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Date: 20-11-2018 Lesson Number: 32
Class: VII-th Grade VII-1 VII-2
Subject: English Language
Lesson Theme: Module 2-“In the Past”
Lesson Unit: Unit 4 : “Entertainment”
Teaching Theme Grammar Exercise- Past Simple (questions and short answers) use of ICT
Lesson Objectives : The student will be able to:
- convert verbs into past simple tense;
- ask questions and give short answers in past simple.

Teaching tools : Textbooks, notebooks, school equipment, board, chalk, tape,

cassette player, computers, Internet, instruction sheet and so on.

Teaching methods:  practical work method,

 audio-linguistic method,
 communicative method,
Teaching Forms:  frontal work,
 work in groups,
 work in pairs,
 individual work
Organisation of activities during the lesson

The teacher asks the students about the homework from the last lesson.
Introduction The teachers begins the lesson asking the student about the definition of past simple
(10 min.) tense and together revise the verd forms in past simple, questions and short answers.

1. The students are asked to complete exercise 2 in the book , completing the
Development blank spaces with questions and answers in past simple. the teacher choses
(20 min): two students to read their answers in front of the class.
2. The students are give 3 min time to complete exercise 3 on the book. At the
end of the allotted time, differents students read their answers.
3. After reading the answers from exercise, working in pair the students think
of the appropriate answers for the questions in exercise 3. Students are
chosen to read their answers to the class.
The students revise todays lesson and are given homework . For homework the students
Conclusion (10 min): are to write 5 questions and their answers in past simple.
Assessment Continuous monitoring of student activity (exercises, pronunciation), lip
methods: feedback, homework, tutorial, etc.

Correlation with  Albanian language (pronunciation and grammatical structure)

other subjects :  Macedonian language (pronunciation and grammatical structure)
 German language (pronunciation and grammatical structure)

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