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they produce " o n - off" responses to spots or full- correlating a white-noise modulated light stimulus
field flashes. The type N cells are like the so-called with the resulting "noisy" modulation of the cells'
"sustained" amacrine cells found by Kaneko (1973) membrane potential. The gain for the type N cells,
and Naka and Ohtsuka (1975). The change of gain and for all the other cells the results of which are
of these two types of cell with background is shown in Fig. 46, is the gain at the peak of the first
illustrated in Fig. 46 from Naka et al. (1979). They order Wiener kernel. The peak value of the kernel
clearly are affected similarly by backgrounds and (first or second order) at each background level,
also greatly resemble the ganglion cells in the way divided by the standard deviation of the white noise
they adapt. That is, the gain is approximately the stimulus, may be taken as a measure of gain at that
reciprocal of background, approximately Weber's background level.
We have to make a brief digression to make clear
that the results in Figs 45 and 46 were obtained in
completely different ways. Werblin and
Copenhagen (1974) used standard rectangular
increments of light on a steady background, and
measured the peak of the change in intracellularly 4.2. Bipalar Cells
recorded membrane potential. Naka et al. (1979)
measured first-order Wiener kernels by cross- The bipolar cells form the main link between
photoreceptors and ganglion cells and thus the
dependence of gain on background for these cells
10 4 is of crucial importance for understanding the site
"~"\ HORJZONTAL of adaptation.
The available data on gain control in bipolars
~ 103 o,
come mainly from Naka et al. (1979) and from
Thibos and Werblin (1978a). The results of Naka
et al. (1979) on catfish bipolars are displayed in
Fig. 46, on the same graph as the amacrine cell
~ 102 \XX~, IO2 I I I data. Clearly, the bipolars' gain begins to drop at
I00 I01 102
about the same level of illumination as the
OFF CENTER amacrines, and falls with a similar but somewhat
I-- shallower slope. Since bipolar cells are the input to
_~ iO +
fTYPE N CELL amacrine cells in catfish (Naka and Ohtsuka, 1975)
" G A N G LCI O~N as in other animals (Dowling and Boycott, 1965),
it is reasonable to suppose that the dependence of
ioo gain on background observed in the amacrines is
BIPOLARCELL already largely determined at the bipolar level.
IO0 IOI i0z iO3 10 4 The results on light adaptation in bipolars in
MEAN INTENSITY mudpuppy (Thibos and Werblin, 1978a) have
FIG. 46. Incremental gain o f catfish neurons, recorded concentrated on the way in which the surround of
intraeellularly. The ordinate is the incremental gain, the the bipolar receptive field sets the gain of the center.
amplitude of the first order Wiener kernel normalized by the
magnitude o f the white-noise modulation. The horizontal
This is illustrated in Fig. 47, which shows response
coordinate is the m e a n illumination. The dotted line is a vs log illumination under two conditions: (i) no
prediction from the Naka - R u s h t o n relation for the gain if background illumination; (ii) background
there were no adaptation, just saturation. Inset is an average
o f ten simultaneous recordings from horizontal and ganglion illumination falls on the bipolar's surround. In case
cells. Results for various cell types are labeled in the figure. (i), the i n t e n s i t y - r e s p o n s e function is
We believe the lowest m e a n intensity was a retinal irradiance approximately fit by the Naka - Rushton relation,
of 0.1 ~ watts crn-2 on the retina. The light source was in most
c a s e s a g l o w - m o d u l a t o r tube which was attenuated by
equation (6). In case (ii), the response vs
neutral density filters. F r o m N a k a et al. (1979). illumination curve of the same form is shifted to

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