Assessment Criteria of Polyme Engineering Lab

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Module Title: Polymer Engineering Module Code:EAX_5_231.1

Subject-specific practical skills

Apply basiclaboratory techniques to prepare hydro-gel samples, composite polyesters and to determine their stress-strain
characteristics and to measure the molecular weight of unknown polystyrene sample by using intrinsic viscosity.

Transferable Skills:
Describe simply his/her experimental procedures and results.
.Manage his/her time and organize his/her abilities in the practical classes
Experiment F <40% D [40-50%] C [50-60%] B [60-70%] A [> 70%]
1- Preparation and The student does Limited Average The student perfectly The student perfectly
characterization not perfectly follow approach to approach to follows the safety follows the safety
of composite the safety regulation theory of theory of regulation in lab. regulation in lab.
unsaturated in lab. polyester polyester and Very good approach Excellent approach to
polyester based The student has a polymerization composite to theory of polyester theory of unsaturated
on different weak approach to and also to materials and composite polyester composite
fillers. theory of polyester practical work. preparation and properties and also materials and also to
and addition of The student 's also to practical to practical work. practical work.
fillers and also to report is not work. The student 's report The student 's report
practical work. complete. The The student 's is very good and the is excellent and the
The student 's student fails to report is polyester composite polyester product is
report is very bad. prepare good complete . The product is pure and very pure and have
The student fails to samples and student polyester have good very good mechanical
prepare the fail to measure composite mechanical characteristics.
composite polyester characteristics product have bad characteristics.
of polyester characteristics.
2-Preparation of a The student does Limited Average The student follows The student perfectly
Hydrogel samples not obey the safety approach to approach to the safety regulation follows the safety
based on acryl amide regulation in lab. theory of theory of in lab perfectly. regulation in lab.
derivatives and The student has a hydrogel , hydrogel Very good approach Excellent approach to
measuring its weak approach to application, ,application to theory of theory of hydrogels,
characteristics using theory, application polymerization polymerization hydrogel , applications,
different cross- and preparation of and practical and practical applications, polymerization and
linking density. hydrogels. work. work. polymerization and practical work.
The student 's The student 's The student 's practical work. The student 's report
report is very bad report is not report is not The student 's report is complete and his
and failed to complete and complete and his is complete and his hydrogel product is
prepare the his polymer product is not product is pure. The very pure. The plot of
required hydrogel product is bad. completely pure. plot of rate of water rate of water
polymer. The plot of rate The plot of rate absorption is very absorption is
The plot of rate of of water of water good. excellent.
water absorption is absorption is absorption is
not correct. not complete. complete.
3- Determination of The student does Limited Average The student perfectly The student perfectly
Intrinsic Viscosity not follow the safety approach to approach to obeys the safety obeys the safety
and MW of unknown regulation in lab. theory of dilute theory of dilute regulation in lab. regulation in lab.
Polystyrene sample The student has a solutions and solutions and Very good approach Excellent approach to
weak approach to viscosity viscosity and also to theory of dilute theory of dilute
theory of dilute And also to to practical solutions and solutions and
solutions and practical work. work. viscosity and also to viscosity and also
viscosity. The student 's The student 's practical work. practical work.
The student 's report is not report is The student 's report The student 's report
report is very bad complete. The complete and the is complete and is complete and
and failed to find student obtained values result values of the results of the
the correct viscosity determines of the viscosity viscosity and viscosity and polymer
and polymer molar close values of and polymer polymer molar mass molar mass were
mass. the correct molar mass were were correct. excellent.
viscosity and very close to
polymer molar correct values.

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