MDchat Transcript October 26, 2010

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Transcript of #MDchat for October 26, 2010

Follow @MD_chat for regular updates
Hello everyone! Welcome to another #MDchat! If you're new, just follow
MD_Chat along. Let's start with introductions. Tell us about yourself.
Family doc in #RVA, teach med students, work internationally,
RichmondDoc contributor at; using a new avatar. #mdchat
Srini, developer of medical diagnostic instrumentation. Hello everyone.
Srini2000 Look forward to understanding the doctor's adoption of tech, #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: Family doc in #RVA, teach med students, work
internationally, contributor at; using a new avatar.
PracticalWisdom #mdchat
MD_Chat @RichmondDoc @Srini2000 Welcome! #mdchat
Matt Katz, community radiation oncologist, website tinkerer and
subatomicdoc percolating digital rights advocate. #mdchat
Good evening! I'm a critical care RN, legal nurse consultant, &
Tweeter interested in how social media will impact on health care
EllenRichter #MDchat
OK - we'll get started with the first topic in one minute. Please prepend
MD_Chat your answers to topics with T1, T2, etc. #MDchat
#mdchat Bob West, PhD, at SUNY Upstate, involved in MedEd 2.0, trying
westr to learn a few things, & set an example for my students
--> (nonclinical) passionate about patient centered care &
amp; a clear focus on goals of care #MDchat (lurking until my family gets
renee_berry home)
T1 Patient-Physician Relationship: How does you see it evolving? How
MD_Chat might so-called social media influence it? #MDchat
@MD_chat Hi all, grateful cancer survivor and blogger. Just listening.
jodyms Thanks to all.#MDCHAT
T1 Unfortunately, our system right now does not really value face-to-face
RichmondDoc care, which harms the provider/pt relationship. #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: --> (nonclinical) passionate about patient
centered care & a clear focus on goals of care #MDchat (lurking
jodyms until my family gets home)
Blausen Medical developer of 3D medical educational content listening in
blausengroup to #mdchat
T1 We will need payment and medical system reform that values that sort
RichmondDoc of patient-centered care in order to change the trend. #mdchat
RT @MD_Chat: T1 Patient-Physician Relationship: How does you see it
westr evolving? How might so-called social media influence it? #MDchat
T1 I can see that sort of delivery and payment reform also changing the
RichmondDoc ways docs interact w/ pts: via e-mail, SocMed, pt portals. #mdchat
T1: Social media is an accelerant to rebalance the clinician-patient
subatomicdoc relationship. #mdchat
T1 I believe that SocMed can enhance doc/pt communication--either via
RichmondDoc casual communications (announcements, etc)... #mdchat
T1 @MD_Chat what is the difference between 'so-called social media'
renee_berry & social media? #mdchat
T1: It may also pose new challenges to the therapeutic relationships
subatomicdoc #mdchat
T1 The ability for patients to get info from their social network while at doc
StrategicGen visits interactive visit .. way future #mdchat
T1 ...but also by using a brief SM message or communication to initiate pt
RichmondDoc contact back to the office of for care reminders. #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc: T1: It may also pose new challenges to the therapeutic
RichmondDoc relationships #mdchat
@subatomicdoc Agree, though this might end up being a disruptive
RichmondDoc innovation that enhances care and empowers pts. #mdchat
@MD_chat T1 Better role definition for both, eg humans, consumers,
apjonas stewards, buyer/seller, patient/physician. SM will help lots! #mdchat
#mdchat T1 P4 medicine includes a big Participatory role for patients.
westr Docs will have to adjust as more patients become empowered
Cherise-blogger and person living with Type 1.5/LADA diabetes- lurking
Diabetic_Iz_Me tonight #mdchat ♻ @HealthIsSocial New #MDchat Hashtag Fills
healthgist Important Twitter Void - #hcsm
T1 I think #SocialMedia provides a new challenge & opportunity
renee_berry for #MD 's to be a resource of health information #mdchat
T1 Its hard to believe that any form of enhanced communication would
EllenRichter negatively affect the theraputic doctor/pt relationship #MDchat
RT @subatomicdoc: T1: Social media is an accelerant to rebalance the
crgonzalez clinician-patient relationship. #mdchat
RT @westr T1 P4 medicine includes a big Participatory role for patients.
renee_berry Docs will have to adjust as more patients become empowered #mdchat
T1 When I hear about doc=patient relationship it always ends up focusing
Srini2000 on business rather than the relationship. Why? #mdchat
T1 we are moving towards complete interaction in all facets of life .. just
StrategicGen have to think about solutions to problems #mdchat
@RichmondDoc T1: Agree that it can be disruptive in a positive way, but
subatomicdoc potential to have facets that are negative. #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc: T1: Social media is an accelerant to rebalance the
westr clinician-patient relationship. #mdchat
@EllenRichter There may be at least some risk: as providers/pts know
each other, our individual warts/blemishes might become evident
RichmondDoc #mdchat
interesting RT @EllenRichter hard to believe that any form of enhanced
renee_berry communication would negatively affect doctor/pt relationship #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc: T1: It may also pose new challenges to the therapeutic
westr relationships #mdchat
T1 I think SM allows PCP's to dramatically expand pt base, reimbursement
astupple will follow. (Dr. West's med std here) #mdchat
T1 SM offers wide variety of connection variations for families, too. Dau in
apjonas CA can be in visit in OH via SM and gt btr agrmnt. #mdchat
@EllenRichter T1: Not related to direct communication, perhaps. But have
subatomicdoc you read @cshirky ' s books? #mdchat
@subatomicdoc In full agreement of the potential risk involved. Will need
RichmondDoc careful thought/planning if one gets extensively involved #mdchat
RT @westr: #mdchat T1 P4 medicine includes a big Participatory role for
DivaBiotech patients. Docs will have to adjust as more patients become empowered
agree RT @subatomicdoc: @RichmondDoc Agree that it can be disruptive
renee_berry in a positive way w/potential to have facets that are negative #mdchat
I totally agree~ RT @crgonzalez RT @subatomicdoc T1 Social media is an
EllenRichter accelerant to rebalance the clinician-patient relationship #MDchat
T1 I can see new opportunities to learn about physicians and their thought
mkmackey patterns and wishes for clinical care #mdchat
@astupple Welcome! I would like to think SM allows expansion of pt
RichmondDoc base/reimbursement, but not sure much evidence to that yet. #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: T1 I think #SocialMedia provides a new challenge
& opportunity for #MD 's to be a resource of health information
westr #mdchat
@westr What do you see as the key adjustments MDs will need to make?
quality1 #MDchat
T1 end of life family /phys connection w/hospice nurse and pt to effect mr
apjonas meaningfl death, etc #mdchat
RT @FMDGirl: I am not defined by my disease http:
PracticalWisdom // #MDChat #RNchat #MCCSM
@EllenRichter hard to see how 'warts and all' i.e. seeming more human is
doctorgrimes a bad thing. #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: T1 I think #SocialMedia provides a new challenge
& opportunity for #MD 's to be a resource of health information
subatomicdoc #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: T1 I think #SocialMedia provides a new challenge
& opportunity for #MD 's to be a resource of health information
RichmondDoc #mdchat
@subatomicdoc No I havent! Thanks for the suggestion! Always interested
EllenRichter in a good read! :) #MDchat
@renee_berry Isn't disruptive innov always positive for consumers? i.e.
astupple Christensen? #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: T1 I think #SocialMedia provides a new challenge
& opportunity for #MD 's to be a resource of health information
joshdbrett #mdchat
RT @chukwumaonyeije: Interesting... How the human brain works.
PracticalWisdom Facebook vs. Twitter. #WiredScience #MDChat
cool RT @PracticalWisdom RT @FMDGirl: I am not defined by my
renee_berry disease #MDChat #RNchat #MCCSM #mdchat
@quality1 Docs will need to figure the best way to work SM into practice
RichmondDoc workflows, determine who's role that is, when/how to use. #mdchat
@EllenRichter @cshirky wrote "Here Comes Everybody&
quot; gave example of anorectics teaching other 'best
subatomicdoc practices' #mdchat
RT @Hall_MediaMaven: The benefits of collaborating with patients and
physicians #socpharm #hcsm #MDchat #pharma
PracticalWisdom #healthinnovations
@apjonas...agree, using this aspect of SM to help connect hospice patients
doctorgrimes on east side of Canada to family on west works well #MDchat
RT @LebLGBTmonitor: T1 social media in healthcare is the inevitable. If
StrategicGen one does not start using it, they might be left behind... #mdchat
NB! RT @astupple: T1 I think SM allows PCP's to dramatically expand pt
westr base, reimbursement will follow. (Dr. West's med std here) #mdchat
T1 As both patients & doctors become more social media-savvy,
the options for enhanced health care via this medium are endless imho
EllenRichter #MDchat
RT @thibaudguymard: Study shows only 12% of doctors use pharma reps
visits to keep up to date by @paulgrant #hcsmeu
PracticalWisdom #hcsm #MDchat
RT @mkmackey: T1 I can see new opportunities to learn about physicians
westr and their thought patterns and wishes for clinical care #mdchat
Agree !! RT @MarksPhone: @StrategicGen seeking solutions to problems
StrategicGen are at the core of the human condition and learning #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: T1 As both patients & doctors become more
social media-savvy, the options for enhanced health care via this medium
subatomicdoc are endless imho #MDchat
RT @mkmackey: T1 I can see new opportunities to learn about physicians
subatomicdoc and their thought patterns and wishes for clinical care #mdchat
@astupple I'm always a fan of disruptive innovation, forces analysis
renee_berry & positive forward direction #mdchat
@subatomicdoc I have a date with my dad tomorrow at Barnes &
amp; Noble so I will check it out! If not there, I'll find it! TYVM! :)
EllenRichter #MDchat
@quality1 @westr dr. Tk off white coat and grovel w/ pt reality. B a
apjonas neighbor. adjstmnt= dance with humanity better. Laugh/ forgive #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: T1 As both patients & doctors become more
social media-savvy, the options for enhanced health care via this medium
PracticalWisdom are endless imho #MDchat
takes strategy RT @RichmondDoc @quality1 Docs will need to figure best
renee_berry way to work SM into workflow- determine role-when/how to use #mdchat
T1: I'm still experimenting to find the right balance where social media
subatomicdoc enhances rather than replaces therapeutic relationship #mdchat
RT @StrategicGen: Agree !! RT @MarksPhone: @StrategicGen seeking
solutions to problems are at the core of the human condition and learning
PracticalWisdom #mdchat
T1 Profiles in Oncology Social Media: Anas Younes, MD - How
@DrAnasYounes use SM to connect with patients
spulim #mdchat
Do folks agree disruptive innov is always good for consumer? RT
@renee_berry: @astupple Im always a fan of disruptive innovation
astupple #mdchat
RT @chukwumaonyeije: Interesting... How the human brain works.
westr Facebook vs. Twitter. #WiredScience #MDChat
@renee_berry Takes strategy, and an interested user/proponent b/c there
RichmondDoc is no insurance co. reimbursement for doing this right now. #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc T1 Im still experimenting 2 find right balance where
quality1 social media enhances rather than replaces therapeutic rela #MDchat
@subatomicdoc T1 Think about it. How can it replace a relationship by
EllenRichter enhancing it? It just adds a new facet. We will perfect it! #MDchat
Are docs using Twitter also using Sermo, Medscape, etc. for "
collaborative discussions" on clinical cases or treatment
ericglazer options? #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: @quality1 Docs will need to figure the best way to
work SM into practice workflows, determine who's role that is, when/how
westr to use. #mdchat
subatomicdoc @EllenRichter My pleasure! :-) #mdchat
Good point! RT @mkmackey T1 I see new opportunities 2 learn about
physicians and their thought patterns and wishes for clinical care
EllenRichter #MDchat
T1 Nice example of MD success MT @spulim: T1 How @DrAnasYounes
mkmackey use SM to connect with patients #mdchat
@thibaudguymard @paulgrant Not the best way for docs to learn, by far.
apjonas Hope we get it down to 1%. #mdchat
@astupple I tend 2prefer discussing patients vs. consumers even though
renee_berry pts are consumers bc hc is more than business cc @Srini2000 #mdchat
@subatomicdoc '..right balance media enhances rather than
replaces therapeutic relationship'<<See this as gr8
quality1 challenge #MDchat
@doctorgrimes I'm sorry. I dont follow your tweet. 'Splain, Lucy? ;)
EllenRichter #MDchat
@EllenRichter I think we will, just tend toward the 'cautious' in 'cautiously
subatomicdoc optimistic'. #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: T1 As both patients & doctors become more
social media-savvy, the options for enhanced health care via this medium
westr are endless imho #MDchat
RT @spulim: T1 Profiles in Oncology SM, - How @DrAnasYounes use SM
ericglazer to connect with patients #mdchat
RT @quality1: @subatomicdoc '..right balance media enhances
rather than replaces therapeutic relationship'<<See this as
subatomicdoc gr8 challenge #MDchat
RT @RichmondDoc: @renee_berry Takes strategy, and an interested
user/proponent b/c there is no insurance co. reimbursement for doing this
westr right now. #mdchat
@quality1 I agree. A challenge worth undertaking, but not without risk for
subatomicdoc clinicians and patients. #mdchat
@renee_berry I agree HC is not a business. However, when these things
Srini2000 come up everybody always brings up reimbursement. #mdchat
T1 How Many Social Neighborhoods Can a Doctor Have? Great post by
spulim @Doctor_V today #mdchat
RT @quality1: @subatomicdoc '..right balance media enhances
rather than replaces therapeutic relationship'<<See this as
apjonas gr8 challenge #MDchat
RT @RichmondDoc: @subatomicdoc Agree, though this might end up
being a disruptive innovation that enhances care and empowers pts.
AuraViva #mdchat
@Srini2000 @renee_berry I speak of patients, not clients or customers. $
RichmondDoc issues always come up, but I retain the distinction. #mdchat
@Srini2000 @renee_berry I don't think the therapeutic relationship is
subatomicdoc business, but I feel that healthcare is. #mdchat
@EllenRichter @subatomicdoc important discussion re replace vs
renee_berry enhance #mdchat
Agreed. RT @Srini2000: @renee_berry I agree HC is not a business.
However, when these things come up everyone brings up reimbursemnt
astupple #mdchat
@Srini2000 @renee_berry I use "patient" vs. other
names b/c I think there is something different/special about doc/pt
RichmondDoc relationships. #mdchat
RT @spulim: T1 How Many Social Neighborhoods Can a Doctor Have?
subatomicdoc Great post by @Doctor_V today #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc @Srini2000 @renee_berry I dont think the
renee_berry therapeutic relationship is business, but I feel that healthcare is. #mdchat
T1 @edbennett notes that only about 14% of hospitals use sm. There are
EinsteinMed huge opps for local hosps to create content patients trust.#mdchat
Agreed- good tech enhances. RT @renee_berry: @EllenRichter
astupple @subatomicdoc important discussion re replace vs enhance #mdchat
RT @ericglazer: RT @spulim: T1 Profiles in Oncology SM, - How
@DrAnasYounes use SM to connect with patients
westr #mdchat
Yes, great read! RT @spulim: T1 How Many Social Neighborhoods Can a
Doctor Have? Great post by @Doctor_V today
EllenRichter #MDchat
T1 I read once that a medical practice is not just a business: it cannot be
RichmondDoc less, but it should be so much more. #mdchat
@SPulim T1: I think you had to decide - with whom am I trying to
subatomicdoc connect? #mdchat
RT @Srini2000: @renee_berry I agree HC is not a business. However,
when these things come up everybody always brings up reimbursement.
westr #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc @Srini2000 @renee_berry I use "
patient" vs. other names bc theres somethng diffrnt/special abt
renee_berry doc/pt relationships #mdchat
I think adoption of SM is part of a bigger issue and that is the adoption of
Srini2000 new tech by the medical profession. They are slow #mdchat
Healthcare costs money, therefore it is business sorry, but not margin no
gilgrimes mission #MDchat
Healthcare costs money, therefore it is business sorry, but not margin no
doctorgrimes mission #MDchat
@SPulim: "Love thy neighbor as thyself, but choose your
subatomicdoc neighborhood." - Louise Beal #quote #mdchat
RT @subatomicdoc: @Srini2000 @renee_berry I don't think the
westr therapeutic relationship is business, but I feel that healthcare is. #mdchat
“@pnanewyork: New comic book hero takes on testicular cancer http:
//” Creative way of reaching young men. #RNChat
dorameulman #MDChat
renee_berry RT @astupple Agreed- good tech enhances #mdchat
Tend to think all users of SM are not regularly reimbursed for their time
mkmackey & effort and communicating opinions #mdchat
RT @Srini2000 adoption of SM is part of a bigger issue and that is the
renee_berry adoption of new tech by the medical profession. They are slow #mdchat
RT @EinsteinMed: T1 @edbennett notes that only about 14% of hospitals
use sm. There are huge opps for local hosps to create content patients
westr trust.#mdchat
RT @mkmackey: Tend to think all users of SM are not regularly
reimbursed for their time & effort and communicating opinions
subatomicdoc #mdchat
T1 Even though most of us on Twitter have begun 2 understand the power
EllenRichter of social media, we are still in minority in healthcare arena #MDchat
consultdoc late to the chat...sorry #mdchat
@Srini2000 I dont think physicians are slow at adoption. Make decisions
MarksPhone based on need, 'will it improve my practice/life/patients #MDchat
@renee_berry I used consumer=patient to highlight that disruptive tech
astupple brings solutions to end-users, call 'em what you like. #mdchat
@Srini2000 Slow on business model change. Fast on clinical tech change.
Comfortable hiding from bus model change, but "apping&
apjonas quot; lots #mdchat
RT @westr RT @EinsteinMed T1 @edbennett notes only abt 14% of
hospitals use sm. huge opps for local hosps to create content ps trust
renee_berry #mdchat
.@Srini2000 Medical community has outstanding tech adoption for life
mkmackey saving tools IMO #mdchat
@mkmackey But all users of Twitter are not doing so as part of their job.
quality1 For MDs, use of SM as professional serv should be reimb #MDchat
#mdchat healthcare *is* a business, but ideally a non-profit one. Money
Jon_Slater still needs to be managed.
If you look at diffusion rate of new inventions in medical instrumentation
Srini2000 it easily takes a decade or more. #mdchat
@quality1 T1 Those are the same doctors who will be scrambling to get
EMR in 10 years from now, crying "why did I wait so long?
EllenRichter " #MDchat
RT @MarksPhone: @Srini2000 I dont think physicians are slow at
adoption. Make decisions based on need, 'will it improve my
apjonas practice/life/patients #MDchat
Yes, determine your neighborhood! RT @subatomicdoc: @SPulim T1: I
spulim think you had to decide - with whom am I trying to connect? #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: T1 Even though most of us on Twitter have begun 2
understand the power of social media, we are still in minority in
MD_Chat healthcare arena #MDchat
RT @MarksPhone: @Srini2000 I dont think physicians are slow at
adoption. Make decisions based on need <agree!>
consultdoc #mdchat
@quality1 T1 I don't think we'll lose providers, but I do think the difficulty
RichmondDoc of adopting EHR/EMR is under-recognized. #mdchat
@mkmackey I get no $ for SM, don't plan to. It's for the reasons
subatomicdoc @danielpink touts: autonomy, mastery and purpose #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: RT @westr RT @EinsteinMed T1 @edbennett notes
only abt 14% of hospitals use sm. huge opps for local hosps to create
subatomicdoc content ps trust #mdchat
@quality1 T1 There is also federal $ in play for adopting EMR systems and
RichmondDoc achieving "meaningful use" with them. #mdchat
Reimbursed with valuable info? RT @subatomicdoc: RT @mkmackey:
astupple Tend to think all users of SM are not regularly reimbursed. #mdchat
@subatomicdoc true.. enjoying interaction w interesting ppl is a
mkmackey motivating factor. sharing experiences is easy across continents #mdchat
@quality1 We will loose thousands of docs for $ reasons, few are thwarted
apjonas by tech that helps pts. Priorities matter to us all. #mdchat
MD_Chat Shoulder tap: Next topic coming up in a couple minutes! #MDchat
RT @mkmackey: ...true.. enjoying interaction w interesting ppl is a
RichmondDoc motivating factor. sharing experiences is easy across continents #mdchat
@EllenRichter Sadly, aver age of MDs 58 in Broward, so don't worry about
quality1 10 years from now. Could create crisis level shortage... #MDchat
@doctorgrimes T1 Yes, what you say is TRUE! But someone has to make
that change & eventually it will become comfortable too
EllenRichter #MDchat
EllenRichter @quality1 By the way, nice to meet you! I'm in Broward too! :) #MDchat
@quality1 @EllenRichter we already face a workforce crisis, esp in
primary care; EMR issues prob just a drop in the problem bucket.
RichmondDoc #mdchat
What?? RT @quality1: T1: Will we lose good docs in move to SM? Many
docs in Broward Co, FL dropping caseloads rather than adopt EHR.
westr #MDchat
RT @MD_Chat: Shoulder tap: Next topic coming up in a couple minutes!
philbaumann #MDchat
Medical instrument salesmen tell me 95% of sale time spent on re-
Srini2000 imbursement issue and only 5% on medical utility. #mdchat
T2 Pharma-Physician Relationships: In 2013, Physicians Payment
MD_Chat Sunshine Act is due to go into effect. Discuss ramifications. #MDchat
@astupple didn't mean to start a heatlhcare is/isnt business convo, def
renee_berry think it is/just like patients in context to dr/relationship #mdchat
T1 evolving includes providing health info in new ways. we have a Fibroids
StrategicGen podcast on iTunes with docs #mdchat
T1 Actually some of the physicians I work with admit that now that their
EllenRichter EMR systems are up & going, things flow much better #MDchat
renee_berry @philbaumann hello there phil! :) #mdchat
RT @Jon_Slater: #mdchat healthcare *is* a business, but ideally a non-
westr profit one. Money still needs to be managed.
@RichmondDoc Dangerous thought: ID and cut out unnecessary
subatomicdoc procedures/tests and lessen the provider shortage. #mdchat
@Jon_Slater Profit is no better or worse than non profit. Balance is
apjonas important. Both are needed in HC #mdchat
Anything that shines light onto Pharma Physician interactions is good,
doctorgrimes disruptive, but good. #MDchat
philbaumann @renee_berry Hi - enjoying the chat? I just put up T2 #MDchat
RT @doctorgrimes: Anything that shines light onto Pharma Physician
consultdoc interactions is good, disruptive, but good. #mdchat
Here's some info re: the Physician Payment Sunshime Act: http://tinyurl.
RichmondDoc com/2fm64b4 #mdchat
@apjonas Agree MDs care about pt needs. Some are just feeling
quality1 overwhelmed by the transition to EHR, massive requirements. #MDchat
#balance crucial! RT @apjonas: @Jon_Slater Profit is no better or worse
renee_berry than non profit/Balance is important. Both are needed in HC #mdchat
renee_berry @philbaumann absolutely! #mdchat
T2 Transparency in Pharma interactions is important...we are spending
doctorgrimes someone elses money #mdchat
interested to hear thoughts on the Physicians Payment Sunshine Act
StrategicGen #mdchat
@consultdoc me too. Trying to follow in a jerky NYC taxi. Always an
EinsteinMed adventure. #mdchat
RT @MD_Chat T2 Pharma-Physician Relationships: 2013, Physicians
Payment Sunshine Act due to go into effect. Discuss ramifications
renee_berry #mdchat
T2 Think we are already seeing hint of whats to come from discussions
spulim around the ProPublica article #mdchat
T2 PhRMA contact w/ docs does not benefit pt care in the long run, and
RichmondDoc really doesn't benefit docs either. It's advertising, period #mdchat
RT @einsteinmed: @consultdoc me too. Trying to follow in a jerky NYC
subatomicdoc taxi. Always an adventure. #mdchat
T2 - Will sunshine act lead to new ways to market/educate? More use of
consultdoc SM, real time/bedside info, pull not push? #mdchat
Dedicated! RT @EinsteinMed: @consultdoc me too. Trying to follow in a
mkmackey jerky NYC taxi. Always an adventure. #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: @quality1 @EllenRichter we already face a workforce
crisis, esp in primary care; EMR issues prob just a drop in the problem
westr bucket. #mdchat
agree RT @doctorgrimes: T2 #Transparency in Pharma interactions is
renee_berry important #mdchat
T2 another link to the ProPublica Dollars for Docs story: http://tinyurl.
RichmondDoc com/2ftabqs #mdchat
@doctorgrimes T2 Transparency is a key factor in most of our health care
EllenRichter interactions. We are always spending someone's money! :) #MDchat
@spulim T2 when it gets to point of pts asking if I see reps, go to Pharma
doctorgrimes talks, etc then transparency will have arrived #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 PhRMA contact w/ docs does not benefit pt care
in the long run, and really doesn't benefit docs either. It's advertising,
apjonas period #mdchat
RT @Srini2000: Medical instrument salesmen tell me 95% of sale time
westr spent on re-imbursement issue and only 5% on medical utility. #mdchat
RT @EinsteinMed: T1 @edbennett notes that only about 14% of hospitals
use sm. There are huge opps for local hosps to create content patients
TheRealDanSfera trust.#mdchat
RT @MD_Chat: T2 Pharma-Physician Relationships: In 2013, Physicians
Payment Sunshine Act is due to go into effect. Discuss ramifications.
westr #MDchat
Sunshine act will have little impact only those of use deep into HC care,
MarksPhone most patients just want to be dx & tx #MDchat
drseisenberg Transparency = Transformation #MDchat
RT @doctorgrimes: @spulim T2 when it gets to point of pts asking if I see
spulim reps, go to Pharma talks, etc then transparency will have arrived #mdchat
T2 I am strongly in favor of docs revealing any and all contact w/ PhRMA;
RichmondDoc making that info public will inform pts of possible bias. #mdchat
Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what Dr feels, he/she is
DrJonathan at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep contact #mdchat
interesting @doctorgrimes point of pts asking if I see reps, go to Pharma
renee_berry talks, etc then transparency will have arrived #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: T1 Actually some of the physicians I work with admit
that now that their EMR systems are up & going, things flow
westr much better #MDchat
RT @MarksPhone: Sunshine act will have little impact only those of use
deep into HC care, most patients just want to be dx & tx
spulim #MDchat
@doctorgrimes An I think pts *should* be asking us if we attend PhRMA-
RichmondDoc sponsored talks, conferences, etc. And we should disclose. #mdchat
@doctorgrimes do you think those are good tips for patient
renee_berry empowerment? #mdchat
RT @spulim: RT @MarksPhone: Sunshine act will have little impact only
those of use deep into HC care, most patients just want to be dx &
apjonas amp; tx #MDchat
renee_berry RT @drseisenberg: Transparency = Transformation #mdchat
subatomicdoc T2: I see no impact on my practice. #mdchat
T2 I was looking for this link re: the NPR series w/ ProPublica: http:
RichmondDoc // #mdchat
those MDs getting $$$ now will curb that in the next year to demonstrate
MarksPhone they are purer then snow #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: RT @drseisenberg: Transparency = Transformation
subatomicdoc #mdchat
Honestly wondering why access to newest technology &
mkmackey medication updates is seen in a negative way? #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc @doctorgrimes & I think pts *should* ask if
we attend PhRMA-sponsored talks, conferences, etc & we
EllenRichter should disclose. #MDchat
T2 often it is the doctor giving the talks & receiving a speaker's
RichmondDoc fee that is PhRMA's target; small fee leads to big $ in scripts. #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc @doctorgrimes I think pts *should* be asking us if we
attend PhRMA-sponsored talks, conferences & we should
renee_berry disclose #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 PhRMA contact w/ docs does not benefit pt care
in the long run, and really doesn't benefit docs either. It's advertising,
westr period #mdchat
@mkmackey T2 b/c industry reps are not giving information. They are
RichmondDoc advertising. There are many other resources for unbiased info. #mdchat
T2 I note a lot of Pharma comments in chats from non-physician
apjonas participants. Who drives these comments? Who benefits? #mdchat
Study shows only 12% of doctors use pharma reps visits to keep up to date
palmerreuther by @paulgrant #hcsmeu #hcsm #MDchat
and if MDs are getting $$$$ from 3rd parties I dont believe the $$$$s
MarksPhone show up on pharma sites #mdchat
I am sure that the doctors here are leading edge in their use of SM, new
Srini2000 tech etc. Its the doctors who are not here who need it ! #mdchat
@mkmackey If a provider is getting their clinical updates and info from
industry, they are doing themselves & their pts a disservice
RichmondDoc #mdchat
RT @mkmackey: wondering why access to newest technology &
medication updates is seen in a negative way? #mdchat < change is
Strangely_T1 scary
@RichmondDoc It is fascinating some peers feel they are 'never
doctorgrimes influenced' but their Rx Profile gives them away..#mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 another link to the ProPublica Dollars for Docs
westr story: #mdchat
This site shocked me- faculty member pulls in $20k /yr speaking for
astupple Pfizer. #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc @mkmackey T2 b/c industry reps are not giving info.
consultdoc They're advertising.Many other resources for unbiased info. #mdchat
mkmackey Thanks @RichmondDoc #mdchat
TY for this interesting link! RT @RichmondDoc T2 I was looking for this
EllenRichter link re NPR series w/ ProPublica #MDchat
@astupple Knowing that, are we supposed to expect that faculty member
RichmondDoc will be unbiased in his assessment of Pfizer products? #mdchat
@RichmondDoc @mkmackey Great point. We need to escape the pharma
apjonas cloud and start over. #mdchat
westr RT @drseisenberg: Transparency = Transformation #MDchat
RT @doctorgrimes: @RichmondDoc It is fascinating some peers feel they
RichmondDoc are 'never influenced' but their Rx Profile gives them away..#mdchat
@apjonas A good question - I run this chat. It's an open forum, so you'll
philbaumann see that. But then, it's Twitter ;) #MDchat
RT @RichmondDoc: Family doc in #RVA, teach med students, work
internationally, contributor at; using a new avatar.
dmproett #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter TY interesting link! RT @RichmondDoc link re NPR
renee_berry series w/ ProPublica #mdchat
I'm skeptical as std, imagine as pt? RT @RichmondDoc: Knowing that, are
astupple we supposed to expect that faculty member will be unbiased? #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
westr contact #mdchat
@RichmondDoc More patients need to feel empowered to ask these
EinsteinMed questions re phrma contact. #mdchat
@mkmackey Unbiased resources (subscription-based, NOT PhRMA):
Prescriber's Letter, Medical Letter, Treatment Guidelines (Med Letter)
RichmondDoc #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
RichmondDoc contact #mdchat
A+ report: Used to think "Thought Leader" was a
good RT@RichmondDoc re: the NPR series w/ ProPublica: http://tinyurl.
PracticalWisdom com/3x54bb3 #mdchat
@mkmackey if newest costs more and is not superior to older and cheaper
gilgrimes then it is negative. Only so many $ to go around #mdchat
@Strangely_T1 @mkmackey medication updates come from the medical
apjonas literature for physicians. Not from sales people. #mdchat
What a great, simply great tweet! RT @subatomicdoc: RT @renee_berry:
EllenRichter RT @drseisenberg: Transparency = Transformation #mdchat #MDchat
T2 I can use these subscription-based resources to get honest, unbiased,
RichmondDoc relevant assessments of new Rx. #mdchat
@RichmondDoc good sources that MDs trust for unbiased medical
mkmackey resources #mdchat
RT @mkmackey: Honestly wondering why access 2 newest technology
& seen in a negative way?<Study looks at this http://bit.
spulim ly/anPhlB #mdchat
@EinsteinMed Agree. As docs, we should help them feel empowered. The
RichmondDoc Sunshine Act gives pts some info w/ which to approach docs. #mdchat
drseisenberg A patient has never asked me about Pharma contact, ever. #MDchat
T2 But that may change one day soon. I bet it does :) RT @drseisenberg: A
EllenRichter patient has never asked me about Pharma contact, ever #MDchat
you can't connect Rx patterns 2 MDs being pharma shills, it is the failure
MarksPhone of us to teach critical appraisal of data (ie lazy) #mdchat
I've never thought to even though been semi-aware. Will now RT
@drseisenberg A patient has never asked me about Pharma contact-ever.
renee_berry #mdchat
@astupple @RichmondDoc Bias is always interesting. $20K isn't much.
apjonas Baseball player gets more for one inning pitched from shoe mfg. #mdchat
RT @apjonas: @Strangely_T1 @mkmackey medication updates come
spulim from the medical literature for physicians. Not from sales people. #mdchat
@MarksPhone Not always lazy; some docs rely in industry b/c of a feeling
RichmondDoc of time pressures/being overwhelmed. #mdchat
T1 + T2 = SM can channel transparency info to pt, forcing docs to comply
astupple or lose pt trust? #mdchat
@apjonas Yes but baseball pitcher does nottreat shoe manufacturer !
Srini2000 #mdchat
RT @MarksPhone: you can't connect Rx patterns 2 MDs being pharma
shills, it is the failure of us to teach critical appraisal of data (ie lazy)
apjonas #mdchat
@drseisenberg...Had a PT ask me today when they saw a Rep leaving the
doctorgrimes clinic, told 'em yep the rep came in , nope I didn't attend #MDchat
@apjonas $20k isn't much in professional sports, but it's 1/7 of an average
RichmondDoc family doc's yearly salary. #mdchat
T2 more docs should tell their side of the story via an online brand .. rather
StrategicGen than having other sources tell their story #mdchat
Interesting.. wondering if patients prefer physicians they know are using
mkmackey up to date technology & treatment protocols? #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
napernurse contact #mdchat
! RT @RichmondDoc: @apjonas $20k isnt much in professional sports,
astupple but its 1/7 of an average family docs yearly salary. #mdchat
RT @astupple: T1 + T2 = SM can channel transparency info to pt, forcing
subatomicdoc docs to comply or lose pt trust? #mdchat
@EllenRichter I think you're right, and that will be a sign of reaching a
drseisenberg critical mass of connection #MDchat
T2 For any and all pts and pt advocates out there: we need to start
RichmondDoc encouraging pts to ask providers re: PhRMA connections. #mdchat
RT @mkmackey Interesting.. wondering if patients prefer physicians they
know are using up to date technology & treatment protocols?
renee_berry #mdchat
subatomicdoc @apjonas I think $20K is a LOT. #mdchat
OK, our hour is almost up! Feel free to continue discussing topics if you'd
MD_Chat like. We'll wrap up in a few moments. #MDchat
@mkmackey I wish I could see my MD using social media to see what they
renee_berry advocate for #mdchat
@MarksPhone agree..if we do not teach how to find relatively unbiased
doctorgrimes sources then we reap what we sow #MDchat
T2 pts have a right to know when the provider treating them might have
RichmondDoc mixed alliances. Docs already insist on this in our CME #mdchat
T2 AAFP requires speakers to disclose any relationships w/ PhRMA in
RichmondDoc order to give a talk. Shouldn't we do the same to care for pts? #mdchat
@RichmondDoc lazy is harsh, but MDs r our best and brightest, making
MarksPhone them dupes of pharma is counter productive #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
AlisynGayle contact #mdchat
@philbaumann Great, interesting, thought provoking topics. Thanks for
Srini2000 hosting. #mdchat
I would prefer that! RT @mkmackey Interesting~wonder if pts prefer
doctors who use up to date technology & treatment protocols?
EllenRichter #MDchat
@MarksPhone problem is if the science is not transparent then we cannot
doctorgrimes find the data #mdchat
double RT RT @Srini2000: @philbaumann Great, interesting, thought
renee_berry provoking topics. Thanks for hosting! #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
subatomicdoc contact #mdchat
RT @MarksPhone: @RichmondDoc lazy is harsh, but MDs r our best and
RichmondDoc brightest, making them dupes of pharma is counter productive #mdchat
RT @renee_berry: @mkmackey I wish I could see my MD using social
jodyms media to see what they advocate for #mdchat
philbaumann @Srini2000 My pleasure, as always :) #MDchat
MD_Chat Before we leave, give us your parting thoughts. #MDchat
@drseisenberg I look forward to those times. I think we will all be
pleasantly surprised how much more meaningful health care can be
EllenRichter #MDchat
Can SM savvy docs promote themselves by broadcasting transparency re:
astupple pharma etc? #mdchat
RT @SPulim: RT @apjonas: @Strangely_T1 @mkmackey meds come
from med literature for physicians. . #mdchat < where do they get
Strangely_T1 the info from
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 AAFP requires speakers to disclose any
relationships w/ PhRMA in order to give a talk. Shouldn't we do the same
apjonas to care for pts? #mdchat
Ditto! Great chat! :) RT @Srini2000: @philbaumann Great, interesting,
EllenRichter thought provoking topics. Thanks for hosting. #mdchat #MDchat
double RT RT @Srini2000: @philbaumann Great, interesting, thought
renee_berry provoking topics. Thanks for hosting! #MDchat
can most patients connect the dots between pharma $$$ and their dx and
MarksPhone tx? And if they do can they debate the topic effectively? #mdchat
RT @DrJonathan: Has been shown in multiple studies: regardless of what
Dr feels, he/she is at least subconsciously influenced by Pharma rep
PracticalWisdom contact #mdchat
drseisenberg @EllenRichter :) #MDchat
mkmackey Appreciate the honest dialogue thanks to the MDs who joined #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 AAFP requires speakers to disclose any
relationships w/ PhRMA in order to give a talk. Shouldn't we do the same
jodyms to care for pts? #mdchat
@apjonas @astupple Agree: the $20K may be less % of a sub-specialist's
RichmondDoc income than of an FP. But still pretty significant for most #MDCHAT
RT @mkmackey: Appreciate the honest dialogue thanks to the MDs who
jodyms joined #mdchat
@philbaumann another good #mdchat .. we should link sometime .. both
StrategicGen in philly
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 AAFP requires speakers to disclose any
relationships w/ PhRMA in order to give a talk. Shouldn't we do the same
PracticalWisdom to care for pts? #mdchat
Enjoyed interaction....felt like back at Big Hospital chat in halls...good for
doctorgrimes us 'rural' docs #mdchat
T2 Should there be an independent organization that presents unbiased
spulim access to new advances in treatment? #mdchat
Thanks for a great chat everyone. To co-opt someone else's final thought:
RichmondDoc Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. #mdchat
@renee_berry LOL I like that "double RT RT"!!
EllenRichter Powerful statement ;) #MDchat
RT @RichmondDoc Thanks for a great chat everyone. To co-opt someone
renee_berry elses final thought: Be well, do good work, and keep in touch #mdchat
RT @doctorgrimes: @MarksPhone problem is if the science is not
PracticalWisdom transparent then we cannot find the data #mdchat
THANK YOU everyone! Very glad to see more physician involvement
MD_Chat online! Next #MDchat will be in a week: Tues 11/2 9pm Eastern!
Absolutely! Great group of folks tonight! Meaningful chat! RT
@mkmackey Appreciate the honest dialogue thanks to the MDs who
EllenRichter joined #MDchat
spulim Phil, thanks for great topics tonight! #mdchat
astupple Thank you all for thoughts and links! #mdchat
RT @MarksPhone: @RichmondDoc lazy is harsh, but MDs r our best and
apjonas brightest, making them dupes of pharma is counter productive #mdchat
RT @mkmackey wondering if patients prefer phys they know are using up
to date technology & treatment protocols? #mdchat <-
TPCaruso only smart ones
@Srini2000 good point, but the baseball comment was popular in its own
apjonas way. #mdchat
MarksPhone @RichmondDoc one of the best chats on HC #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: Thanks for a great chat everyone. To co-opt someone
jodyms else's final thought: Be well, do good work, and keep in touch. #mdchat
@StrategicGen Yes, it was a great chat. ...Definitely, let's link up. Email me
philbaumann and we'll work out something: PhilBaumann at Gmail #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 AAFP requires speakers to disclose any
relationships w/ PhRMA in order to give a talk. Shouldn't we do the same
healthpolicygrp to care for pts? #mdchat
apjonas @MD_chat Thanks for hosting #mdchat
@doctorgrimes Great! Come back again! Rural will be one of the biggest
EllenRichter areas of growth of social media in health care, I'm sure~ #MDchat
@spulim Thank you for stopping in. A great #MDchat - great comments,
philbaumann thoughts!!
@MarksPhone Between this and #hcsm I have trouble getting my brain to
RichmondDoc wind back down... #mdchat
@RichmondDoc RD, you were hitting some home runs 2nite. Thanks for
apjonas your commitment to truth and our profession. Peace. #mdchat
drseisenberg @philbaumann Still mourning the Phils... #MDchat
@apjonas A pleasure for sure! Thanks for participating in #mdchat
MD_Chat Transcript will be up later. Cheers!
RT @RichmondDoc: @MarksPhone Between this and #hcsm I have
subatomicdoc trouble getting my brain to wind back down... #mdchat
Always seem to miss the start :-) RT @PhilBaumann: @spulim Thank you
spulim for stopping in. A great #MDchat - great comments, thoughts!!
Also note: You can always submit topic suggestions for #MDchat over here
MD_Chat -
@apjonas Glad to be able to engage with other smart, committed and
RichmondDoc patient-centered folks. Be well... #mdchat
PracticalWisdom Thank you for the listening and learning. Sincerely,#MDchat
philbaumann @drseisenberg Me too ;( #MDchat
@apjonas the evidence doesn't support that. Why is for profit needed
Jon_Slater #mdchat. Call me curious.
RT @astupple: T1 + T2 = SM can channel transparency info to pt, forcing
renee_berry docs to comply or lose pt trust? #mdchat
As for transparency, a 'No Free Lunch' note pad always stimulates
gilgrimes conversation #mdchat
LOL! #RNchat too RT @subatomicdoc RT @RichmondDoc @MarksPhone
Between this & #hcsm I have trouble getting my brain to wind
EllenRichter back down #mdchat
RT @MD_Chat: Also note: You can always submit topic suggestions for
jodyms #MDchat over here -
RT @EinsteinMed: T1 @edbennett notes that only about 14% of hospitals
use sm. There are huge opps for local hosps to create content patients
renee_berry trust.#mdchat
T1 Its still early in the social media age. Though only 14% of hospitals use
EllenRichter sm, its 14% more than 10 years ago, so thats progress! #MDchat
apjonas @Jon_Slater Evidence Schmevidence. #mdchat
RT @EllenRichter: Though only 14% of hospitals use sm, its 14% more
than 10 years ago.< Doubling yearly means 1% is 7 years to 100%
astupple #mdchat
RT @RichmondDoc: T2 pts have a right to know when the provider
treating them might have mixed alliances. Docs already insist on this in
napernurse our CME #mdchat
astupple Just finished my first tweetchat- #MDchat was eye-opening.
Moderated by @PhilBaumann

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