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Noting details in the selection listened.

Identify the setting,

main and secondary characters, climax and ending of the
story. (Competency: Listening 4.0)
Exercise A

Directions: Select a partner. Let your partner read the setting, main character, secondary characters, climax and
ending of the story by completing the table below


An old fable tells the story of a young lion and a cougar. Both were thirsty. One hot afternoon, they happened to
arrive at the local watering hole at the same time. They immediately began to argue about who should satisfy his
thirst first. The argumentation became heated, and each decided he should be the first to quench his thirst.
Rulership of the territory was at stake! Pride was an issue! As they stubbornly confronted each other, their
emotions turned to rage. Their roars and screeches could be heard for miles as they moved closer and closer to
battle. Then they both noticed strange shadows skirting across the ground. Both looked up at the same time.
Circling overhead was a flock of vultures, waiting for the loser to fall! Quietly, the two beasts turned and walked
away. The thought of being devoured was all they needed to end their quarrel.


Main Time Climax

Secondary Place ending

Lesson 34: Noting details in the selection listened. Identify the setting, main and secondary
characters, climax and ending of the story. (Competency: Listening 4.0)

Exercise B

Directions: Select partner. Let your partner read the selection for you and vice versa. Identify the setting, main
character, secondary characters, climax and ending of the story by completing the table below.

THE ASS IN THE LION’S SKIN (From the Jataka Collection)

Once upon a time, while Brahma-datta was reigning in Benares, the future Buddha was born of a peasant family;
and when he grew up, he gained his living by tilling the ground. At that time, a hawker used to go from place to
place, trafficking in goods carried by an ass. Now at each place he came to when he took the pack down from the
ass’s back, he used to clothe him in a lion’s skin, and turn him loose in the rice and barley fields. When the
watchmen in the fields saw the ass, they dared not go near him, taking him for a lion. So one day, the hawker
stopped in a village; and while he was getting his own breakfast cooked, he dressed the ass in a lion’s skin and
turned him loose in a barley field. The watchmen in the field dared not to go up to him; but going home, they
announced the news. Then all the villagers came out with weapons in their hands. Blowing chanks, and beating
drums, they went near the field and shouted. Terrified with the fear of death, the ass uttered a cry-the cry of an


Main Time Climax
Secondary Place Ending

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