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UNISON Office, Building 4, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, N11 1NP.

Telephone 020 8359 2088 Fax 0208368 5985. Email -

8 July 2008

Dear Colleague

Future Shape consultation – Barnet Council staff

I hope you are aware of the Council consultation entitled ‘The Future Shape of the Council.’
Richard Grice has been appointed Programme Director for the consultation, which will take place
over the next five months. Richard will be working with his project team looking at possible options
for Barnet Council. A report on the possible options will be submitted to the Council’s Cabinet
Committee on 3 December 2008.

It is important that members understand the implications of this consultation. This is a consultation
where ALL services are under scrutiny. The Council will be asking whether they need to continue
to provide the service and if so, whether the Council should be the provider? To put it bluntly all
Council services could find themselves facing privatisation.

Clearly this is of concern to Barnet UNISON as we have seen the impact of privatisation on former
Council staff e.g. Fremantle Care workers.

At the start of the consultation I think it important that our branch talks to our members, in order to
see what their concerns/issues are. I have arranged for lunchtime (12.30 to 1.30 pm) branch
meetings on the following dates:
Tuesday 15 July – Training Room 6 NLBP
Tuesday 16 September – Training Room 6 NLBP
Tuesday 14 October – Training Room 5 NLBP
Wednesday 19 November – Training Room 5 NLBP
Tuesday 16 December – Training Room 6 NLBP

I will be looking to arrange meetings at Barnet House and Mill Hill depot.

In the meanwhile I need to know what you think about your future employment with Barnet
Council. I am attaching a short confidential questionnaire which I would like you to complete.

Finally we are always looking to improve the way we communicate with our members, it is
important we have your correct details hence we are asking for email and mobile numbers.

I look forward to hearing back from you shortly and perhaps speaking with you at one of our branch

Yours sincerely

John Burgess
Branch Secretary
Barnet UNISON Future Shape QUESTIONNAIRE (July 2008)

1. Name ……………………………….

2. Workplace ……………………………….

3. What is your job title? ……………………………….

4. How long have you been working for Barnet ……………………………….

5. Have you received any information on the Future Shape consultation from:

Barnet UNISON Yes/No

Barnet Council Yes/No

6. Are you worried that your service could be privatised? (circle appropriate)

Not at all Fairly Very

7. If your service is privatised, do you have concerns on the following issues

(circle appropriate)

a. Pay
Not at all Fairly Very

b. Annual Leave
Not at all Fairly Very

c. Sick Leave
Not at all Fairly Very

d. Pensions
Not at all Fairly Very

e. Job Security
Not at all Fairly Very

f. Career Progression
Not at all Fairly Very

Barnet UNISON want to make sure we keep you up to date on any proposals. Please can you
provide the following details:

Email ……………………………….

Mobile number ……………………………….

*Please return this questionnaire in the business reply envelope provided

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