Engleski - Vremena

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1. Usage: always, rare, usually, often, sometime, every(day, week,…)

2.Forming: V+s (za trece lice jednine)

1.Potvrdni oblik: S+V(inf.)
I often eat apples. We often eat apples.
You often eat apples. You often eat apples.
He, she, it often eats apples. They often eat apples.
2.Upitni oblik:
A) to do + S + V(inf.)
Do I often eat apples? Do we often eat apples?
Do you often eat apples? Do you often eat apples?
Does he,she,it often eat apples? Do they often eat apples?
B)questions with WH + do/does + S + V(inf.)
Why do you often eat apples? Who often eats apples?
Why does she often eat apples WH + S = V (u 3.licu jednine)
3.Odricni oblik: S + to do + not + V(inf.)
I don’t eat apples often. We don’t eat apples often.
You don’t eat apples often. You don’t eat apples often.
He, she, it doesn’t eat apples often. They don’t eat apples often.

1.Usage: -now, at the moment;
-for near future;
-for planed work.

2.Forming: to be + V(present participle-ing)

1.Potvrdni oblik:
I am laughing. We are laughing.
You are laughing. You are laughing.
He, she, it is laughing. They are laughing.
2.Upitni oblik:
Am I laughing? Are we laughing?
Are you laughing? Are you laughing?
Is he, she, it laughing? Are they laughing?
B)WH + A.V. + S + V(present participle-ing)
Why am I laughing? Who is laughing?
What are you laughing? S + WH = V(u 3. licu jednine)
3.Odricni oblik:
I am not laughing. We aren’t laughing.
He, she, it isn’t laughing. You aren’t laughing.

1.Usage: just, ever/never, jet, since/for, today/this week, up to now/so far, lately,
recently, already, twice
-radnja se desila, ali nije vazno kada

2.Forming: S + have/has + V (past participle – ed/3.kolona)

1.Potvrdni oblik:
He has just gone out.
I have never been in London.
I have learned English since I was 11 (for 8 year).
We have had a lot of rain this year.
He has trausted three books so far.
I have already finished that.
I have seen that film twice.
2.Upitni oblik:
Have you ever been in London.
3.Odricni oblik:
We haven’t seen each other lately.
4.Upitno-odricni oblik:
Hasn’t your mother bought a hat?(zar)


1.Usage: -radnja je pocela u proslosti, traje i ima izgled da ce se nastaviti

2.Forming: S + have/has been V(present participle-ing)

I have been learning English since I was 11(for 8 year).
How long have you been waiting for me?

1.Usage: yesterday, last week, five years ago.

2.Forming: S + V (ed/3.kolona)
1.Potvrdni oblik:
I met him yesterday. We met him yesterday.
You met him yesterday. You met him yesterday.
He, she, it met him yesterday. They met him yesterday.
2.Upitni oblik:
A)did + S + V(inf)
Did I meet him yesterday?
B)WH + did + S + V(inf)
When did I meet him yesterday?
3.Odricni oblik: S + didn’t + V(inf)
I didn’t meet him yesterday.

1.Usage: -all day yesterday (all day long)
-while (2 paralelne radnje i obe u continous-u)
-when (jedna radnja traje(continuans) kada je druga prekida(simple past))

2.Forming: S + was/were + V(present participle-ing)

1.Potvrdni oblik:
I was learning English all day yesterday.
2.Upitni oblik:
Was I learning English?
B)WH + was/were + S
Why weren’t you at home
3.Odricni oblik:
I wasn’t learning English.

1.Usage: -when, after, until, as soon as, before, because, that
-radnja koja se desila u proslosti pre neke prosle radnje

2.Forming: S + had(have in past) + V(ed/3.kolona)

After the children had gone to bad, we watched TV.(Kombinacija sa simple


1.Usage: -trajna radnja pre neke druge radnje

2.Forming: S + had been + V(ing)

I tought that you had been learning English before.(kombinacija-simple past)
He had been looking for a job before he finaly found it.

1.Going to - za izrazavanje namere
-odluke donesene ranije
-nesto ocito
I am going to became a doctor.
How long are you going to stay here?
I don’t feel well. I am going to faint.
Look at this clouds! It’s going to rain.
2.Present Continuous - za radnje u bliskoj buducnosti
We are going out tonight.
I am living at 9th July.
They are having dinner tonight.

3.Simple Future - odluka je donesena u trenutku pricanja
1.Usage: next week, tomorrow
2.Forming: S + will/shell + V(inf)
I will give you some money.

4.Future Continous – radnja ce trajati neko vreme u buducnosti

1.Usage: this time tomorrow (next week…)
2.Forming: S + will/shell + V(-ing)
This time tomorrow I will be sitting on the train
In Saturday we will be laying on the beach

5.Future Perfect – neka radnja ce se zavrsiti do nekog vremena

1.Usage: by Friday, by tomorrow…
2.Forming: S + will have + V(ed/3.kolona)
I will have worked for 27 years by next June.
She will have finished the house by November.


to be - continous tenses
to do – simple tenses
to have – perfect tenses

Present: Past:
I am here. We are here. I was here. We are here.
You are here. You are here. You were here. You are here.
He, she, it is here. They are here. He, she, it was here. They are here.


can, may, must proslost:
-Ne mogu da stoje sami can - could
I can swim may - might
May I go out (dozvola) must – had to (ne zahteva inverziju)
I must see him
- Ne vazi za 3. lice jednine za simple past
He, she, it can swim
- Upitni oblik (nemaju do i does) – inverzija
Can you go?
When can you go?
Who must go now?

Simple present Past tense Future tense
Must – have to Had to I will haven’t give up smoking
- has to
Can / be able to Could / was(were) able to I’ll be able to leave it
Should / ought to
may might

Used to
- ne zahteva inverziju
I used to We used to
You used to You used to
He, she, it is used to They used to

I didn’t use to smoke. -odricni oblik

Did you use to smoke? -upitni oblik
Who used to smoke? -WH questions
Didn’t you use to smoke? -upitno-odricni oblik

It was snowing

2.Gerund (glagolska imenica)

Swimming is my favorite sport.
a) I like swimming geraung – in general
hate inf – in particular
went on
kept on
b) to feel like + ing
I feel like having coffe.
It’s worth while bying it.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
I am good at runing.
She is fond of reading a book.

3.there is/are + naun + ing

There was a girl standing at the door.

hear + noun + ing I sow her crying
smell pronoun

5.adjective exaushing, interesting, borning…

6.start + ing
He started reading

while + ing Aftertelling her/his storry…

stop + ing He stop talking.
+ inf. (znacenje je razlicito) He stoped to talk.

IF Clauses / time clause

1.Real conditional sentens

a)conditional – possible
b)general time – future
c)division of tenses: If – simple present (s; don’t/doesn’t; am/is/are; can/must)
main clause – simle future (will + inf.)
If you invite him, he will come.

2.Potentional conditional sentens

a)condition – impossible
b)general time – present
c)division of tenses: If – simple past (ed/3.k; was/were; did/didn’t; could/might)
main clause – future in the past (would + inf.)
(were je za sva lica)
If you invited him, he would come.

3.Unreal conditional sentens

a)condition – inpossible
b)general time – past
c)division of tenses: If – past perfect (had + ed / 3.kolona)
main clause – would have + ed / 3.kolona
If you had invited him, he would come.
S – dobija se na pitanje who? I - me }
D.O. – dobija se na pitanje what? you - you }
I.O. – dobija se na pitanje whom? he - him }
she -her } Akuzativ
it - it }
we - us }
you - you }
they - them }

1.Simple present - D.O-S; to be(simple present) – am, are, is; 3.k / ed
She ussualy gives us money. Money is ussualy given to us.
S V I.O. D.O. - I.O.-S; to be(simple present); 3.k / ed
We are ussualy given money.
2.Present continuous - D.O-S; to be(present continuous) – am, are, is being;
They are painting the house now. 3.k / ed
S V D.O. The house is being painted now.
3.Present perfect - D.O-S; to be(present perfect) – have/has been;3.k/ed
Somebody has done a work. The work has been done.
S V D.O.
4.Simple past -D.O-S; to be(simple past) – was/were;3.k / ed
Nick broke the window yesterday. The windows was broken yesterday.
S V D.O.
5.Past continuous - D.O-S; to be(past continuous) – was/were being;
They were playing cards all day. 3.k / ed
S V D.O. Cards was being played all day.
6.Past perfect - D.O-S; to be(past perfect) – had been; 3.k / ed
We had read a book. Book had been read by us.
S V D.O.
7.Simple future -D.O-S; to be(simple future) – will be; 3.k / ed
He will bring the money tomorrow. This money will be brought tomorrow by he.
S V D.O.

- Simple present
He says + that + S (I – he,she; we – they; you – I) + V (bez promene)

- Simple past (gotovo uvek korisceno)

He said + that + S (I – he,she; we – they; you – I) + V (sa promenom)


Promene vremena:
1) Simple present – Simple past
“He usually stays up late.”
She said that he usually stayed up late.
2) Simple past – Past perfect
“He stayed up late last night.”
She said that he had stayed up late last night.
3) Present continous – Past continous
“He is doing nothing at the moment.”
She said that he was doing nothing at the moment.
4) Past continous – Past perfect continous
“They were swimming whole day.”
She said that they had been swimming whole day.
5) Present perfect – Past perfect
“He has just left.”
She said that he had just left.
6) Simple future – Future in the past
“He will come in no time.”
She said that he would come in no time.


1)Yes/no question (do/does, was/were, have/has, had, will, would, must,may, can,

He asked/wanted to know + if + S (I – he,she; we – they; you – I) + V (sa promenom)

“Did he arrive yesterday?”
He wanted to know if he had arrived the day before.

2)WH question (why, when, where, who, how(many, long…))

He asked/wanted to know + WH + O + V (sa promenom)

“Where is the nearest shop?”
She asked me where the nearest shop was.

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