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Problem Set

3  3 
4 3 2 4
1. Simplify:
 3 3 
16 4

a. 1 b. –1 c. 2 d. 0

2. Perform the indicated operation:


 
4 2 24
 3 23
3 26
a. –1 b. 2 c. 0 d. 1

3. What is the remainder when 2y3 + y5 – 3y – 2 is divided by y2 – 3y + 1?

a. –94y + 25 b. 68y – 29 c. –94y – 29 d. 68y + 25

4. What is the remainder when 12x3 – 11x2y – 12xy – 25y3 is divided by 3x – 5y?
a. 20y3 b. –65xy2 c. 5x – 2y2 d.

5. Find the values of k so that the roots of the equation are equal: x2 + 4kx + 1 = 0
a. ½, –½ b. ¼, –¼ c. ½, –¼ d. ¼, –½

6. Find the value of k so that x – 2 is a factor of P(x) = x4 – 2x3 + kx2 – 2x + 2.

a. ¼ b. ½ c. 1 d. 2

Factor completely: 2x  y   3y  z 

2 2
a. 2x  4y  z2x  2y  z c. 2x  4y  z2x  2y  z
b. 2x  4y  z2x  2y  z d. 2x  4y  z2x  2y  z
8. Factor completely: a2 – 8ab – 2ac + 16b2 + 8bc – 15c2
a. a  4b  5c a  4b  3c  c. a  4b  5ca  4b  3c
b. a  4b  5c a  4b  3c  d. a  4b  5ca  4b  3c
9. Which of the following is not a factor of 5z10 – 80z2?
a. z2 + 2 b. z2 – 2 c. z2 – 2z + 2 d. z2 + 2z – 2


10. Simplify a2  9
a a4

a3 a3
a6 b. 1 c. 2 d. ½
4a  3

11. What is the result when 4i11 – i is divided by 1 + 2i and the quotient is squared?
5 b. 3 + 4i 27 36 d. 2+i
a. c.  i
4i  3 25 25

12. The length of a rectangular swimming pool is twice its width. The pool is surrounded by a cement walk 4 ft wide. If the area of the
walk is 784 ft2, determine the length of the pool.
a. 30 ft b. 60 ft c. 64 ft d. 128 ft

13. If a third of one less than twice the larger number is added to the fourth of two more than the smaller number, the result is 4. On
the other hand, if a third of the difference of the two numbers is taken from half of three more than the larger number, the
resulting value is 3. Find the larger number.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4.625 d. 5

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14. A is eleven times as old as B. In a certain number of years, A will be five times as old as B, and five years after that, she will be
three times as old as B. How old is A now?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 11 d. 22

15. When two cars race around a circular mile track starting from the same place and at the same instant, they pass each other every
18 seconds when travelling in opposite directions, and every 90 seconds when travelling in the same direction. Find the difference
of their speeds in mph.
a. 0.07 mph b. 0.01 mph c. 40 mph d. 251.33 mph

16. Two machines A and B are used to produce plastic bags. If the two machines are used simultaneously, 140 bags are made per
week. If machine A is used for 6 days and machine B used for 12 days, their combined production is also 140 bags. How many
days would it take just machine B to produce 100 bags?
a. 12 days b. 18 days c. 24 days d. 30 days

17. Alex wanted to concoct a milk chocolate blend which is 25% dark chocolate, and the rest white chocolate. Originally, he has a
flash containing 500 mL of 80% dark chocolate. How much of the original blend should Alex draw off and replace with pure white
chocolate to obtain the desired concentration for his milk chocolate?.
a. 300 mL b. 343.75 mL c. 362.5 mL d. 400 mL

18. Solve the equation: x 2  2x  1  2  x

a. 0 b. /2, 5/8 c. 3
/2 d. 5

19. What is the sum of the roots of the equation 2x 2  10x  6  0 ?

a. –5 b. –2 c. 3 d. 6

20. Find the solution of the following equation: logx 1  2x   logx 1  4x   logx x
a. x=¼ b. x=1 c. x = ¼, 1 d. No solution

5x  2
21. Find the range of the following function: y  f x  
a. R  {y | y  R} c. R  {y | y  R, y  5}
b. R  {y | y  R, y  3} d. R  {y | y  R, y  1}

22. A motorist can save 36 minutes by increasing his average speed by 10 mi/hr when travelling a distance of 120 miles. Find his
actual average speed.
a. 2.64 mi/hr b. 3 mi/hr c. 45.5 mi/hr d. 60 mi/hr

23. A retailer bought a number of shirts for $180 and sold all but 6 at a profit of $2 per shirt. With the total amount received, she
could buy 30 more shirts than before. Find the cost per shirt.
a. $1.52 b. $3.00 c. $3.27 d. $6.26

24. A rectangular piece of tin 9 in. by 12 in. is to be made into an open box with base area of 60 in2 by cutting out equal squares from
the four corners and then bending up the edges. Find the side of the square cut from each corner.
a. 1.31 in. b. 1.73 in. c. 2.61 in. d. 3.46 in.

 1 
25. In the expansion of  x 2   , what is the coefficient of the term containing x2?
 2x 
a. 21/4 b. 35/8 c. 35/16 d. 21

26. The _____ term of the expansion of x 3  2 y 
is 13440x12y6?
th th
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6th d. 7th

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