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By Dr.Mohammad Z.

abu sheikha@

-M.C indication for surgery in chronic pancreatitis is - pain

-M.C.C of surgery in crohn's disease is - obstruction
+Varicose vein surgery is contraindicated in DVT
+Maximum dose of lidocaine is 0.5mg/Kg
+1st sign of hypocalcemia is - perioral numbness
+Analysis is not part of kansas criteria
+Analysis has NO role in prognosis of acute pancreatitis
-M.C site for Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome is - pancreas / 2nd is duodenum
-M.C site for Hydatid cyst in liver / 2nd is - lung
-M.C.C of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is - atherosclerosis
-M.C.C of dissecting thoracic aortic aneurysm is - HTN
-M.C.C of death after AAA repair is - MI
-M.C complication after AAA is - ischemic colitis due to ligation of inferior mesenteric artery
-M.C type of gallstone is - mixed (if NOT found to pure chemicals)
-M.C stone in hemolytic anemia is - pigment stone (Ca+2 bilirubinate)
+Pigmented stones (Black stone – Non infected) (Brown stone – infected)
-M.C liver tumor is metastasis
-M.C primary malignant liver tumor is - Hepatocellular carcinoma (Hepatoma)
-M.C liver tumor in children <3yrs is - Hepatoblastoma
-M.C benign liver tumor is - Hemangioma
+Biopsy is contraindicated in Hemangioma (risk for bleeding)
+Liver tumor that is associated with OCP is adenoma
+Percutaneous aspiration is contraindicated in Hydatid cyst
+Bowel recovery after GI surgery is small bowel (24hrs) / stomach (36hrs) / colon (48hrs)
-M.C site for carcinoid tumor is - appendix
-M.C organ injured in blunt trauma is – liver (spleen ???)
-M.C organ injured in penetrating trauma is - small bowel
-M.C organ injured in pelvic fracture is - posterior urethra (prostatic urethra)
+Seat belt sign (small bowel injury)
+Shock (decr. Tissue perfusion / decr. O2 tissue)
-M.C site for colon cancer is - rectosigmoid
-M.C site for metastasis of colon cancer is - liver
-M.C site for GI lymphoma is - stomach
-M.C symptom of gastric cancer is - weight loss
-M.C complication of peptic ulcer is - bleeding (from gastroduodenal artery)
-M.C symptom of peptic ulcer is - melena
-M.C.C of upper GI bleeding is - peptic ulcer
+Gastric cancer can become malignant, a Duodenal ulcer NOT
-M.C.C of peptic ulcer/gastric cancer is - H.pylori
-M.C Complication of H.pylori - (peptic ulcer, gastric cancer, malt lymphoma-MALToma)
-M.C.C of small bowel obstruction in adult is - post-operative adhesion
-M.C.C of small bowel obstruction in children is hernia / <2yrs is - intussusception
-M.C.C of small bowel obstruction in Pt. who has NO surgery and NO hernia is - small bowel tumor
-M.C.C of large bowel obstruction is - colon cancer
-M.C.C of rectal bleeding in infant is - anal fissure
-M.C.C of rectal bleeding in children is - Meckel's diverticulum
-M.C site for cholecystoenteric fistula is - duodenum
-Air in biliary tree with symptoms of intestinal obstruction (gallstone ileus)
-M.C thyroid cancer is - papillary
-Papillary cancer (F > M, young / excellent prognosis / metastasis by lymph node, a not blood)
-Follicular thyroid cancer (metastasis by blood)
-Medullary thyroid cancer (part of MEN II)
-Anaplastic thyroid cancer (worse prognosis)

-M.C skin cancer is - Basal cell carcinoma
-Basal cell carcinoma of skin (Rodent ulcer) (slowly growing / rarely metastasis)
-Squamous cell carcinoma of skin (rapidly growing / metastasis by lymph node, NOT blood)
-Actinic keratosis (premalignant skin lesion) / Seborrheic keratosis (isn't premalignant)
-M.C site for skin cancer is - face / M.C site for melanoma is - (Leg – women) (Back – men)
-Most important prognostic factor in melanoma is - depth of invasion
-M.C type of melanoma is - superficial spreading
-Skin below umbilicus can go to inguinal lymph nodes except testis
-M.C hernia in male or female is - indirect inguinal hernia
-M.C hernia to strangulated is - femoral hernia
-M.C cancer that metastasis to bowel is - melanoma
-Most Common Cause of Worm Infection - Pinworms – Ascaris
-Most Common Cause of Viral Encephalitis - Herpes Simpli Virus
-Most Common Cause of ViraL Meningitis - Coxsackie or Echovirus groups of enteroviruses
-Most Common Cause Bacterial Meningitis in Elderly is - strep. Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Meningitis in Newborns - Group B streptt.
-Most Common Cause of Meningitis in Children - Streptt. Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Meningitis in Young Adults (Teen) - Neisseria Meningitidis
-Most Common Type of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Mxied Cellularity & Best Prognosis is - Lymphatic Predominant
-Most Common Type of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma - B-cell lymphomas
-Most Common Thyroid disease - Goiter
-Most Common site of Atherosclerosis - Carotid Bifurcation
-Most Common Surgical emergency - Acute Appendicitis
-Most Common site of Diverticula - Sigmoid Colon
-Most Common Cause of SIADH - Small Cell CA of the Lung
-Most Common Cause of Death in DKA pt. - Cerebral Edema
-Most Common Cause of STDs - Chlamydia
-Most Common Cause of 2ry HTN - Renal disease
-Most Common cause of Rt.-sided heart failure : Lt.-sided heart failure - either systolic or diastolic heart failure
-Most Common Cause of Intrinsic RF (Acute Tubular Necrosis)
-Most Common Cause of Acute RF - Pre-Renal Causes
-Most Common Cause of Chronic RF - Diabetic Nephropathy
-Most Common Cause of 2ry Pulmonary HTN - COPD
-Most Common Cause of Protozoal Diarrahea - Giardia
-Most Common Cause of Portal HTN - Liver Cirrhosis
-Most Common Cause of Peripheral Neuropathy - DM
-Most Common Cause of Opportunistic infection in AIDS - Pneumocystis Carinaii Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause Chromosomal Anomaly that cause primary Abortion - Trisomy 16
(also it is the most common trisomy in human pregnancies)
-Most Common Cause of 2ry Abortion - Cervical Incompetence
-Most Common Cause of Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Uterine Atony
-Most Common Cause of Anti-Partum Hemorrhage - Abraptio Placenta
-Most Common Cause of Late secondary Post-Partum Hemorrhage - Retained Placental Tissue
-Most Common Cause of Post-Menopausal Bleeding - Atrophic Vaginitis
-Most Common Cause of Post-Menopausal Bleeding - Atrophic endometritis
-Most Common symptoms of Cervical/Endometrial CA - Abnormal Vaginal bleeding not associated with a woman's period
-Most Common Cause of Uterine Tumor - Leiomyoma (Fibroid)
-Most Common Cause of Death in Pre-eclampsia - Cerebral hemorrhage
-Most Common Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome - Mininmal Change Dis.
-Most Common Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome in Adults - Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
-Most Common Cause of Myocarditis - Coxsackie A virus
-Most Common Cause of Mental Retardation - Down’s Syndrome
-Most Common Cause of Mental Retardation in boys Worldwide - Fragile X syndrome
-Most Common Cause of Mental Retardation in boys Worldwide - Down’s Syndrome
-Most Common Cause of Liver Infection - Hepatitis A
-Most Common Cause of Intussuception - Terminal ileum into Cecum
-Most Common Cause of Hyperthyroidisim - Graves Disease
-Most Common Cause of Hypothyroidsim in developed countries (JORDAN) - Hashimoto’s Thyroditis

-Most Common Cause of Hypothyroidsim world wide - Iodine deficiency
-Most Common Cause of Hypopitutarism in Children - Craniopharyngioma
-Most Common Cause of HTN is - Eseential HTN
-Most Common Cause of HTN in children - Renal Parenchymal Dis.
-Most Common Cause of HTN in Young women - OCPs
-Most Common Cause of secondary HTN is - Renal disease
-Most Common Cause of Hyperparathyroidisim - Adenoma > Hyperplasia > CA
-Most Common Cause of Hyperparathyroidisim - CRF
-Most Common Cause of Hypercalcemia – Hyperparathyroidisim / Hypocalcemia (hypoparathyroidism)
-Most Common Cause type of Hernia in males & females - Indirect Inguinal
-Most Common Cause of Hernia in Females - Indirect Inguinal
-Most Common Cause of Hernia in Males - Indirect Inguinal
-Most Common Cause of Hernia in Females - Femoral Hernia
-Most Common Cause of Hereditary Bleeding Disorders - vWD
-Most Common Heart valve involved in RF - Mitral Valve
-Most Common Heart valve Involved in Bacterioal Endocarditis - Mitral Valve
-Most Common Heart valve Involved in Bacterioal Endocarditis in IV drug users - Tricuspid valve
-Most Common Cause of Heart Murmur - Mitral valve Prolapse
-Most Common Cause of Glomerulonephritis in Adult - IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Dis)
-Most Common Cause of Glomerulonephritis in Children - Post-Strepttococal G.N
-Most Common Cause of GIT obstruction - Adhesions
-Most Common Cause of Small bowel obstruction - Adhesions
-Most Common Hernia that cause GI obstruction - Indirect Inguinal Hernia
-Most Common Protien in Urine with Multiple Myeloma - Bence Jones Protien
-Most Common Cause of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - 21 hydroylase def.
-Most Common Disk herniation - L4 – L5
-Most Common Cause of End Stage Kidney Disease - DM
-Most Common Cause of Dietary Def - Iron
-Most Common Cause of Diarrhea in children - Rotavirus
-Most Common Cause of Demenitia - Alzheimers Disease
-Most Common Cause of Death worldwide - Ischemic Heart Dis.
-Most Common Cause of Death in SLE pts. - Lupus Nephropathy Type 4 - Diffuse Proliferating
-Most Common Cause of Death in HTN pts. - Acute MI
-Most Common Cause Silent Asymptomatic MI - DM
-Most Common Cause of Death in Alzheimer’s pts. - Aspiration Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Death in Stroke pts. - Aspiration Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Cushing Syndrome - Exogenous Steroid Therapy
-Most Common Cause of Coronary Art. Thrombosis - Left Ant. Descending Art.
-Most Common Cause of Cyanotic Heart Dis. - TOF
-Most Common Cause of Congenital Heart Dis. - VSD ( Membranous)
-Most Common Cause GIT anomaly - Meckel Diverticulum
-Most Common Cause Liver Cirrhosis in Western communities - Alchohol
-Most Common Cause Liver Cirrhosis in Jordan - Hepatitis B
-Most Common Chromosomal disorder - Down’s Syndrome
-Most Common Carpal Bone Fracture - Scaphoid Bone
-Most Common Cause of Mets. For any CA - Regional Lymph Node
-Most Common Cause Mets. After Regional L.N - Liver
-Most Common Cause of Leukemia in all children - ALL
-Most Common Cause of Leukemia/Malignancy in elderly - CLL
-Most Common Cause of Gynecological Malignancy - Endometrial CA
-Most Common Surgical Gynecological proplem - Utrine Fibroid
-Number of the Chromosome involved in Cystic Fibrosis - Ch. 7
-Most Common Cause Blindness is - Diabetic Retinopathy
-Most Common Breast Mass in young age is - Fibroadenoma
-Most Common Cause of Acute Infective Endocrditis - Staph Aureus
-Most Common Cause of Subacute Acute Infective Endocrditis - Staph Viridans
-Most Common Cause Bacterial Arthritis in Young age - Nisseria Gonorrhea
-Most Common Cause of Nosocomial Pneumonia - Staph. Aureus

-Most Common Cause of Epiglotittis - Haemophillus Influena Type B
-Most Common Cause of Otitis Media - Streptt. Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Food Poisoning - Staph Aureus
-Most Common GIT microflora - Bacteriodes
-Most Common Cause of Sepsis in IV drug abuser - Staph. Aureus
-Most Common Cause of Pneumonia in IV drug Abuser - Staph. Aureus
-Most Common Cause of PID - Chlamydia
-Most Common Cause of Community Acquired Pneumonia - Streptt. Pneumonia
-Most Common Cause of Nosocomial Infection - UTI
-Most Common Cause of Atypical Pneumonia - Mycoplasma
-Most Common Cancer of Pancreas - Adenocarcinoma
-Most Common Pituitary Mass - Prolactinoma
-Most Common Benign Mass of Placenta - Haemangioma
-Most Common Cause Salivary Gland CA - Pliemorphic Adenoma
-Most Common Skin CA - Basal Skin CA
-Most Common Stomach CA - Adenocarcinoma
-Most Common Testicular - Seminoma
-Most Common Thyroid CA - Papillary CA
-Most Common Malignant Lymphoma in Children - Burkitt’s Lymphoma
-Most Common Cause of Addison’s Disease - adrenal insufficiency (autoimmune adrenalitis)
-Most Common Cause of Acute MI in Children - Kawasaki Dis
-Most Common Site of Aneyrysm - Abdominal Aorta
-Most Common Cause of Subarachnoid Hge - Aneurysm of Circle of Willis
-Most Common Cause of Epidural (Etradural) Hge - Head Trauma
-Source of Bleeding in Epidural Haematoma - Middle Meningeal Artery
-Source of Bleeding in Subdural Haematoma - Bridging Viens
-Subdural Haematoma in MRI - Crescent Shape
-Epiadural Hematoma in MRI - Biconcave Shape
-Most Common Cancer in Infancy is - Hemangioma
-Most Common Cause of Abdominal mass in Newborn - Hydronephrosis
-Most Common Cause of Abdominal mass in Children < 1 year - Neuroblastoma
-Most Common Cause of Abdominal mass in Children > 1 year - Wilm’s Tumor
-Most Common Cause of (cancer can cause death – men) in Jordan : Colon
-Most Common Cause of men in International - Prostate
-Most Common Cause in Women - Breast cancer
-Most Common Benign Tumor in Women - Leimyoma (Fibroid)
-Most Common Breast cancer - Infiltrating Ductal Adenocarcinoma
-Most Common Liver cancer - Metastasis
-Most Common primary Liver cancer - HCC
-Most Common Liver cancer in children - Hepatoblastoma
-Most Common Cancer Death worldwide - Lung cancer
-Most Common 1ry Bone cancer in Adults & Old Age - Multiple Myeloma
-Most Common Mets. To Bone cancer in males - Prostate cancer
-Most Common Mets. To Bone cancer in females - Breast cancer
-Most Common Bone cancer in Children - Osteosarcoma
-Most Common Brain Malignant Tumor in Children - Medulloblastoma in Cerebellum
-Most Common Brain Benign Tumor in Children - Pilocytic Astrocytoma
-Most Common Brain Malignant Tumor in Adult - (Gliomas ; Glioblastoma Multiform)
-Most Common Brain Benign Tumor in Adult - ??
-Most Common Soft Tissue Mass / C.T tumor - Lipoma
-Most Common Benign Eosphageal Neoplasm - Leimyoma
-Most Common Malignant Eosphgeal Neoplasm - Squamous Cell cancer
-Most Common Site of Squamous Eosphgeal cancer - Upper 2/3
-Most Common Site of Eosphgeal Adenocarcinoma - Upper 1/3
-Most Common Origin of Mets. To Liver - Lung then GI malignancy
-Most Common Cancer in Mouth, Anus, Tounge, Mouth - Squamous Cell cancer
-Most Common cause of respiratory distress in newborn - Transient tachypnea of the newborn
-Most Common associated anomaly with coarctation - Bicuspid valve

-Most Common affected joint in gout - First MTP
-Most Common type of fluid collection in scrotum - Hydrocele
-Most Common affected bowel segment in TB - Ileocecal area
-Most Common abdominal emergency of early childhood - Intussusception
-Most Common bacterial cause of mesenteric adenitis - Yersinia Enterocolitica
-Most Common benign hepatic lesion - Hemangioma
-Most Common benign intraconal tumor of the orbit in adults - Cavernous hemangiomas.
-Most Common benign testicular mass - Simple cyst
-Most Common benign tumor of spleen - Hemangioma
-Most Common benign tumor of the lung - Hamartoma
-Most Common bilateral testicular tumor - Lymphoma
-Most Common breast tumor under age 25 years - Fibroadenoma
-Most Common cardiac manifestation of Systemic Lupus Erythematous - Pericarditis
-Most Common cardiac tumor in children - Rhabdomyoma
-Most Common causative organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in adults - Strep. Pneumonia
-Most Common causative organism of neonatal pyogenic meningitis - E. coli
-Most Common cause for pulmonary edema - Left-sided heart disease
-Most Common cause non iatrogenic cause of small bowel obstruction - Hernia
-Most Common cause of a large choroid plexus cyst - Trisomy 18
-Most Common cause of a large pleural fluid collection in the newborn period - Chylothorax
-Most Common cause of acute testicular pain in postpubertal male - Acute epididymitis
-Most Common cause of acute testicular pain in prepubertal male - Torsion
-Most Common cause of bilateral breast edema - CHF
-Most Common cause of biliary obstruction - Choledocholithiasis
-Most Common cause of bleeding between menstrual cycles - Endometrial hyperplasia
-Most Common cause of bronchopneumonia - Staphylococcal
-Most Common cause of cancer deaths in males and females - Bronchogenic CA
-Most Common cause of cause of infectious esophagitis - Candida Esophagitis
-Most Common cause of cavitary (necrotic) pneumonia in a child - Strep. Pneum.
-Most Common cause of Charcot joints - Diabetes mellitus
-Most Common cause of colonic obstruction in adults - Malignancy
-Most Common cause of colonic obstruction in the infant - Meconium plug syndrome in CF patients
-Most Common cause of congenital CNS infection - CMV
-Most Common cause of congenital duodenal obstruction - Duodenal atresia
-Most Common cause of cord ischemia - Thromboembolic disease
-Most Common cause of cyanosis in a child - Tetralogy of Fallot
-Most Common cause of cyanosis in newborn - Transposition of great vessels
-Most Common cause of dwarfism - Achondroplasia
-Most Common cause of end-stage renal disease - Diabetic Nephropathy
-Most Common cause of epididymitis in males aged 15 to 35 years - Sexually transmitted diseases
-Most Common cause of facial hemipalsy - Bell palsy
-Most Common cause of left atrial dilatation - Mitral regurgitation
-Most Common cause of lower GI bleeding - Diverticulosis
-Most Common cause of malignancy of men in the world – Bronchogenic CA
-Most Common cause of membranous croup - Staph. Aureus
-Most Common cause of Neonatal Pneumonia - Group B streptococcus
-Most Common cause of nephrocalcinosis in adults - Primary hyperparathyroidism
-Most Common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult female - Breast CA
-Most Common cause of osteoblastic bone metastases in an adult male - Prostate CA
-Most Common cause of renal vein thrombosis in adults - Nephrotic syndrome
-Most Common cause of squamous cell ca. in the renal pelvis - Chronic Infected stag horn calculus
-Most Common cause of testicular swelling - Hydrocele
-Most Common cause of SVC syndrome - Bronchogenic CA
-Most Common cause of tricuspid stenosis - Rheumatic heart disease
-Most Common cause of sudden cardiac death among young people - Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
-Most Common cause of toxic mega colon - Pseudomembranous colitis
-Most Common chest x-ray abnormality in the ICU - Atelectasis

-Most Common complication of ERCP - Pancreatitis
-Most Common congenital abnormality of GI tract - Meckel’s diverticulum
-Most Common congenital anomaly of CNS in live births - Myelomeningocele
-Most Common congenital defect of CNS - Anencephaly
-Most Common component of mixed germ cell tumors - Embryonal Cell CA
-Most Common congenital heart disease - Bicuspid aortic valve.
-Most Common cranial nerve affected by a pituitary macroadenoma - CN VI
-Most Common cranial nerve to be affected with schwannoma - VIII
-Most Common cyanotic congenital heart malformation beyond neonatal period - TOF
-Most Common diffuse breast disorder - Fibrocystic disease of breast
-Most Common cystic tumor of pancreas - Mucinous cystic neoplasm
-Most Common estrogenic ovarian tumor - Granulosa Cell Tumor
-Most Common benign ovarian neoplasm in young and middle-aged women (<45 years) - Mature
-Most Common Cause of Ovarian CA - Epithelial Serous Cyst Adenocarcinoma
-Most Common sex cord-stromal cell tumor - Ovarian Fibroma
-Most Common Benign ovarian neoplasm - Serous Cystadenoma
-Most Common malignant ovarian neoplasm - Serous Cystadenocarcinoma
-Most Common etiology for osteomyelitis - Staphylococcus aureus
-Most Common etiology of bilaterally enlarged, hyperechoic kidneys in newborn infant - ARPKD
-Most Common etiology of mesenteric adenitis - Viral
-Most Common extra-adrenal site of pheochromocytoma - Organ of Zuckerkandl
-Most Common extraaxial neoplasm of CNS - Meningioma
-Most Common etiology of rickets - Vitamin D deficiency
-Most Common extrapulmonary site of tuberculosis - Urinary tract
-Most Common form of emphysema in smokers - Centrilobular emphysema
-Most Common form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - Asymmetric involvement of the
interventricular septum
-Most Common form of systemic vasculitis in adults - Giant cell (temporal) arteritis
-Most Common functional tumors of the ovary - Sex cord–stromal tumors
-Most Common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production - Choriocarcinoma
-Most Common germ cell tumor associated with excessive hCG production after choriocarcinoma -
-Most Common GI neoplasm - Adenoma
-Most Common gynecologic neoplasm - Uterine Leiomyoma
-Most Common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with cavitation - Squamous
-Most Common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pancoast tumor -
-Most Common histologic type of bronchogenic carcinoma associated with pleural effusion -
-Most Common intramedullary tumor in children - Astrocytoma
-Most Common intramedullary tumor of adults - Ependymoma
-Most Common intraocular neoplasm in childhood - Retinoblastoma
-Most Common intraorbital tumors found in adults - Cavernous hemangiomas
-Most Common intrathoracic fetal anomaly - Congenital diaphragmatic Hernia
-Most Common islet cell tumor in MEN 1 - Gastrinoma
-Most Common islet cell tumor of the pancreas - Insulinoma
-Most Common liver tumor after metastases - Hemangioma
-Most Common location for a pilocytic astrocytoma - Cerebellum
-Most Common location of benign and malignant masses in breast - Upper outer quadrant
-Most Common location of an ectopic pregnancy - Ampullary region of the fallopian tube
-Most Common location of benign and malignant masses in breast - Upper outer quadrant
-Most Common location of bronchogenic carcinoma – Rt. upper lobe
-Most Common location of intraorbital abscess - Subperiosteal space on medial wall
-Most Common malignancy of childhood - Leukemia
-Most Common malignant bone tumor in children - Ewings
-Most Common malignant neoplasm of diaphragm - Fibrosarcoma
-Most Common malignant sex cord–stromal tumor - Granulosa cell tumor

-Most Common malignant testicular neoplasm - Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
-Most Common malignant tumor of the duodenum - Adenocarcinoma
-Most Common malignant tumor of the heart - Angiosarcoma
-Most Common malignant tumor of the small bowel - Carcinoid
-Most Common mammographic finding in DCIS – Microcalcifications
-Most Common mammographic finding in Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma - Architectural distortion
-Most Common mass lesion of the cerebellopontine angle after acoustic schwannoma - Meningioma
-Most Common metastasis to the heart - Melanoma
-Most Common missed type of breast cancer on mammography - Infiltrating/Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
-Most Common metastatic cause of linitis plastica - Breast carcinoma
-Most Common neonatal cyanotic congenital heart malformation - Transposition of the great vessels
-Most Common neoplasm of internal auditory canal / cerebellopontine angle - Vestibular Schwannoma
-Most Common organism of acute pyogenic meningitis in infants & children - N. meningitides
-Most Common pediatric tumor causing isosexual precocious puberty in a girl - Granulosa cell tumor
-Most Common predisposing disorder of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax - COPD
-Most Common pregnancy-related mortality in the first trimester - Ectopic pregnancy
-Most Common pineal tumor - Pineal Germinoma
-Most Common primary brain tumor - GBM
-Most Common primary cardiac tumors in adults - Myxomas
-Most Common site for cardiac myxoma - Left atrium
-Most common primary cerebellar mass in an adult - Hemangioblastoma
-Most Common primary demyelinating disease - MS
-Most Common primary female urethral malignancy - Squamous cell carcinoma
-Most Common primary hepatic neoplasm in infants & children <5 years old - Hepatoblastoma
-Most Common primary lung tumor under age 16 - Bronchial Adenoma
-Most Common renal fusion anomaly - Horseshoe kidney
-Most Common renal mass in a 3 months old infant - Mesoblastic nephroma
-Most Common respiratory cause of cold agglutinin production - Mycoplasma pneumonia
-Most Common spinal cord tumor - Ependymoma
-Most Common single cause of breast lumps in females between 35-55 years of age - Breast cyst
-Most Common systemic allergic hypersensitivity-related acute small-vessel vasculitis in children - HSP
-Most Common testicular tumor in a young boy - Yolk sac tumor
-Most Common tumor of adenohypophysis - Pituitary Adenoma
-Most Common tumor of the appendix - Carcinoid
-Most Common type of abdominal wall hernia - Inguinal hernia
-Most Common type of brain hernaition - anterior / uncal transtentorial
-Most Common type of cancer to arise from a thyroglossal duct cyst - Papillary carcinoma
-Most Common type of cardiomyopathy - Dilated cardiomyopathy
-Most Common type of liver abscess - Pyogenic Liver Abscess
-Most Common type of lymphoma involving the head and neck region - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
-Most Common type of malignancy in undescended testis - Seminoma
-Most Common type of of pituitary adenomas - Prolactinoma
-Most Common virilizing tumor of ovary - Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor
-Most Common Site of Squamous Cell CA in mouth - Lower Lip
-Most Common Cause of Abruptio placenta - Pre-eclamptic Toxemia
-Most Common Cause of 1st trimester Bleeding - Abortion
-Most Common Cause of Ectopic Pregnancy - PID
-Most Common Cause of post partum haemorrage is - Uterine Atony
-Most Common Cause of Maternal Death is - Postpartum Bleeding
-Most Common Indication of CS is - previous CS
-Most Common Indication of CS in primgravida is failure to progress ( Cephalopelvic / Disproportion)
-Most Common Risk Factor of Uterine Rupture is Previous CS
-Most Common Risk Factor of Cervical CA is - HPV
-Most common primary obstetric causes of neonatal death is - preterm delivery/birth
-Most Common Cause of Death in Premature infants - RDS
-Most Common Female pelvis - Gynecoid (Rarest being platy pelloid)
-Most Common Cause of PID - Chlamydia
-Most Common Cause Valvular / Vainal prutitis - Candida

-Most Common Specific Anomaly in Infants of Diabetic mothers - Sacral Agensis ( Caudal Regression Syndrome)
-Most Common Congenital Anomaly in Infant of Diabetic mother - VSD
-Most Common Cause of Polyhydroamnios - Idiopathic
-Most Common Cause of Preterm Labour - Preterm
-Most Common Cause of Oligohydroamnios - Rupture of Amniotic Membranes (ROM)
-Most Common Cause of Preterm Labour - Preterm Rupture of Amniotic membranes
-Most Common Fetal position - Left Occipito Anterior
-Most Common form of cephalic presentation - Vertex presentation
-Most Common Cause of 2ry Amenorrhea - Pregnancy
-Most Common Cause of Pathological 2ry Amenorrhea - PCOs
-Most Common Symptom of Valvular CA - Pruritis
-Most Common Type of (Cervical / Valvular / Vaginal ) - Squamous Cell CA
-Most Common Cause of Heavy Vaginal Bledding in Child-bearing age - Dysf. Uterine Bleeding
-Most Common Cause of Painful Vaginal Rash - HSV type 2
-Best Time for DM Screening during Pregnancy - 24–28 weeks
-Best Time for Group B Streptt. Screening - 35–37weeks
-Best Time for Triple Marker Screening - 15–20 weeks
-Best way to Dx Endometrioses - Laproscopy
-Best way to Dx Ectopic Pregnancy - Laproscopy
-Best way to Dx Fibroid - Ultrasound
-Best way to Dx Adenomysis - MRI
-Most Dangerous Complication of IUFD - DIC
-Most Dangerous Complication of Missed Abortion – D
-M.C.C of cerebral Palsy - Intrapartum asphyxia
-Most common Skull fracturesInjuries During Deliveries - linear Skull fracture
-M.C.C of Death in Tetanus - Respiratory arrest
-Most common chronic glomerular disease worldwide - IgA Nephropathy (Berger disease)
-Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults - Membranous Glomerulopathy
-Most common cause of chronic glomerulonephritis in older children and young adults - Membranoproliferative
-Most common hereditary human kidney disease - POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE Autosomal-Dominant Type (Adults)
-Most common form of persistent proteinuria in school-aged children and adolescents - Orthostatic type
-Most common nephrotic syndrome seen in children is - Steroid-sensitive minimal change disease
-Minimal Change Disease Most common - between 2 and 6 years of age
-Most common disorder of sexual differentiation in boys (more in preterm) - Undescended Testes
-Most common cause of testicular pain over 12 years old - Testicular Torsion
-Most common intracranial for site of teratomas - Pineal region.
-Most common intramedullary spinal neoplasm in adults - Ependymoma of Spinal Cord
- Most common intramedullary tumor in children - Astrocytoma
- Most common intramedullary tumor of adults - Ependymoma
-Most common intraocular neoplasm in childhood - Retinoblastoma
-Most common intraorbital tumors found in adults - Cavernous hemangiomas
-Most common cns neoplasam in immunosuppressed patients - primary cns lymphoma
-M.C intracranial tumor – glioma (45%)
-M.C glioma – astrocytoma (30%)
-M.C astrocytoma - glioblastoma multiforme (20%)
-M.C supratentorial tumor in child - craniopharyngioma
-M.C intracranial tumor in child - cerebellar astrocytoma (2nd mc-medulloblastoma)
-M.C infratentorial tumor in child - cerebellar astrocytoma (2nd mc-medulloblastoma)
-M.C posterior fossa tumor in childhood - cerebellar astrocytoma(2nd mc-medulloblastoma)
-astrocytes-cerebral in location in adults and cerebellar in child
-M.C tumor in childhood - astrocytoma
-M.C astrocytoma of childhood - juvenile pilocytic
-M.C malignant tumor of childhood - mesulloblastoma
-M.C hemispheric tumors in child - gliomas
-M.C midline tumors in childrens - craniopharyngioma
-M.C tumors in 1st year of llife - supratentorial tumours eg-teratoma, choroidal plexus
-M.C tumors in 1 to 10years – infra-tentorial tumors

-M.C tumors after 10years - again supratentorial (diffuse astrocytoma)
-Most common cause of GERD is - haital hernia
-Most common symptom of GERD is - heartburn
-Most common symptom of achalasia is - dysphagia
-Most common esophageal cancer is - squamous cell cancer
-Most common symptom (1st symptom ) of esophageal cancer is - dysphagia
-Most common cause of peptic ulcer is - helicobacter pylori
-Most common complication of peptic ulcer is - gastric intestinal bleeding ( melena )
-Most common emergent complication of peptic ulcer ( that need surgery ) is - perforation
-Most common site of gastric ulcer is - lesser curvature ( incisura angularis )
-Most common site of duodenal ulcer is - pulp of duodenum ( 1st part of duodenum )
-Most common site of gstrinoma is - pancreas
-2nd Most common site of gastrinoma is - duodenum
-Most sensitive diagnosis of peptic ulcer that induced helicobacter pylori is - stool antigen test
-The best drug of peptic ulcer that induced NSAID is - misoprastol
-Most common symptom of gastric cancer in stage 3 is - weight loss
-Most common risk factor for gastric cancer is - helicobacter pylori
-Most common site for metastasis of gastric cancer is - liver
-Most common site for GI lymphoma is - stomach
-Most common gastric cancer is - adenocarcinoma
-Most common hernia is - inguinal hernia
-Most common inguinal hernia is - indirect inguinal hernia
-Most common inguinal hernia in male is - small bowel
-Most common inguinal hernia in female is - ovarian and fallopian tubes
-Most common hernia causes strangulate is - femoral hernia
-Most common nerve injured during repair surgery of inguinal hernia is - ileoinguinal nerve
-1st site of jaundice is - under the tongue
-Most common type of gallstone is- mixed gallstone
-2nd Most common type of gallstone is - cholesterol gallstone
-Most common artery injured during cholecystectomy is - Rt. hepatic artery
-Most common bacteria that causes ascending cholangitis is - E.coli
-Most common cause of acute pancreatitis is - gallstone
-Most common complication of acute pancreatitis is - pseudocyst
-Most common indication for surgery in acute pancreatitis is - pseudocyst
-Most common cause of death in acute pancreatitis is - infection and sepsis
-Most sensitive diagnosis for cholelithasis ( gallstone ) is - abdominal ultrasound
-Most sensitive diagnosis for choledocholithasis is - MRCP
-Most common site of volvulus is - sigmoid
-2nd Most common site of volvulus is - cecum
-Most common area that rupture in large bowel obstruction is - cecum
-Most common site of appendix is - retrocecal
-2nd Most common site of appendix is - retroileal
-3rd Most common site of appendix is - pelvic
-Most common complication of appendtsits is - wound infection
-Most common area that have lymph nodes in abdomen is - ileum
-Most common site affected in acute mesenteric ischemia is - splenic flexure
-Most common cause of massive painless lower GI bleeding is - diverticulosis
-Most common site of diverticulosis is - sigmoid
-Most common cause for surgery in cronh’s disease is - small bowl obstruction
-M.C.C of abortion in 1st trimester - chromosomal abnormality (trisomy 16)
-M.C.C of abortion in 2nd trimester (cervical incompetence)
+Fetal heart by ultrasound in (7-8)weeks
-Quicking (primigravida) (18wks) - multigravida (14-16wks)
-M.C known cause of reccurent abortion (antiphospholipid antibody)
-M.C.C 1st trimester bleeding (abortion)
-Treatment cervical incompetence – cervical cercalage in 12-14wks / removed at 36-38wks
-Maximum amniotic fluid=800cc in 28wks start decrease after 37wks

-M.C.C of antepartum hemmorrhage - abrauptio placenta
-M.C.C of abruptio placenta – HTN, PRECLAMPSIA
-Most common complication of abruptio placenta is - postpartum hemmorrhage
-M.C.C of placenta previa--(previous scars after surgery)
+When can placenta previa be detected – after 28wk
-Treatment of choice for vasa previa - emergent C/S
-Treatment of choice for placenta accreta,iccreta,percreta – C/S + hysterectomy
-M.C.C of uterine rupture is - Previous CS, Myomectomy
-M.C.C of intracranial metastasis - Ca lung
-M.C.C of hepatic metastasis - Bronchogenic carcinoma
-M.C.C of hepatic mets from GIT - Colonic ca
-M.C.C of Intrauterine Growth retardation - C/c pyelonephritis
-M.C.C of HTN in children - A/c Glomerulonephritis
-M.C complication of CSOM - mastoiditis
-Most common extacranial complication of CSOM - mastoiditis
-Most common intracranial complication of CSOM - meningitis
-M.C ovarian tumour in pregnancy - Teratoma/Dermoid cyst
-M.C joint involved in Osteo Arthritis - Knee joint
-M.C.C of interstitial/atypical pneumonia - Mycoplasma
-M.C Glycogen storage disease - Gauchers disease
-M.C.C of childhood nephritic syndrom - Minimalchange disease
-M.C.C of adult nephritic syndrome - FSGS
-M.C cancer in females - Breast cancer
-M.C.C of maternal deaths - Obstetric hemorrhage(PPH)
-M.C.C of Blindness in India - Cataract
-M.C site of Gastrinoma - Duodenum
-M.C Paraneoplastic Syndrome - Hypercalcemia
-M.C paraneoplastic endocrinopathy - Cushings syndrome
-M.C presentation of meckels diverticulum - bleeding
-M.C s/e of radiation on heart - pericardial effusion
-M.C.C of cushings disease - pituitary microadenoma
-M.C aldosterone producing adrenal tumour - u/l adrenal adenoma
-M.C.C of post trauma vegetative state - diffuse axonal injury
-M.C anomaly with coarctation of aorta - bicuspid aortic valve
-M.C.C of vasculitis in child - henoch-schonlein purpura
-M.C feature of aortitis on x-ray - calcified ascending aorta
-M.C intra-abdominal malignancy in children - Neuroblastoma
-2nd M.C intra-abdominalmalignancy in children - Wilms tumor
-M.C hepatic malignancy in children - Hepatoblastoma
-M.C soft tissue sarcoma - Rhabdomyosarcoma
-M.C site for rhabdomyosarcoma - Head and neck
-M.C Pediatric malignancy - ALL
-2nd M.C Pediatric malignancy - Brain tumor
-M.C brain tumor in children - Astrocytoma
-M.C brain tumor in infancy - Supratentoria
-M.C brain tumor between 1-10 yrs of age - Infratentorial
-M.C brain tumor after 10 yrs of age - Supratentorial
-M.C embryonal brain tumor - Medulloblastoma
-M.C renal mass in neonates - Multicystic renal dysplasia
-M.C malignant tumor of kidney - Wilms tumor
-M.C tumors in parts of mediaastinum (anterior-thymomas, mid-cyst, posterior-neurogenic tumour)
-M.C tumour of mediastinum - neurogenic tumour
-Most malignant masses of mediastinum – lymphomas
-M.C.C of renal artery stenosis (Old age-atherosclerosis / Young(india)-takayasu arteritis / Young(western world)-fibro muscular
-M.C site in GIT Small bowel carcinoid - ILEUM
-M.C site in Ulcerative colitis, hirsprung disease – RECTUM
-Polyps in peutz jegher syndrome, pneumatosis cystoids – intestinal JEJUNUM

-Amoebic colitis, volvulus - sigmoid colon
-Bleeding from angiodysplasia – Rt. colon
-Brenners gland – 1st part of duodenum
-M.C of isoniazid resistance - kat G gene mutation
-M.C primary lymphoma of spleen - NHL
-M.C.C of seizure in newborn – HIE
-M.C type of seizure in newborn – subtle
-M.C tumours in newborn - sacrococcygeal teratoma
-M.C site of colonic volvulus – sigmoid
-M.C.C of hereditary thrombophilia - factor V leiden mutation
-M.C hereditary cause of venous thrombosis - factor V leiden mutation
-M.C hereditary blood coagulation disorder - factorV leiden mutation
-M.C pancreatic tumour in MEN1 – gastrinoma
-M.C complication of IUCD – Bleeding
-M.C sites of primary for bone metastasis- (male-prostate>lung / Female-breast>lung / children-neuroblastoma)
-M.C glomerulopathy worldwide – Iga-nephropathy
-M.C primary neplasm of the heart - myxoma
-M.C anterior corneal dystrophy - Anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD)
-M.C of stromal dystrophies - Lattice dystrophy is usually an autosomal dominant condition
-M.C endothelial corneal dystrophy - Fuchs Macular dystrophy of the cornea is the least common, but most severe
-M.C phakomatosis - neurofibromatosis (NF1)
-M.C site of TB lung - Apices
-M.C injury encounter in spine injuries - flexion of spine
-M.C.C of viral meningitis – enterovirus
-M.C.C of sporadic viral encephalitis - HSV1/ epidemic- Arboviru

Dr. Mohammad Z. Abu sheikha @


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