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Katriel Ikia B. Viloria 12-FREUD HUMSS SHS-02-301A Mr.

Amorsolo Espiritu


A photo of a University of the Philippines professor with a powerpoint presentation behind

her once circulated the realms of a social media site, with the presentation clearly stating in bold
characters that you cannot cram your Review of Related Literature. Ironically, there were more
laughing reactions rather than just a simple like, students were commenting “Try me,” and it
garnered hundreds of thousands of shares.

I personally believe that writing the Review of Related Literature could be described in one
statement and it is a quote from Mad Hatter of the film Alice in Wonderland in 2010. He states,
“There is a place. Like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery, and danger! Some say to
survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter,” I imagine that the statement correlates when doing
your Review of Related Literature. The event of being able to ace your Review of Related Literature
is of no place on Earth, it is an event full of wonder, mystery, and in the process of peril. Most
students who have experienced cramming their Review of Related Literature say that in order to
survive within the process, you have to be ready to go mad. Ready to go mad because you will rely
on instant coffees and noodles, your blurry eyeglasses, unstable internet connection, missing group
members, and Merriam dictionary for the next 24 hours. It is within the students’ fault that they
have decided to cram the Review of Related Literature, it is an experience that you go back to every
single time you have to do a research. In doing this chapter, you will question everything that is
happening around you, you will be more curious as every subtitle passes by. The struggle is that you
will read a hundred articles to only get 4 sentences on your research. That’s the beauty and hardship
of doing the chapter, it challenges your ability and improves your eloquence on the medium
required. Not only that but this chapter also tests your patience. When my patience was wearing
thin, I have to keep myself from bursting out because of exhaustion. When editing the review of
related literature, I have realized that I have to be more than understanding to see the result, you
have to sacrifice most of your time in order to finish the chapter perfectly.

Therefore, you can indeed cram the Review of Related Literature, just do not expect it to be
the best. A person cannot fully proofread a long chapter when the brain is tired and the eyes are
more than willing to close. A tip from the present Editor-in-Chief of The Guardian Publication says
that you should lower the brightness of your desktop or mobile phone when editing so that your
eyes won’t be easily tired. This is just one of the major struggles that you will have to face as a
student, and this is just me being undeniably honest; when in doubt trust the art of cramming.

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