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3, JUNE 2018 1351

Adaptive Transmission Optimization in SDN-Based

Industrial Internet of Things With Edge Computing
Xiaomin Li, Di Li, Jiafu Wan , Member, IEEE, Chengliang Liu, and Muhammad Imran

Abstract—In recent years, smart factory in the context of communication technologies, both smart factory and Industry
Industry 4.0 and industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has become 4.0 have gradually developed. The smart manufacturing
a hot topic for both academia and industry. In IIoT system, there lines and system increasingly exchange large amounts of
is an increasing requirement for exchange of data with differ-
ent delay flows among different smart devices. However, there data from different devices, machines, managements, and
are few studies on this topic. To overcome the limitations of users [9]–[12]. The information communication and network
traditional methods and address the problem, we seriously con- of different features data flows play the basic and critical
sider the incorporation of global centralized software defined role in this complicated system. Therefore, the design and
network (SDN) and edge computing (EC) in IIoT with EC. We implementation of highly efficient, flexible, and adaptive
propose the adaptive transmission architecture with SDN and
EC for IIoT. Then, according to data streams with different communication systems are essential for smart factories and
latency constrains, the requirements can be divided into two Industry 4.0.
groups: 1) ordinary and 2) emergent stream. In the low-deadline IoT as an effective communication framework, is
situation, a coarse-grained transmission path algorithm pro- gradually adopted in industrial scene and industrial
vided by finding all paths that meet the time constrains in IoT (IIoT) [24], [25]. Moreover, the current research
hierarchical Internet of Things (IoT). After that, by employ-
ing the path difference degree (PDD), an optimum routing path developments, such as clustered or grouped IWNs [13]–[15],
is selected considering the aggregation of time deadline, traf- software defined network (SDN) [16], [17], [42], cloud and
fic load balances, and energy consumption. In the high-deadline edge computing (EC) [18], [19], and multipath transmission
situation, if the coarse-grained strategy is beyond the situa- protocol [20], [21], have provided a preliminary basis and
tion, a fine-grained scheme is adopted to establish an effective enabled the design of high-performance and adaptive system
transmission path by an adaptive power method for getting low
latency. Finally, the performance of proposed strategy is evalu- for IIoT. However, there are some differences between
ated by simulation. The results demonstrate that the proposed traditional IoT and IIoT. As shown in Fig. 1, there is an
scheme outperforms the related methods in terms of average obvious difference between traditional [Fig. 1(a)] and IIoT
time delay, goodput, throughput, PDD, and download time. Thus, [Fig. 1(b)]. The ever-growing studies on IoT and wireless
the proposed method provides better solution for IIoT data networks show that clustered or group network has some
distinct advantages in terms of extendibility, flexibility, and
Index Terms—Adaptive routing, edge computing (EC), indus- centralized management [26]. So, the hierarchical structure is
trial Internet of Things (IIoT), software-defined network. widely adopted in IIoT. In additional, the quality of service of
IIoT is different from IoT. The IIoT emphasizes the real time
I. I NTRODUCTION and reliability comparing to the IoT throughput and packet
loss rate.
UE TO the recent advancement in industrial
D wireless networks (IWNs) [1], [2], Internet of
Things (IoT) [3], [4], artificial intelligence [5], [6], indus-
On the other hand, due to big data and machine to machine
(M2M) communication the requirements on industrial appli-
cation are increasingly growing [22], [23], and new trends
trial big data [7], [8], and some other information and are progressively aggravating the communication traffic of
Manuscript received August 9, 2017; revised December 5, 2017; accepted IIoT and data transmission. Meanwhile, due to the contin-
January 20, 2018. Date of publication January 23, 2018; date of current version uous expand of network scale, different data flows emerge
June 8, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science into industrial application and smart factories. Although many
Foundations of China under Grant 51575194, in part by the Key Program
of Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China, under Grant studies focus on this topic, it is obvious that these commend-
2017B030311008, and in part by the National Key Research and Development able attempts do not consider characteristics and architecture
Project under Grant 2017YFE0101000. The work of M. Imran was supported of IIoT. In the traditional IoT framework, the routing path
by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University through
Research Group No. (RG # 1435-051). (Corresponding author: Jiafu Wan.) between two devices is not changed because of an unoptimiz-
X. Li, D. Li, and J. Wan are with the School of Mechanical and able traffic path. Therefore, the traditional data transmission
Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou methods do not meet actual IIoT requirements.
510006, China (e-mail:;; Although some preliminary works have been focused on
C. Liu is with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong adaptive transmissions, performance optimizations in wireless
University, Shanghai 200000, China (e-mail: network, these methods are not considered the big data com-
M. Imran is with Computer Science Department, King Saud University,
Riyadh 11692, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: munication requirements, industrial network properties, and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2797187 network topology. As discussed above, there are some new
2327-4662 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

data transmission algorithm is proposed. The simulation results

are discussed in Section V. Lastly, a brief conclusion is given
in Section VI.


This section briefly outlines existing efforts regarding to this
paper topic. The related works can be categorized into three
(a) (b)
groups: 1) studies on data transmission path (DTP) in IoT;
Fig. 1. Framework of (a) traditional and (b) IIoT. 2) studies on SDN for IoT; and 3) studies on EC for IoT. The
review of these studies provided a useful reference to us which
helped us to develop our strategy.
major challenges related to the IIoT data transmission. The
motivations behind this paper are based on the following A. Data Transmission Path in IoT
observations. First, current network framework is gradually DTP optimization attract large attention for IoT because
becoming unsuitable to the new challenges. So, a novel effec- the DTP play a critical role in communication system and
tive architecture must be proposed to deal with a large amount realizes the effective link and communication among different
of data traffic with different level among devices. Second, there devices. Kim et al. [27] proposed a congestion classifier based
are centralized routing algorithms or transmission methods on logistic regression and modified adaptive data rate control
based on clustered IoT, which are unable to address different according to the congestion estimation in order to get an effi-
delay levels data streams and online fast decision require- cient data transmission in the long range wide area network.
ments of IIoT. Therefore, enhanced data transmission methods In [28], an improved ant colony optimization was adopted in
should be proposed based on new network architecture, such clustered wireless network for multipath route discovery with
as SDN and EC. Third, although a decent number of studies multiple objectives including energy and distance. In [29], for
on optimization routing path are given by employing the back- maximization of IoT networks throughput, an adaptive load-
bone network and heuristic algorithms, the traffic congestion in balanced routing was presented. Moreover, some studies on
backbone mostly used nodes along with energy consumption data transmission for high reliability real-time industrial envi-
unbalance situation are not thoroughly investigated. ronments were also conducted [30], [31]. A tremendous work
In this paper, an adaptive transmission architecture and was done in previous studies on DTP. The results of the above
approach with SDN and EC for IIoT is proposed. In this studies provide good references for our research, but they did
paper, a clustered data transmission framework is adopted in not consider the global parameters and different requirement
the proposed algorithms with SDN and EC. The optimization for different data flows in IIoT.
has the potential to significantly improve the performance of
IIoT in light of SDN and EC techniques. The contributions of B. SDN for IoT
this paper are in the following threefold.
The SDN is regarded as a crucial technique for IoT,
1) An SDN-driven architecture for IIoT is proposed in the
intended for centralized control and separation of control
context of EC to facilitate the management of limited
and data flows [32], [33]. In [34] and [35], new frameworks
communication resources. Current clustered network
that incorporate different information technologies for wireless
system focuses on the centralized management and
sensor network and IoT were proposed, and some applications
does not deal with the real-time decision, separation of
were given, respectively. Lu et al. [36] proposed an SDN-
data flow (specially control and data flows) and quality
based TCP congestion control mechanism for solving of TCP
of services (QoS) of M2M communication.
problem. In [37], based on the SDN, Pang et al. combined
2) A highly adaptive and effective transmission routing
multipathing and segment routing for traffic management to
mechanism is introduced. To adapt data flows with dif-
limit the storage requirements of IoT. The numerous works
ferent time consumption demands, an optimum routing
demonstrated that SDN or software defined IoT is impactful
is selected from the candidate path set by employing the
approach for IoT. However, there are few works on EC for
path difference degree (PDD). In order to deal with the
data transmission in industrial applications.
urgent data flow, an adaptive power control strategy is
presented to create a highly effective path.
3) In order to evaluate the proposed scheme, a sim- C. Edge Computing for IoT
ulation is conducted. The results demonstrate that It is obvious that the edge computing IoT (edgeIoT) brings
proposed scheme outperforms the conventional schemes the computing resources close to IoT devices. Namely, by
in terms of average delay, goodput, throughput, PDD, adopting the EC, the traffic load in core network can be
and throughput, thereby, providing better solution for clearly alleviated, thus, the network can achieve a new bal-
adaptive data transmission in IIoT. ance level, and the device-to-device communication delay
This paper is organized as follows. The related works are strongly decreases [38], [39]. Due to the significant advan-
presented in Section II. The IIoT framework with SDN and tages of edgeIoT, more and more research attention is paid
EC is introduced in Section III. In Section IV, an adaptive on edgeIoT. Wen et al. [35] proposed an EC architecture

for mobile IoT, and in [40], a comprehensively survey on upward, ECSs are connected to the cloud. Every ECS is typ-
existing concepts integrating mobile EC (MEC) functionali- ically miniature data and computing center, and is in the
ties was presented and current advancement of the MEC was vicinity of nodes and SDN devices. In our scheme, EC is
discussed. Particularly, Peralta et al. [41] presented a method employed to derive the results in real time. The EC strategy
to enhance energy efficiency of IoT node within Industry 4.0, reduces the time consumption and traffic load, comparing to
through IoT and similar EC. A large number of studies show the traditional computing models.
that EC provides a good selection in the fast-online comput-
ing. However, seldom studies focus on different data flows B. Working Process
transmission for IIoT. The main working process of this framework is as fol-
lows. First, every ordinary node forwards the data to the CHs
III. II OT F RAMEWORK W ITH SDN AND EC or some other ordinary nodes, according to the real appli-
A. Framework Review cations. After the completion of data gathering in the whole
cluster, CHs transmit the corresponding information to sink
In industrial applications, the communication networks have node or base station. Then, sink node sends this information
been progressed greatly. Both clustered and grouped network to the cloud. Second, to realize a flexible control of the entire
topologies have been developed and proven as manageable network, the statuses of all devices are uploaded to SDN con-
structures for IIoT. Since the current frameworks are lim- troller and mapping databases. Once the SDN application layer
ited by the constraints of communication latencies, fixed is modified and certain application function is adjusted, the
bandwidth, coverage, and unbalanced deployment of comput- SDN controller gathers the parameters and uploads the tasks
ing resources, therefore, it is poorly adaptable to emerging to ECS. Third, when a computing task, such as changing of
IIoT demands. In order to increase the flexibility, scala- transmission path, is given, the ECS optimizes the network
bility, centralization IIoT, and balance the deployment of parameters, such as power and hop path, and the optimization
computational resources reasonable, SDN and EC are inte- results are sent to SDN controller and IIoT devices. Lastly,
grated into IIoT. Therefore, in the proposed solution, the after abortion of the control data, IIoT devices adjust their
cloud, SDN, EC, and the other subsystems constitute a novel network conditions. Here, an adaptive DTP employs the same
framework, as shown in Fig. 2, wherein all components working process.
are connected by communication infrastructures. To better
understand the system, we simplify the framework into East–
West flow (IIoT), North–South flow (SDN) and Computing
plane (EC). In this section, we describe how to solve DTP for different
All objectives, workmen, users, and smart terminals are deadline constraints in the clustered-IIoT. As in Fig. 2, the
abstracted into different kinds of network nodes as follows: proposed scheme can be divided into two steps: 1) optimal
ordinary nodes, cluster heads (CHs), and sink nodes. In path coarse grain algorithm for low deadline situation and
the clustered IIoT, different function nodes and data cen- 2) adaptive transmission power algorithm for urgent situation.
ters jointly construct the data exchange subsystem. Evidently, The main notations of this section are given in Table I.
CHs and ordinary nodes establish a small subsystem for
data gathering and delivering, while this system has basic A. System Model
functions in M2M communication. In industrial applica- 1) Network Model: The IIoT network with V vertices and
tion, due to the different services of the system, the E edges is denoted as G = {V, E} representing the set of
data upload and offload need different time limit for differ- nodes and links, where V represents the IIoT nodes (ND) and
ent data flows. The solving of data transmission problem in E represents the links. The communication range of nodes in
this paper is focused on data transmission at data exchange the case of low real-time performance is R. Furthermore, if
subsystem. eij exists in set E, then nodes vi and vj can directly communi-
In SDN subsystem, all communication flows are divided cate with each other. Every node has its energy and network
into control flow and data flow. In the system, an open source resources. The IIoT cluster can be denoted by Ci = {ci , mi },
SDN controller Open Mul is adopted in the framework. Open where ci and mi represent the CH and its members, respec-
Mul is an Openflow/SDN controller platform. The SDN con- tively. Therefore, we can use set  = {C, L} to simplify set G,
troller is connected with key network devices, such as CHs. with C vertices and L edges representing the set of CHs and
It is clear that these key nodes are amounted with controller links. The link value lij between ci and cj , ci , cj ∈ C, isgiven
interface, so they establish a link with SDN controller using as follows:
OpenFlow protocol. IIoT nodes deliver the status parameter to  
1, ci cj = Ø or dCiCj ≤ R
SDN controller. Then, in the control layer, the controller makes lij = (1)
0, other
decisions on data transmission control. In this paper, SDN is
adopted to control the transmission path and transmitted power where, dCiCj is the Euclidean distance between ci and cj .
of M2M. According to (1), we get the adjacency matrix A. Let us
To get a reasonable assignment of computing resources, assume that in a cluster, every ND can directly communicate
the EC severs (ECSs) are deployed in IIoT. Downward, these with CH; in other words, there is one hop between CH and
ECSs establish the link between nodes and SDN controller; ND. We denote the data transmission rate between CH and

Fig. 2. Data transmission framework based on SDN and EC in IIoT.

N OTATION We define ξij as the weight of transmission between CHs
ci and cj ; if i = j, ξij = 0, otherwise we formulate the weight
value by
ξij = lij · · (3)
Hij TRij
where Pij and Hij are the numbers of paths and hops between
vi and vj , respectively. Apparently, the greater the value of ξij
is, the better the communication between vi and vj will be.
The value of Pij is formulated as

⎨ 0, if lij = 0
P = 1, lij = 1, dCi Cj < R (4)
Ci  Cj , other

where, dCiCj is the distance between ci and cj . If Pij = 1, then

Hij = 1, and if Pij = 0, then Hij = ∞, otherwise H =ij = 2.
According to (3), it is easy to get the transmission weight
matrix W of CHs, which is expressed as
⎡ ⎤
ξ11 · · · ξ1n
⎢ .. ⎥.
W = ⎣ ... ..
. . ⎦ (5)
ξn1 ··· ξnn
Hence, according to (1) and (2), the transmission time f (tij )
between ci and cj is defined by
, j∈C i∈C
f (tij ) = TR CC
θ (6)
pij TRCN ·Hij , other
ND as TRCN , and data transmission rate of CH and CH as
TPCC (in bps). To simply the problem, we assume that ND where θ is the transmission data volume, and p is the number
has the same communicate rate. In addition, CHs have high of all paths with two hops between ci and cj .
capacities of data rate and energy. Then, we formulate the For the path p = {vi . . . , ck , ck+1 , . . . , vj }, where vi and vj
data rate between the pair of nodes PV = {vi , vj } as represent start and end nodes, respectively, the forwarding time
is defined by
TRCN , ∃ PV ∈ ND Tp = f (tkk+1 ). (7)
TRij = (2)
TRCC , ∀ PV ∈ C. k∈p

The problem that we address at coarse grain level is stated

as follows: when a multiple cluster C = {c1 , c2 , c3 , . . .} with
the transmission data volume θ is given our objective is to find
a routing path between vi and vj which meets the deadline time
Definition 1 (PDD): Let PrePath and CurPath be the
sequence of previous and current communication paths
between vi and vj , respectively. Then, PDD is defined by
Setdif(CurPath, PrePath)
PDDcurpath,prepath = (8)
ϕCurPath · |CurPath|
where the function of setdif (A, B) returns the number of dif- Fig. 3. Illustration of representative system model.
ferent members of set A from set B, and ϕ is path adopted
frequency for communication between vi and vj . ϕ is mem-
ber of path adopted frequency set φ. Actually, there may exits
where α(d0 ) is the attenuation at reference distance d0 , and
multiple paths between vi and vj . However, if one path is too
the path loss exponent β varies depending on the network
frequency used, load and energy unbalance is caused. Given
deployment scenario. For simplification, we assume d0 is equal
delay time constraint Tc, we further formulate the current
to one meter, thus, the formulation can be rewritten by
problem as
Pr = Pt − α − 10β lg(dij ). (12)
s.t. tijcur ≤ TC . (9) Definition 2: The maximal transmission radius Rmax of node
is the maximal transmission range obtained with the maximal
To understand the problem better, we give an example to transmission power Pmax .
illustrate the above model and networks structure. As shown in Furthermore, only when Pr is greater than the definite power
Fig. 3, there are three CHs and ten NDs. Since, the member set PC , the communication link defined by (13) can be created
of C1 is M1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 7, 10} and the member set of C2 is 
Pt−PC −α

M2 = {5, 6, 7, 8, 10}, the intersection of M 1 and M 2 is {7, 8, Rmax = 10 10β
= γ · 10 10β . (13)
10}. Moreover, we get the value of P12 which is equal to 3, and
the hop number H 12 which is equal to 2. According to (3), The maximal communication range Rmax is nondeceasing
TRCC =100TRND , so it is easy to get the weight value, ξ12 = function. If the maximal communication range for a given
150. Furthermore, the weight value is ξ23 = 50. As ξ12 > function is f, then f = Rmax . We can derive f as follow:
0, for a given pair of NDs (v2 , v6 ) the multiple paths exist (∂f /∂Pt ) = (γ /10β) · ln 10 · 10(Pt /10β) . Furthermore, β > 0,
between them (C1 , C2 ). Consequently, there are three routing γ > 0, Pt > 0, so we can get that (∂f /∂Pt ) > 0. In other
paths that meet deadline, Path1 = {2, C1 , 7, C2 , 6}, Path2 = words, f is an increasing function. Therefore, the maximal
{2, C1 , 8, C2 , 6}, Path3 = {2, C1 , 10, C2 , 6} given ϕ1 = ϕ2 = communication range Rmax is a nondeceasing function. It is
ϕ3 = 1, thus PDD12 = 0.2. obvious that when Pt increases Rmax also increases. Therefore,
For given IIoT nodes vi , vj , the minimum hop number is by increasing the transmission power, we can reduce the
Hij ≥
Dij /2R . For any vertices vk , its one hop neighbor number of hops and transmission time.
vertice is vf , So, the distance of two vertices must meet the It is well known that to provide a communication to the
condition ofDkf ≤ min{Rf , Rk }. We assume that the commu- larger distance (i.e., to increase the communication radius) we
nication range has the same value R; so Dkf ≤ R. Hence, for have to increase the transmission power. On the other hand, to
the nodes with the same communication range, the maximiz- evaluate the cost of increasing transmission power, we define
ing one-hop distance is R. For given IIoT nodes vi and vj , the the cost function as follows:
straight line between them is LSij , and LSij can be covered by

Dij /2R circles with radius R, and the minimal hop number Cp = λeτ + ε (14)
Dij /2R .
where τ is the increasing transmission power, λ is the
According to the above description, we can get the minimal
increasing power coefficient, and ε is the cost constant.
transmission time T min for current network structure and state.
The problem of adaptive power control is stated as follows:
For any link between vi and vj, the T min is formulated by
for a given delay time constraint Tc and set of all paths, our
ij θ Dij θ object is to find the minimal power control cost, which is
Tmin = 2 + . (10) defined as follows:
2) Communication Range System: Assuming that the ith Min Cp
node transmit power is Pt , the received power Pr at jth node s.t.: tij ≤ Tc
is defined by 0 < Pj ≤ Pmax
Pr = Pt − α(d0 ) − 10β lg dij /d0 (11) Tc ≤ Tmin (15)

Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of Coarse Grain Optimal Path CH pair CHPair <ci , cj >. Then, lines 4–10 derive all trans-
Algorithm mission paths between ci and cj from the set of Path_AllCH.
Require: vi, vj, C, Path_AllCH, TC , TR, W, φ Moreover, by calculating the transmission time, all path with
Ensure: Path_selection threshold less than T c are found and stored into set pathSS.
1: V ←< vi, vj >, Pathij ← ∅, 0 ← 0
2: From the set C, search the cluster head pair (ci , cj ) Once a set of paths that meet time constraint is determined, the
of NDs vi and vj maximal PDD of these paths is found by lines 11–17. Lastly,
3: Construct the communication cluster head pairs algorithm returns the path with the maximal PDD. Time com-
corresponding CHPair<ci, cj > of vi and vj plexity of the main algorithm loop is O(|Pathij |), and the worst
4: Select all paths of Pathij between cluster head ci and cj , from time complexity is O(|CH|).
Path_AllCH, according with W.
5: for i =  0 to |Pathij | do We use the example in situation Fig. 2 to explain the
6: Ti = t //calculating every path time by equation (6) Algorithm 1. For finishing the communication between (v2 ,
7: if Ti < TC v6 ). According with the above analyses. If the forward-
8: PathSS pathi //gathering the path ing times of paths are less than Tc, there are three paths.
9: end if Path1 = {2, C1 , 7, C2 , 6}, Path2 = {2, C1 , 8, C2 , 6}, Path3 =
10: end for
11: for j = 0 to |PathSS| {2, C1 , 10, C2 , 6}. Assume the path1 is PrePath. So, given
12: calculatej //calculating the path difference degree ϕ1 = 4, ϕ2 = 2, ϕ3 = 1, PDD (1, PrePath)= 0.05, PDD
13: if j > 0 //determining whether j is larger than (2, PrePath) = 0.1, PDD (3, PrePath) = 0.2. As PDD
the current maximum 0 (3, PrePath) is the maximal value, Path_selection = Path3 .
14:  ← j ; In other words, path 3 finishes the communication between
// find the path with maximal path difference degree
15: Path_selection PathSSj (v2 , v6 ).
16: end if
17: end for
18: ϕPath_Selection= ϕPath_Selection+1 C. Adaptive Transmission Power for Fine Grain Algorithm
19: Update φ Algorithm 1 is designed for a common situation, in other
20: return Path_selection. words for a high transmission delay. However, the network
usually faces with a low transmission delay. Therefore, in
this part, the power was increased to create a strong link, so
where tj is the communication time after the transmis- CHs can directly communicate with each other providing bet-
sion power changes, and Pj is the new transmitted power. ter performance, especially data rate. Therefore, we designed
According to (8), the problem actually finds the minimal power ATO for urgent situation, as shown in Algorithm 2.
that meet the related constraints. The main steps are described as follows. First, SDN con-
troller gains the constraint and related parameters of network,
and then according to Algorithm 2, designs a new transmission
B. Coarse Grain Optimal Path Algorithm path. The direct communication between CHs with increasing
In this section, we design an efficient method for the the transmission power P(d(cm , cm+1 )) is found for all paths
problem of a given structure of clustered-IIoT in low dead- by lines 2–9, according with CHs distance d(cm , cm+1 ). Then,
line situation. With regard to the industrial environment, an by recalculating the transmission time, the paths that meet the
optimal path algorithm should be as simple as possible, and time constraints are found by lines 10–13. In lines 14–18,
with a little processing time. the minimal cost path is obtained. Lastly, algorithm returns
Based on the initial network, weight adjacency matrix A a new path for the networks. Similar to Algorithm 1,
and weight matrix W, and by using the function of trans- the worst time complexity of main algorithm loop in is
mission time f (tij ) between vi and vj , we calculate all paths O(|CH|2 )).
between CHs ci and cj . Namely, this is a classical genera- Similarly, employing the example in situation Fig. 2 to
tion tree problem. Consequently, in our proposal, all paths show Algorithm 2. When the communication time between
of CH pair (ci , cj ) are found by some algorithms, such as (v1 , v6 ) by adopting Algorithm 1 cannot meet the time dead-
depth first search (DFS), and stored into ECS or industrial line constraints Tc. For addressing the high-deadline situation,
cloud. The variable Pathij represents all paths between ci and Algorithm 2 is used. First, calculate the corresponding CH
cj , and we represent all paths of every CH pair with the set pairs of (v1 , v6 ) with results <c1 , c2 >, <c3 , c2 >. Obviously,
Path_AllCH. Summing up all the aforementioned techniques, R < d(c1 , c2 ) < d(c3 , c2 ) < Rmax , and T(c1 , c2 ), T(c3 , c2 ) ≤
an online solution is designed. The proposed adaptive trans- Tc ≤ Tmin , so CP(c1 , c2 ) < CP(c3 , c2 ). Then, select {v1 , c1 ,
mission optimization (ATO) based on the coarse grain optimal c2, v6 } as the new transmission path with c2 increasing the
path algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. transmission power P(d(cm , cm+1 )).
The key steps of the above algorithm are explained as fol-
lows. Line 1 represents the initialization of current network
state, such as source and destination ND, CH node set, etc. As V. E VALUATION P ERFORMANCES
shown in lines 2 and 3, when SDN meets gets the transmission In this section, the simulations are conducted to evaluate
requirement of node vi and vj , according to the set C, algorithm the performance of proposed method. First, we describe the
finds the corresponding CHs and constructs communication simulation setup, performance metrics, reference schemes, and

S IMULATION PARAMETERS B. Performance Metrics and Reference Schemes
To evaluate the performance of the proposed methods, we
introduce the following performance metrics.
1) Average Time Delay: The average time delay represents
the time needed for data transmission from the source
node to the destination node.
2) PDD: As shown in Definition 1, this performance met-
ric is used to measure the balance of transmission path.
The energy consumption balance and load balance are
closely related with this performance metric.
3) Goodput: The goodput is the QoS performance metric.
The goodput is expressed as an amount of communica-
tion data successfully received at the destination within
Algorithm 2 Pseudocode of Adaptive Transmission Power the required communication time.
Optimization 4) Throughput: Throughput is the rate of successful mes-
Require: vi , vj , Pathij , Tc, Tmin sage delivery over a communication wireless channel,
Ensure:, Path_new in IIoT.
1: for i = 0 to |Path_all| 5) Download Time From Server (DLTS): DLTS is measured
2: Construct the communication all cluster head pairs
corresponding of vi and vj , stored in CP(vi ,vj ) from the
in the emulations to reflect the time delay performance
Pathij from server of different computing frameworks in IIoT.
3: for m = 0 to |CP| We compared the proposed method ATOP with the follow-
4: Calculate distance pair of cluster head ing methods.
d(cm , cm+1 ) = |cm , cm+1 | 1) SPND, wherein the source node and the destination node
5: if R < d(cm , cm+1 ) < Rmax
6: Pt (cm )P(d(cm , cm+1 )) //increase the current
choose the shortest path using a method, such as Floyd
transmission power or Dijkstra algorithm. The path is composed by IIoT
7: TRm,m+1 = TRC // update the transmission rate NDs, and the node with maximal communication range
8: end if is chosen.
9: Calculate the Tm by equation (6) 2) SPCN, wherein as in SPND, the shortest path among
10: if Ti ≤ TC ≤ Tmin // determining whether a new path
meets the requirement
NDs and CHs is chosen.
11: NewPathSet Path_all[m] 3) CR, wherein every node chooses its maximal rate node.
12: end if
13: end for
14: end for
15: for k = 0 to | NewPathSet| C. Evaluation Results
16: Calculate Cpk //calculating a new power changed cost 1) Average Time Delay: The average time delay of different
17: if CpK < Cp0
18: Cp0 ← Cpk ; //find the path with the minimal cost methods for their best performance in terms of time delay and
19: Path_newNewpathSet[k] IIoT structure is presented in Fig. 4, which demonstrates the
20: end if average time delay increases with the increase of data amount
21: end for for all methods. The performances metric of average time
22: return Path_New. delay for 100 and 200 NDs are presented in Fig. 4(a) and (b),
respectively. The Fig. 4 shows that the average time delay
increases with the raise of communication data amounts for the
emulation scenarios. Then, the evaluation results are presented four methods. However, it is obvious that ATOP outperforms
and discussed from various perspectives. the others schemes in this metric with different data volumes.
It dues to the optimization routing path of ATOP that selects
A. Simulation Setup the CHs as relay points with the higher communication rate
We developed the simulation framework and realized and more communication resources. CR and SPCN achieve
the proposed algorithm in MATLAB environment. We use better performance than SPND, because CHs are in their com-
multiple threads to simulate the related methods. One of munication path. The NDs has the higher delay time during
threads is used to simulate the SDN controller, which collects the communication, so SPND method has the highest val-
network parameters regularly from network nodes. Then, state ues for different data amounts as shown in Fig. 4. When the
machine mechanism is adopted to emulate SDN controller data amount is equal to 700 Mb, ATOP achieves the smallest
actions by using the proposal, which involve in this paper such, average time delay, in other words our methods have reduced
routing path or increasing transmission power of CHs. The test the time consumption. In the same way, ATOP shows better
cases were generated according to the IIoT node density and performance than other methods. Comparing to Fig. 4(a) for
number of CHs. The framework for performance evaluation 100 NDs, ATOP has smaller value of average time delay than
is presented in Fig. 5 and the main simulation settings are the others, and by increasing the number of nodes, more NDs
summarized in Table II. could join in the communication among CHs.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Fig. 4. Comparison of average time delay. (a) n = 100. (b) n = 200. Fig. 7. Comparison of throughput and CODT in different levels. (a) Results
of throughput. (b) DLTS in different method.

it is obvious that when the deadline reaches different level,

and goodput of the proposed method still has 100% success-
ful receiving data rate, because the ATOP selects the most
(a) (b) effective routing path and the method increases the trans-
mitted power in order to get high communication rate. As
Fig. 5. Comparison of average PDD. (a) PDD in different data amount. presented in Fig. 6(a), CR and SPCN obtain good goodput
(b) PDD in different ND number.
because of CH takes part in data transmission. Moreover,
it is clear that SPND obtains the smallest value because it
adopts the NDs to construct the routing path. The curve of
goodput and different deadline are presented in Fig. 6(b).
With the increasing of deadline, the performance of goodput
raises for all methods. Moreover, by using ATOP, the suc-
cess receiving data rate is higher than 80%, when deadline is
more than 500 ms. Hence, the ATOP can adapt to different
(a) (b) deadline level. The other methods are questionable in urgent
Fig. 6. Comparison of goodput performance. (a) Goodput for different
deadlines. (b) Goodput for different methods. 4) Throughput: The performance of throughput in different
data amounts with different methods is presented in Fig. 7(a),
it demonstrates that there are slight variations of throughput
2) PDD: The PDD performance in different ways for the in different traffic load levels. In Fig. 7(a), we can observe
same number of NDs and CHs is presented in Fig. 5. In gen- that ATOP takes the highest throughput, as to choose the
eral, PDD of every strategy will increase with the increasing most effective path to forward the data. The average through-
of deadline and ND number. In Fig. 5(a), with decreasing puts of ATOP,CR, SPCN and SPND are 0.43, 0.35, 0.25,
of deadline, PDD of ATOP also decreases, in other words, 0.15 Mb/s, respectively. In other words, ATOP throughput get
the smaller the value of deadline is, the more routing paths the max value in different data amounts. The proposed strat-
will be deleted from the candidate path set. When the dead- egy provides the best performance of throughput, and then
line is larger than 1000 ms, the PDD is larger than 0.3. And followed by CR and SPCN. Dues the data rate limitation of
if deadline is 1500 ms, the PDD of ATOP will reach 0.5. NDs, the SPND shows the worst performance in terms of
However, the other methods achieve the value near zero, espe- throughput.
cially for SPND and SPCN, because they usually select the 5) DTLS: We use DTLS to evaluate the delay performance
same path without considering the path difference. Smaller from server in different computing frameworks. DTLS in
PDD indicates more different paths are adopted to forward our proposed edge IIoT (EIIoT) framework and cloud com-
the information. Namely, ATOP provides more balanced load puting architecture is presented in Fig. 7(b) with different
and energy consumption routing path, therefore, by employ- data amounts. We assume that the computational capac-
ing the proposed method it can reduce energy unbalance and ity of cloud computing server (CCS) is three times greater
prolong network life. In addition, PDD results are obtained than EIIoT, and ND will spend three hops to download the
for different numbers of NDs in Fig. 5(b). Similarly, the other data from cloud server. Further, CCS and our proposed frame-
methods have the PDD value near zero. The PDD of ATOP work have identical communication rate (1Mb/s). According to
increases with the increase of the number of NDs due to more Fig. 7(b), with the increase of data amount, the average delays
selected paths. increase in both frameworks (CCS and EIIoT). From another
Specifically, when ND number is 200, PDD of ATOP is 30, perspective, the EIIoT demonstrates better performance than
15 times of SPCN and CR, respectively. CCP. Namely, NDs consume less time for data transmission
3) Goodput: This performance metric is a useful index for in EIIoT. Specially, when traffic amount reaches 3000 Mb,
evaluation how successful is the data receiving from the source ED IIoT framework reduces more than 40% of download-
with the deadline constraint. The goodput for different dead- ing time from server comparing with CCS in light of direct
line level and methods is presented in Fig. 6(a). In Fig. 6(a), connection between edge server and NDs. In additional, the

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[39] Y. Cho, Y. Paek, E. Ahmed, and K. Ko, “A survey and design of Jiafu Wan (M’11) has been a Professor with the School of Mechanical and
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[41] G. Peralta et al., “Fog computing based efficient IoT scheme for the ing over 80 SCI-indexed papers, over 30 IEEE T RANSACTIONS /J OURNAL
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[42] S. Gao, Z. Peng, B. Xiao, A. Hu, and K. Ren, “FloodDefender: times cited without self-citations, reached 1204 times according to the Web of
Protecting data and control plane resources under SDN-aimed DoS Science Core Collection with an H-index of 20. His current research interests
attacks,” in Proc. IEEE Conf. Comput. Commun. (IEEE INFOCOM), include industry 4.0, IWNs, cyber-physical systems, IoT, cloud computing,
2017, pp. 1–9. embedded systems, and industrial robotics. His homepage can be visited at:
Mr. Wan is a Managing Editor for the International Journal of Autonomous
and Adaptive Communications Systems and International Journal of Arts and
Technology. He is a CCF and CMES Senior Member.

Xiaomin Li is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in mechanical and elec- Chengliang Liu was born in Shandong, China, in 1964. He received the
trical engineering at the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, B.Eng. degree from the Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, and
China. the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in
His current research interests include wireless sensor networks, IWN, and 1991 and 1998, respectively.
data mining. He has been invited as a Senior Scholar with the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison,
WI, USA, since 2001. He is currently with the Institute of Mechatronics,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. His current research interests
include mechatronic systems, MEMS/NEMS design, intelligent robot control,
Web-based remote monitoring techniques, and 3S (GPS, GIS, RS) systems.

Di Li was born in Anhui, China, in 1965. She received the B.S. and M.S.
degrees in aerospace engineering from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in automation Muhammad Imran is currently with King Saud University Riyadh,
from the South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 1993. Saudi Arabia, and is a Visiting Scientist with Iowa State University, Ames,
From 1988 to 1990, she was an Assistant Engineer with the Qingdao IA, USA. He has authored or co-authored a number of research papers in
Beihai Shipyard, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Qingdao, China. refereed international conferences and journals. His current research interests
From 1993 to 1998, she was an Associate Professor with the Guangdong include MANET, WSNs, WBANs, M2M/IoT, SDN, security and privacy.
University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Since 1999, she has been Mr. Imran serves as a Co-Editor in Chief for the EAI Transactions and an
a Professor with the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department, Associate Guest Editor for IEEE ACCESS, IEEE Communications Magazine,
South China University of Technology. She has authored over 150 papers and Computer Networks, Sensors, the International Journal of Distributed Sensor
holds eight patents. Her current research interests include high-performance Networks, the Journal of Internet Technology, Wireless Communications and
embedded control systems, numerical control, and machine vision. Mobile Computing, Ad Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, IET Wireless
Dr. Li was a recipient of the First Prize for Science and Technology Sensor Systems, the International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive
Development of Guangdong Province in 2009 and the Ding Ying Science Communications Systems, and the International Journal of Innovative
and Technology Award in 2011. Technology and Exploring Engineering.

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