessness.

65. CPR complication include ; .

T F a. Rib fracture.
T F b. Sternal fracture.
T F c. Myocardial damage.
T F d. Air embolism

66. About VSA find out the true & false .

T F a. Large VSD present with congestive cardic failure.

T F b. Small VSD can not cause any dysfunction.
T F c. VSD with cynotic spells present n right to lift shunt.
T F d. It commonly present in the child hood.

67. About ASD mark true and false .

T F a. ASD 2 is the commonest congenital defect.

T F b. ASD 2 is present in the fossa ovalis..
T F c. ASD 2 may occur with clet Mitral leaflet.
T F d. shunt right to lift.

68. Regarding ASD Closure .

T F a. Right to lift shunt ASD nearly early cclosur.

T F b. ASD is always clouser by a synthetic patch.
T F c. ASD 2 may a closed directly.
T F d. it is closed from the right atrium

69. Regarding VSD closure .

T F a. It is always closed by a open by heart procedure

T F b. Always close by a patch.
T F c. Left & right shunt may be present if in complication of VSD closure.
T F d. Residual VSD is a common complication of VSD closure.

70. In coartation of aorta find out true and false.

T F a. It is localized narrowing of arch of aorta.

T F b. Systolic BP upper arm is increased
T F c. Surgery is necessary if it is diagnosed.
T F d. Radial pulses are normal but femoral pulses are weak.

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71. Regarding SP shunt.
T F a. It made b/w aorta and pulmonary vein.
T F b. It improve oxygenatin if a child .
T F c. It cynotic heart disease it is mandatory procedure.
T F d. System to pulmonary shunt improve the growth of child.

72. ASD.
T F a. It occurs b/w right to lift atrium.
T F b. Always shunt is lift to right when child is pink.
T F c. Chn is closed with interversion.
T F d. surgery is safe and cheaper.

73. Major risk factor for atherosclerosis include.

T F a. Hypertention
T F b. Hyperlypidemia.
T F c. Diabetic Mellituse.
T F d. Obesity.

74. Causes of ischemia heart disease include.

T F a. Fantail.
T F b. Hperlepidimia
T F c. Smoking
T F d. Alcohal drink.

75. Regarding coronary arty bypass.

T F a. Venus graftis are commonly used.
T F b. Radial arty can be serial bypass surgery.
T F c. Internal memory arty is best ror procedure.
T F d. Best saphanious veinis commonly used.

76. Causes of CVP include.

T F a. Major pulmonary embolism.
T F b. Pericardial fluid accumulation.
T F c. Pneumothorix.
T F d. Aarrhythmias.

77. . Total correction opration is done at the age of;

T F a. 5 month
T F b. 1 Year
T F c. 21/2 Year
T F d. After 5 year

78. Regarding treatment of coarction of aorta.

T F a. Surgery Total correction is done before school going age.

T F b. Patient repair is ideal and early procedure.
T F c. Post operated patient need regular following up to mange high BP.
T F d. It is an indicate finding.

79. Over dose of Lopain therapy is teialed by.

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T F a. Vitamin K
T F b. Calcium Glauconite
T F c. Protamine Sulphate.
T F d. Fresh frozen plasma.

40. Regering Adrenaline.

T F a. It increase the heart rate.
T F b. It also increase the systolic heart pressure.
T F c. It can act of given orally .
T F d. It is alsogiven in the endo-tracheal tube.

T F 01: Aortic stenosis results low volume pluse.

T F 02: 2nd heart sound occur closure of Mitral and tricuspid valves.
T F 03: ASD2 is the commonest in ASD defect.
T F 04: Eisemenger syndrome is due to right to left shunt.
T F 05: 1st heart sound is loud in mitral regurgitation.
T F 06: Pulmonary vein contains oxygenated blood.
T F 07: ther are two main coronary arteries.
T F 08: Right conoary artery supplies to right ventricle ong.
T F 09: pulmonary stenosis is acynotic heart disease.
T F 10: CABG can be performed on beating heart..

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Q1: Discuss pre and post operative management and monitoring of open heart surgery?

Q2: What is the causes of IHD diseases and name the conduit use in CABG?

Q3: Describe the anatomy of miattral valve and management of M/S.?

Q4: What are the complication of an general Open heart surgery?

Q5: Short note.

1) LABB 2) SP shunt.

Q1: (a). What is the causes of IHD diseases ?

(b). Name the conduct use in CABG & Describe any one of them:

Q2: (a). Name the Cyanotic congenital heart disease?

(b). Describe the Modified Blalock shunt?

Q3: (a). Describe briefly anatomy of the mitral valve?

(b). What are the management of Anticoagulation therapy?

Q4: (a). What are the types of VSD:

(b). Give opration detail of PA banding.

Q5: Write short note on the following:

(a). IABP (Intra Aortic Baloon Pump)

(b). CVP Line.

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Cardiac Medicine
01. In atrial fibrillation first heart sound’s intensity is:

a. High. b. Low.
c. Variable d. Normal

02. Mitral & aortic valve:

a. Both are bicuspid. b. Both are tricuspid

c. Mitral tricuspid & aortic bicuspid d. Normal

03. PDA is normally present in:

a. Infant b. Fetus
c. Adults d. Old persons

04. In patent forame ovale shunt is through:

a. Left atrium to right atrium b. Right ventricle to right atrium

c. Right atrium to left atrium d. Left ventricle to right ventricle

05. Papillary muscles are ment for support of:

a. Aortic valve b. Pulmonary valve

c. Aortic root d. Mitral valve

06. Septum secondum is part of:

a. Interventricular septum b. Interatrical septum

c. LV free wall d. Tricuspid valve

07. Commonest cause of irregularly irregular pulse is:

a. Atrial ectopics b. Ventricular ectopics

c. Atrial flutter d. Atrial fibrillation

08. Jugular venous pressure is seen in:

a. External jugular vein b. Subelavian snaps

c. Internal jugular vein d. Brachiocephalic vein

09. Closure of aortic & pulmonary valve produce:

a. First heart sound b. Opening snaps

c. Third heart sound d. Second heart sound

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10. Coronary arteries origianate from:

a. Arch of aorta b. Pulmonary artery

c. Ascending aorta d. Descending aorta

11. Salient feature of hypertrophic cardiomyopath is:

a. Rigth ventricular hypertrophy

b. Left ventricular symmetrical hypertrophy
c. Asymmetrical interaventricular septal hypertrophy.

12. All of the drug can cause bradycardia except:

a. Digoxin b. B-Blockers
c. Ca+ channel blockers d. Theophyllines

13. Heparin can never be given through:

a. Subcutaneously b. I/V bolus

c. I/V infusion d. Orally

14. Normal systolic pulmonary pressure is:

a. <30 mmHg b. >30 mmHg

c. >40 mmHg d. >50 mmHg

15. Ventricular fibrillation is treated by:

a. synchronize shock b. Lignocaine

c. Verpamil d. Asynchronize shock

16. Hypotensive patients are commonly treated with all except:

a. Nitrates b. Dopamine
c. Levophed d. Dobutamine

17. Symptomatic bradycardia is treated with:

a. Oral Atropine b. I/V VFerapamil

c. I/V Atropine d. I/V Digoxin

18. Following drug is given through fast I/V bolus:

a. Digonxin b. Metropolol (Lopressor)

c. Verapamil d. Adenosine

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19. B-Blocker can be given to patient with:

a. Sinus bradycardia b. Asthma

c. M. I. d. Atrioventricular block

20. Streptokinase is given through:

a. I/V bolus b. Subcutaneously

c. Intramuscular d. I/V infusion

21. Following are unipolar limb leads except:

a. AVR b. AVF
c. AVL d. Lead II

22. Lead V5 is attached at:

a. 2nd I/C space b. 3rd I/C space

c. 5th I/C space right of sternum d. Left 5th I/C space antaxillary line

23. Broad QRS complex are present in all except:

c. V.T c. SVT

24. V.T is said to sustained if it is more than:

a. 30 second b. 30 minutes
c. 40 second d. 50 second

25. PR interval in 3° AV block is:

a. Short b. Long
c. Variable d. All of three

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01. T / F U wave is an indicator of old infarct.

02. T / F Positive electrode of Lead I is at Right arm.

03. T / F Pulmonary avterilg contain oxygenated blood

04. T / F carotid sinus massage can be done in V. T.

05. T / F P waves are more as compare to QRS complexes in AF.

06. T / F RBBB is commonly present in _ASD.

07. T / F P wave is absent in sinus Bradycardia.

08. T / F SVC open into right atrium.

09. T / F 3rd heart sound occurs in systole.

10. T / F Digoxin is used to increase the heart rate.

11. T / F AV node is present in interventricular septum.

12. T / F S. K can be given with 18 hours of onset of symptoms of M. I.

13. T / F Standard speed of ECG paper is 25 mm / sec.

14. T / F Premature atrial contraction usually have narrow QRS complex.

15. T / F Systolic B. P ≥ 140 > diastolic B. P. ≥ 09 is called stage I hypertension.

16. T / F PR interval is short if it < 0.13 second.

17. T / F One small square is equal to 0.02 second.

18. T / F Parkunge fibers are present in ventricle.

19. T / F PR interval is short in WPW syndrome.

20. T / F Verapamil is given in 3° AV Block.

21. T / F Peaked tented T waves are found in hypokaleamia.

22. T / F QT can be prolonged in hypocalcaemia.

23. T / F Benzathine pencilline is given I/V once a month for infective Endocarditis.

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24. T / F Lignocaine is an atiarrythmic as well as local anesthetic.

25. T / F VSD can be cause by _Acute M. I.

26. T / F Verpaminal usually causes constipation.

27. T / F Carotid sinus massage is useful for ventricular tachycardia.

28. T / F Hearth develops in 6th weeks of intra uterine life.

29. T / F Treatemetn of choice for PAT is isoptin.

30. T / F Atenolol is a calcium channel blocker.

T F 1. Pulmonic valve is located between Aorta and Ventricle.

T F 2. In arterial bleeding for Haemostasis compression should be
applied below the injury.
T F 3. Cordorone is used as an Anticagulant drug.
T F 4. Aortic valve is bicuspic valve.
T F 5. QRS is broad in LBBB.
T F 6. “PR” interval in WPW syndrome is long.
T F 7. “P” wave is absent in A-V Block.
T F 8. Digoxin is used to increase the heart rate.
T F 9. Verapamil usually causes constipation.
T F 10. Pulse paradoxis is found in Pericardial Effusion.
T F 11. ACE inhibitors are perpheral vasodilators.
T F 12. Transient Complete Heart Block (CHB) is more common with
anterior wall MI.
T F 13. High Level of LDL cholestrol is good for IHD.
T F 14. In acute MIST segment is depressed.
T F 15. U wave is an indicator of old infarct.
T F 16. Pulmonary artery contains oxygenated blood.
T F 17. SVC open into Lt atrium.
T F 18. Premature atrial contraction usually have narrow QRS
T F 19. One Small Square on ECG paper is equal to 0.02 second.
T F 20. B-Blocker given in 3° AV Block.

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01. Foramen oval is:
a. Between left venticle and right ventricle b. Between right and left artium
c. Between aorta and pulmonary artery d Between right atrium & right ventricle

02. Vercapamil is the drug of choice in:

a. Bronchial asthima b. SVT
c. Heat Failure d. III Degree AV Block

03. Coronory Arterie originate from:

a. Sinus of Valsalva-Aortic root b. Arch of Aorta
c. Descending Aorta d. Atrial Fibrillation

04 Commonest cause of iiregulary pulse is:

a. Atrial flutter b. Ventricular ectopics
c. Atrial ectopics d. Atrial Fibrillation

05. Delta wave is seen in:

a. LBBB b. WPW
c. AV Block c. RBBB

06. Superior vena cava opens/ drains into;

a. Left ventricle b. Left atrium
c. Right atrium d. Pulmonary artery

07. Carotid sinus massage is carried out in:

a. Ventricular Tachycardia b. Sinus Bradycardia
c. Supr Ventricular Tachycardia d. A-V Block

08. B-Blockers are never given in:

a. Angina Pectoris b. III-Degree AV Block
c. Sinus Tachycardia d. HTN

09. In Artrial Septal Defect (ASD) the shunt is:

a. Left ventricle ti right ventricle b. right ventricle to right atrium
c. Left atrium to right atrium d. aorta to pulmonary artery

10. Ventricular Fibrillation is treated by:

a. Synchronized DC shock b. Lignocaine
b. Verapumil d. Asynchronized DC shock

11. In Atrial Fibrillation First Heart Sound’s intensity is:

a. High b Low
c. Variable d. Normal

12. Papillary muscles are meant for support of:

a. Aortic valve b. Pulmonary valve
c. Aortic root c. Mitral valve

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13. Hypotensive patients are commonly treted with all EXECPT:

a. Right ventricular hypertrophy

b. Left ventricular symmetrical hypertophy
c. Asymmetrical interventricular saptal hypertophy
d. Left artial hypertrophy

14. Hypotensive patients are commonly treated with all EXCEPT:

a. Nitrates b. Dopamine
c. Levophed d. Dobutamine

15. Symptomatic bradycardias are treated with:

a. Oral atropine b. I/V Verapamil
c. I/V Atropine d. I/V Digoxin

16. B-Blocker can be given to patient with:

a. Sinus Bradycardia b. Asthma
c. M.I d. Atrioventrcular block

17. Following are unipolar limb leads Except:

a. AVR b. AVF
c. AVL d. Lead II

18. Lead V5 is attached at:

a. 2ndI/C space b. 3rd I/C space
c. 5th I/C space right of sternum d. Left 5th I/C space anterior axillary line

19. Borad QRS complex are present in all EXCEPT:

c. V.T d. SViTi

20. PR interval in 3o AV Block is:

a. Short b. Long
c. Variable d. All of them

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Q. No.01. Write down in 10 steps, how to do Cardio Version/Defibrillation:

Qno.02. Mitral Stenosis, Describe clinical ECG and Echo findings and just give names of
therapeutic options:

Qno.03. TOF: Describe anatomical defeats in TOF and write down its signs & symptoms?

Q.No.04. What are Electro Cardio Graph (ECG) indication of Hypo Kalemia and Hyper Kalemia?

Qno.05. Write short notes on any Two of the following:

i.Causes Of A.F ii. Treatment of V.F
iii.Types of block iv. Phases of Cardiac cycle

Q. No. 2: Select the True or False by encircle “T” or “F”.

Q.No. 3: Write explanation of these common abbreviations.

01. CABG:
02. SVT:
03. WPW:
04. S.A. Node:
05. TOF:
06. C.C.F:
07. PDA:
08. ABG:
09. LAD Artery:
10. PVC:
11. MVP:
12. PPM:
13. APC:
14. PCI:
15. CMP:

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Five Year Papers Post Basic Specialization in Cardiac Nursing

Q.No. 4: Fill in the blanks:

01. Lead V4 is placed at

02. In atrial fibrillation pulse rhythm is

03. Lignocaine can be given to patient with

04. Lungs are mostly clear in infarction.

05. Normal QRS duration is less than

06. Common oral anticoagulant uses is

07. CK mb and are commonly used cardiac markers for diagnosis of M.I.

08. Infarction commonly cause A.V. blocks.

09. Low voltage E. C. G. is commonly found in

10. Positive electrode of Lead AVF is at

Q.No. 5: Write short note any TWO of the following:

01. Phases of Cardiac cycle.

02. Types of Blocks.
03. Treatment of M. I.

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