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MCQ lecture 6

1)A ________ is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need, including
physical goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organizations,
information, and ideas.
A) function
B) product
C) benefit
D) process
E) structure
2) The five product levels constitute a ________. At each level more customer value is added.
A) product line
B) business model
C) customer value-hierarchy
D) value grid
E) demand chain
3) Marketers must see themselves as benefit providers. For example, when a shopper purchases
new shoes, he or she expects the shoes to cover his or her feet and allow him or her to walk
unobstructed. This is an example of what level in the consumer-value hierarchy?
A) pure tangible good
B) basic product
C) augmented product
D) potential product
E) generic product
4) The sellers of ________ goods carry a wide assortment to satisfy individual tastes. They must
have well-trained salespeople to inform and advise customers.
A) unsought
B) specialty
C) convenience
D) heterogeneous shopping
E) generic
5) Marketers have traditionally classified products on the basis of three characteristics:
________, tangibility, and use.
A) availability
B) affordability
C) aesthetics
D) durability
E) necessity
6) Which of the following are tangible goods that normally survive many uses?
A) generic goods
B) durable goods
C) core benefits
D) convenience goods
E) unsought goods
7) What types of goods are purchased frequently, immediately, and with minimum effort by the
A) specialty goods
B) shopping goods
C) unsought goods
D) durable goods
E) convenience goods
8) Products such as insurance, cemetery plots, and smoke detectors are examples of ________
goods that are products that the consumer does not know about or does not normally think of
A) specialty
B) unsought
C) heterogeneous shopping
D) homogeneous shopping
E) convenience
9) Capital items are long-lasting goods that facilitate developing or managing the finished
product. They include two groups: installations and ________.
A) natural products
B) component materials
C) operating supplies
D) equipment
E) processed materials
10) Many products can be differentiated in terms of their ________, which is its size, shape, or
physical structure.
A) form
B) prototype
C) architecture
D) model
E) blueprint
11) Buyers expect products to have high ________, which is the degree to which all produced
units are identical and meet promised specifications.
A) durability
B) compatibility
C) conformance quality
D) form
E) performance quality
12) ________ describes the product's look and feel to the buyer; it has an advantage of creating
distinctiveness that is difficult to copy.
A) Design
B) Style
C) Durability
D) Conformance
E) Reliability
13) ________ describes the service program for helping customers keep purchased products in
good working order.
A) Returns
B) Ordering ease
C) Installation
D) Maintenance and repair
E) Delivery
14) The common denominators of luxury brands are quality and ________.
A) uniqueness
B) practicality
C) global appeal
D) contemporary
E) goodwill
15) A consumer products firm manufactures and sells over 200 different sizes and varieties of
jams and jellies. We can say that this manufacturer's product mix has high ________.
A) consistency
B) depth
C) intensity
D) range
E) width
16) The ________ of the product mix refers to the total number of items in the mix.
A) width
B) length
C) depth
D) breadth
E) range
17) A company positioned in the "middle" market introduces a lower-priced product line. What
type of line-stretching is this?
A) home stretch
B) up-market stretch
C) down-market stretch
D) maintenance stretch
E) two-way stretch
18) Marriott Corporation now contains hotels and motels from the "budget" end of the consumer
spectrum to the "premium" end with their JD Marriott flagship locations. This is an example of a
firm that successfully performed a(n) ________ to reach more consumers and ventures that are
more profitable.
A) upstream integration
B) two-way stretch
C) up-market stretch
D) down-market stretch
E) downstream integration
19) When shopping for tires for your automobile, you notice that the manufacturer you have
selected has tires for your car priced low, average, and high, based upon performance and
features. This is an example of what type of product-mix pricing?
A) two-part pricing
B) product-line pricing
C) captive product pricing
D) market pricing skimming
E) price discrimination

20) A manufacturer is contemplating introducing a product that is inferior to its competition in

its performance, design, and functionality. However, the manufacturer believes that "good brand
marketing" can overcome these shortfalls. Why is this thinking incorrect?

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