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Half Hollow Hills School District

Teacher Summative Non Tenured

Maximizing Student Achievement through Supervision and Professional Development

Id Teacher Building Department Cert Type Tenure Year Days Absent Date Opened Date Closed
14493 Danielle Fricke West Hollow (053) MATH Professional Non Tenured 17/18 6.5 5/24/2018 6/13/2018

Select one rating for each criterion as they apply.

Ratings: (H) Highly Effective, (E) Effective, (D) Developing, (I) Ineffective
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy H E D I
1b: Demonstrating Knowledge of Students H E D I
1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes H E D I
1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources H E D I
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction H E D I
1f: Designing Student Assessments H E D I
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport H E D I
2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning H E D I
2c: Managing Classroom Procedures H E D I
2d: Managing Student Behavior H E D I
2e: Organizing Physical Space H E D I
Domain 3: Instruction
3a: Communicating with Students H E D I
3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques H E D I
3c: Engaging Students in Learning H E D I
3d: Using Assessment for Instruction H E D I
3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness H E D I
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
4a: Reflecting on Teaching H E D I
4b: Maintaining Accurate Records H E D I
4c: Communicating with Families H E D I
4d: Participating in a Professional Community H E D I
4e: Growing and Developing Professionally H E D I
4f: Showing Professionalism H E D I
Administrator Comments

Ms. Fricke is completing her second year teaching at West Hollow MS. This year, she taught Math 7 and Math AIS 6. Ms.
Fricke continues to develop strong collaborative relationships with members of the math department and West Hollow's
faculty. This year she explored the use of NearPod (an interactive classroom tool used to engage students). After
learning its capabilities, piloting, and making modifications using student input, Ms. Fricke shared her knowledge with
West Hollow's faculty, during our Faculty Share Fair. Ms. Fricke developed stronger relationships with students while
advising grade 7 Rising Stars and Math Fair participants.

The classroom environment is one of shared respect. She fosters a growth mindset using several 'discovery' type
activities. Students are held to a high standard of work ethic and mutual collaboration. The use of NearPod has
increased her ability to conduct formative assessments and provide meaningful feedback to students. Her desire to
help every student "become a better math student' drives her instructional practice.

HHH administration supports Ms. Fricke's desire to work with colleagues to develop a bank of NearPod activities. MS.
Fricke is effective/highly effective in all components of the District's Performance Appraisal

Professional Development Plan (PDP) recommendation (if appropriate)

This document requires Electronic Signatures.

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________________________________ ________________________________
Administrator Signature Date

Danielle Fricke 6/15/2018 8:18:56 AM

________________________________ ________________________________
Teacher Signature Date

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