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Date: 15

November 2010Mr. Suneel YadavBK-1/101B,Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi –

Subject: Relieving Letter

Dear Mr. Suneel,

This is to inform you that as per your resignation letter,

weherebyr e l i e v e y o u f r o m t h e p o s t o f “ A c c o u n t
s E x e c u t i v e ” f r o m t h e organization w.e.f. November
15, 2010.A c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o m p a n y r e c o r d s , t h e r e a r e n o
d u e s l e f t f r o m t h e company towards you and you have given
the full charge and otherbelongings which were earlier in your
custody from the company side.Further, in your 7 months and 15
Days working period, we found yousincere, hardworking and
result oriented towards your work. We wish you all the best for
your near future. Thanking You
For VIKPUN Media Services Pvt. Ltd.VIKAS MAHAJAN(Director)

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