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Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Article · January 2009

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3 authors:

John T. Kevern Vernon R. Schaefer

University of Missouri - Kansas City Iowa State University


Kejin Wang
Iowa State University


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ii Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Design of Pervious
Concrete Mixtures Version 3.0

John T. Kevern Ph.D., PE, LEED AP



While Portland Cement Pervious Concrete (PCPC) is comprised of the same components
as traditional concrete, its idiosyncrasies have forced the mixture proportioning to
develop as an artform instead of a clear set of procedures. Although an unlimited
number of variations on pervious concrete mixture proportions can exist, this document
outlines a series of proven procedures to produce pervious concrete for a wide-variety
of applications.

The design procedures are developed based on research performed by the collective
pervious concrete community in the United States, and from across the world. The most
common design are for parking areas and are aided by the included computer program,
which optimizes mixtures for local materials. Later chapters include a discussion of
quality control and test methods for both fresh and hardened concrete samples as well
as test placement procedures. Field experience and troubleshooting sections are
included to aid identifying potential mixture related issues and contains remediation
ii Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Copyright  National Pervious Concrete Pavement Association, Inc. 2011


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored,

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the copyright holders.

Published by NPCPA

Printed in USA


We as an industry have a large collective body of knowledge concerning traditional

concrete. Using experience from Roman times until now, there is a general consensus
and understanding on how to proportion and test traditional concrete. Portland Cement
Pervious concrete (PCPC), while comprised of the same materials (aggregate, cement,
and water), is not proportioned the same, is not placed the same, and generally does
not behave the same as traditional concrete. These differences lead to the potential for
pervious concrete to fail much more quickly and dramatically than traditional concrete.
As a specialty or novelty product, high profile failures are unacceptable with our current
level of knowledge.

Pervious concrete is currently more of an artform than a science when applied in the
field and the artform has developed differently across the country. Opportunities at
Iowa State and around the country have allowed me to experiment with a vast number
(over 1,000 at the time of publication) of mixture designs to better understand pervious
concrete. Throughout my Master’s and Ph.D. work, my research in PCPC has included
nearly all aspects of pervious concrete including mixture proportioning, freeze-thaw
testing, field placement, new test method development, stormwater management, and
speaking across the country.

While there are endless variations of mixture proportions, this methodology is

supported by my personal research and experiences along with research and
experiences from my colleagues across the country. Yes, it is freeze-thaw durable, is
resistant to clogging, and no, high heels will not get stuck in the surface.

iv Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


The development of the following procedure could not have been made possible
without the contributions and assistance of a great number of individuals and industry
members. The authors would like to thank the National Concrete Pavement Technology
Center (CP Tech Center) and Iowa State University. Support and interest in pervious
concrete has been provided by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Associations
(NRMCA), Portland Cement Association (PCA), Iowa Concrete Paving and Ready Mixed
Concrete Associations, the Minnesota Aggregate and Ready Mixed Association (ARM),
the Nebraska Concrete and Aggregate Association, the Ohio Ready Mixed Concrete
Association, Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Association, along with many others.

Numerous corporations provided pervious concrete research and support, including

BASF, SIKA, Grace, Holcim, LaFarge, Propex, Buckeye, C2 Products, Gomaco, and many
others. This support is greatly appreciated.

Lastly, some of the most important advances have occurred thanks to the collaborations
and discussions by the pervious concrete community brought together by the ACI 522,
ASTM C09.49 committees, and NRMCA Concrete Technology Forums.
vi Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Table of Contents
List of Figures viii
List of Tables viii
Principles of the Mixture Proportioning Procedure 2
Goals and Objectives 3
Organization of this report 3
General Material Relationships 5
Aggregate Gradation 6
Cementitious Composition 7
Water-to-Cement 8
Considerations for Mixture Determination 8
Step 1 – Input the Aggregate and Cementitious Material Properties 11
Step 2 – Optimize the Aggregate Gradation 12
Step 3 – Input the Desired Mixture Properties 14
Step 4 – Output 15
Step 1 – Placement Construction 18
Step 2 – Fresh Property Verification 18
Step 3 – Hardened Compaction Density Relationship Development 19
Step 4 – Surface Infiltration Verification 19
Step 5 – Hardened Property Verification 19
Step 6 – Mixture Proportion Iteration 19
Determining the Compaction Density Relationships 21
Fresh Concrete Tests 22

Situation 1 – Extra water did not improve workability 29

Situation 2 – Sticky mixture required re-tempering with water 30
Situation 3 – Workability changed throughout placement 31
Situation 4 – Workability changed between first and second placements 32
Situation 5 – Slow discharge rate 33
Situation 6 – Stiff mixture with poor workability 34
Situation 7 – Severe raveling 35
Selected References 41
Definitions 43
Pervious Concrete Mixture Proportioning Procedure: Quick Start Guide 45
viii Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

List of Figures

Figure 1. Volumetric relationship of pervious concrete 11

Figure 2. Input for aggregate properties 12
Figure 3. Gradation limits for pervious concrete (Kevern et al. 2008(d)) 13
Figure 4. Aggregate gradation optimization 14
Figure 5. Concrete mixture properties 15
Figure 6. Output batch design 15
Figure 7. Compaction density relationship for fresh concrete samples 22
Figure 8. Common methods of compaction and finishing 23
Figure 9. Inverse slump cone filled with concrete 24
Figure 10. Checking flowabality 24
Figure 11. Comparison of ideal and over-worked concrete 25
Figure 12. Using predetermined compaction density to estimate void content 26
Figure 13. Estimating compressive strength from voids 27
Figure 14. Parking lot colder weather placement 30
Figure 15. Fresh surface at spring placement 31
Figure 16. Poor mixture workability required two trucks. 32
Figure 17. Poor workability producing excessively high voids. 34
Figure 18. Excessive surface raveling. 35

List of Tables

Table 1. Combined aggregate gradation requirements 13

Table 2. Compaction factors for estimating in-situ density 26
Table 3. Problems observed with workability. 37
Table 4. Other common mixture problems. 39


The purpose of pervious concrete for stormwater management is to

transmit water through the pavement into the underlying holding layer
where it either infiltrates into the ground or is discharged into a
stormwater system. In an overlay situation the water infiltrates into the
pervious pavement to reduce splash and spray, eliminates hydroplaning
potential, improves skid resistance, and is drained away from the
The primary considerations pavement system. This percolation of water is achieved through a series of
when determining a mix interconnected voids which are termed the porosity. Void space that
design are: comprises porosity is interconnected and rapidly permeable to water
movement and is fundamentally different than entrained air captured in
1. Strength for loading.
the cement paste. Producing pervious concrete with a specific Design Void
2. Durability, which Content (DVC), typically around 20%, allows quality control by determining
includes the freeze-thaw the design unit weight for a corresponding DVC.
resistance of the concrete
along with maintenance Similar to roller compacted concrete (RCC) or asphalt production, pervious
activities such as plowing. concrete performance is influenced by the density. But unlike RCC, using
more force to compact a stiff, dry, unworkable pervious concrete to the
3. Porosity to produce the DVC will not produce a durable pavement. Production of a durable
desired permeability and pavement requires consideration of both the workability of the pervious
maximize the maintenance concrete mixture as well as to the method of placement. Hence, to achieve
intervals. an optimal pervious concrete placement the producer must be aware of
the site layout, the contractor’s experience, along with material properties
associated with the pervious concrete. A mixture that had success for an
2 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

experienced contractor on a straightforward site under ideal conditions

might have significant problems for an inexperienced contractor or under
more difficult site geometries or different weather conditions. Recognizing
and understanding the differences in behavior between traditional and
pervious concrete allows successful placements.

The primary considerations when determining a mixture design are

1. Strength required for a particular pavement section design.

2. Durability, which includes freeze-thaw concerns along with surface integrity.

Freeze-thaw resistance of the concrete is important, but so is durability against
winter maintenance operations such as plowing and use of deicers.

3. Porosity to produce the desired permeability and maximize the required

maintenance intervals.

Principles of the Mixture Proportioning Procedure

The following principles were used to develop this design procedure.

 This design procedure is meant as more than just a starting point for mixture
proportioning. However, test mixtures should be placed to further customize
concrete mixtures to differences between concrete plants, trucks, admixture
combinations, and placement techniques. Small batches allow experimentation
of new mixture combinations and placement techniques without fear of a large,
expensive failure.

 An infinite number of possible mixture proportions can exist. This procedure

represents the best practices from current collective body of knowledge to
produce durable pervious concrete.

 Correct yield from a set of mixture proportions is controlled by the level of

compaction. The compaction behavior of pervious concrete changes for
different methods of finishing/compaction, mixture proportions, and potentially
changes in concrete workability during placement. Mixture proportions may
have to be adjusted to produce correct yield for a particular set of placing
conditions. Chapters 4 and 5 elaborate on using current testing methods to
determine the correct yield.

 The combined aggregate gradation must have enough initial voids to ensure a
proper degree of permeability after a cementitious paste coats and joins the

 Angular aggregate has more surface area than equally-sized round aggregate
particles. In order to produce similar cementitious paste coatings and load
transfer, angular mixtures require more cementitious material. The only
exception being when very small aggregates are used, the proximity of the
aggregate particles increases paste bridging and allows lower paste/mortar

 Sand and fibers significantly improve the strength and durability of pervious
concrete and are highly recommended.

 Workability of pervious concrete is primarily controlled by aggregate angularity,

mortar volume, sand content, water-to-cement ratio, type of cementitious
materials, and admixtures. When the proportions are balanced, pervious
concrete mixtures will discharge and finish easily.

 Admixtures are required and general dosage rates are suggested. Due to the
wide variety of available products, tests placements should be used to
determine the exact dosages and interactions of locally available products.

 Raveling of surface aggregate particles is NOT an allowable characteristic for

pervious concrete. Consequently, the following mixtures are designed for good
surface durability performance.

 A good relationship and coordination is necessary between the concrete

producer and the placing contractor. Due to the higher potential for problems
from inexperience, both parties must be diligent to produce a high-quality final

Goals and Objectives

The goal of this report is to provide more than just a “starting point” to begin mixture
proportioning. The level of mixture proportioning depends upon application needs.
Integral to the proposed procedures is the accompanying computer program which
optimizes mixture proportions. The resulting mixture proportions can be used verbatim
with success or iterated for better performance using local conditions and experiences.

Organization of this report

This document is organized into seven chapters. The research findings in Chapter 2 are
meant to support the design decisions in subsequent sections but only contain a brief
summary of the available information. More comprehensive information can be
obtained through reports, papers, and thesis listed in the selected reference section.
4 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

The methods of mixture proportioning are divided into three levels. The mixture
proportioning procedure is presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents information to
aid determining engineering properties to aid with specification writing and testing.
Chapter 5 discusses using a test placement process to further refine the mixture.
Chapter 6 includes notes and observations from a variety of field projects and a
retrospective the placements. Chapter 7 includes troubleshooting tables to help
identify potential problems and remediation techniques.


The goal of a pervious concrete placement is a smooth and durable

surface with the desired void content produced at a given unit weight.
These are obtained through proper mixture proportions which
possess the necessary inherent workability. PCPC material properties
and workability are a function of aggregate angularity, aggregate
gradation, cementitious volume, cementitious makeup, water-to-
cement ratio, admixtures, and environmental factors such as mixing
Voids and permeability are
time, water temperature, and mixer/truck moisture state. In order to
inversely related to
provide an understanding of some design decisions, the following
strength and durability. A
overview of research discusses the relative effects of each of these
mixture with low voids will
components with respect to workability, strength, and freeze-thaw
be strong, but clog quickly.
A mixture with high voids
will have good General Material Relationships
permeability but ravel and
have freeze-thaw The following general material relationships are well-known for
deterioration. A balance pervious concrete and consistent between reports and papers in the
between strength and literature (ACI 2006, Crouch et al. 2006, Delatte et al. 2007, Kevern
permeability is typically 2006, Kevern et al. 2008(a), (d), Olek et al. 2003, Schaefer et al. 2006,
achieved at 20% voids. Tennis et al. 2004, Wang et al. 2006, and others).

 As the porosity of PCPC increases the unit weight decreases

6 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

 Similar to the unit weight relationship, compressive strength decreases with

increased porosity.

 The relationship between permeability and porosity is a power function

following a Karmen-Cozeny model. Permeability increases with increased
porosity. Permeability tends to be very low (<10 in./hr) below 15% porosity
and increases rapidly above 25%.

 An increased amount of cement paste creates a linear decrease in porosity

for mixtures without sand. When sand is present, the bulking effect of the
sand in the cement paste causes a more rapid decrease in porosity. For
mixtures, above binder-to-aggregate (b/a) =0.25 (dry mass of cementitious
fraction/oven dry aggregate mass), the porosity is less than 15% causing
insufficient permeability.

 For a particular set of mixture proportions, with increased compaction level

the unit weight and compressive strength exhibit a linear relationship with
porosity. The permeability decreases exponentially with increased
compaction level. Each particular mixture has an inherent set of compaction
relationships which may be used for quality control purposes.

 Aggregate comprises the largest volume of material in pervious concrete

and consequently aggregate angularity controls the ultimate concrete unit
weight. Angular aggregates require more cementitious binder to produce
similar workability and strength as the more self-compacting round
aggregate of equal gradation. Often angular aggregate gradations have
higher compacted voids, also requiring more cementitious paste.

Aggregate Gradation

Aggregate has the largest impact on creating pervious concrete. Traditionally

concrete aggregate contains around 50% coarse aggregate and 50% fine aggregate
(sand). The coarse aggregate is well graded so the combination has relatively dense
packing to increase strength and minimize the cementitious fraction. Historically
pervious concrete has been made with single-sized aggregate and no fine aggregate,
which produces the desired permeability but often with such a reduction in other
mechanical properties to create problems with durability. The first major
consideration to pervious concrete is the sand fraction in the aggregate (Beeldens et
al. 2003, Beeldens 2001, Kevern 2006, Kevern et al. 2008(a), (b), (c), Schaefer et al.
2006, Tamai and Yoshida 2003, Wang et al. 2006, Yang and Jiang 2003, and others).

 Before determining the amount of fine aggregate required, the coarse

aggregate must first be selected to achieve sufficient initial porosity to add

 Through experience, a gradation requirement has been developed which is

used in this program. The lower gradation limit represents a point at which
there is a likelihood of creating concrete without sufficient permeability.
The upper gradation limit represents a level where the mixture is too harsh
for rapid placement and compaction by conventional means. Also, the finer
texture is more aesthetically pleasing and at the upper gradation and above
the pavement resembles a cement-treated base. The gradation limits
represent coarse aggregate combinations with 36% to 44% voids per ASTM

 The replacement of a small portion of coarse aggregate with sand slightly

decreases the porosity and permeability while substantially increasing the
unit weight, and compressive and tensile strength.

 Fibers are included in traditional concrete to improve toughness and post-

cracked flexural strength. When fibers are used in pervious concrete the
mixture responds with decreased porosity and increased unit weight,
compressive, and flexural strength. Although, permeability is maintained or
increased contrary to the reduction in porosity by the additional
connectivity of the hydraulic channels.

 Shorter fibrillated, micro-type, or cellulose fibers (<1.5 in.) have been shown
more effective in PCPC than longer fibers (>2 in.).

 While many factors control freeze-thaw durability in pervious concrete, the

addition of an optimized amount of fine aggregate causes a large
improvement in freeze-thaw response. Fibers improved the freeze-thaw
response of mixtures without additional sand. Since mixtures with sand are
already freeze-thaw durable the addition of fibers has no additional effect
on the freeze-thaw durability.

 Crushed aggregate mixtures generally have better freeze-thaw durability

than aggregate mixtures. The increased aggregate surface area of crushed
aggregate allows better paste-to-aggregate bonding.

Cementitious Composition

 Cement paste coats the aggregate particles, providing lubrication for

workability, and hardened contact area for load transfer. As more cement
8 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

paste is incorporated, the mixture becomes more workable, although

reducing porosity. Between binder-to-aggregate contents of b/a = 0.18 to
0.22 by volume (depending on the aggregate gradation and ultimate
strength required) the paste completely coats the aggregate particles
without occupying too much of the pore space.

 It is well-understood that supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs)

improve the cement hydration chemistry and provide greater durability
along with other beneficial properties. Fly ash and slag improve workability
and the ultimate strength of pervious concrete, but reduce the early age
strengths which may be critical to durability upon opening.


 Pervious concrete is often placed at very low water-to-cement (w/c) ratios

(0.27 to 0.34) compared to conventional concrete. Low w/c ratios allow the
paste to completely coat the aggregate particles without draining into the
hydraulic channels. In most cases, below w/c = 0.27 to 0.29 the paste is not
sufficiently wetted enough to allow paste bridging between particles for
load transfer.

Considerations for Mixture Determination

The following assumptions are used in determination of the mixture proportioning


1. Each mixture has an inherent compaction

Consider, dirty aggregate relationship. As porosity increases unit weight and
will prevent good paste-to- strength decrease linearly and permeability increases
aggregate bonding and exponentially. Concrete unit weight is the primary
results in increased chance quality control criteria for specification purposes.
of raveling. Very fine
particles also have a high 2. To achieve properties desired for typical
surface area and will soak applications (parking areas with occasional truck
up water reducer. Clean traffic) more cementitious binder is required for
aggregate will be cheaper, angular aggregate versus equally-sized round material.
easier to work with, and The additional surface area of angular material
more durable in the long requires a larger paste fraction to produce equivalent
term. paste thickness and intra-particle contact area as
round material.

3. The aggregate shape has the largest impact on

workability and in-situ density.

4. Fine aggregate increases the workability causing a more dense concrete to a

point. As density increases so does strength with a corresponding reduction
in porosity and permeability.

5. The aggregate requirements for pervious concrete encompass a range of

commonly available materials and gradations.

6. Fibers act as fine aggregate providing increased density while increasing

permeability and improving freeze-thaw durability

7. Fibers do not significantly impact workability but increase the amount of

compaction effort required.

8. Workability increases with increased amount of binder, compactibility is

achieved at around b/a of 0.17 (by volume) with only a slight increase in
compactibility with additional cementitious content.

9. Fly ash improves workability and compactibility while slag causes a slight
increase in required compaction energy.

Typical admixtures used in pervious concrete function effectively for up to 30

minutes but lose effectiveness between 30 and 60 minutes of mixing time. Poor
workability can be remedied by additional admixtures at the time of placement.
10 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


The following mixture determination is appropriate for any area that may
experience occasional truck traffic including routine winter maintenance with a
snow plow. These mixtures generally will have relatively high initial cementitious
contents for reliability. Mixtures may be further optimized following the techniques
discussed in Chapter 5.

The following variables are assumed for mixture

When designing and
 In freeze-thaw climates coarse aggregate is
placing pervious concrete,
required with specific gravity greater than 2.5 and
consider it like a bridge
absorption less than 2.5%.
deck mixture, why not?
Pervious concrete contains  The total aggregate gradation will be optimized
a special aggregate near the fine gradation limit by incorporating
gradation, low water-to- additional sand.
cement ratio, and
specialized admixtures.  Binder-to-aggregate ratio will be adjusted for
Pervious concrete is a high aggregate angularity to maintain workability.
performance mixture, treat
it appropriately to have  Water-to-cement ratio is limited to 0.30 and
good success. greater, if required, adjustments to workability will be
achieved through admixtures.

 The typical design porosity will be 20%.

 Fibers are required.

The following mixture determination is based on mixture volumetric relationships to

optimize the material components while maintaining the required porosity. Mixture
calculations have been incorporated into the included Microsoft Excel® based
spreadsheet program. A basic volumetric diagram for pervious concrete is shown in
Figure 1. Based on the desired relationships, porosity, water-to-cement, binder-to-
aggregate, and fine aggregate-to-coarse aggregate ratios, the volume each
component occupies in the mixture is determined and the required mass produced.
The gradation requirements create an optimized aggregate blend which possesses
enough void space to add the cementitious paste while achieving the desirable

P Porosity 15%-25%

w/b Water 0.27-0.35

B Binder 0.18-0.24

FA ~7%


Figure 1. Volumetric relationship of pervious concrete

Step 1 – Input the Aggregate and Cementitious Material Properties

Under the Aggregate Properties and Other Materials Properties sections of the
“Material Inputs” tab, enter the aggregate type, absorption, and moisture content
along with the specific gravities of the mixture components. For freeze-thaw
climates the aggregate specific gravity must be greater than 2.5 with absorption less
12 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

than 2.5%. Figure 2 shows an input for a round aggregate at SSD condition. Up to
two additional cementitious components can be blended with the cement fraction.

Figure 2. Input for aggregate properties

Step 2 – Optimize the Aggregate Gradation

Most coarse aggregate gradations will require additional fine aggregate to meet the
gradation specification. Figure 3 and Table 1 provide the combined aggregate
gradations for pervious concrete. Beyond the upper gradation limit the mixture is
too rocky for manual placement techniques and the surface too open for a smooth
texture. The lower gradation limit represents an area below which low to zero
permeability becomes probable.

No.50 No.30 No.16 No.8 No.4 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1 1/2"




Lower Gradation
Percent Passing (%)
Limit Upper Gradation
60 Limit




20 Additional Sand


0.1 1 10 100
Sieve Size (mm)

Figure 3. Gradation limits for pervious concrete (Kevern et al. 2008(d))

Table 1. Combined aggregate gradation requirements

Sieve Size Gradation Limits
mm ID Lower Upper
38.1 1 1/2" 100.00 100.00
19.1 3/4" 100.00 100.00
12.7 1/2" 100.00 94.28
9.5 3/8" 99.33 38.09
4.75 #4 44.35 5.44
2.36 #8 13.09 4.60
1.18 #16 10.55 3.64
0.6 #30 7.31 2.13
0.3 #50 3.95 0.49
0.15 #100 1.76 0.03

Input the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate gradations in the “Gradation
Specifications” tab. Optimize the aggregate gradation by adjusting the Fine/Coarse
Aggregate ratio so that the curve representing the aggregate combination is located
at or near the Fine Gradation Limit. Figure 4 demonstrates the gradation
optimization for a 3/8 inch rounded pea gravel aggregate. The original gradation
meets the minimum criteria for pervious concrete but can be further optimized with
5% to 7% sand.
14 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Figure 4. Aggregate gradation optimization

Step 3 – Input the Desired Mixture Properties

In the Mixture Properties portion of the “Material Inputs” tab, input the design void
content, water-to-cement ratio, supplementary cementitious material replacement
rates, and fiber content. The design void content should be around 20% and water-
to-cement around 0.30. Figure 5 shows the Concrete Mixture Properties for a typical

Figure 5. Concrete mixture properties

Step 4 – Output

The mixture proportions adjusted for aggregate water state are presented in the
“Batch Design” tab. Figure 6 shows an example batch ouput mixture proportions.
The volumetric design unit weight is the theoretical in-place dry unit weight for
specification purposes. The maximum theoretical unit weight is a SSD value for
comparison with ASTM C1688 calculations.

Figure 6. Output batch design

Step 5 – Admixtures

The three recommended admixtures are, air entraining agent, water reducer, and
hydration stabilizer.

 Any variety of air entraining agent is allowed. Dosage rates should

be higher than regular ready-mixed concrete. Typically air-entrainer
16 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

is dosed at a level used for stiff concrete, such as

curb and gutter placements. Dosages of 2 oz/cwt
An internal curing have shown entrained air in the lab and good
admixture (ICA) has durability in the field.
recently become available
to the public and is  Mid-range water reducer should
marketed for pervious be initially dosed at 6 oz/cwt. Cement paste in
concrete. ICA supplies pervious concrete is mixed more completely
additional water to the than traditional concrete and has a large amount
fresh pervious concrete of surface exposed to the air before placement.
mixture using super- Since admixture working time in pervious
absorbent polymers that concrete is generally reduced, many placements
release water as needed have shown that polycarboxylate type water
for hydration or to replace reducers maintain longer workability.
moisture lost through
evaporation.  Hydration stabilizer is required
to maintain workability by preventing premature
Studies show that ICA is cement hydration from heat build-up during
effective in pervious mixing and by extending the working time of the
concrete and has the water reducer. Traditional retarding admixtures
potential to eliminate do not have the same effect on admixture
plastic curing in many conservation. The starting hydration stabilizer
situations. should be between 6 and 12 oz/cwt.
As with any new
admixture, testing is
required to determine the 1) If the cementitious content includes 35%
effect ICA has on or greater blast furnace slag and if an adjacent
constructability. pervious placement is scheduled for the next
day, reduce the amount of hydration stabilizer to
6 oz/cwt or reduce the amount of slag. The
combination of blast furnace slag and hydration
stabilizer can result in extended set times.

2) Hot water should NOT be used with pervious concrete placements. Hot
water speeds up evaporation and since pervious concrete set is retarded by
the hydration stabilizer, there is no need for hot water.

3) If the placement includes long haul times, or extended placement in hot

weather, the amount of hydration stabilizer may be increased up to 18
oz/cwt. Since pervious concrete tends to be less forgiving than traditional
concrete, avoid weather conditions that require large mixture adjustments
(i.e. hot or cold conditions).

4) Hydration stabilizer is required to maintain workability by preventing

premature cement hydration from heat build-up during mixing and by
extending the working time of the water reducer. If a standard retarder is
substituted for hydration stabilizer tests mixtures are required to determine
the proper dosage rate for particular environmental and haul conditions.

5) Many other admixtures and admixture combinations exist. A test placement

should be constructed to verify claims and the performance of those
admixtures with the selected placement technique.
18 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


Achieving the best possible outcome from a concrete mixture is an iterative

process. Once a desired pervious concrete mixture has been selected a test
placement is required to refine yield and verify that the Design Void Content (DVC)
and associated density can be achieved with the selected admixtures and placement

Step 1 – Placement Construction

Test placements should be as representative to the actual placement conditions.

The weather, time of placement, and haul time/mixing time should be as similar as
possible or practical to the actual placement. Pervious concrete mixtures are
generally not representative when produced in small batches or discharged after
short mixing times. It is recommended that at least 4 cubic yards of concrete be
produced and allowed to mix for at least 30 minutes.

Step 2 – Fresh Property Verification

Before placement commences the mixture proportions should be verified and in-
place density estimated. First check inverse slump as described in Chapter 5. Then
determine the ASTM C1688 unit weight (ASTM 2008). This value will be used in
future mixture submittals. Finally, estimate the in-place density as describe in
Chapter 5.

Step 3 – Hardened Compaction Density Relationship Development

Once the fresh properties are determined, produce samples for hardened testing as
described in Chapter 5.

Step 4 – Surface Infiltration Verification

After the concrete has sufficiently set, usually 1-day, infiltration testing can be
performed. Test the infiltration rate according to ASTM C1701 (ASTM 2009).
If an infiltration rate is not required in the contract documents use 500
Low in-place density is in./hr as a goal value. Research has shown good resistance to clogging when
often a result of mixtures achieve 500 in./hr or greater infiltration rate (Kevern 2011).
inadequate mixture
Step 5 – Hardened Property Verification
use. Poor workability
and density can result After the concrete has hardened enough for coring to produce a competent
from too low of sample, hardened verification may take place. Remove several core samples
admixture dosage or and trim the top and bottom to create a known volume. Compare the
loss of admixture pot hardened unit weight from the core to the previously developed
life from overworking. compaction density relationship.
Increasing the paste
content to achieve Step 6 – Mixture Proportion Iteration
proper density should
not be a substitution Results from infiltration, voids, and strength (if tested) are now used to
for correct admixture develop the next mixture iteration.
If the infiltration rate was too high the density is probably too low. If the
density is too low the strength and durability will not be acceptable.
Assuming the mixture flowed through the inverse slump cone and was
workable and the placement method is not changed, density should be increased by
increasing the paste content. Increase the paste content in increments of 25 pcy
until the desired infiltration rate and density are achieved. Test and record ASTM
C1688 values at each iteration.

If the infiltration rate was too low, the density is probably too high. If the density is
too high the durability will be good, but the pavement will tend to clog easily.
Decrease the paste content in increments of 25 pcy until the desired infiltration and
density are achieved.

Once the desired infiltration and density are achieved adjust the batch proportions
for correct yield. Use the actually measured ASTM C1688 unit weights for the
20 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


The validation of engineering properties involves creating individual compaction

density curves and additional iterations of the mixtures to produce more consistent
yield, quality control, and reliability. Since the yield of the mixture proportions is
controlled by the density as discharge by the concrete truck (initial density) and the
amount of compaction (final density), the quality control of the fresh concrete must
include mixture consistency and workability.

This chapter provides some general discussion of quality control for pervious
concrete. The ACI 522 pervious concrete committee, the ASTM C09.49 pervious
concrete committee, and the NRMCA pervious concrete certification process are
working in conjunction to produce standardized construction and testing
documents. At the time of printing, the ACI 522 pervious concrete committee has
released “Specification for Pervious Concrete Pavement” (ACI 2010) and a revised
522R pervious concrete document was published in 2010. The ASTM C09.49
committee currently has standards for field permeability and fresh concrete density
(unit weight) and yield with additional provisional specifications under
development. The NRMCA has a revised pervious concrete contractor specification
certification documentation that reflects the current body of knowledge and new
advancements in pervious concrete construction. This document focuses primarily
on mixture proportioning, but a concrete mixture is only as good as the quality
control and verification of the required properties. An example of where this
procedure was successfully implemented can be found in the article published
March 2010 in Concrete International “Hitting the Targets: A Case Study of a
Pervious Concrete Quality Assurance Program” (Kevern and Montgomery 2010).

Determining the Compaction Density Relationships

Each mixture contains an inherent set of useful compaction density relationships

which can be used to quickly verify required engineering properties from fresh unit
weight. For a particular mixture the relationship between unit weight, compressive
strength, permeability, and porosity can easily be determined. This step involves
placing a series of test samples at different compaction levels to create the
compaction density curves. Once a series of curves have been determined, fresh
unit weight valves or the unit weight of core samples can quickly be used to
determine the various material properties.

1. Place a series of samples at three different compaction levels. The objective is to

bound the actual density with these samples. Once placed, weigh the cylinders
to determine fresh unit weight.

- Low Compaction Level: Fill the samples with fresh concrete and strike off
without compacting the surface. Be sure to protect the samples from any
movement as this represents the lowest achievable unit weight for the
mixture, any vibration will cause unwanted densification.

- Medium Compaction Level: Place the samples in two equal lifts, dropping
the cylinders 1 inch onto a flat surface, five times. The ASTM C29 jigging
procedure is difficult to consistently perform on small cylinders.

- High Compaction Level: Place the samples in three equal lifts, dropping
them ten times per lift.

A typical compaction density relationship for fresh concrete samples is shown in

Figure 7. The coefficient of variation of placement unit weight using these methods
is generally around 2%.
22 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


Design Unit Weight = 120 pcf)
Fresh Density (pcf)





95 Density = 10.03*Compaction Level+ 93.61

R2 = 0.999
no compaction 2L, 5J 3L, 10J

Figure 7. Compaction density relationship for fresh concrete samples

2. Determine voids, hardened unit weight, and porosity according to the

procedure outlined in the document by Montes et al. 2005. At the time of
printing this technique had undergone round robin laboratory testing and was
being balloted in the ASTM C09.49 committee. The dry hardened unit weight
will always be less than the fresh unit weight value due to the extra aggregate
moisture and evaporable water lost in the drying process.

3. Determine other materials properties such as compressive or flexural strength.

Keep in mind that no standards specifically address these values for pervious

4. Plot the data values versus the voids such as, compressive strength, flexural
strength, fresh unit weight, hardened unit weight, or permeability versus voids.

Fresh Concrete Tests

The two most common methods of compacting and finishing pervious concrete are
shown in Figure 8. Where, (a) concrete is rough finished level with a riser strip
placed on the forms then compacted to the final density and (b) concrete is finished
and compacted with a roller-screed. In either method the degree of compaction in
only about one additional inch of material which produces a 25% compaction factor
for a 4-inch section, 17% for a 6-inch section, and 13% for an 8-inch section. This
allows a good estimation of the final in-place density from the consistency as
determined by the unit weight.



Figure 8. Common methods of compaction and finishing

Verifying and Adjusting Workability

First, when the truck arrives at the site the workability must be checked and
adjusted if needed. On-site workability of pervious concrete is determined by the
inverse slump flow test. The flow behavior of pervious concrete through a slump
cone closely reproduces the discharge ability from the concrete truck.

1. Fill an inverted slump cone with fresh concrete (do not to rod or compact)
to roughly level with the top surface (Figure 9).

2. With one even motion, lift the slump cone to approximately knee level. If
required, lightly tap the cone to initiate flow (Figure 10).
24 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Figure 9. Inverse slump cone filled with concrete

The inverse slump check is

modified from a test to
determine the workability
of another stiff concrete,
fiber reinforced concrete.

Figure 10. Checking flowabality

3. If concrete flows from the cone then it will discharge easily from the truck
chute (Figure 11a). If the material sticks in the cone and requires substantial
energy (vigorous shaking) to free the concrete, then the concrete is too stiff,
will be difficult to discharge, have high porosity, low strength, and high
raveling potential (Figure 11b).

(a) Workable (b) Over-worked

Figure 11. Comparison of ideal and over-worked concrete

If some tapping was required to initiate flow, remediation can be achieved by

adding a 1/2 gallon of water per cubic yard of concrete to the mixer and mixing at
full speed for three minutes.

Concrete that does not flow through the cone indicates loss of admixture
effectiveness and remediation can be performed by adding approximately 50% of
the original dosage of either water reducer or hydration stabilizer to the truck on-
site in addition to an additional ½ gallon of water per cubic yard of concrete.
Workability of subsequent batches should be modified by adding additional water at
the concrete plant, adding the water reducer on-site and mixing for three minutes
to ensure complete dispersion, or increasing the hydration stabilizer dosage by 50%.

Truck Consistency, Estimating In-Situ Density, and Verifying Engineering Properties

Unit weight measurements are used to compare material consistency between

concrete trucks and accuracy of plant production. After workability is verified, then
the estimated in-place density can be determined.

1. Fill a unit weight container (commonly the 0.25 cf bottom portion of an air
pressure meter) with concrete in roughly two lifts. Evenly distribute the
concrete in the container but do not compact or consolidation. Strike off
even with the container surface.

2. Weigh the container and determine the concrete unit weight.

3. Estimate the in-situ density by multiplying the concrete unit weight by the
appropriate compaction factor provided in

4. Table 2.
26 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Table 2. Compaction factors for estimating in-situ density

Pavement Thickness Compaction Factor

4 1.25
6 1.17
8 1.13

5. Compare the estimated in-situ density to the design

Consider Table 2. For unit weight provided in the “Batch Design” tab. The allowable
typical placements you variation is ±5 pcf from the design unit weight (ACI 2011).
will only achieve 17% The most common cause of changes in unit weight between
compaction. Don’t rely loads as a placement progresses is changing aggregate
on the finishing moisture and water remaining in the mixer drum.
technique to achieve 6. Compare fresh density to the “Fresh Unit Weight
correct density if the versus Voids” chart and determine the void content, as
mixture has poor shown in Figure 12.
workability. 7. Use the void content to determine the compressive
strength, flexural strength, or permeability, as shown in
Figure 13 for compressive strength at 7-days.


118.5 pcf
Unit Weight (pcf)



20% voids

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Pervious Concrete Voids (%)

Figure 12. Using predetermined compaction density to estimate void content



7-day Compressive Strength (psi) 2,000

1,950 psi

20% Voids

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Pervious Concrete Voids (%)

Figure 13. Estimating compressive strength from voids

28 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


As with many new technologies a vast amount of knowledge is gained from the
success but often more is gained when projects are not completely successful. This
chapter includes a series of observations of situations where at the time some
aspect of the placement was not perfect. Often the specifics of the mixture
proportions or the error are not made known until much later. Included are
descriptions of the sites, mixture proportions, observations, and in hindsight,
methods to employ in future placements to remediate the situation.

Situation 1 – Extra water did not improve workability

Event: Contractor training.

Main Issue: Extra water did not improve workability.

Mixture: Rounded pea gravel with sand, 0.22 w/c, water reducer, air entrainment,
and warm water.

Background Information: Placement occurred as a test pour for an NRMCA

contractor training session. The weather was cool and the ready-mixed plant was
using hot water. Initially the concrete was dosed short on water to help show the
contractors mixtures that were too dry and then to adjust to correct workability.
The concrete producer did not have hydration stabilizer and it was not thought
critical for a small, less than 4 cubic yard placement.

Observations: Upon arriving, the concrete was warm, dry balls of material. Water
was added to bring the mixture to w/c = 0.29 with no improvement in workability.
An additional 15 gallons of water were added to remediate workability without
success. Other than showing the contractors what pervious concrete should not
look like, the placement was a failure.

Hindsight: The combination of too low w/c, warm water, and no hydration stabilizer
caused early hydration.

Remediation: None; add enough water to allow the material to properly discharge
from the mixer.
30 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Situation 2 – Sticky mixture required re-tempering with water

Figure 14. Parking lot colder weather placement

Event: Late Fall parking lot placement.

Main Issue: Sticky mixture required re-tempering with water several time per load
to maintain workability.

Mixture: Rounded-river gravel with sand and fibers, fly ash, 0.29 w/c, water reducer,
hydration stabilizer, and air entrainment.

Background Information: Well-known pervious concrete mixture.

Observations: Concrete provided for a test placement a week prior was perfect.
Concrete on the day of placement was much stiffer. Placement occurred during the
fall and temperature had dropped between the test pour and actual placement.

Hindsight: Pervious was batched with warm water.

Remediation: Do not use warm water; increase hydration stabilizer dosage; or dose
water reducer at the site.

Situation 3 – Workability changed throughout placement

Figure 15. Fresh surface at spring placement

Event: Spring parking lot placement.

Main Issue: Change in mixture workability as placement progressed.

Mixture: Limestone chip mixture with slag and fly ash.

Background Information: Placement was a short haul situation from plant to site.

Observations: At the start of placement workability was correct. As the placement

progressed water was added when truck first arrived and halfway through each

Hindsight: Aggregate moisture was checked once at the beginning of the placement,
but changed throughout the day.

Remediation: When workability began to change aggregate moisture should have

been rechecked.
32 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Situation 4 – Workability changed between first and second placements

Figure 16. Poor mixture workability required two trucks.

Event: Spring parking lot placement.

Main Issue: Workability much improved between first and second placement.

Mixture: Large angular quartzite aggregate.

Background Information: Placement was a long haul situation (~45 minutes) and the
truck was not able to back on grade. Site geometry required two strips placed 7-
days apart. Observations: During initial placement the concrete did not flow down
the chute and required several workers to assist discharge. Two inches of rain fell
between the two placements. Workability of the concrete during the second
placement was perfect, it flowed from the chute and was easy to finish.

Hindsight: Aggregate moisture was only estimated for the first placement.

Remediation: Check the actual aggregate moisture.


Situation 5 – Slow discharge rate

Event: Early spring parking lot placement.

Main Issue: Discharge rate was slow and the sticky mixture required several re-
temperings per load.

Mixture: Rounded river gravel with water reducer, air entrainment, and hydration

Background Information: Three concrete trucks were batched and sent to the site at
once. Concrete plant was using hot water. It was the first pervious placement for
the contractor.

Observations: Workability was poor when the concrete arrived and required water
addition. Contractor’s inexperience coupled with the stiff mixture resulted in 30
minutes to place 8 cubic yards of concrete. Concrete in the third truck was 90
minutes old when placed and did not respond to water addition. Contractor had
been told pervious was supposed to be stiff and accepted the over-mixed concrete.

Hindsight: Hot water made the mixture too sticky. The first truck should have been
verified before batching additional concrete. Contractor should have rejected the
third truck.

Remediation: Do not use hot water; increase hydration stabilizer dosage; or add
additional water reducer at the site.
34 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Situation 6 – Stiff mixture with poor workability

Figure 17. Poor workability producing excessively high voids.

Event: Spring parking lot placement.

Main Issue: Mixture was stiff and difficult to place.

Mixture: Rounded river gravel with fly ash, low quality (cheap) water reducer, and
some hydration stabilizer.

Background Information: Location was highly visible and was first pervious concrete
placement for producer and contractor. Test placement was scheduled as the first
concrete truck of the actual placement.

Observations: Additional water reducer was added at the site. Mixture was difficult
to compact and did not respond to additional water. Producer was not willing to
adjust the mixture when asked by the contractor.

Hindsight: Design mixture proportions only half followed. Aggregate type was
changed. Producer did not add hydration stabilizer and was using hot water. The
test pour should not have been part of the actual placement.

Remediation: Use hydration stabilizer, use a more durable water reducer, follow the
mixture proportions, and take pride in the quality of concrete produced.

Situation 7 – Severe raveling

Figure 18. Excessive surface raveling.

(photo courtesy of the Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Association)

Event: Fall parking lot placement

Main Issue: Mixture was very dry and had severe next day raveling.

Mixture: River gravel mixture with slag and hydration stabilizer.

Background Information: Due to construction schedule, adjacent strips were placed

the following day.

Observations: At the batch plant aggregate was transported a long distance on a

loose belt and water was dripping off of the belt. Mixture was dry on arrival and
required significant water addition. During the second placement raveling occurred
and it appeared the concrete had not reached final set.

Hindsight: Free aggregate moisture in the bin was lost on the transport belt.
Combination of slag and hydration stabilizer delayed set time.

Remediation: Check aggregate moisture as the concrete is batched. Reduce the

amount of slag and or hydration stabilizer or schedule later adjacent placement.
36 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures


The following tables represent a variety of common material-related problems

experienced during pervious concrete placements. Some material-related issues can
be remediated by changing construction practices, but for this section the suggested
changes are only from the concrete producer’s perspective. Generally problems
with pervious concrete are related to water content, mixture proportions, or
admixture dosing. Additional troubleshooting techniques for traditional concrete
can be found in the Integrated Materials and Construction Practices for Concrete
Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice manual (Taylor et al. 2006).

Table 3. Problems observed with workability.

1. Actual Workability is Different from Test Placement

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Changes in water content Check aggregate moisture contents and absorption.
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for actual
aggregate moisture content.
Make sure excessive free moisture is not lost between the
aggregate stockpile and batching location.
Add up to 1/2 gallon of water per yard of concrete and
mix for three minutes.
Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
Mixture proportions
Check batch plant/delivery ticket for correct admixtures
Admixture dosages
and dosages.
Change in admixtures Check that the correct admixtures were batched.
Haul Time Increase w/c to higher end of allowable limit.
Increase hydration stabilizer dosage at the plant.
Add water reducer at the job site.
Ambient temperature Check that batch plant is not using warm/hot water.

2. Changes in Workability Within a Load

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Insufficient mixing Check that the truck has at least 100 revolutions.
Changes in water content Check that workability is correct upon arrival
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for aggregate
moisture content.
Add up to 1/2 gallon of water per yard of concrete and
remix for three minutes.
Admixture dosage Check delivery ticket for correct admixtures and dosages.
Increase hydration stabilizer dosage at the plant.
Admixture effectiveness Use a water reducer with a longer working time
Use a moisture retaining admixture.
38 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

3. Changes in Workability Between Loads

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Changes in water content Recheck aggregate moisture contents and absorption.
Reinforce to the drivers that no wash water should remain
in the truck before batching pervious concrete.
Mixture proportions Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
Ambient temperature increases Increase w/c to higher end of allowable limit.
Increase hydration stabilizer dosage at the plant.
Add water reducer at the job site.
Ambient temperature decrease Check that batch plant is not using warm/hot water.

4. Sticky Mixture
Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Changes in water content Check aggregate moisture contents and absorption.
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for actual
aggregate moisture content.
Make sure excessive free moisture is not lost between
the aggregate stockpile and batching location.
Add up to 1/2 gallon of water per yard of concrete and
mix for three minutes.
Mixture proportions Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
Admixture dosages Check delivery ticket for correct admixtures and
Increase water reducer dosage at plant
Add water reducer at the job site.
Admixture effectiveness Use a water reducer with a longer working time
Add additional water reducer at the job site.
Haul Time Increase w/c to higher end of allowable limit.
Increase hydration stabilizer dosage at the plant.
Add water reducer at the job site.
Ambient temperature Check that batch plant is not using warm/hot water.

5. Adding Water Does Not Improve Workability

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Admixture dosages Check delivery ticket for correct admixtures and
Increase hydration stabilizer dosage at the plant.
Add water reducer at the job site.
Admixture effectiveness Use a water reducer with a longer working time
Add additional water reducer at the job site.
Mixture proportions Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
Ambient temperature Check that batch plant is not using warm/hot water.

Table 4. Other common mixture problems.

6. Cement or Fiber Balling

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Too little water Check aggregate moisture contents and absorption
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for actual
aggregate moisture content.
Incorrect method of fiber addition Make sure fibers are dispersed in a small amount of water
before addition to the mixer.
Admixture effectiveness Add additional water reducer at the job site.

7. Surface Closes
Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Too much water Check aggregate moisture contents and absorption
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for actual
aggregate moisture content.
Mixture proportions Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
40 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

8. Excessive Surface Raveling*

Potential Cause(s) Actions to Consider
Too little water Check aggregate moisture contents and absorption
Make sure batch plant water is adjusted for actual
aggregate moisture content.
Increased set time from interaction Reduce slag content
between slag and hydration stabilizer
Mixture proportions Check that batched materials followed the prescribed
* This is often caused by poor construction and curing practices


Selected References

American Concrete Institute (ACI) Pervious Concrete (2010). “522-R10: ACI 522
Committee Report,” Farmington Hills, MI: ACI.

American Concrete Institute (ACI) Specification for Pervious Concrete Pavement, ACI
522.1-11, Farmington Hills, MI: ACI, 2011.

ASTM C1688. (2008). “Standard Test Method for Density and Void Content of
Freshly Mixed Pervious Concrete,” Annual Book of ASTM Standards 4(2), West
Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International.

ASTM C-1701 (2009). “Standard Test Method for Infiltration Rate of In Place
Pervious Concrete,” Annual Book of ASTM Standards 4(2), West Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International.

Bax, N., van Duerzen, A., Molenaar, A. New Technique for Rapid Construction and
Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements, Proceedings of the International Conference
on Optimizing Paving Concrete Mixtures and Accelerated Concrete Pavement
Construction and Rehabilitation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Atlanta,
GA, pp. 283-293, 2007.

Beeldens, A,. Van Gemert, D., and Caestecker, C. Porous Concrete: Laboratory
Versus Field Experience. Proceedings 9th International Symposium on Concrete
Roads, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003.
Beeldens, A. Behavior of Porous PCC Under Freeze-Thaw Cycling. Paper presented at
the Tenth International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Honolulu, 2001.

Crouch, L., Smith, N., Walker, A., Dunn, T., and Sparkman, A. (2006) “Pervious PCC
Compressive Strength in the Laboratory and the Field: The Effects of Aggregate
Properties and Compactive Effort,” CD-ROM. Proceedings of the 2006 NRMCA
Concrete Technology Forum – Focus on Pervious Concrete, Nashville, TN, 2006.

Delatte, N., Miller, D., and Mrkajic, M. “Portland Cement Pervious Concrete: Field
Performance Investigation on Parking Lot and Roadway Pavements.” Final Report of
the RMC Research and Education Foundation, Silver Springs, MD, 2007.
42 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Kevern, J.T. Mix Design Determination for Freeze-thaw Resistant Portland Cement
Pervious Concrete, Master’s Thesis, Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 2006.

Kevern, J. T., Wang, K., Suleiman, M. T., and Schaefer, V. R. “Pervious Concrete
Construction: Methods and Quality Control.” CD-ROM. Proceedings of the 2006
NRMCA Concrete Technology Forum – Focus on Pervious Concrete, Nashville, TN,

Kevern, J.T., Schaefer, V.R., Wang, K., and Suleiman, M.T. “Pervious Concrete
Mixture Proportions for Improved Freeze-Thaw Durability,” J. ASTM Int. Vol. 5,
No. 2. 2008. (a)

Kevern, J.T., Wang, K., and Schaefer, V. R. “A Synthesis of Pervious Concrete

Freeze-Thaw Testing Results.” CD-ROM. Proceedings of the 2008 NRMCA
Concrete Technology Forum – Focus on Sustainable Development, Denver, CO,
2008. (b)

Kevern, J.T. and Montgomery, J. “Hitting the Targets: A Case Study of a Pervious
Concrete Quality Assurance Program,” ACI Concrete International magazine, March

Kevern, J. T., Wang, K., and Schaefer, V. R. “Self-Consolidating Pervious Concrete.”

Third North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating
Concrete (SCC2008), Center for Advanced Cement-Based Materials at Northwestern
University, 2008. (c)

Kevern, J.T. Wang, K., and Schaefer, V.R. “The Effect of Aggregate Type on the
Freeze-Thaw Durability of Pervious Concrete,” A Report from the Portland Cement
Association Education Foundation, currently under review Feb 2008 (d).

Kevern, J.T. “Operation and Maintenance of Pervious Concrete Pavements,” 90th

Annual Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., Jan 23-27,

Montes, F., Valavala, S., and Haselbach, L.M. (2005). “A New Test Method for
Porosity Measurements of Portland Cement Pervious Concrete,” Journal of ASTM
International, V.2, No. 1, pp.13.

National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA). (2005) “Text Reference for
Pervious Concrete Contractor Certification.” NRMCA Publication #2PPCRT, Silver
Springs, MD.

Olek, J., W.J. Weiss, N. Neithalath, A. Marolf, E. Sell, and W.D. Thornton.
Development of Quiet and Durable Porous Portland Cement Concrete Paving
Materials. Final Report SQDH 2003-5. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. 2003.
Schaefer, V.R., Wang, K., Sulieman, M.T., and Kevern, J. Mix Design Development for
Pervious Concrete in Cold Weather Climates. A Report from the National Concrete
Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center), Ames, IA: Iowa State University,

Suleiman, M. T., Kevern, J. T., Schaefer, V. R., and Wang, K. “Effect of Compaction
Energy on Pervious Concrete Properties.” Proceedings of the 2006 NRMCA Concrete
Technology Forum – Focus on Pervious Concrete, Nashville, TN, CD-ROM. 2006.

Tamai, M., and Yoshida, M. (2003) Durability of Porous Concrete. Paper presented
at the Sixth International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Thessaloniki,
Greece, 2003.

Taylor, P.C., Kosmatka, S.H., Voigt, J.F., et al. “Integrated Materials and Construction
Practices for Concrete Pavement: A State-of-the-Practice Manual.” A Report from
the National Concrete Pavement Technology Center and Federal Highway
Administration, Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 2006. [FHWA Publication No. HIF-
07-004] []
Tennis, P.D., Leming, M.L., and Akers, D.J. “Pervious Concrete Pavements.” EB302,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete
Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, 2004.

Wang, K., Schaefer, V. R., Kevern, J. T., and Suleiman, M. T. Development of Mix
Proportion for Functional and Durable Pervious Concrete. CD-ROM. Proceedings of
the 2006 NRMCA Concrete Technology Forum – Focus on Pervious Concrete,
Nashville, TN, 2006.

Yang, J., and Jiang, G. Experimental Study on Properties of Pervious Concrete

Pavement Materials. Cement and Concrete Research, V. 33, p. 381-386, 2003.
Yang, Z., Brown, H., and Cheney, A. (2006) “Influence of Moisture Conditions on the
Freeze-Thaw Durability of Portland Cement Pervious Concrete,” CD-ROM.
Proceedings of the 2006 NRMCA Concrete Technology Forum – Focus on Pervious
Concrete, Nashville, TN, 2006.


Binder-to-aggregate (b/a) – Ratio of dry mass of cementitious materials to oven dry

mass of aggregate.
44 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

Design Void Content (DVC) – Void content at perfect yield for a particular set of
mixture proportions.

Dry Rodded Unit Weight (DRUW) – Compacted aggregate density as determined by


Portland Cement Pervious Concrete (PCPC) – Concrete with permeability greater

than 12 in./hr.

Raveling – Individual cement-coated aggregate particles coming loose for the

concrete surface.

Unrodded Unit Weight (URUW) – Natural aggregate density controlled by angularity

and gradation, greatest indicator of mixture workability

Pervious Concrete Mixture Proportioning Procedure: Quick Start Guide

The following is a basic mixture proportioning procedure to pervious concrete using

the pervious concrete mixture proportioning optimizer program.

Step 1. Input the Aggregate and Cementitious Material Properties

Under the Aggregate Properties and Other Materials Properties sections of the
“Material Inputs” tab, enter the aggregate type, absorption, and moisture content
along with the specific gravities of the mixture components. For freeze-thaw
climates the aggregate specific gravity must be greater than 2.5 with absorption less
than 2.5%. Up to two additional cementitious components can be blended with the
cement fraction.

Step 2. Optimize Combined Aggregate Gradation

Input the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate gradations in the “Gradation
Specifications” tab. Optimize the aggregate gradation by adjusting the Fine/Coarse
Aggregate ratio so that the curve representing the combined aggregate gradation is
located at or near the Fine Gradation Limit.

Step 3. Input the Desired Mixture Properties

In the Mixture Properties portion of the “Material Inputs” tab, input the design void
content, water-to-cement ratio, supplementary cementitious material replacement
rates, and fiber content. The design void content should be around 20% and water-
to-cement around 0.30.

Step 4. Output

The mixture proportions adjusted for aggregate water state are presented in the
“Batch Design” tab. The design unit weight is provided for each mixture for
specification purposes.

Step 5. Select Admixtures

The three recommended admixtures are, air entraining agent, water reducer, and
hydration stabilizer.

 Any variety of air entraining agent is allowed at a dosage of 2


 Mid-range water reducer should be initially dosed at 6 oz/cwt.

Cement paste in pervious concrete is mixed more completely than
46 Design of Pervious Concrete Mixtures

traditional concrete and has a large amount of surface exposed to

the air before placement. Since admixture working time in pervious
concrete is generally reduced, many placements have shown that
polycarboxylate type water reducers maintain longer workability.

 Hydration stabilizer is required to maintain workability by

preventing premature cement hydration from heat build-up during
mixing and by extending the working time of the water reducer.
Retarding admixtures do not have the same effect on admixture
conservation. The starting hydration stabilizer should be between 6
and 12 oz/cwt.


1) If the cementitious content includes 35% or greater blast furnace slag and if
an adjacent pervious placement is scheduled for the next day, reduce the
amount of hydration stabilizer to 6 oz/cwt or reduce the amount of slag.
The combination of blast furnace slag and hydration stabilizer can result in
extended set times.

2) Hot water should not be used with pervious concrete placements.

3) If the placement includes long haul times, or extended placement in hot

weather, the amount of hydration stabilizer may be increased up to 18
oz/cwt. Since pervious concrete tends to be less forgiving than traditional
concrete, avoid weather conditions that require large mixture adjustments
(i.e. hot or cold conditions).

4) Hydration stabilizer is required to maintain workability by preventing

premature cement hydration from heat build-up during mixing and by
extending the working time of the water reducer.

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